1. Soils Plant Nutrients NC State Extension Publications

1. Soils & Plant Nutrients

The soil is a natural stratum that is made of solid, liquid, and gas, living and breathing alive. The soil has five main functions:

  • Provide habitat to living things
  • Recycle waste
  • Filter water
  • Useful as a technical material
  • Become a medium for plant growth

Here we focus on the fifth function. In this role, the soil provides structural stability to the plants and maintains the water and nutrients necessary for growing plants.

The ideal soil for plant growth is 50 % for pores, 50 % solid, and the pores are equally filled with air and water. Such distributions are rare. This is because the gaps vary depending on the soil and soil management. For example, a cultivation increases the gaps, and the gaps decrease due to poor drainage or tightening.

Soil solids are a mixture of minerals and organic matter. The minerals are usually weathered with various large and small rocks called sand, silt, and clay. Organic substances have rotten plants and microorganisms. The relative amount of gaps, minerals, and organic matter varies greatly depending on the type of soil. However, most soil scientists match that the ideal ratio for plant growth is 50 % gaps, 45 % minerals, and 5 % organic matter. Fig. 1-1A, Figure 1-1B, and Figure 1-1C shows the distribution of the ideal soil, compressed soil, and the solids and gaps in poorly drained soil.

Fig. 1-1a. Distribution of solids and gaps in ideal soil.

Figure 1–1a. The distribution of solids and pore space in an ideal soil.

Fig. 1-1b. Distribution of solid and gaps in compressed soil.

Figure 1–1b. The distribution of solids and pore space in a compacted soil.

Fig. 1-1c. Distribution of solids and gaps in poorly permeable soil. < SPAN> soil is a natural stratum that is made of solid, liquid, and gas, living and breathing. The soil has five main functions:

Figure 1–1c. The distribution of solids and pore space in a poorly drained soil.

The Soil Profile


Provide habitat to living things


Recycle waste


Filter water

  1. Useful as a technical material
  2. Become a medium for plant growth
  3. The ideal soil for plant growth is 50 % for pores, 50 % solid, and the pores are equally filled with air and water. Such distributions are rare. This is because the gaps vary depending on the soil and soil management. For example, a cultivation increases the gaps, and the gaps decrease due to poor drainage or tightening.
  4. Fig. 1-1a. Distribution of solids and gaps in ideal soil.
  5. Fig. 1-1c. Distribution of solids and gaps in poorly permeable soil. The soil is a natural stratum that is made of solid, liquid, and gas, living and breathing alive. The soil has five main functions:


Provide habitat to living things


Figure 1–2. Soil horizons.



Filter water

Figure 1–3. The Craggey soil series; an example of shallow soil.

Filter water

Physical Properties of Soil

Useful as a technical material



Become a medium for plant growth


Here we focus on the fifth function. In this role, the soil provides structural stability to the plants and maintains the water and nutrients necessary for growing plants.

The ideal soil for plant growth is 50 % for pores, 50 % solid, and the pores are equally filled with air and water. Such distributions are rare. This is because the gaps vary depending on the soil and soil management. For example, a cultivation increases the gaps, and the gaps decrease due to poor drainage or tightening.

Soil solids are a mixture of minerals and organic matter. The minerals are usually weathered with various large and small rocks called sand, silt, and clay. Organic substances have rotten plants and microorganisms. The relative amount of gaps, minerals, and organic matter varies greatly depending on the type of soil. However, most soil scientists match that the ideal ratio for plant growth is 50 % gaps, 45 % minerals, and 5 % organic matter. Fig. 1-1A, Figure 1-1B, and Figure 1-1C shows the distribution of the ideal soil, compressed soil, and the solids and gaps in poorly drained soil.

Fig. 1-1a. Distribution of solids and gaps in ideal soil.

Fig. 1-1c. Distribution of solids and gaps in poorly permeable soil. Soil properties vary with depth. The top layer of soil (horizons O and A in Fig. 1. 2) usually has less clay and more organic matter and air than the lower layers. The top layer of soil is usually more fertile than the other layers and contains the most plant roots. Soil properties often limit the depth to which plant roots can penetrate. For example, roots cannot grow through an impermeable layer. This layer is a chemical barrier such as rock (Fig. 1-3), compacted soil, or acidic (very low pH). High water tables can also limit root growth because of poor soil aeration. Few large trees can grow in shallow soils. This is because large trees cannot develop root systems strong enough to prevent them from toppling over. Shallow soils also have a lower water retention capacity and therefore dry out faster than deep soils, making them more susceptible to drought. Water lost through runoff in shallow soils is instead absorbed by deeper soils. Deep soils also allow roots to spread more widely, allowing the roots to hold more water and nutrients for the plants. The practical significance of this three-dimensional variability lies in the fact that as you move along its state, the environment, including the Earth's fields, changes. Five moments of Earth formation clarify this variability:
Space < 0.002Topography Time
John A. Kelly, USDA NRCS, Flickr CC by 2. Figure 1-3. Craggy series foundation; shallow soil example. 720 23
Organic matters based on minerals, drainage conditions, all of them affect Earth's paint. The paint itself is not considered an indicator of the global characteristics, but it distinguishes ideas on specific standards. For example, the color of the granular surface layer of the earth is light or pale often associated with the fact that the content of the organic drugs is low, the amount of sand is high, and excessive elution. The black soil is likely to be drained poorly or the content of organic drugs is high. The reddish tone indicates that the clay soil is completely grown, and the gray tone indicates that the pebbles are missing (Fig. 1-4). In the mountains and wel l-duged foundations in the northern part of North Carolina, the underground paint often contains a reddish, coffee and yellowish shade. The basics of poor rotation of lower soil contain a large amount of grayish paint. The ability to react to the earth's particles with water and satisfying drugs depends greatly on the area of ​​the plane (Table 1-1 1). If the value of individual particles is small, more individual particles are placed in this place, and the huge area of ​​the plane is released in this way. Clay with a small volume of particles and plate structure effectively holds water and hig h-calorie drugs, but sand with coarse coating structure does not prepare it. Furthermore, the clay particles are actually small, composed of minerals different from sand and silt, and the structure of clay particles is like stacking cardboard sheets rather than sand grains (Fig. 1 (Fig. 1). 1 to 6)). < SPAN> Organic matter based on minerals, drainage conditions, all of them affect Earth's paint. The paint itself is not considered an indicator of the global characteristics, but it distinguishes ideas on specific standards. For example, the color of the granular surface layer of the earth is light or pale often associated with the fact that the content of the organic drugs is low, the amount of sand is high, and excessive elution. The black soil is likely to be drained poorly or the content of organic drugs is high. The reddish tone indicates that the clay soil is completely grown, and the gray tone indicates that the pebbles are missing (Fig. 1-4). In the mountains and wel l-duged foundations in the northern part of North Carolina, the underground paint often contains a reddish, coffee and yellowish shade. The basics of poor rotation of lower soil contain a large amount of grayish paint. The ability to react to the earth's particles with water and satisfying drugs depends greatly on the area of ​​the plane (Table 1-1 1). If the value of individual particles is small, more individual particles are placed in this place, and the huge area of ​​the plane is released in this way. Clay with a small volume of particles and plate structure effectively holds water and hig h-calorie drugs, but sand with coarse coating structure does not prepare this. Furthermore, the clay particles are actually small, composed of minerals different from sand and silt, and the structure of clay particles is like stacking cardboard sheets rather than sand grains (Fig. 1 (Fig. 1). 1 to 6)). Organic matters based on minerals, drainage conditions, all of them affect Earth's paint. The paint itself is not considered an indicator of the global characteristics, but it distinguishes ideas on specific standards. For example, the color of the granular surface layer of the earth is light or pale often associated with the fact that the content of the organic drugs is low, the amount of sand is high, and excessive elution. The black soil is likely to be drained poorly or the content of organic drugs is high. The reddish tone indicates that the clay soil is completely grown, and the gray tone indicates that the pebbles are missing (Fig. 1-4). In the mountains and wel l-duged foundations in the northern part of North Carolina, the underground paint often contains a reddish, coffee and yellowish shade. The basics of poor rotation of lower soil contain a large amount of grayish paint. 91
Table 1-1. The image of particles, the number of particles per Grim, the center area of ​​the plane on the GR. Type of particles Diameter (mm) 45
Flat area of ​​plane (cm 2 /g) Space} {Space Space} {Space 454
90. 260. 853. 000 8. 000. 000 90 11
1, 00-0, 50 Space} {Space Space} {Space 227

46. ​​000

Space} {Space

Feel Method for Soil Textural Class Determination

  1. {space}
  2. {space}
  3. {Space} 0
  4. {space}
  5. {space}
  6. Space} {Space
  1. {space}
  2. {space}
  3. Space} {Space
  1. Space} {Space
  1. Space} {Space
  2. Space} {Space
  3. Very small sand
  1. 0, 10-0, 05
  1. 722. 000
  2. Space} {Space
  3. Space} {Space

How Do Soil Types Affect Gardeners?

The addition of organic preparations is a more economical candidate for soil improvement. The addition of organic preparations is not replaced by the soil texture, that is, the ratio of the sand, silt, and clay at the bottom, but the addition of organic drugs changes the soil structure, increases the powder site, and improves pebbles. If a gardener understands its characteristics and restriction functions, there is a possibility that the texture of the texture can be treated safely.

In principle, the laboratory law is used to measure the texture of the soil. However, it is possible to determine the texture class by applying the functions described in Fig. 1-8. This originally requires practice and comparison, but there is a possibility that it will provide meaningful evaluation of soil texture.


  • {space}.
  • {space}
  • {space}
  • {space}
  • {space}
  • {space}
  • {space}
  • {space}

If yes, this is a sandy clay. If not, go to step 7c.

Sandy or Coarsely Textured Soils (Figure 1–10)

  • Is the soil very smooth and acceptable?
  • space} Yes, this is a silt loam. If not, go to step 8a.
  • If yes, this is an Alevritic Clay. If not, go to step 8b.
  • If yes, this is an Alevritic Clay. If not, go to step 8c.
  • No granularity or smoothness.
  • Yes - loam.

Loamy or Medium-Textured Soils (Figure 1–11)

  • Yes - clay.
  • Yes - clay.
  • Erosion. Sand particles cannot be easily picked up and moved by water or wind. Clay particles are sticky, so they are not easy to move. As a result, they are easily moved by erosive forces. Eroded land is usually more difficult to cultivate and its productivity is lower than that of non-eroded foundations. The main causes of soil erosion in North Caroline are the lack of vegetable and mulch cover and the use of improper equipment and methods for soil preparation and cultivation (Figure 1-9).
  • {space}
  • {space}

Clayey or Finely Textured Soils (Figure 1–12)

  • {space}
  • {space}
  • {space}
  • {space}
  • {space}.
  • {space}.


space} Consider opportunities to install rain gardens to capture rainfall and runoff.

Water-Holding Capacity

Plane area. An exceptionally functional part of the basal grain is the plane. The plane of the grain is the space where replacement with solid agents takes place. Sand grains have a small plane area relative to their mass, and as a result are highly retained by calories. Clay particles have a large surface area relative to their mass, and as a result, a small amount of clay is important to increase the surface area of ​​the soil surface, increasing the legal ability to inhibit caloric drugs.


How to Remediate Compaction

Low content organic preparations and fertility of the soil.


space} Invalidates and retards water that is not at the bottom.

Urban Soils


Leaching of caloric dregs is considered work, and as a result, fertilizers should be introduced correctly.

space} Make caloric tubs in the minimum number and more frequently.

  • Low cation exchange capacity and buffer capacity.
  • space}Suitable for traffic reasons and site systems.
  • Grains are felt.


  • {space}
  • space
  • {space}.

Highest cation exchange capacity and buffer capacity.

  • Diluted.
  • Highest legal ability to restrict caloric drugs.
  • Highest moisturizing care legal ability.


  • Space
  • {Space}
  • {Space}
  • Soil structure refers to the way individual soil particles are held together into larger pieces called pillows or aggregates. The structure of topsoil is usually granular, resembling chocolate biscuit crumbs (Figure 1-13). A good granular structure allows air and water to move through the soil quickly. A poor granular structure impedes air and water movement. A good soil structure promotes functional root development, while a poor soil structure limits rooting. A good structure of the topsoil layer can be ensured by adding the required amount of organic preparations and cultivating the soil only when there is no excess moisture.

Rocks and Gravel

Water enters the soil through precipitation and grazing. Water leaves the soil through drainage, surface volatilization, and transpiration from plant leaves. Water retention capacity - the ability of the soil to hold water through it - is determined by differences in soil pore space. A perfect soil is one that is half-formed at a time, with equal amounts of air and water filling the pores. Too much air will kill the plants. Too much water means that plants are less likely to survive and are more susceptible to root rot caused by anaerobic conditions.

Soils have different numbers of large (macropores), medium (mesopores), and small (micropores). Macropores, which are common in sandy soils, draw water and drain faster than mesopores and micropores. This rapid drainage from macropores is called "gravity drainage" because the weak adhesion and cohesion of macropores can no longer overcome gravity. 24 hours after a saturating rainstorm, gravity drainage reaches the lower layers of the earth's surface, and the surface becomes a reservoir. Mesopores and micropores are still filled with water because the adhesion and cohesion there are stronger than gravity. The water in the mesopores is available to plants. However, as the soil dries out due to plant uptake and transpiration, and the mesopores lose water, the soil moisture reaches a permanent wilting point. At the same wilting point, the micropores are still filled with water, but this is held so thick that the plant cannot access it. Remember, if the plant transports water through the leaves instead of absorbing it from the soil through the roots, there is a good chance that the plant will wilt before reaching the permanent wilting point. This is why plants have a chance to flower on warm days and regenerate after sunset.

Filter water

Figure 1–4. Color as an indicator of drainage. The soil on the left is the Cecil series, a well-drained mineral soil typical of the NC piedmont. The soil on the right is the Coxville series, a poorly drained mineral soil found in the NC coastal plain.

Filter water

Clay soil is arranged to hold excess moisture, and is simply compacted, suggesting that it is a difficult task. All-fight oversite is to add sand or peat moss to improve drainage. Adding sand to clay breaks down the soil structure and reduces the powder pitch. Adding peat moss can increase the highest permeability of clay soil. The best advice is to add a small amount of organic fertilizer every year, minimize compaction, and let the biological properties of the soil naturally improve the structure over time.

Figure 1–5. Relative sizes of sand, silt, and clay.

As the momentum for growing food in urban areas increases, more and more people are learning urban gardening. In urban areas, pollutants such as lead, pesticide residues, and petroleum products can occur. Before that, it is fundamentally important to understand the situation of the earth and correctly recognize the possibility of pollutants in order to participate in gardening and even make urban products. S OIL FACTS Minimizing the Risk of Soil Contaminants in Urban Gardens (NC State Extension № Ag 439-78) Imagine if you were to plant an urban garden from a distance of 10 meters in July, which is when all the plants in the garden were covered with soil.

Here are some recommendations for gardening on a soiled foundation:

Figure 1–6. The image on the left shows a close-up of sand particles, which appear grainy as seen by the naked eye. The right image shows the platelike texture of clay visible only under a microscope.

Here are some recommendations for gardening on a soiled foundation:


Figure 1–7. Pyramid diagram showing soil types are based on the percentage of clay, sand, and silt each contains.

Plant decorative plants in soiled areas and edible plants that may be contaminated by contaminants.

Figure 1–8. Feel method for soil textural class determination.


Filter water

Figure 1–9. The soil on this hill eroded because of runoff and lack of vegetation.

Filter water

Figure 1-15).

Take care of your base:

Figure 1–10. Sandy soils are low in fertility and do not hold onto soil moisture.

Take care of your base:

The rise in soil pH may delay the absorption of pollutants by plants.


Figure 1-11. Loamy soils feel crumbly, and generally are darker because they contain organic matter.



If you need a larg e-scale repair work, contact the expert.

Figure 1–12. Clay soils are sticky when wet and very hard when dry.

If you need a larg e-scale repair work, contact the expert.



Figure 1–13. Examples of granular soil structure (looks like chocolate cookie crumbs) in topsoil.


Lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, celery, rhubarb) has the lowest risk of contamination.


Figure 1–14. Plants can wilt during the hot part of the day, but recover once the sun goes down. Plants can balance water uptake with water loss through transpiration.


Hygiene in the field


Figure 1–15. Gardening in urban areas requires careful consideration of soil conditions. If contaminated or poorly drained soils are present, raised beds may be necessary.


Organic Matter


Space} Do not wear garden shoes at home.


Space} Let's observe carefully so that boys do not swallow the foundation.


Space} Rinse farm in a nutritional land, remove the first leaf (the leaf closest to the ground) and purify root crops.

Fig. 1-4. Penki as an indicator of drainage. The left soil is the Cecil-series, a completely drained mineral soil, and is common in NC offshore. The soil on the right is the Corksville series, a poorly drained mineral soil, and is typical in the North Carolina coast plains. John A. Kelly, USDA-NRCS, Flickr CC by 2.
Figure 1-7. Pyramid diagram shows the type of foundation due to the difference in clay, sand and silt content. Fig. 1-9. The soil on this hill has disappeared due to vegetation that is not close to drainage.
Sketch 1-10. The barn land is low and frozen, and the bottom water cannot be delayed. Loretta Sorenson, USDA-NRCS, South Dakota, Flickr CC by-Sa 2.
Haanala 76, PublicDomainimages CC0 D. Lindbo, Soil Science, NC State, Flickr CC by 2.
John A. Kelly, USDA NRCS, Flickr CC by 2. Figure 1-14. Plants have the chance to bloom during the daytime during the day, but will recover. Plants can have any chance to balance water absorption and evaporation.
Figure 1-15. The horticulture in urban standards becomes sweet when we seek careful consideration for soil conditions. If the foundation is dirty or drained poorly, you can request the construction of a raised bed. Loretta Sorenson, USDA-NRCS, South Dakota, Flickr CC by-Sa 2.
When organic matter decreases at the base, carbon dioxide stands out, replacing the ratio of air in the pores of the earth. Carbon dioxide is dissolved at the base and becomes brittle. This solution reacts with the minerals of the earth and releases calorie agents that can be learned by plants. The counted and dissolved organic drugs can still help create a bad relationship between air and water. In san d-based, organic drugs occupy the sand grain. This combines sand grains and increases the restoration of water. For thin soils and clay bases, organic tissue unites soil particles. This allows the water to move the earth. D. Lindbo, Soil Science, NC State, Flickr CC by 2.
Organic matter Loretta Sorenson, USDA-NRCS, South Dakota, Flickr CC by-Sa 2.

Improving the Soil


  • {space}
  • {space}
  • Corn cobs
  • 50 lbs (2 bushels)
  • {SIDE}
  • {SIDE}

60 lbs (1 bale)

Figure 1–16 Humus is the organic matter that remains after most decomposition has occured.


Figure 1–17. Mulching with a 1-3 inch layer of organic material will help to build good air and water relationships in the soil as well as add nutrients for uptake by plants.



Figure 1–18. To avoid compaction in the vegetable garden, recycled plastic lattice was laid down to walk on.



Figure 1-19. A cover crop of crimson clover was planted in this annual flower bed. It is being turned under to add nutrients to the soil before planting.

Chemical Properties of Soil


Cation Exchange Capacity

75 lbs (3-4 bushels)


Soil Testing


Tips for Collecting a Good Soil Sample

  • {space}
  • {space}
  • Kane
  • 60 pounds (1 bap)
  • Space} {Space
  • {space}
  • {space}
  • {space}
  • soil

Minimize the compression of the soil (do not treat the bed or process wet soil) (Fig. 1-18).

Too Much of a Good Thing: Nitrogen Leaching

{Space (Space)

Reduce drainage problems.

{Space (Space)

How to Use a Soil Test Report

Space} Reduce erosion


Example Soil Test Reports

Plant coated crops (Fig. 1-19).

  • Make organic matter.
  • Lay 1 to 3 inches of organic multi on the soil surface.

Fig. 1-16 Hodes are organic matters that remain after decomposition.

  1. Fig. 1-18. To prevent the compression of the garden soil, a lattice of a playback plastic to walk on it was laid.
  2. Sam Sonders, Flickr CC by-Sa 2.
  3. There is a close relationship between the physical nature of the soil and the chemical properties. For example, the surface area is directly related to chemical reaction.
  4. {space}

50 pounds (2 bushel)

  1. Space} {Space
  2. Space} {Space
  3. {space}

Space} {Space

  1. {space}
  2. {space}
  3. {space}

Moderate breathability, drainage, and the ability to maintain moderate moisture and nutrients is an important element of the ideal soil. There are no recipes to create such an ideal environment, but here are some important strategies to improve the quality of soil:


Minimize the compression of the soil (do not treat the bed or process wet soil) (Fig. 1-18).

{Space (Space)

Reduce drainage problems.

Soil pH

{Space (Space)

Space} Reduce erosion


Incorporating Soil Amendments

Plant coated crops (Fig. 1-19).

{space}2Make organic matter.


Calibrating a Spreader

Lay 1 to 3 inches of organic multi on the soil surface.

Fig. 1-16 Hodes are organic matters that remain after decomposition.

Nutrient Availability and pH

Figure 1-17. 1-3 inch organic mulch is a good way to improve the relationship between soil air and water and add nutrients to absorb plants.

Fig. 1-18. To prevent the compression of the garden soil, a lattice of a playback plastic to walk on it was laid.

Adjusting pH

Sam Sonders, Flickr CC by-Sa 2.

Sam Sonders, Flickr CC by-Sa 2.3Figure 1-19. The cover crops of the raspberry clover were planted in this flowerbed where grass flowers bloom one year. Before planting, it is turned over to add nutrients to the soil.3There is a close relationship between the physical nature of the soil and the chemical properties. For example, the surface area is directly related to chemical reaction.3The negative side of the two magnets opposes each other. On the other hand, the negative end of the magnet is drawn to the positive edge of the other magnet. The same principle affects the maintenance of plant nutrients in the soil. Some nutrients of plants have positive charges with positive ions, and those with negative charges in a yin. As in the reverse pole of the magnet, the positive ion is drawn to the yin. Sequel


50 pounds (2 bushel)


Space} {Space


Space} {Space

60 pounds (1 bap)

Figure 1–20. Collect soil samples using plastic buckets, let soil air dry and screen out any big chunks (rocks, sticks). Mix several soil samples from the same location before sending it in for testing.

60 pounds (1 bap)

Space} {Space


Figure 1–21. The milky blue-green swirls are a phytoplankton bloom in Lake Ontario as seen from space. This bloom is, in part, from nutrient loading (nitrogen and phosphorus) and runoff.


50 pounds (2 bushel)

Figure 1–22. The main components of a soil test report.


Figure 1–23. Soil test report example showing lime and fertilizer recommendations.


Figure 1–24. Soil test report example 2.


Figure 1–25. Soil test report example 3.

Moderate breathability, drainage, and the ability to maintain moderate moisture and nutrients is an important element of the ideal soil. There are no recipes to create such an ideal environment, but here are some important strategies to improve the quality of soil:

Figure 1–26. Soil test report example 4.


Figure 1–27. Soil test report example 5.

Minimize the compression of the soil (do not treat the bed or process wet soil) (Fig. 1-18).

{Space (Space)

Figure 1–28. A drop spreader has a cylindrical spinning mechanism (bottom right) that releases fertilizer directly below the spreader as it is pushed along.

{Space (Space)

{Space (Space)

Figure 1–29. A rotary spreader. Bottom left shows the orange disk that spins when the wheels turn. Bottom right shows the spinning mechanism inside the spreader that moves the fertilizer onto the plate below.

Space} Reduce erosion

Figure 1–30. Nutrient availability as affected by soil pH. The wider areas represent greater availability. The blue bar shows the optimum pH level for nutrient uptake by plants.


Figure 1–31. Label from a lime bag.

Plant Nutrition and Fertilization

Plant coated crops (Fig. 1-19).


Soil Nutrients

Make organic matter.

  • Lay 1 to 3 inches of organic multi on the soil surface.
  • Figure 1-17. 1-3 inch organic mulch is a good way to improve the relationship between soil air and water and add nutrients to absorb plants.
  • Sam Sonders, Flickr CC by-Sa 2.

Sam Sonders, Flickr CC by-Sa 2.

Figure 1-19. The cover crops of the raspberry clover were planted in this flowerbed where grass flowers bloom one year. Before planting, it is turned over to add nutrients to the soil.

The negative side of the two magnets opposes each other. On the other hand, the negative end of the magnet is drawn to the positive edge of the other magnet. The same principle affects the maintenance of plant nutrients in the soil. Some nutrients of plants have positive charges with positive ions, and those with negative charges in a yin. As in the reverse pole of the magnet, the positive ion is drawn to the yin. For soil analysis, you select valuable information about the inexpensive plants of PH and calorie substances. Inspect the soil two to three years before the landing. Inexpensive soil inspection kits are unreliable. To be literally the characteristics of your land and the important number of calcium and fertilizer, contact the Agricultural Consumer AFFICES NC (NCDA & AMP; Cs). However, the accuracy of these reports depends on this standard property.
{space} 45
{space} 45
{space} 6
{space} 1.5
Mail the report only if there is a special request to the laboratory. Otherwise, fill in the e-mail address in the form, prepare the report, and receive the notification posted on the site. Farmers also use forms, so some of the required information does not apply to gardening (such as ACR Kilenon). Paper and box can be purchased at NCDA & amp; amp; amp; amp; CS or cooperative expansion district center. 1
Depending on how cultured the soil sample is, the results of the soil test will be reported in one of two ways: 0.2
space}Measure the area to be restricted or fertilized. For soil analysis, you select valuable information about the inexpensive plants of PH and calorie substances. Inspect the soil two to three years before the landing. Inexpensive soil inspection kits are unreliable. To be literally the characteristics of your land and the important number of calcium and fertilizer, contact the Agricultural Consumer AFFICES NC (NCDA & AMP; Cs). However, the accuracy of these reports depends on this standard property.
{space} 0.5
500 x 20 = 10, 000 square feet. 0.2
30 pounds x 10 units = 300 pounds of material (fertilizer or lime) x 10. 0.1
10 pounds multiplied by 0, 15 units = 1, 5 pounds of material for 150 square feet. For soil analysis, you select valuable information about the inexpensive plants of PH and calorie substances. Inspect the soil two to three years before the landing. Inexpensive soil inspection kits are unreliable. To be literally the characteristics of your land and the important number of calcium and fertilizer, contact the Agricultural Consumer AFFICES NC (NCDA & AMP; Cs). However, the accuracy of these reports depends on this standard property.
Figure 1-24, Fig. 1-25, Figure 1-26, Fig. 1-27 shows examples of the use of soil inspection reports and recommended fertilizers. The soil of North Carolina is likely to be acidic, as in almost every land in the southeastern part. These soils have been sour for thousands of years by supplying acids from the atmosphere (carbonic acid, sulfate, nitric acid), decomposition of animal and plant residues, and removing the main positive ions by the natural lewd process. If the surrounding soil is not calcified (alkaline), pH is often in the range of 4, 5 to 5, 5.
The most suitable to add to organic fertilizers for clay infrastructure is pine bark (1/4 inch of diameter) and compost (1/4 inch of diameter). The soil of North Carolina is likely to be acidic, as in almost every land in the southeastern part. These soils have been sour for thousands of years by supplying acids from the atmosphere (carbonic acid, sulfate, nitric acid), decomposition of animal and plant residues, and removing the main positive ions by the natural lewd process. If the surrounding soil is not calcified (alkaline), pH is often in the range of 4, 5 to 5, 5.
PH that is ideal for plants depends on the content of organic dispensing and the type of plant. The nutrients that can be used by plants depend on the pH of the soil solution (Figure 1-30). When the pH of the soil is lowered, the dissolution of manganese (MN), zinc (ZN), copper (CU), and iron (FE), which are hig h-calorie preparations for plants, are high. Acid soil makes these hig h-calorie drugs cheaper. If the PH value is 5, 5 or less, the toxic value of MN, ZN, or aluminum (aluminum) may change, which is a very common nutrient in our southern areas. The impact of PH on the possibility of hea t-generated drugs is very important, for example, to maximize the possibility of plants and to avoid potential toxicity at low and high pHs. It is. If the soil pH of the desired plant is very high, the soil pH can be lowered by adding acidic addants and simple sulfur such as pine bark or compost. Excessive sulfur can stimulate plants.
And MGCO To determine the amount of lime required, it is not enough to know the soil type and the current PH level. This is an element that must be considered when adjusting the pH, such as soil texture, organic matter content, culture soil, target pH, soil acidity, CEC, clay type and amount, and current pH. The soil with low organic matter and soil, which have a large amount of sand, requires less lime required to change the pH compared to clay soil and soil with a large amount of organic matter.
Lime moves slowly in the soil and neutralizes acidity only in the introduced place. To use lime effectively, it is necessary to spray nearby and spread it sufficiently. It takes several months for lime to react to the soil, so it is effective to conduct a soil inspection and plan appropriate management of soil pH. To determine the amount of lime required, it is not enough to know the soil type and the current PH level. This is an element that must be considered when adjusting the pH, such as soil texture, organic matter content, culture soil, target pH, soil acidity, CEC, clay type and amount, and current pH. The soil with low organic matter and soil, which have a large amount of sand, requires less lime required to change the pH compared to clay soil and soil with a large amount of organic matter.
Sketch 1-21. A large occurrence of a plant plankton of Lake Ontario seen from space. This bloom is one of the causes of nutrient salt (nitrogen and phosphorus), which contains a lot of calories. Group from Jeff SHMALTZ, Skoroy Reading Modis Land, Flickr CC by 2.
Figure 1-24. Example of land test report 2. Figure 1-26. Sample 4.


Figure 1-29. Rotor scattering. At the bottom of the left side is an orange disk that rotates with the rotation of the wheels. The right side shows the next device from the inside of the spray, and the fertilizer is moved to the lower plate.

  • Fig. 1-31. Label of bags containing lime.
  • To end the current cycle, plants require 17 famous calories compounds, and each compound is in numbers (Table 1-3). Carbon (C), hydrogen (H), air (O). Sobokupu accounts for 94 percent of carbon, hydrogen, and air. Other 6 % plant weight contains 14 high calories required to escape from the earth. Of these, nitrogen (n), phosphorus (p), and potassium (k) are the main macro elements. Magnesium (mg), calcium (CA), and sulfur (S) are secondary macro elements, followed by important drugs. 8 Other components-chlorine, chlorine, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, and zinc are called trace elements because they are quite small than macro elements.
  • {summary}.
  • {overview}.
  • range

Chemical design of soil organic products released as a result of microorganism decomposition


Unol dissolved or granular high calorie preparations and chemicals that are chemically linked to soil particles are not immediately needed, but may benefit from plants. For many hig h-calorie drugs, the soil functions like a bank. Pulling out money from the soil solution is the same way as withdrawing money from the current deposit account. In fact, the amount of unsolicited amount of hig h-calorie drugs resembles a savings deposit. If the balance of the account is insufficient, it will be transferred from a normal deposit account to the current account account. When the balance of the current account is high, a part of it can be transferred to a savings account and saved in the long term. Literally, for example, in almost all plant nutritional agents, if hig h-calorie preparations are excessive in the soil solution, some will be difficult to use with a base, and some will react to other chemical substances. Form a form of.

Table 1-3. Conditional number of mainly hig h-calorie preparations (100 scores), which is important for most plants.

rumor2O5Basic calorie preparation2{Ruit}




{Ruit} {Rumbers}


Carbon (C)




Oxygen (O)

Space} {Space

Side} {Space


Plant Nutrients and the Environment

Hydrogen (H)


  • {space}
  • Space} {Space
  • {space}
  • {space}
  • {space}
  • {space}
  • {side}
  • Set} {Set
  • Second calorie drug
  • quantity
  • rumor}
  • {Summary}

When to Apply Fertilizer



Magnesium (MG)




Sulfur (S)






Space} {Side} {Side} {Space

Fertilizer Terms

Micro erection



Iron (FE)

Here} {Click here

0, 01




Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

Introduction. This module is the second in a series of Extension materials designed to provide pertinent information on a variety of nutrient. Plant nutrient survey of selected plants and soils of Georgia. Athens (GA): Gainesville (FL): University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service. Around $ ExTENSION MATERIALS. Nutrient Management Modules. () can be ordered (add $1 for shipping) from: MSU Extension Publications. P.O. Box

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