Aptiv PLC Formerly Delphi Automotive PLC MarkLines Automotive Industry Portal
Aptiv PLC (Formerly Delphi Automotive PLC)
-The company is considered a leading mass technology and mobile company serving the host country's automotive market. The company develops and manufactures automotive parts and provides electronic, electrical and technical conclusions on intensive security for the automotive market and toll vehicles. The company supplies hardware, including software systems.
-The company operates according to the main strategic supermarket directions for the future:
Segment | Product | Competition |
{Space | {Space} | {Space} |
{Space} | {Space} | {Space} |
-In January 2022, the company signed a definitive agreement to acquire Wind River Systems, Inc., to rescue its unique skills in program and decision mobility and to ensure advanced configurations in mental car architectures, in order to apply the potential of the accompanying mental systems. Wind River is considered a big favorite in the field of software development for smart borders. Prior to this, the company signed a strategic collaboration agreement with Wind River in 2021 to develop software devices for all kinds of automobiles.
-In March 2020, in order to solidify its own position in the field of autonomous driving, the company terminated its position with Handai Motor Group in establishing a joint venture, Motional, Inc., aimed at designing, developing and commercializing the technology. Motional will begin testing advanced driver inaccessibility in 2020 and awaits the readiness to manufacture an independent driving platform that can be tested at the scale of layouts in 2022 and at large sizes in 2023. Motional is participating in collaborations with mobility proposal providers and developing conclusions for mobility change dispositions in these cities such as Boston, Las Vegas and Los Angeles.
Listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
Advanced Safet y-Sensor Fusion Softwar e-Ambient Software Mode l-Next Generation Rada r-Concentration Domain Domain Controlle r-Previous Rada r-Buil t-in Video Camer a-Prediction Ste m-Setting security domain controller
Connected Servic e-APTIV CONNEC T-En d-t o-end Vehicle Data Collection Platfor m-Vehicle Data Recorder (VDR) -Connect Edge software for rea l-time execution by experts
Connecto r-Termina l-Sea l-High Volunte Volunteer Connecto r-Charge r-Inpu t-I n-vehicle Ethernet Power On (AMEC) Syste m-FAKRA Hig h-speed connector (HSF) -USB Media Modul e-Wireless Charging Syste m-Power Switch and Insulation (PCI)) -High voltage Electronic Cente r-Lo w-voltage Electronic Center
Connectivity, Security, Keyless Entry, Remote Acces s-Ultrasonic Indoor Senso r-EV Sound Generato r-Body Control Modul e-Heating and Air Conditions Contro l-4G/5G Celler Association (CDMA/GSM) -O electronic computers and buil t-in controller (domain controller Body and security) -Zone controllers (power management, smart fuse, data input / output) -Secure Connected Gateway (Vehicle Network Management, Wireless Broadcasting, Mobile Association, GPS, V2X) -Integrated operating system Hyper Vize r-Digital Twin and Cloud Servic e-Software Service Deasures Detection and Removal
Distribution syste m-high voltage cabl e-high voltage connecto r-Battery internal connectio n-charging cable set and inpu t-battery distribution cabinet and insulated unit
Hellermanntontyton Produc t-Cable Thailand and Fia s-Insulatio n-Cable Protection Syste m-Electric Equipmen t-Identification Syste m-Application Tools
Middleware and DevOp s-Middleware grade for distributing software applications
Mental Vehicle Architectur e-Zone Controlle r-Central Vehicle Controlle r-Supplement Supplement Software Development
Custom Skill s-Navigation Hea d-Head Up Hea d-Integrated Cockpit Controlle r-Open Servo Epro n-Driver Senso r-I n-car Senso r-IVI Software Stac k-I n-car I n-car Detection Software Packag e-Audio Package
Vehicle Electrification Syste m-EVSE Charge r-Round Wir e-Bass Ba r-Modular Bus Connecto r-Fiber Wire (Shield/ no n-shield) -Junction box and battery isolation uni t-Waterproof ceilin g-Straight connector
1991 | {space} |
1995 | Space} {Space |
1997 | Space} {Space |
1998 | Space} {Space |
Space} {Space | {space} |
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Space} {Space | {space} |
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Space} {Space | {space} |
{space} | universe |
Space | {Space} |
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{Space} | {Space} |
{Space} | {Space} |
{Space} | {Space} |
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2010 | {space} |
{space} | November 2011 |
space} | October 2012 |
space} {space | September 2014 |
space} {space | September 2014 |
space} {space | April 2015 |
space} {space | June 2015 |
space} {space | July 2015 |
space} {space | July 2015 |
space} {space | September 2015 |
{MEMBERSHIP} | November 2015 |
{RUST} | December 2015 |
Overview | March 2016 |
Overview | March 2016 |
Acquires {RUIT} | December 2016 |
RUMORS} | January 2017 |
Overview | November 2017 |
{RUIT} | December 2017 |
{RUIT} | June 2018 |
{RUIT} | October 2018 |
MEMBERSHIP | 2019 April 2020 |
{RUIT} | March 2020 |
{MOTION} | December 2022 |
{MEMBERSHIP} | December 2023 |
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