ABSG Progress Report on the National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms Year Two

ABSG Progress Report on the National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms – Year Two

Two years have passed since the Gambling Committee proposed a unique ambitious strategy to reduce Gambling harm in England. The strategy was seeking a corporate effort by changing gambling risks and a wide range of stakeholders to fight harm.

Despite the continued influence of Pandemia Cobid 19, there was a concrete progress to achieve both targets. Strategic adjustments between nations have begun in Scotland and Wales, but partners in the UK are not in a hurry to transport the same interaction.

The involvement of gambling addicted patients in strategic implementation is increasing, which should continue.

The Gambling Committee has strengthened its own regulations on game design and ag e-related restrictions. Advancements in these priority areas, such as accessibility, interaction with customers, and only buyers, are waiting.

The number of financial institutions that provide rock tools and support the needs of buyers has increased. There is a possibility that such support may expand, and I want to strengthen it to prevent damage.

In conclusion, the difficulty of suicide related to gambling has not progressed much. Immediate measures are needed.

We provide a limited luck in the adjustment functions to measure the progress and influence of the national strategy. Stakeholders have to ignore this, so it is difficult to prove the causal relationship with gambling damage, and the data collection is unable to collect.

The need to improve the stability of healing and strengthen the partnership model between the NSZ and Part 3 proposed providers is still high.

The progress of independent research subsidies is not urgent. In order to adjust the next action, it is necessary to contact the Research Council.

ABG will continue to seek the progress of the legal price problem. The volunteer system does not guarantee the scope, predictive possibilities, and freedom of funds for significant improvements in learning, education, and healing.

In the context of COVID-19 recovery and general system layout reform, gambling laws provide a decisive opportunity to secure sufficient funds and arrange rowing baskets for prevention. But it is important to reduce gambling harm. Two years have passed since the Gambling Committee proposed a unique strategy to reduce gambling harm in England. The strategy was seeking a corporate effort by changing gambling risks and a wide range of stakeholders to fight harm.


Despite the continued influence of Pandemia Cobid 19, there was a concrete progress to achieve both targets. Strategic adjustments between nations have begun in Scotland and Wales, but partners in the UK are not in a hurry to transport the same interaction.

The involvement of gambling addicted patients in strategic implementation is increasing, which should continue.

The Gambling Committee has strengthened its own regulations on game design and ag e-related restrictions. Advancements in these priority areas, such as accessibility, interaction with customers, and only buyers, are waiting.


The number of financial institutions that provide rock tools and support the needs of buyers has increased. There is a possibility that such support may expand, and I want to strengthen it to prevent damage.

In conclusion, the difficulty of suicide related to gambling has not progressed much. Immediate measures are needed.

We provide a limited luck in the adjustment functions to measure the progress and influence of the national strategy. Stakeholders have to ignore this, so it is difficult to prove the causal relationship with gambling damage, and the data collection is unable to collect.

The need to improve the stability of healing and strengthen the partnership model between the NSZ and Part 3 proposed providers is still high.

The progress of independent research subsidies is not urgent. In order to adjust the next action, it is necessary to contact the Research Council.

ABG will continue to seek the progress of the legal price problem. The volunteer system does not guarantee the scope, predictive possibilities, and freedom of funds for significant improvements in learning, education, and healing.

In the context of COVID-19 recovery and general system layout reform, gambling laws provide a decisive opportunity to secure sufficient funds and arrange rowing baskets for prevention. But it is important to reduce gambling harm. Two years have passed since the Gambling Committee proposed a unique ambitious strategy to reduce Gambling harm in England. The strategy was seeking a corporate effort by changing gambling risks and a wide range of stakeholders to fight harm.

Prevention and Education

The number of financial institutions that provide rock tools and support the needs of buyers has increased. There is a possibility that such support may expand, and I want to strengthen it to prevent damage.

The involvement of gambling addicted patients in strategic implementation is increasing, which should continue.

The Gambling Committee has strengthened its own regulations on game design and ag e-related restrictions. Advancements in these priority areas, such as accessibility, interaction with customers, and only buyers, are waiting.

The number of financial institutions that provide rock tools and support the needs of buyers has increased. There is a possibility that such support may expand, and I want to strengthen it to prevent damage.

In conclusion, the difficulty of suicide related to gambling has not progressed much. Immediate measures are needed.

Treatment and support

The number of financial institutions that provide rock tools and support the needs of buyers has increased. There is a possibility that such support may expand, and I want to strengthen it to prevent damage.

The need to improve the stability of healing and strengthen the partnership model between the NSZ and Part 3 proposed providers is still high.

The progress of independent research subsidies is not urgent. In order to adjust the next action, it is necessary to contact the Research Council.

ABG will continue to seek the progress of the legal price problem. The volunteer system does not guarantee the scope, predictive possibilities, and freedom of funds for significant improvements in learning, education, and healing.

In the context of COVID-19 recovery and general system layout reform, gambling laws provide a decisive opportunity to secure sufficient funds and arrange rowing baskets for prevention. But it is important to reduce gambling harm.

The Gambling Protection Advisory Committee (ABG) analyzes and reports the status of national strategies to reduce the damage caused by gambling. The duty of the report to be provided is to clarify the strengths and weaknesses, and to provide a council on subsequent implementation of the national strategy.

The following is a list of Absg's main nomination. It is classified as advice on implementation, prevention, and treatment mechanism.


1 Introduction

A major partner for each council has been shown on the implementation of the national strategy. The role of ABSG as an advisory committee of the Gambling Committee is that the national strategy provides an independent evaluation of the same footprints, providing an independent evaluation of the footprints so that the national strategy achieves effective progress in gambling harm. To concentrate, not to assign actions against external organizations.

  • Start work to formulate appropriate national strategies to reduce gambling harm. Gambling Committee, a strategic group on implementation in the UK, Scotland and Wales.
  • Utilizing local social health strategies in the UK in the UK, in order to recover pandemic from the progress in Scotland and Wales, and then build a strategy in the UK in the UK for implementing strategies in local and state forums. Accelerate the process. British dependence reduction strategies have been proposed, but, for example, it has not yet been formulated and is extremely important. Under the management of England Government-DCMS and DHSC, district authorities, third division organization.
  • The following is a list of Absg's main nomination. It is classified as advice on implementation, prevention, and treatment mechanism.

A major partner for each council has been shown on the implementation of the national strategy. The role of ABSG as an advisory committee of the Gambling Committee is that the national strategy provides an independent evaluation of the same footprints, providing an independent evaluation of the footprints so that the national strategy achieves effective progress in gambling harm. To concentrate, not to assign actions against external organizations.

The main council of the main fellow in the national strategy

Overview of the National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms – aims, objectives and cross-cutting themes

  1. Utilizing local social health strategies in the UK in the UK, in order to recover pandemic from the progress in Scotland and Wales, and then build a strategy in the UK in the UK for implementing strategies in local and state forums. Accelerate the process. British dependence reduction strategies have been proposed, but, for example, it has not yet been formulated and is extremely important. Under the management of England Government-DCMS and DHSC, district authorities, third division organization.
  2. The following is a list of Absg's main nomination. It is classified as advice on implementation, prevention, and treatment mechanism.
    • The main council of the main fellow in the national strategy
    • In the framework of the committee, in all efforts on prevention, treatment, and research, we will continue to support general work with people with daily skills, and introduce evaluations for all these initiatives. All partners on the implementation of the national strateg y-Especially the Gambling Committee and the strategic leadership of the strategic strategic.
  3. After the actual data evaluation is published, the committee will have the opportunity to implement a round food to share the skills of "acting" skills in Scotland, the British Empire, and Wales. Government leaders in each country will have the opportunity to create an ambitious and decisive group to adjust the characteristics and general tasks to achieve similar results. The Gambling Committee is a government division of Great Britain, Wales and Scotland.
  4. To accelerate the development of legal collections for research, education, and treatment to ensure independence and explanation and transparency. England governmen t-DCMS is the lead.
    • The risk of suicide by gambling is included in the country's suicide prevention strategy in the UK, Scotland and Wales, and the national report system, and investing in the unchanged effort to enhance this issue. Led by England-DHSC, Scottish government, and Wales Government.
    • These are frame systems for evaluating social health outcomes (PhoF) to include gambling characteristics in countries and district systems to measure social pit evidence. We ask the committee to apply our influence to other government agencies to solve this priority. DHSC, with the help of the Gambling Committee.
    • The main council of major friends in the national strategy
    • For those with many pilot plans in Greater Manchester, Rids, Grago, and London, they continue to prioritize the development of a completely compassionate system scenario. DHSC and NHS Grator Manchester, Scotland, Wales, and local authorities.
  • In the UK, Scotland, and Wales, it will accelerate the introduction of no n-viewing management functions in the total treatment environment in an equal position to evaluate the results. DHSC, Britain, Scotland, and Wales NHS will cooperate with CQC and Healthcare Improve Scotland and Healthcare Inspector Gate Wales.
  • In order to improve the perception of products, games, costs, and relevant risks, as well as the introduction of excellent data from businesses and the financial section, giving priority to the basics of recurrence and further research. Support proposal. Not only DHSC and Research Councils UK, but also other health and social well funds.
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  • The report is a footprint that recites with the map of the implementation information and the map of the gambling committee's act on the national strategy 1.
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  • |To be able to really come across that you can do it, we promise, anyone can quickly just ignore these seemingly exactly how {} people.




2 Background

space} Prevention and education towards a collective and precise prevention project with an appropriate combination of intervention measures.

  • Significant progress in the development of treatment and help state types that meet the needs of current and future proposed users.
  • Implementation: The implementation mechanism is strongly required to have mechanisms to coordinate the actions of all kinds of partners, criteria to measure the effect, and adequate funding. ABSG will report progress annually.
  • By topic


Regulation and oversight

Year 2 key event timeline

June 2020

June 2020

June 2020

June 2020

July 2020

September 2020

November 2020

November 2020

November 2020

December 2020

January 2021

January 2021

January 2021


3 Impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on partnership working



space}Research to justify actions

4 Trends in gambling


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Other neighbourhood sites - for example cash offers, but also the NHS,


Local authorities

5 Gambling Act Review


Police and social justice organisations

6 Online harms


Part 3 Providers of treatment and organisational suggestions aimed at combating gambling harm.

All of these are committed to combating gambling harm.

Delivery and governance

1 Delivery and governance

To produce the report, we collected data on the national strategy from our partners. Reporting on events as part of the national strategy also applied the Gambling Commission's "Sunshine and Support Map" update report. We welcome the improvements the Commission has made this year to make this resource more comfortable to apply. It is a cheap way to register a wide range of activities to support the national strategy.

Summary of findings


  • In 2020, two Parliamentary Reports were published on the dangers of gambling. These reports had the slogans to take action by the year:
  • Protect purchasers from harm
  • Strengthen law enforcement
  • Improve data implementation and resolve funding for learning.
  • In June 2020, when the Coronovirus (COVID-19) was full of wounds, the first report on the implementation of the ABG plan was published. At the time of writing this report, the measures to be prevented are underway, and the consequences of Coronovirus have not yet been revealed. In addition to larg e-scale human damage, hitting on the economy, burden on medical and nursing care, the trend has revealed existing inequality in health, soci o-economic, gender, and racial inequality 4. In Japan, the highest characteristics of infection and death in black, Asians, and other working class minorities 5, the rise of family in the family 6, psychological well evidence and shift to the worst direction of the total population. 7. Increase in household debt 8 9-All resulting in 10 negative results. Now, as before, there are specific symptoms of "erosion of public protective networks" 11, and the local community can maintain more in pai n-unemployment, public isolation and 12 stress. All of these moments may be displayed on the route of gambling or as a trigger, or as a result 13.
  • ABG accepted the burden of organizations involved in the implementation of the national strategy, especially for health, social support, and social pit certification, and diverted resources for pandemic measures.


  • It is important to incorporate the impact on the prevention of damage by gambling into the reconstruction strategy formulated at the time of leaving the separation of the third country. Coronovirus has raised the people's awareness of the need to adopt health gaps and social health measures. As a result, the role of gambling in the intention of destruction is basically considered 14.
  • universe
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  • 15 COVID-19 Research, Gambling Committee-Resources that provide advanced online libraries of the gambling committee for all stages of pandemic and advanced online libraries.

2 Progress involving people with lived experience of gambling harms.

21 Gambling behavior in 2021: quarterly telephone survey, the gambling committee, March 2021. Note-This survey also revealed that the gambling indicator had an unstable significant change from 0, 6%to 0, 4%.

23. State strategies, gambling committee, gambling committee, April 2019, to reduce the definition, measurement, prediction, gambling harm of gambling

Case study 1: Lived Experience Advisory Panel

Another necessary milestone this year is that gambling laws have begun in December 2020. This is an important opportunity to make sure that the composition of the law, regulatory authorities, and resource compositions have all the possibilities that reduce gambling harm.

Although the area exposed to the overhaul is wide, it means that it is an important opportunity to scold good for prevention and to reduce the serious harm of gambling. It does not lose the appearance of the gap in prevention, education, and treatment. Note that we also need to continue working to enhance normative defense in parallel, as a result of the renewal process of the law, as a result.

Internet dangerous bills created to strengthen protection are being considered in real time in the Diet. According to ABG-instructions, there are 25 slogans to connect the damage caused by gambling in this work. The government became the government, hoping to give a confirmation to the Luto box, which caused the unprecedented number of reviews. ABSG gave a unique committee council on the issue in February 2021. Note that they are not considered gambling products, but they consider them as gambling. 26

Calling for gathering evidence can be deleted as part of a broader discussion of the problem of reducing harm from online activities, to remove the dangers related to these products. We identify the government the opportunity to refer to the problem.

26 This IRGE skin (open on a new tab), royal conversation social health, December 2019

This section describes the development of reliable implementation methods that covers management, guidance, evidence, and funds. To create effective progress and sustainable changes, we will take up these nuances.


Gambling and secular damage and expansion of overall production

3 Mixed picture of national strategic co-ordination of implementation


Case study 2: Strategic Implementation Group for Scotland

The Gambling Committee has created statistical results


SPACE} It's more interesting to assess the evaluatio n-for example, a pilot plan that has been funded to help the national strategy execution


Space} Scotland and Wales strategic implementation groups have been established


Space} revitalization of distric t-level activities in the UK


4 Metrics for measuring harm

The Gambling Committee is obliged to qualify statistics to evaluate individual performance and influence.

Three strands of work on data and metrics

  • Space} Limited progress between nations in the UK
  • Limited progress regarding the adjustment indicators of the space} strategy
  • Dattle storage development lack of progress


Delay of announcement of evidence evaluation


Recommended priority gambling harms

  • {space}
  • {space}
  • Groups led by powerful people have been increasing their reputation for gambling dangers and continuing to influence social consideration 27 28 29. In the context of the review of the Azard and Game Law, the group order (#wearetheeVidenceToo) 30, which is a powerful person, has the depth and size of a social expert, and the progress of gambling damage. It is considered a positive effect. The fact that the number of active experts is increasingly led by the active expert is often reported and talked about as a part of this field.
  • In January 2021, the Gambling Committee established an Opinion on Related Experience (Leap). The circle of the group's abilities was developed with temporary groups of experienced experts in collaboration with the Gambling Committee from May to December 2020. The establishment of this group has shown a strict commitment to cooperation with people with everyday skills, leading to a permanent device to provide information about the work of the gambling committee.
  • This initiative accepts that the cooperation with the current skills is not only listening to their situations, but also from the overall tasks that destroy the harm based on their own consciousness. This is added to an important foundation based on evidence to develop politicians based on a wide range of consumers. Help data from buyers will be received in the process of work with a major society that represents attention in cooperation with other organizations participating in selective surveys, other research, and the implementation of national strategies. < SPAN> groups led by powerful people have increased their fame for gambling dangers and continues to affect social consideration 27 28 29. In the context of the review of the Azard and Game Law, the group order (#wearetheeVidenceToo) 30, which is a powerful person, has the depth and size of a social expert, and the progress of gambling damage. It is considered a positive effect. The fact that the number of active experts is increasingly led by the active expert is often reported and talked about as a part of this field.
  • In January 2021, the Gambling Committee established an Opinion on Related Experience (Leap). The circle of the group's abilities was developed with temporary groups of experienced experts in collaboration with the Gambling Committee from May to December 2020. The establishment of this group has shown a strict commitment to cooperation with people with everyday skills, leading to a permanent device to provide information about the work of the gambling committee.

Leape personally contributes to many plans to develop politicians and organizations, and gives people with current skills a new voice in regulatory authorities. Group personally contributes to the Gambling Committee's work on reviewing the gambling law.

This initiative accepts that the cooperation with the current skills is not only listening to their situations, but also from the overall tasks that destroy the harm based on their own consciousness. This is added to an important foundation based on evidence to develop politicians based on a wide range of consumers. Help data from buyers will be received in the process of work with a major society that represents attention in cooperation with other organizations participating in selective surveys, other research, and the implementation of national strategies. Groups led by powerful people have been increasing their reputation for gambling dangers and continuing to influence social consideration 27 28 29. In the context of the review of the Azard and Game Law, the group order (#wearetheeVidenceToo) 30, which is a powerful person, has the depth and size of a social expert, and the progress of gambling damage. It is considered a positive effect. The fact that the number of active experts is increasingly led by the active expert is often reported and talked about as a part of this field.

In January 2021, the Gambling Committee established an Opinion on Related Experience (Leap). The circle of the group's abilities was developed with temporary groups of experienced experts in collaboration with the Gambling Committee from May to December 2020. The establishment of this group has shown a strict commitment to cooperation with people with everyday skills, leading to the creation of permanent devices to provide information about the work of the gambling committee.

5 Evaluation of policy

Leape personally contributes to many plans to develop politicians and organizations, and gives people with current skills a new voice in regulatory authorities. Group personally contributes to the Gambling Committee's work on reviewing the gambling law.

This initiative accepts that the cooperation with the current skills is not only listening to their situations, but also from the overall tasks that destroy the harm based on their own consciousness. This is added to an important foundation based on evidence to develop politicians based on a wide range of consumers. Help data from buyers will be received in the process of work with a major society that represents attention in cooperation with other organizations participating in selective surveys, other research, and the implementation of national strategies.

Partners in the implementation of the national strategy resolve steps in their own work to connect people's voices to current skills. For example, the Scottish Health and Public Support Union was the first to get a group to report on the work of the strategy to implement the Scottish strategy. The union also established a graduate school with the Glago Institute to teach the role of people with current skills in the training of politicians and conducting research on 33.

Case study 3: Evaluation of Safer Games Design

Gambraware also increased investments in working with people with current skills. 34. Under the name of a report, it created a group to communicate healing directions under a proposal funded by Gambraware. Separately, it signed a contract with a specialist link company for the development and support of a network of people with skills in gambling harm.

27 Gambling with lives (opens in a new tab) aims to support families who have lost someone close to a gambling-related suicide (access received on April 13, 2021).

  • 29 Gamfam (opens in a new tab) Calling for support for families of players with disabilities (accessed 13 April 2021)
  • The Scottish Strategic Implementation Group (SIGS) includes advocates from the Scottish Government, Social Healthcare Scotland (PHS), COSLA (Scottish local authorities), the police, the third sector and skilled workers. It has met four times to date.
  • One of the first events of SIGS was the "three horizon" sessions to create an action map. There is no doubt that this cooperation has helped to justify the priority actions to reduce gambling harm in a short, medium and long term.

SIGS also held a nutritional round to discuss measurement and statistics with the approval of the Scottish Social Health Network (Scotphn). A practitioner and scholars specializing in gambling harm in England met together. The members of the Round Table Conference have provided information to the entire survivor's system of gambling harm and exploring the possibility of state and regional characteristics to provide information to future intervention measures. In relation to the new measurement method and the development of public health surveillance in Scotland, a certain development direction was proposed to SIGS activities. These were approved by SIGS in January 2021. Each group has also agreed to implement a virtual feasibility study to find out what is likely to happen, while incorporating the opinions of Social Health Scotland and Glasgow Center for Social Health, led by Scotphn.

Progress was slow in the UK. There is no such strategic implementation group here. In January 2021, DHSC had a meeting with a major official. These stakeholders have proposed to use them as a forum to enhance the momentum for Congress to play a wider role and improve the adjustment between services. However, DHSC leadership is welcome, for example, the British district authorities, for example, considering social care schemes founded in the Grator Manchester 37, West Midruns 38, and 39 Yorkshire and Hambur areas. I am still working on this problem. These paths have the potential to lead to larg e-scale population covers in the UK, and are likely to follow other areas in the UK. Royal Kanbasation on social welfare also plays the role of an organizer through his personal ant i-gambling union 40.

Case study 4: Evaluations of Regulatory Settlement projects

In the UK, there is an example of a new plan to build important infrastructure. Gambling primary support services 41 indicates that the introduction of gambling to NHS systems to create intermediate proposals, raise awareness of NHS medical staff, introduce to specialists and introduce the primary support network. 。

38 Committee on regulations and gambling committee s-Birmingham City Council/ Astonia Research Institute

40 Gambling Heath Alliance (Open on a new tab) -The Tsuro Social Health Society website.

6 Funding

One of the main agreements in the first report on ABSG planning is that the committee creates a table of no n-humble gambling and its main basic characteristics, sets goals based on it. It was required to consider the problem that it would be possible to measure. For 2020, the committee held a series of seminars to develop statistics services. There were three fields about data and indicators.


Index for measuring the impact of national strategy


Space} Statistics to evaluate the performance of gaming commission work


7 Research

Statistics on approval of acts by business operators

Although the results of this work have not yet been classified, statistics to evaluate the performance of the committee's job in response to the gambling education program created by the Public Accounting Committee must appear in the top several months. be.

ABSG has been striving to enhance the safety of the buyer's gambling and prevent harm, to increase the transparency of business operators. Absg plans to report the results in the third report in 2022.

The progress of characteristics to measure the impact of the strategy itself is not urgently understood, and it is unlikely to be completed by the third year of the strategy implementation. Collecting data on gambling dangers is a difficult task. In recent years, two evaluation reports have been published, indicating how 43 data is needed and how 44 can be obtained. Currently, it requires influence and resources to provide advice in these reports. In the first report on the implementation of the ABG plan, the main field to prioritize data collection was specified (see the attached book 1) 45. In the establishment of initial data, we basically used to detect differences between age, private adaptation, geography, and other social economic moments.


Prevention and education

1 Prevention and education

Payment related to gambling

Summary of findings – Prevention and Education


  • Space} Brightness associated with gambling
  • Space} Work loss associated with gambling
  • Space} Reduction of home power associated with gambling
  • Space} Crime related to gambling
  • Space} The impact of gambling on mental wel processes
  • Gambling addiction has signed a data sharing contract with the Scottish Public Health Bureau, promoting the relocation of data reporting frameworks to support this work.
  • The attached document 1 briefly explains how to collect data and the main partners who can support this work.
  • The plan for changing the policy also includes assessments. At the time of writing this article, there is a procurement process for appointing independent experts regarding the evaluation of the use of credit card, a new requirement for LCCP. In this evaluation, it is necessary not only to tell how people's actions have changed in response to this measure, but also to investigate the impact on the damage. This is a positive step, but ideally, it will be assessment from the introduction of a new requirement in April 2020.


  • The gaming committee has created a "change theory" model for this policy change, and clarifies the effects of trying to achieve and how to measure it. This change will be implemented in October 2021. Currently, data for monitoring the impact is collected. This is performed using consumer survey, information, and compatibility evaluation.
  • {Ludge}
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  • In the long term, gaming commissions evaluate changes in the percentage of players who are considered a problem gambler or in a moderate risk category in the online gambling machine.
  • The number of regulatory projects 49 has been evaluated from the beginning of the implementation. In other words, the applicant for such funds needs to explain how to measure its effects. Planning to collect this data and report the achieved results is becoming indispensable for project implementation.

2 Improved regulatory protections

Industry challenges

One example is TalkBanstop with the cooperation of Gamcare, Gamban, and Gamstop 50. It provides services that combine support and advice to practical tools to stop gambling, increase free access to block software, and provide a wide range of support for those who have stopped gambling. The evaluation plan, including the description of the intended results, was attached to the application for funding, and was proposed by the evaluation partner candidate before submission. < SPAN> Gaming Committee has created a "change theory" model for this policy change, and clarifies the effects of trying to achieve and how to measure it. This change will be implemented in October 2021. Currently, data for monitoring the impact is collected. This is performed using consumer survey, information, and compatibility evaluation.

Safer game design

In the short term, the following indicators are used to evaluate the impact:

Requirements for how operators interact with customers who lose the most money



Number and percentage of sessions for 60 minutes or more


National Lottery Age Limits

Rudge} Number and percentage of sessions that have caused great loss to players

Single customer view


Customer interaction and affordability

Changes in bed

In the long term, gaming commissions evaluate changes in the percentage of players who are considered a problem gambler or in a moderate risk category in the online gambling machine.

As shown in Case Study 4, it is also encouraging that the evaluation plan has been incorporated into the regulatory clearing project from the beginning. GREO has also established an evaluation center to build the necessary infrastructure to support the evaluation activities related to the national strategy, promoting many aspects of these activities. This helps a small project to implement assessments and report the results.

The number of regulatory projects 49 has been evaluated from the beginning of the implementation. In other words, the applicant for such funds needs to explain how to measure its effects. Planning to collect this data and report the achieved results is becoming indispensable for project implementation.

One example is TalkBanstop with the cooperation of Gamcare, Gamban, and Gamstop 50. It provides services that combine support and advice to practical tools to stop gambling, increase free access to block software, and provide a wide range of support for those who have stopped gambling. The evaluation plan, including the description of the intended results, was attached to the application for funding, and was proposed by the evaluation partner candidate before submission. The gaming committee has created a "change theory" model for this policy change, and clarifies the effects of trying to achieve and how to measure it. This change will be implemented in October 2021. Currently, data for monitoring the impact is collected. This is performed using consumer survey, information, and compatibility evaluation.

In the short term, the following indicators are used to evaluate the impact:


3 Suicide and gambling

Number and percentage of sessions for 60 minutes or more


Rudge} Number and percentage of sessions that have caused great loss to players


Changes in bed

In the long term, gaming commissions evaluate changes in the percentage of players who are considered a problem gambler or in a moderate risk category in the online gambling machine.

As shown in Case Study 4, it is also encouraging that the evaluation plan has been incorporated into the regulatory clearing project from the beginning. GREO has also established an evaluation center to build the necessary infrastructure to support the evaluation activities related to the national strategy, promoting many aspects of these activities. This helps a small project to implement assessments and report the results.

The number of regulatory projects 49 has been evaluated from the beginning of the implementation. In other words, the applicant for such funds needs to explain how to measure its effects. Planning to collect this data and report the achieved results is becoming indispensable for project implementation.

One example is TalkBanstop with the cooperation of Gamcare, Gamban, and Gamstop 50. It provides services that combine support and advice to practical tools to stop gambling, increase free access to block software, and provide a wide range of support for those who have stopped gambling. The evaluation plan, including the description of the intended results, was attached to the application for funding, and was proposed by the evaluation partner candidate before submission.

4 Improved profile of gambling harms as a public health issue

Beacon Counseling and ARA sell plans to solve legal claims in the throne and Bristol. The plan aims at the Southeast Asian Islamic community and to enhance the dangers of gambling and the methods for experts in a way that is easy for the community to use. The plan is a tw o-year plan, and a company is incorporated in the funding application. This plan will work with GREO to evaluate its influence. In the framework of this plan, we plan to measure changes in behavior, such as recognition of the dangers of gambling in an ambitious society, the number of inquiries to experts and the impact on the number of people who have requested help.

This year, the confusion continued about the drawer of voluntary contributions. In June 2020, the BGC announced that it will invest in the industry 51 to 100 million pounds in Gamblewear for four years of Gamblewear. However, this is more than 9 million pounds than in recent years, and the conditions and sizes of future donations remain ambiguous, and in fact, for those who depend on volunteer donations to provide proposals for prevention and treatment. Make a limit.

Eventually, the uncertainty of such a change has been established as complicated lon g-term plans and provides funding to research to improve gambling harm and monitor characteristics. It hindered the adoption of infrastructure. Initial interaction with fun d-provided organizations, RCUK and NIHR, was positive, but in the same sense, the problem did not continue the early preliminary discussion.

In July 2020, the aristocratic director published a personal report and stated 55 in favor of the immediate change of funding devices. According to Article 123 of the 2005 Gambling Act (opened in a new tab). Municipal clerks can bring these compositions, for example, permitted but unacceptable.

5 Increased engagement from the financial services sector

In December 2020, ABSG announced its own council for the help of the help, healing, educational, and studying 56 requirements for the help of the legal distribution system. We continue to have the enthusiasm that this strategy cannot achieve our goals without sustainable and independent funds in all of these fields.

52 Gambleaware announced the donation of 2020-21 (opened on a new tab), Gambleaware, April 2021. Of these, 154 million pounds are from four major donors: Entein, William Hill, Flatter, Bet 365. This indicates that they are extremely dependent on a small number of tissues and that spontaneous donations from other members in the industry are significantly behind the donations from the large donors.

Key areas of progress

The ABSG Board of Directors advised to provide funds independently from the industry to gambling research, using legalized levy. In October 2019, GambleaWare testified in the aristocratic committee that he would refuse to outsourced research beyond independent reviews on the provision of education and healing proposals.

Gambling-away strategy 2021-2026 reports on this and reports that it will break away from direct collection and management of datasets that cover annual healing statistics, healing and care. There is a blank space that has not yet been buried by the Research Council because PHE and Nice cannot be appointed. Reviewing the gambling method may ensure indispensable funds to change the regulation framework.

The proposal to make a data warehouse did not get on the track. This has missed the opportunity in connection with the fact that the energy of online gambling is particularly increased and the introduction of predictive experts that can access huge anonymous data is easier to perform strict analysis. Shortly ago, a huge amount of data was introduced from the bank department, and a large amount of data was introduced from 58 businesses, and research work that can be implemented in this field based on an anonymized data warehouse. I got an idea.

ABSG welcomes the recent efforts of the European Commission to reconstruct statistical production and category data and achieve their limitations. It is a common consensus that it takes time to keep the data storage for research purposes, but it is necessary to save such data in order to identify the harmful reduction measures. 。 In order to obtain a desirable result, an agreement on a certain responsibilities, deadline, and achievements is required.

58 Research on online game patterns: Intermediate reports (opened on a new tab), d. Fortrest and I. MCHALE, NATCEN/UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL/GAMBLEAWARE, MARCH 2021.

This section describes the progress to achieve the strategic goal "Prevention and Education".


Development of more dangerous games, law revisions for testing, and stricter management of "valuable customers".

6 Gambling is not yet fully integrated with local public health activity


  • {space}
  • {space}
  • {space}
  • {space}
  • {space}

Space} Cooperation between departments on a large city scale


Space} Current status of gambling damage and an increase in emergency services of people with their role.


There is no noticeable progress in the final solution of the difficulties of suicide related to gambling.


7 Increased education and awareness raising activity

Space} Limited advancement to develop a single perspective on buyers

Case study 5: Don’t Bet Your Life on It


The work of integrating gambling from gambling into social health events and infrastructure is not slow.

Other examples of activity include 113 :

  • Space} The establishment of data collection on spaces for preventing harm and finding information for discoveries is limited
  • Space} Limited evaluation of the effects of enlightenment campaign
  • Limit information for notification to players and to evaluate the performance of other industries in order to reduce the damage among buyers.
  • As a result of the consultation, new standards for non-modest game designs have been developed. It is the number of Autoba's rejection, a more pleased reflection of the player balance, and prevention of 59 24-evaluation output. These configurations also suggest that game design individuals, which were supported by available data, but are likely to be related to the risk of harm. ABG welcomes the conclusion that these requests will be solved in an unstable state through LCCP without relying on volunteer code.
  • Gambling marketing advertisements have introduced sector code to use "advertising technology" more effectively so as not to attract young or social vulnerable. We keep in mind that this is a voluntary code, and expect evidence of effectiveness that will be implemented by BGC.
  • In December 2020, the government announced that it would raise the minimum age of purchasing a stat e-owned lottery from 16 to 18. This change was performed to protect young people due to harm associated with gambling, especially the evolution of stat e-run lottery products from weekly distribution games to scratch cards, online and online prize money. It is considered. The change will be completely implemented in October 2021 62.
  • ABSG states a prohibition of imprisonment for more strict approaches, operation discussions on important matters, and the introduction of obligatory requirements in the case where the facts indicate the need for additional preventive measures. However, as in other projects, this requires thorough evaluation and higher levels of transparency. ABG hoped that a report on the effectiveness evidence will be submitted in 2022.
  • It seems that the progress of single customer ideas development is not very noticeable. Hig h-Seki Gambler has multiple accounts 63. It is clear that the overall approach is applied to consumer data so that harmful gambling can be identified and more focused measures. It is justified. The European Commission, the Information Commissioner Secretariat (ICO), and the Gambling Gaming Council (BGC) are pleased to continue to cooperate to achieve effective solutions 64. It is also necessary to contribute to the financial sector that has the necessary data to understand the risk of consumer facing the harm of gambling. We welcome the European Commission's movement to consider the potential of access to this data. The main report released this year is consistent with ABG's position. If the data of the business, financial sector, and committee becomes one, it will be a powerful tool to reduce harm to 65. Gambling marketing advertisements have introduced sector code to use "advertising technology" more effectively so as not to attract young or social vulnerable. We keep in mind that this is a voluntary code, and expect evidence of effectiveness that will be implemented by BGC.
  • In December 2020, the government announced that it would raise the minimum age of purchasing a stat e-owned lottery from 16 to 18. This change was performed to protect young people due to harm associated with gambling, especially the evolution of stat e-run lottery products from weekly distribution games to scratch cards, online and online prize money. It is considered. The change will be completely implemented in October 2021 62.
  • In last year's business report, ABG classifies the features of subsequent supervision into four categories. The availability is one of them. Since then, ABG has been discussing the bold intentions of business operators in dialogue with their buyers and enhancing and strengthening their claims to manage gaming use. As shown by the seized legal exempt, the operator's incompetence in this field was a prerequisite for many years. In fact, the European Commission's latest compliance educational programs do not have any signs of improving history 68 in each branch. In real time, the committee evaluated the individual reaction to the consultation. Many answers were given, exposing anxiety about the proportional prepositions, and expressed the concept that adjustments on accessibility are actually effective in defending the risk of painful people.

As in the case of the uniform presentation service of buyers, we have the ability to provide the bottom to the European Committee, the UK, the finance, and the ICO's current work of operators. Any chance to access the information in there is that for dialogue with customers, this perception, in fact, the operator is more aggressive than it is displayed in real time. Doing the necessary information. In recent tests of 140. 000 intensive accounts from seven operators established in the first year in the field, 0, 13 % of buyers were associated with telephone or 3, 9 % -Electrical mail 69.

The European Commission will announce its own proposal on this issue within a few months. ABG's position is 70 and 71 in the fact that there is a lot of evidence to take action at the moment, and in this field it can access invasion of invasion. The complaint volunteer observer was not effective. There is a highly persuasive confirmation of the huge waste 72, as well as the duration of the game session, the number of gambling and the number of images 73. A while ago, the introduction and research of machine s-research established a composition of variables that are considered to be the best predictor than individual variables, in order to actually identify risks. Apart from this, data on the relationship between harm, cost and stripped indicators recognizes the need for immediate measures to protect those who have a minimum of 75 and 76 resources. In addition, it is necessary to consider the survey results that the use of "before salary" loans and PayPal accounts is increasing to raise gambling funds.

67 National Strategic Assessment 2020, Gambling Committee, November 2020

69 Online Game Research: Intermediate Report (PDF) (Opened on a new tab), D. ForRest and I. Mcheil, Natchen/Liverpool University/Gambleaware, MARCH 2021

76 Our report on work in the first year recommends business operators to publish data on the number of customers with more than 500 pounds per month as part of improvement in transparency. In Scandinavian countries, business operators must provide top 5 % of consumers.

Treatment and support

1 Treatment and support

Summary of findings – Treatment and Support


  • This page contains materials that seem to be sensitive to some readers. If you need help, you can find additional information by NHS's website-suicide's help.
  • NHS Digital has begun an adult psychiatric incidence (APMS) survey in 2022, and gambling has again appeared in this survey. The aristocratic committee report emphasized the importance of initiatives for this issue, which was noticeable in the 2014 APMS survey. APMS 2022 is an important opportunity to understand this problem in more detail and investigate the effects of online gambling since 2007. However, it is important to note that there is already sufficient evidence that immediately in this special field of gambling harm is necessary.
  • Recently published tests of the existing 2007 APMS dataset have provided a new perspective on the association between gambling and suicide, revealing higher rates of suicidal ideation among problem gamblers84.


  • The Gambling with Life Skills Research Programme is applying current gambling-related suicide skills to raise public and professional awareness and to help develop gambling and suicide prevention work across England86.
  • 79 Make recording of gambling disorders compulsory for pathologists.
  • Major events this year include a poster on the development of the Lancet on Gambling for the Social and Health Commission 89 and a special issue on gambling in the Journal of Public Health 90.
  • The Lanceta Committee has launched an ambitious behavior program to reduce gambling harm at the group level, protecting people from harm, and proposing scientificall y-based support when necessary. The need for intervention at the group level and the need for a buil t-in sentence is perfectly documented about other dependence, at least 92 in the provided context. In particular, in order to prevent harm between children and other vulnerable groups, it is necessary to apply a collective scale adjustment of social health in order to have at least some abilities.
  • Activation of activities in the field of financial provisio n-one of the main progress fields. This can contribute to the implementation of "complex systematic approaches" to reduce gambling harm.
  • Lloyds and HSBC, including HSBC, have established a special support group to identify 9 3-dependent buyers and support them. Apart from this, the number of major banks introducing gaming and blocking has increased, and improving these tools is making more effective regulations. According to the estimation, the rea l-time block software is available for about 60 % of the current account and 40 % of the credit card.
  • One major bank participated in a large research plan to study gambling and social, economic and medical results.
  • Ganban proposed to set up the smallest stereotypes for software blocks designed to guarantee the availability, efficiency, efficacy, accountability, and protection of all assets. The work of creating these stereotypes is performed with people who have everyday skills and provide avan t-garde skills to develop stereotypes in the fields of medical and public support 98.
  • This initiative in financial provision has been positively accepted, and I am looking forward to seeing when this promising start can be extended in the next few years. Providing new customer advocacy skills and solving the reputation of the cash provision section. Here, you can gain valuable lessons on the advantage of data sharing for the gambling industry.

2 Expansion of treatment and support services in new areas

98 Stereotype for block software: Vita Ca, Gamban (open on a new tab) to secure a high help for people who feel a problem with gambling

  • {space}
  • {space}
  • {space}
  • {space}

Space} In Heartfordshire, a Ham care trial plan that proposes special support to people in the criminal judicial system from arrest to 101 trial period


The research center of his own expense has developed resources for the division of cash.

In addition, there is a major progress as part of the Bolshoi Manchester 102, Lids 103, and Glasgow 104, and the possibility of people who have any opportunities to help and help from various environments is increasing. Was told. As part of the overall work in Big Manchester, a day to study gambling harm was held, and it turned out how it would be harmful and how to help people.

Case study 6: Primary Care Gambling Service

This is the scale of the entire national system without paying attention to the fact that research on the possibility of integrating events to reduce gambling harm is evolving in people who have a place. There is a big job to achieve a change and guarantee lon g-term funds that do not depend on volunteer donations.

In addition to the limits of the volunteer contribution system, one of the main barriers that hinders the path of progress is that it cannot access domestic authority data. Without a district authorities in charge of social health, it is not easy to identify which group of residents is at risk of being harmed, set effective crackdowns and prevention strategies, and prove the priority of behavior. 。

There is no doubt that there are several important changes to help change history. One of them is to achieve the progress of gambling and the harm of the harm of the social medical outcom evaluation framework (PhoF) and Scotland and Wales. PHOF offers daily outcomes data from each local government in the UK. This information can be obtained as part of the ONS labor survey conducted on England, and by doing so, data adjusted to each country can be obtained. PHOF connections will trigger local authorities.

Similarly, NHS data has not yet been considered to classify gambling harm into other harm or psychological diseases. The requirements for relief measures and gaps created by the London Research Institute have the potential to promote the tasks that are obliged by district authorities, and we are in the right year. I am looking forward to reporting the method of 105 applied.

We argue that the progress of the progress may be related to the fact that local government authorities actually had the opportunity to turn on resources in the COVID-19 result measures. COVID's long-term results (increased household debt, impact on mental hygiene, etc.) have not yet been fully investigated, but the need for reliable data, especially regional authorities, is the nation. For a plan to recover as, for example, it will be the basis of the district level. < SPAN> This is a whole national system without paying attention to the fact that research on the possibility of integrating events to reduce gambling is progressing in people who have a place. There is a big job to achieve a change in size and guarantee lon g-term funds that do not depend on volunteer donations.

3 The evidence base for treatment is developing but incomplete

In addition to the limits of the volunteer contribution system, one of the main barriers that hinders the path of progress is that it cannot access domestic authority data. Without a district authorities in charge of social health, it is not easy to identify which group of residents is at risk of being harmed, set effective crackdowns and prevention strategies, and prove the priority of behavior. 。

There is no doubt that there are several important changes to help change history. One of them is to achieve the progress of gambling and the harm of the harm of the social medical outcom evaluation framework (PhoF) and Scotland and Wales. PHOF offers daily outcomes data from each local government in the UK. This information can be obtained as part of the ONS labor survey conducted on England, and by doing so, data adjusted to each country can be obtained. PHOF connections will trigger local authorities.

Similarly, NHS data has not yet been considered to classify gambling harm into other harm or psychological diseases. The requirements for relief measures and gaps created by the London Research Institute have the potential to promote the tasks that are obliged by district authorities, and we are in the right year. I am looking forward to reporting the method of 105 applied.

4 Need for more integrated treatment services

We argue that the progress of the progress may be related to the fact that local government authorities actually had the opportunity to turn on resources in the COVID-19 result measures. COVID's long-term results (increased household debt, impact on mental hygiene, etc.) have not yet been fully investigated, but the need for reliable data, especially regional authorities, is the nation. For a plan to recover as, for example, it will be the basis of the district level. This is the scale of the entire national system without paying attention to the fact that research on the possibility of integrating events to reduce gambling harm is evolving in people who have a place. There is a big job to achieve a change and guarantee lon g-term funds that do not depend on volunteer donations.

In addition to the limits of the volunteer contribution system, one of the main barriers that hinders the path of progress is that it cannot access domestic authority data. Without a district authorities in charge of social health, it is not easy to identify which group of residents is at risk of being harmed, set effective crackdowns and prevention strategies, and prove the priority of behavior. 。

There is no doubt that there are several important changes to help change history. One of them is to achieve the progress of gambling and the harm of the harm of the social medical outcom evaluation framework (PhoF) and Scotland and Wales. PHOF offers daily outcomes data from each local government in the UK. This information can be obtained as part of the ONS labor survey conducted on England, and by doing so, data adjusted to each country can be obtained. PHOF connections will trigger local authorities.

Similarly, NHS data has not yet been considered to classify gambling harm into other harm or psychological diseases. The requirements for relief measures and gaps created by the London Research Institute have the potential to promote the tasks that are obliged by district authorities, and we are in the right year. I am looking forward to reporting the method of 105 applied.

Case study 7: Gambling with Lives – Effective Care Pathways

We argue that the progress of the progress may be related to the fact that local government authorities actually had the opportunity to turn on resources in the COVID-19 result measures. COVID's long-term results (increased household debt, impact on mental hygiene, etc.) have not yet been fully investigated, but the need for reliable data, especially district authorities level data is COVID-19. For a plan to recover as, for example, it will be the basis of the district level.

In the past year, the damage prevention has become a wel l-known topic, as I talked to 106 and 107's situation 108. Obviously, the number of events related to enlightenment and raising awareness and the increase in series. Among them, the number of immigrants from the South Asian community, the dam 109, the students, 110 families, children and youth 111, and specific groups. These initiatives are more and more diverse, from ful l-time seminars to external learning and digital services. It is also considered that these events are more frequently mixed with estimates that can be recognized by working as positive things.

Innovation has the ability to work as a life in (DBYLOI) 112. This is an interactive web tool that uses avatar technology, with an avatar technology, aimed at early detection, continuous investigation, help, advice, and independent behavioral change. The tools were developed by "Players for Players" and were once intrigued by major bankers in England and the Gambling Gambling Council (BCG).

The project is in the second stage of development, provided to businesses, sports clubs, universities, military, health and emergency services, and financial institutions. The plan for planning is to change the message, as the BCG takes on the "stop when the party is stopped" (WTFSS) to cancel the small abolition in 2021/22. We are looking forward to the results of the evaluation work that combine this new initiative.

5 Clarification of referral pathways required


Gamblareware has implemented the next term of its own BetreGret campaign. The center of interest is young people who are active in sports betting. Advertising promotes "disconnection" from the BetRegret application as a way to suppress action. The initial results of an independent agency's reviews show that this ambitious group has increased the level of recognition of ads, and some symptoms of behavior configuration have been confirmed. The provided campaigns are also implemented on television, but it has been pointed out that operators generally prefer online marketing and advertising targeting this layer. Gamblareware will continue to invest on the border after the campaign deployment.


Table 1: Referrals to GambleAware funded treatment services 2019/20 138

The collaboration of labor unions, local governments, regional trusts, and third sector tips 114 is a remote offer and employee for employees with the aim of raising the awareness of the dangers of the betting gambling that you can help. Obligation to deal with gamblin g-related harm in place 115.{space}YGAM has held a student enlightenment center at a university, especially during the beginner's Week, and has been growing on gambling dangers.
{space}In the country, many third sectors are involved in school activities. The following is the example:{space}
A larg e-scale education course of OFASL level 2 on the dangers of gambling for aged 16 or older.152{space}
Scotland's excellent curriculum also includes mention of gambling dangers.109{space}
GP107Fast forward education development program in Scotland.
{space}70Gamblea with AQA and include gambling dangers in the curriculum related to A-level psychology.
{space}65Gamblea with AQA and include gambling dangers in the curriculum related to A-level psychology.
{space}23ARA is conducting programs related to young people for young people in Wales and young people.
The expansion of education and teaching activities is preferable, but the order of lon g-term financing, joint production, evaluation, and strategies are indispensable. The messages need to be consistently and clearly narrowed down so that consumers are not confused by ambiguous messages, and they need to better understand what is effective. The role that the Ministry of Education (England) should play in order to establish such principles at a strategic level is still unclear.16The gambling industry itself needs to be more transparent for messages to safe gambling players and data used to evaluate the effects of other actions necessary to protect customers from harm. Without such publicity, it is impossible to understand the effects of the industry itself.
111 Gambling (open on a new tab), the British Public Health Association12The gambling industry itself needs to be more transparent for messages to safe gambling players and data used to evaluate the effects of other actions necessary to protect customers from harm. Without such publicity, it is impossible to understand the effects of the industry itself.
115 Characters of harmful gambling in the workplace, intermediate report, beacon counseling Trust, November 20209The gambling industry itself needs to be more transparent for messages to safe gambling players and data used to evaluate the effects of other actions necessary to protect customers from harm. Without such publicity, it is impossible to understand the effects of the industry itself.
Expansion of participation of experienced people17The gambling industry itself needs to be more transparent for messages to safe gambling players and data used to evaluate the effects of other actions necessary to protect customers from harm. Without such publicity, it is impossible to understand the effects of the industry itself.
Limited expansion of treatment and support in new areas{space}Activate the role of primary medical support on lines that use all and comprehensive system layouts.


Table 2: Reasons for exit from GambleAware funded services 2019/20 139

Evidence of treatment has been developed, but incomplete.{space}YGAM has held a student enlightenment center at a university, especially during the beginner's Week, and has been growing on gambling dangers.
{space}Data on the current recovery prediction and support is limitedspace
Insufficient service content{space}It is necessary to clarify the direction of experts
{space}330Space} Limited data about who treats and who will help
{space}82Fast forward education development program in Scotland.
{space}13The gambling industry itself needs to be more transparent for messages to safe gambling players and data used to evaluate the effects of other actions necessary to protect customers from harm. Without such publicity, it is impossible to understand the effects of the industry itself.
space13The gambling industry itself needs to be more transparent for messages to safe gambling players and data used to evaluate the effects of other actions necessary to protect customers from harm. Without such publicity, it is impossible to understand the effects of the industry itself.
Gamblareware supervises the network of gambling treatment services, most of which are provided through the network of Gamcare and their provider, and the share is provided through NHS. In recent years, this healing system has caused a number of positive changes to its own proposal accessibility:2{space}
Limited expansion of treatment and support in new areas{space}Activate the role of primary medical support on lines that use all and comprehensive system layouts.


6 Triage and completed treatments

Space} Special healing service for children under the management of NSZ 118


Space Development (Space)} Building a network based on living experiments.

In addition, measures were taken to obtain more detailed information on access disorders from the major part of the population, and special surveys were conducted on the needs of 119 women and ethnic minorities.

As a result, the perception that ethnic minorities have not supported the healing service as the location, despite the possibility of experiencing gambling damage. This led to the development of fresh aura of help, led by people with the current skills of these communities. These initiatives are fully in New Zealand, in cooperation with practical colleagues in the psychological welby swing 121 to support the Maori community and the followers of the Pacific Islands by gambling. It reflects the proven healing and help models.

District planning in the UK, Wales and Scotland has strengthened activities for identifying, treatment and support. In Chescer, the police have expanded their own tasks, and now those who are currently screamed, goals and research on tasks of gambling harm among their own employees, and are located in spails. In order to provide the best help, it is cooperating with 12 other power throughout the UK. Successful examples of other trial schemes include ARA activities in Wales for early intervention 122, and gambling healing and primary support services in the UK.

Whether you can receive important support when you need it is still imbalanced, and it is still clear about whether successful trial schemes become widespread in England and how to raise funds with a long probability. Not. The voluntary financing system has hindered lon g-term plans and appropriate infrastructure to support important new offers for healing and help.

7 Lack of independent quality assurance

The Primary Gambling Support Service (PCGs) is an interdisciplinary healing service, and the mission is to overcome the cuts between the original links, experts, and three sectors, and maintain maintenance support under the management of a collaborative doctor. Is to secure 123.

At the same time, under the examination plan, a skill system has been developed to study medical professionals in joint medical care, and the Institute of Zalisty Joint Medical Medical Workers is aware of the dangers of gambling for joint medical care. 124 approved the foundation to enhance it. Apart from this, as part of this experience, Econsult, a digital sort platform that can be used by UK's 23 million primary medical support users, has developed a new screening problem on gambling. This screening problem is related to personal gambling, for example, gambling by a family living together.

8 Follow-up support

PCGs also negotiates with software vendors to build perfect coding, orientation, and information systems for primary medical support. With this system, specialists can lead their patients to appropriate support. From October to January 2021, 13. 000 people asked a new question about gambling. On this day, 90 people consulted their therapists about the preliminary gambling issues.

121 National Survey on New Zealand gambling (open on a new tab), Research Mean Gambling and Dependencies Aut, September 2020

122 PCGS demonstration at the GA conference in March 2021

The Nihr Regular Intervention Educational Programme was 125 published in January 2021. It contained more than 1. 080 records, and only 30 fixes responded to the side of the link. As a whole, the educational program revealed a low quality report on gambling healing research and the increase in WEMs in research activities.


CBT126 was the most frequent evidence of intervention. Two obvious confirmation gaps have been found-poor access to screening intervention to identify the risk of individuals, and poor access to the invisible evidence. There was no first research on screening of the whole group. There was no intervention to help the current recovery and prevent recurrence. One review reports that more than 50 % of the gambling cases are more than 50 %, of which 127 have recurred.

As with almost all other supporters in this section, ABG is looking forward to the future Evidenses review of PHE scheduled for the summer of 2021. This review offers a universal educational program in quantitative and hig h-quality literature on the risks of gambling, the reasons for gambling harm, and the fiscal cost tests related to the harm of Gambling in England. These results will be the bridgeheads required for subsequent operation of the entire system. It will work for the development of politicians, provide future contexts to evaluate the goals of national strategies, and are used for wonderful council work.

ABG has already referred to the dilemma of Gamblewear as an organization in the third part of developing and maintaining effective, functional healing and systems. In the first report 129 on the 2019 instructions 128 and the 2020 plan implementation, three copies stated that a central coordinator of public medical and nursing services is needed. ABSG welcomes the lon g-term loyalty in cooperation with the NHS130 partner, and the lon g-lasting long gamblewear strategy. In particular, in the strategy, the "NHS/ STUTUTY Service" in the middle term "plays a more functional role to actually cure the harm of gambling," for a long time "NHS/ Legal Service service is from Part 3 131. With unchanging help, he tells the market to lead.

By implementing such changes, the treatment facilities will be equal to the more established drug treatment services, and will be able to use a wide range of specialized knowledge, and the types of treatment are even higher. 132, 133, which will become abundant and have more opportunities to hire people with related skills in an interdisciplinary team.

This allows those who need support to use accurate treatment routes more easily and quickly. Currently, there are plans to find a method to realize more comprehensive provision, such as the primary gambling support service (case 6) and the effective way to support gambling support (case 7), and to provide more comprehensive provision. Is led by the people who have.

Annex 1: Priority Metrics for measurement of National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms

Gambling with Lives leads a joint plan to develop a trial basis in Manchester, a basis for nationwide care and treatment. This trial route is a reliably integrated service for gambling addiction to other communities and section 3 services in the metropolitan area, and is integrated for a long time in the development of integrated care systems. It is designed like. In this regard, people with related skills are the center of work design and implementation.

  • This allows those who need support to use accurate treatment routes more easily and quickly. Currently, there are plans to find a method to realize more comprehensive provision, such as the primary gambling support service (case 6) and the effective way to support gambling support (case 7), and to provide more comprehensive provision. Is led by the people who have.
  • Gambling with Lives leads a joint plan to develop a trial basis in Manchester, a basis for nationwide care and treatment. This trial route is a reliably integrated service for gambling addiction to other communities and section 3 services in the metropolitan area, and is integrated for a long time in the development of integrated care systems. It is designed like. In this regard, people with related skills are the center of work design and implementation.
  • This allows those who need support to use accurate treatment routes more easily and quickly. Currently, there are plans to find a method to realize more comprehensive provision, such as the primary gambling support service (case 6) and the effective way to support gambling support (case 7), and to provide more comprehensive provision. Is led by the people who have.

Unfortunately, the recent subsidies for local governments in the UK have not mentioned 134, along with drugs and alcohol treatments.

  • Support offer passway 135 is a proven track record to ensure the quality and consistency of the offer, so that people can access them in appropriate places at the right time for people to meet the needs. 。 In this plan, it is based on proposals to determine what people with game disorders and their loved ones need, take into account the reactions from survey data and people with daily abilities, and on a passway. It includes considering important moments that make a fuss along the way, testing individual components of the passway as "early adapter", and evaluating and agreeing as "early adapters". Then, by evaluating and agreeing with the final version of the passway, I was ready for the test.
  • 136 Treatment Passway, the stage for the development of committees on gambling (access is acquired on April 14, 2021)


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

The ALLIANCE will lead a national partnership programme over the next three years to accelerate the National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms, a strategy. Since the committee's report, the Government has launched a wide-ranging review of gambling oversight and is due to publish its conclusions. The aim of this study was to determine if expert consensus could be reached on measures perceived to be effective that could be implemented successfully.

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