Censorship File 770

Pixel Scroll 8/25/24 Pixel ScrollRight Of The Mounties

(1) The idea of ​​the location, space, location award location, manager guild, is exactly the Hollywood insider. The aim is to set up tones and praise the excellent movie space that enhances storytelling in international movies, television, and marketing commercials. " Of course, this genre has a favorite work. Location Manager Guild Award 2024 deadline.

Excellent locations in the limite d-time TV series Fallout Paul Crammer, Chris Arena, Mandy Dirin/LMGI, David Park/LMGI, Paul Van delim

TODAY TELEVISION Furgo Season 5 exclusive location mohammad QAZZAZ / LMGI, Luke antosz / lmgi

Outdoor space in TV dramas, anthology, mou, limited TV series RIPLEY ROBIN MELVILLE / LMGI, Giuseppe nardi / LMGI, Fabio Ferrante, Shane Hayden

Excellent Locations in a Period Speelfilm Oppen Higher Justin Duncan/LMGI, Dennis Muscari, Patty Carr y-Perazzo, T. C. Townsen


Exclusive Film Committee Iceland Movie "True Detector: Night State

Unusable Space Toyota: Gift from the past / LMGI, Paul Leodan / LMGI

(2) Let's praise the masterpiece. Charlie Jane Anders mentioned "10 literary books with me the best science fiction writer" in Happy Dancing.

... As I wrote a while ago, the illusion of literary advantages means giving many opportunities to your work without paying attention to unusual experiences, but that is also a reader. It means having more attention to the components of the situation (at least). In an excellent literary situation where there are untouched readers, this leads to the biggest interest in components. Servic e-level prose and small components with people's lives and inner conditions ...

6) "Obs Session" A / S.

A few months ago, I rerued this book because the novel "Magic and Disaster Lesson" is based on similar literary detective novels. And when you think about the current Dark Academy's trend, "Possession" seems to be a breakthrough text. "Possession", a story that accidentally discovered a letter that had been missing for a long time, mentioned in the secret romance of two Victorian poets, was just a joy in discovery and textbook analysis. burning. The poems of Randolf Henry Ash and Crystabel Ramot are essential for scenaral and the love of the two, and the "clues" of the scenario are as much as the love letter and the beauty of the metaphor. When the release date of the magic and disaster lessons is approaching, I will write more about "Possession", so please look forward to it.

(3) Is this price okay? "AMC released Batman's popcorn bucket" -Batman news reports details.

... Bat signal popcorn bucket will be released at the AMC theater on August 28 and will be sold for $ 34, 99. The new batmobile collector mug is also sold for $ 11, 99, and the combo is sold for $ 44, 99.

Check this post on Instagram

(4) Armed library. "There is no anger of hell, like a librarian who is despised by a book that prohibits war." -LA Times is the other side of the paid wall.

Manda Jones is a high school librarian in Luiziana, sleeping with a shotgun under the bed, and traveling on the back road with a pistol.

Two years ago, she began with a censorship opposition and being involved in a cultural war over the ban on books. She was accused of a pediatrician, trim, and was accused of teaching her 1 1-yea r-old children to teach anal sex. The Christian righ t-wing attacked her, and in the news she warned that her state and the national conservatives were at risk of library and intellectual freedom.

"Jones, who lives in the Living Ston parish, says.

In her recent memoir, That Librarian: The Fight Against Book Ban in America, Jones uncovers alarming and disturbing evidence of a broken civilization. It's a clumsy, indignant, searching, and redeeming story about a woman saddled with powers and schemes she didn't even know she had. It's a story that brings themes of fear, superstition, anger, and religion back into the state's political life, echoing recent comments from Republican vice-chair candidate J. D. Vance that "Democrats want to put explicitly sexual books in children's libraries."

(5) WRONG PUBLICATION Testing the situation. Rich Horton decides it's time to revisit the classics: A book review of Nostrillier by Cordwainer Smith.

... I try not to talk about conspiracies anymore. A lot of things are happening at the same time, but they're not happening in an unusual way. Some of it feels a bit random, some of it is not absolutely convincing, some of it is exciting. But on the whole, it all works. Love is not one of Smith's best works, but in parts it is. At times it reaches the heights that Smith can reach, and alludes to a really important situation, that of the people underground (which is also central to The Ballad of the Lost Khmer, and after all, may very well be crucial to all future situations in the toolkit). ....

(6) Event "To Remember Howard Waldrop". George R. R. Martin directs readers to a video segment of the Howard Waldrop memorial event that took place on June 29th on the Not a Blog website.

... I couldn't be there in person (I was in London at the time) and definitely couldn't attend the memorial for Gouard, so I jotted down some comments and sent them to Robert Taylor, who organized the event. It turns out we've been talking for a while, but Howard and I are in an endless situation, and I'm a chatty guy anyway, as you all know. As a result, my recording took less than 45 minutes, whereas if I had continued to talk it would have taken 3 hours. For example, there are a ton of situations that can be narrated.

It was too long for the memorial in Austin, so Robert and his team scaled it down and cut it down for this event. I have a longer version that I will probably post here, probably more later than before. It will include not only my video, but all the speeches and anecdotes from Howard's friends. (Not all of them. Howard had friends all over the world.

Some of them will bring you to tears. Others will make you laugh. Laughter was one of Howard's gifts.

(7) Today is my birthday.

[by Cat Eldridge]

August 25, 1955 - Simon R. Green, 69 years old. I spoke with the guest of honor, Simon R. Green, via email. He is an exciting and friendly guy.

This is the first time I've read the Deathstalker series. Owen Defantine, the unwilling heir to the ancient surname of Deathstalker, is a very flippant historian who leads a rebellion against a powerful and corrupt empire ruled by the Iron Bitch. A sci-fi classic with broken alien spaceships, computer hacker guides, clones, ESC, etc. All the genre staples are there. Yes, this is a cosmic opera.

Simon R. Green

He went off on a tangent and did a great job with his fantasy series Forest Kingdom.

The bind series Hawk and Fisher about two security guards solving magical secrets in Haven, a corrupted port, is just outstanding.

Remember when I said it's all in one multi-senior? Hawk and Fisher appear in Strangefellows, just drinking. Strangefellows is a bar in the pocket universe of Nightshade near London, and John Taylor is the only detective portrayed in the Nightshade series.

Great atmosphere, inspiring characters, weird story.

The Secret History series is mainly about the Drums, an ancient bloodline that protects the world from supernatural and magical threats. They have magical armor that protects them from everything.

Great series. This series and the Nightside series are a sequel to Nightfall. The stories are collected into a novella.

Please note that all episodes should be read from the beginning. As each series progresses, important plot developments occur. Characters change and situations evolve.

The Pathfinders of Karnaca University are an old and rather secretive government department that hunt ghosts and live by the slogan "We don't take no bullshit from the underworld." The plot here is thinner than in his other series, but I think the characters are fascinating enough to make me fall in love with this one.

Ishmael Jones is a man who lives under the radar, with no visible abilities. Why is that? Because he hasn't aged at all, even though it's been 60 years since he was turned into a human by an alien spaceship. This is pretty funny due to the fact that Ishmael Jones considers himself both human and alien at the same time, and accepts everything as such. The story is pretty good.

  • He covers everything so heavily here that I discovered I had actually missed a great series on Gidden Sable. Oh well.
  • {Synopsis}
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Pardon My Planet basically shows that it's pretty hard to hide something.


(9)Special EVIL this time. "'Rings of Power' returns with more creatures and more evil." Hyperlinks get around commercial obstacles in the New York Times.




Eventually, the blockbuster-pricks, which have the potential to pass in the series in the TV situation, are $ 71. 5 billion in the 1st season, according to Thursday reports. The first three episode premiere shows have been found in the season ...

(10) Byte. [Do we need another series for the theme of zombies? If Sue Johnston chews someone's nose, by all means! "On the first day of Sue's shooting, Johnston chewed his nose to someone."


Director's first ful l-fledged television series begins when a army of the army runs through the disaster near a nursing home. Furthermore, when chemicals leak, residents become beasts attacking young people in the district. "This is a bit of a bit of Brex," Wittee admits. "But this is by no means a matter of choice. We define this from the perspective of each generation and verify the idea of ​​a large pot that destroys the lives of young people. This is a work of one genre. We will chew their hands in essence and eat their brain. "


(12) Zero Home values. [Netflix anime. Pretty hard. The best. Pretty obscene. Giz mode warns. "Terminator Zero's new notice reflects the bloody war in the future."

Pixel Scroll 8/22/24 This Is My Pixel, This Is My Scroll. This Is For Info, This Is For Lol

... murder robot, "fear and nuclear fool nightmare", and a situation that focuses on family. If the first two were in the movie, "Men and Women who make children" and "Mother's Love for their son", this series was about the destroyed family and summarized the meeting. It is a thing. In his opinion, the "Terminator" does not work without data from 3-they have led to the creation of a powerful franchise for all returns and new rise.


[Thank you for some of these situations, Chris Barkel, Cat Eldridge, SF CONCATENATION Jonathan Kovi, Steven French, Katie Sullivan, Teddy Harvia, Mike Kennedy, Andrew Porter, John King, John King Turpinian. The title is by the file editor 770 days John Melzer. ]

Posted: August 22, 2024 Author: Mike Glier

(2) Lead of JRRT poisoning. Robin Anne Reed's book about Tolkin's adaptation 5th book "Books, movies, addiction, readers' answers 5/?





I like the "wooden board" chapter and other scenes where a wooden board comes out-and since I first read the book, I liked it.

(3) It is only a part of the adult population that supports the prohibition of books. "Survey results, most Americans are not interested in banning books at public schools" SCHOOLS).



"Opponents of book restrictions are more than three to 1, almost 3: 1." As a whole, 78 % of adults are selected for reading books in municipal schools in their own areas. Apart from believing in this, more people restrict their student access to books that are inappropriate. I think it's a more serious issue. "

(4) The cover of the novel "Tanya Huff" on the right. The Dogbooks Publisher announced the cover of Tanya Huff, a direct grandson, to be released in April this year.




Now Cassidy Previtt, City Bakery and part minister of Black Forces (this is his day job) must endure growing forces of darkness, a rather upset city, and a rather attractive personal detective with the ability to love.... and that has the opportunity to love. And if they manage to stretch their personal domestic revelations, they may embrace bliss together.

(5) Again, a view of the Rosler Prize exhibition in Glasgow 2024. Photographer Ken Bates photographed the Rosler Prize exhibition, which was presented at this year's World Convention. The panel was prepared by Elizabeth Klein-Levinck for fans in Southern California, and credit is given.



User X @cooperstream actually stopped writing on Twitter even before Herif indicated the lawsuit: "I'm glad to see someone denying and perhaps exposing it in court: Rowling doesn't care about women," she wrote. "The protection of "real women" was every time a deception, a justification for hatred for the transfer."...

By coincidence, Neil Gaiman has not written on X. com since July 2 for personal reasons.


The trailer reveals many of the best ideas for the film's plot, with a bloody affair between Rohan and Dunlanding. And when the wedding of Helm Hero's (Gaia Wise) daughter to Wulf the Dancing Prince (Luke Pasqualino) goes awry, resulting in the death of Wulf's founder, Frek (Shaun Duri), Wulf declares war on Rohan. Meanwhile, Naughty Dick, who unites Helm with the kingdom, has a chance to become Rohan's only hope of survival...

(8) Going to see Ray on his birthday. Ray Bradbury, who died in 2012, turned 104 years old. John King Tarpinian visited Ray's grave.

It seems that around this time I was Ray's first customer, or at least the first customer to leave the presentation venue. I left Ray a tin with engraved pictures of Lorrell and Hardy, dinosaurs, and him and his friend Stan Grunberg at Comic-Con. Of course, the daily solemn cake. I always give a cake to the cemetery employees who took care of Ray as a token of my gratitude. (Everyone has a chance to share).

(9) Bradbury Live. On air is Bradbury Media's Phil Nichols' direct broadcast of Ray's birth: "Bradbury 100 Live: Released in 2024!".



I also established some statistics about Ray's stories, touched on copyright issues, and looked at some of Bradbury's books published in the last 12 months ...


(10) Well, it's my birthday.

(Author: Paul Weimer)

August 22, 1920 - Ray Bradbury (died 2012).

Paul Weimer: How do you cover a giant titan in this field? I'm talking pretty carefully.

I don't remember in what order I read them, but The Martian Chronicles was one of the first two books in the sci-fi genre that I read when I was 9 years old (the other was Azimov's Robots). It's actually not love, it's a collection/selection of short stories, but I was very young to understand it. I was fascinated by his prestige of Mars, Martians, and the extinction of Martians. And of course, in "A Million Years' Picnic," I told my brother with an ecstatic look on my face that I actually "got it." The family was fresh Martians, fresh successors of the world, bombed-out territories returning to the Stone Age, and the way forward.

Ray Bradbury and the Egyptian Ruins Collection, 2008.

Bradbelli's story and bundle impressed me and made me feel something that other writers sometimes failed. The end of "Samushing Bad Cams", the key to joy and smile defeat Mr. Dark. The kindness and elegance of the story of the Dandelion Wine collection. Bradbury's dark side also appears in this work, and every time you read the story like "belt", you can get goose bumps. Bradbelli combined fear and the story of the boys. "Zero Hour", the boys played an imaginary alien game, but they were completely different from what they imagined.

  • However, my favorite Bradbelli work is "Halloween Tree" (except for "Mars Age"). Again, we also introduce the strange, nightmares, imagination, and these subjects to boys. It is impressive for me at the time that there are children who are willing to shake the year of life in order to recover and bring back the pip from the magic hands of Kala Pass Clavicles Mound Shuled. Gives it and still impresses it. I was 13 years old, would have done it immediately ... But what about now? I don't think so, and that's the charm of this book now, and it's also the charm of his "Halloween Major Tour" (I'm probably in the Zerasney's "loneliness" in my Halloween Canon. It's just a October night.)
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Non-Sequitur indicates what remains in fairy tales after the lawyer team has abolished fairy tale.


(12) Creators have been filed by another AI developer in a trial due to Copyright's no n-compliance. "The writers have filed a chatbot developer Claude AI Antonropic with copyright no n-compliance," said AP News.







... In the lawsuit, the creators say that Anthropic used a wide open-source dataset known as "The Pile" to study its proprietary chatbot, Claude AI. The dataset includes something called Books3, a powerful library of pirated e-books that includes works by Stephen King, Michael Pollan, and thousands of other creators. Earlier this month, Anthropic supported Vox in using The Pile to study Claude...

(13) Documentary film by John Williams. "John Williams' Music Documentary Selected for AFI Fest Opening Night Film" - Deadline reports.



... In the movie "Music of John Williams," Spielberg, Kathleen Kennedy, Frank Marshall, Kate Capshaw, Gustavo Dudamel, J. Abrams, Chris Martin, Chris, Chris Columbus, George Lucas, Itzhak Perlman, Lawrence Kasdan, Yo-Yo Ma, Ke Quy Quan, James Mangold, Alan Silvestri, David Newman, Thomas Newman, Seth MacFarlane, Ann Sof Mutter, Brandford Marsalis....

(14) AI is memory blocked? [Article by Jonathan Covey in SF - continued] I talk to people every day about how cars are basically catching the world, but no one listens... For example, this week, a good announcement was pointed out for me in the current magazine Nature. Similarly, in reality, that an artificial origin of mind (AI) does not have any chance to master new tasks without casting lapsed skills. "Switching between tasks has the potential to blur the AI's legal ability to train."

"Artificial neural networks cannot study new skills once they have been explored one after the other."


To Raven, a scientist who studies this problem at work suggested the conclusion "The deepest endless training and loss of plasticity"... (and as a result, my reflection is a short existence).


Why not take the chance to just forget everything as it is?

Pixel Scroll 8/16/24 We Are The Pixel Makers And We Are The Scrollers Of Scrolls

Today, the BBC lifted the lid on the all-new Blu-ray remaster, Blake 7: The Collection. Following on from the extensive Blu-ray remasters of the traditional seasons of Doctor Who, the first of the four episodes of Blake will be released later this year. Blake 7: The Collection will include all 13 episodes from the first series, as well as new interviews with surviving cast and crew members, and the previously unreleased documentary film, The Making of Blake 7, which was scheduled for a DVD release.


(16) Today's Video Ryan George has judged that it is necessary to hear about the electric pitch meeting. One commentator said, "Thank you for hinting that there have been many scenes so far."

Posted: August 16, 2024 Posted by: Mike Glier

(1) In the future, Seattle World Con 2025 is currently accepting program applications. Click here for details: "Panelis t-Seattle World Con 2025".

{Recruitment of participants}

It's been 48 hours since I came home from the Glasgow World Forum, and it's still a journal, but I like the most in the program, Jenny Row's "TipTre e-Alone Woman": "The Damn Secret I'm not so tired that I can't introduce "of no one but mine". I enjoyed her acting very much, I immediately contacted her, how she embodied James Typtrley Jr., and how she condensed the life of this wonderful writer into an hour program. I was able to hear about it. Fortunately, we were able to hang up at the Krauplaza bar.

Row is an actor, an improvisor and writer who performs and teaches the Impro around the world. In 2018, he wrote a single play on James Tiptry Jr. and Alice Sheldan, and was nominated for the Boxston Fringe '24, and is still on touring with the same work. Other plays include Sam Chittenden's Read Not Dead (Shakespeare Globe), "Clean" (Brighton Fringe 2019 Best Dragon Award), JM Barry's "Mary Rose" (National Tour), and Mark Burgess. There are "SOMEWHERE IN ENGLAND".

Since 2006, she has been a member of the Improvised Shakespeare Group, the Brighton Fringe Comedy Award, Maydays Group, and IO Chicago in the Whirled News Tonight program, and has performed at improvisation festivals around Europe. She has also published a rare collection of black short stories, some of which are included in the 2025 anthology Map of Lost Places, published by Apex Books.


We learn how she found out about James Tipley Jr.'s existence, the alternative reaction to her show featuring a one-woman role from the sci-fi side rather than the sci-fi audience, how she delivered Tipley's scolding (some will hear), why she decided not to start and end her presentation with a shot, how she chose to structure her script (and why she decided not to get involved in the plot), and more.


(3) The book President Obama is actually reading this summer. The "Obama Summer Reading List 2024" published on the site Publishers Weekly is a collection of books from a certain genre.

(4) Covid in Glasgow 2024. At the World Congress, some people had flattering analyses for Covid, for example, business meeting secretary Alex Axa covered writer Pat Cadigan, and there are hundreds more of them. Janet Ní Sholeabháin took this volume from a Discord channel dedicated to the Congress. X. com content takes place here.

... On Tuesday, the trash bin in the parking lot of the Jane Bancroft Cook Library was filled with books and collections from existing centers that contrasted gender equality.

... Among the books that were thrown out were "Nine and Return: Women in the Senate", "War of the Worlds" and "When I Wow", which tells the story of the situation when LGBTK+ people found out they were gay. ...

Audiobooks are pretty good. Just ask HarperCollins Elementary. A recent earnings report showed that audiobook adoption surpassed e-books for the first time last quarter. But don't call it a boom. NPR's Endrew Limbong has more details.

The other wave -- the takeoff of sub-casting as people start listening to audio content -- is between Covid and Michelle Cobb, executive director of the Audio Publishers Association.

Michelle Cobb: It's a result of people finding entertainment and educational things, things that don't have to do with looking at a screen.

According to Cobba-texts, affiliate marketing has been developing for over a decade and will generate $2 billion in profits by 2023. Audio Recovers did a selective survey over the summer to find out who is listening to these audiobooks.


The Universe

... In just a few thousand sentences, Butler answers a student's question: "Do you really believe that the kind of troubles you write about in your book are actually in store for us in the future?" The question was to be warned by Butler's warnings about rising drug addiction, illiteracy, mass warming, and the seeds of countless end-of-the-world scenarios, among other realities. "I didn't come up with these difficulties," she pointed out. "I just looked around at the difficulties that we despise today and gave them to grow into real disasters in 30 years." ...

... The unusual quality of the 1984 film Boekchar Banzai, with all its unique complexities and brutal subversion of the genre, is its extremely stable line. It's not perfect, but a revision of Boekchar Banzai 40 years later reveals what a fantastic and original science fiction film it is, as a cult winner for many creators, writers and fans.

Bukarvanzai is another galaxy in the 1980s pop culture. If "Back to the Future" was released one year later and the starring Peter Weller did not play Robocop in 1987, "Bukkaru Banzai" is actually unconditional of the 80's Kitsch Fiction. It may have been a symbol of. Unusual reckless scientists, rockets, jackets of the 80's, rock band-all of them are actually related to Marty McFrey adventures.

[by Cat Eldridge]

At the center of the confused plot of the movie is a global scientist and rock star named Bakar Banzai, traveling with the Outsider under the title "Hong Kong Cavaliers". The first 20 minutes. How Bucara rides on a rocket to a different dimension, prepares at the end of the operation to earn life, leads his own group in its implementation. See that he is concerned about suicide in the corridor in the corridor seen by his lost lover twins for many years ...


(9) The current anniversary.

(Author Cat Eldridge).

Published on August 16, 193 4-Diana Win Jones. (Died in 2011) Shall we look at Diana Win Jones novels? Right now, I'm just choosing the awar d-winning work.

So what do you actually choose from the shelf and read it first? For me, Rupert Veneb ​​is the main character, and the "deep secret" is the guardian of Multisinia, who is planning a fantasy. This is pretty interesting. Then, Merlin-conspiracy is not good.

Diana Win Jones

From that point of view, if there is an inseparable reading for her, it was actually an element due to the thinking lying on the book of the book, giving a playful appearance to the genre, saying, "Fantasy land. It is a tough guide to. I'm really playful.

The experimental connection between the Scottish ballad "TAM LIN" and "Thomas Rhymach" is a great fire and hemlock. And there is ammunition. It's a little personal setting. There is a similar facility nearby, and its image is quite suitable.

I love Howl Castle, the best of this series, and I also love comics drawn there.

Diana Win Jones Photo: (C) Andrew Porter

  • My last choice is, yes, how much I know, how much I am an individual choice that gives an elemental appearance, this is the archer "Hun", and suddenly about myself A boy who discovers something. A secret family with a secret. A creature that does not leave the house. This is not a conspiracy.
  • (10) Cartoon section.
  • I! The reckless scientist did not receive the results he had planned.


The free series is a popular witness witness.

The moon doll finally landed outside the threat.

And when the photo you wore a superman coat and twisted naked, when was the most downloaded image on the Internet, when? VerulamiumParkranger



The famous Clifton settings (currently the Clifton Reflick) will be silenced to open toward the right moon, and the famous Tikibur will not be closed this weekend as a bar in the Pacific Sea.

How to obtain: To get a reasonable reservation 1, you need to subscribe to a website newsletter in advance. Even if you are late, reservations will not be closed on the weekends of August 23 and 24. We will notify you by email as soon as you can make a reservation. It is a firs t-come, firs t-served basis.

Back story: Clifton opened as a cafeteria in the downtown Broadway in 1938 during the Great Depression. Currently, there are six reversal facilities that have been renamed by Andrew Mayalan, the "Clifton Republic" owned by Andrew Mayalan, and is considered to be regaining the sensation of the "amazing fantastic state" in recent years.

The Renaissance of the video games has been a lon g-lasting manner, including the collapse of the border lands, in front of these critics like the Super Mario Bros. Movie, like the audience, or these critics like the last of ass. It is regarded as a product in the world that existed, and it is almost impossible to slow it down. And this basically means that the creepy of making a video game into a movie on a TV or movie has the runway required to freeze slightly. As an example, Prime Video is creating an anthology anime series entitled "Secret Level" in collaboration with "Deadpool" director and Tim Miller's "Love, Porcelain and Robot" creators. Was revealed.



Like the true Jane Gray, Milledi Jane's rule was shor t-lived.

Amazon's Prime Video has built a rebroadcast drama that combines romance and fantasy in a different world. About seven months after all eight episodes of the first season (and now the only now) of the TV series (and now the only) of the TV series were released in Prime Video.


Pixel Scroll 8/3/24 Krypton Through The Tulips

The TV series "Miradi Jane", based on a novel by Cynthia Hand, Brody Ashton, and Jodi Medows, will appear in the 16t h-century Britain and a wolf who can transform into humans and animals. 。 Jane Gray (Emily Vader) is a commoner who is known as Verity, and begins to sympathize with the oppressed wolves known as Etian, but when Jane grasps power, it is a rule of the ruling class ... 。


(15) Today's Video Ryan George guided me to the pitch meeting of Deadpool and Wolverine.

[Chris Berkley, Cat Eldridge, SF CONCATENATION Jonathan Kovy, Scott Edelman, Steven French, Katie Salivian, Teddy Harvia, Mike Kennedy, Andrew Porter, and John King Turpinian. The credit is Andrew (Ne Beldona), the edito r-i n-chief of File 770. ]

Posted: August 3, 2024 Posted by: Mike Glier

(2) Global convention TL; DR program. For comparison, Scott Edelman scanned a Discon II program (1974). See Facebook.

(3) Sarah J. Mars is not in a school in Utah. "Official announcement: these 13 books are now banned from all public schools in Utah." Six of the 13 books were written by the same fantasy writer Sarah Jay Mars. Another book is "ORIX and Crake" by Margaret Atwood.


After the catastrophic damage by Hurricane Maria in 2017, Puerto Rico was ruined by 95 % of the island, with no water supply in the center of the population, and at least $ 90 billion.

The moment of this grief and destruction is the stage of Gabino Iglesias's latest work, "Bone and Rain House." Austi n-based writer, the latter novel, won the Bram Stalker Award for Best novel. He is the only Latin writer who has won the highest honor in the horror genre and signed a film contract with Sony.

For the main character of House of Bones, Gave and his childhood friend, death will be everywhere after Hurricane. However, after one of their mother was shot and killed in the club, they began searching for answers in a more dangerous world full of drug kings, gangs, ghosts, and love craft monsters. Inspired by the tragedy of the creator's life before moving to Texas in 2008, the Gothic Youth novel gives emotional punches while the characters deal with their hometown and childhood.

"Igreesias says," The murder of the mother and child is what happened to me and my friends.

The BBC was found in a charity advertisement of Doctor Foo six years ago that a teenager whose name was named as a stabbing case this week was appearing, so from all platforms. Deleted.

Axel Rudakubana, now 1 7-yea r-old, died in multiple stabs in several stabs in Taylor Swift's dance class, which occurred in northern England on July 29 (Monday). After being seriously injured, he was charged with three murder and 10 murder attempts.


According to the Times, in the 2018 video, Ludak Bana, an 1 1-yea r-old, wears a brown jacket and tie like the former series star, David tenant, and comes out of the symbolic Tades. The coming figure is reflected.

  • (6) Elections of the Horror Writers Association from August 19 to 25, a member of the Horror Wrist Association will vote for executives and administrators in 2024. Only one candidate has been announced for the chairman and the secretary. Five of the three councilors are candidates.

The term of the elected officer was two years from November 1 to October 31.


  • Angela Smith
  • For the highest council
  • Linda Adison
  • Patrick Burve
  • James Chambers


Ellen Datlow

Cynthia Pelao

(7) Increase the power of your own text. Comments "The Word-Hoard: Clark Ashton Smith" on the Orb's Muse website, Maya Saint Cller distributes a list of unusual texts she discovered while reading Smith's science fiction.


In the 1912 Olympics in Stockholm, Sweden, Jim Torp handily won the gold medal in the first progressive version of the sport. The exhausting 10-part match was not an add-on to develop the progressive game. At the 1912 Olympics, sports disciplines also debuted: architecture, sculpture, painting, music... and fiction.

... Judges in the art department needed to "consider only the subjects that have never been published in the past, have never been published in the past, and have never been performed in the past." At least 10 people participated in the Literature Competition in Stockholm [1912], of which the French novelist Marcel Boulanger, France, who won a bronze medal at the 1900 Olympics at the 1900 Olympics. It also included Paul Adam, Switzerland's playwright Rene Morax. The Gold Award was given to the two Germans, Georges Hoshrod and Martin Echubach's work "Ode to Sport". The judge called "a lon g-lived winner" because he praised the athletics in a smart and athletic. A narrative idea is that "logic and harmony are arranged, classified, and expressed in perfect order."

However, there was no Hohrod and Echubach. They were the names of Baron Pierre de Coubertan, who had just won in his contest.



Returning for the fifth year! Merian K. Cooper's unique theatrical device from 1933. Based on the novel by Delos V. Lovellis, the film repeats its unique plot and dialogue with minor changes and additions. Overall, the performance will feature a refreshing subtext, but all characters, including the one in the monkey costume, are played fairly and in harmony with the original. {Space}








I also established some statistics about Ray's stories, touched on copyright issues, and looked at some of Bradbury's books published in the last 12 months ...


(12) The current anniversary.

(Author Paul Wimer).

August 3, 190 4-Clifford D. Saimac (died in 1988).

Paul Wimer: Rural writer = fantasy.

Many fantasy writers of his times and times are enthusiastic fans of giant metropolis, and their own science fiction depictions and future praise for Metropolis and their plus alpha, including the earth, other planets, or planetary Metropolis. I wrote it.

Clifford Seimak

Clifford Seimak was different. His huge ratio of his science fiction and fantasy is rural or idyllic, and has the ability to return to the border between civilized world and unbridled nature every time they read. At the same time as the theme of sel f-sufficiency, a community with other people living in the same place. It is an important phenomenon that characterizes rural life. And Seimac's novel.

And of course, every time dogs appear. Besides rural life and many characters in his story, dogs can see dogs sometimes, sometimes, sometimes at supernight or carefully. There are many such topics in Seimak's work, what dogs mean, such as spirit, kindness, loyalty, and dedication.

  • The only story of Seimak is for me, a higher position than all novels, stories, and other works, and part of the story of the story about the future I wrote in the city. The shock of the "escape soldier" occurs on Jupiter: Jupiter's base commander encounters the fact that everything sent to Jupiter was sent to Jupiter for some purpose. Jupiter's commander faces the fact that everything sent to Jupiter was sent to Jupiter for some purpose. The protagonist X and his dog will face the truth that is discouraged about what happened to their friends. This is very impressive, as almost all of the Seimac works are.
  • universe
  • {universe}.
  • {universe}.

Rubes likes spots.


(14) The shell game "Un Oeuf is enoUGH: ARE We Full of Movie Easter Eggs Yet?" Is the Easter egg of the movie yet? -Gardian discovered. No, of course not.




... Considering the victory of Deadpool and Wolverine, Easter eggs are likely to continue to be the main items for meals. I grew up watching Wenes World, but it was almost the same, "said film critic Machaill. However, I am worried that all Hollywood masterpieces after Deadpool and Wolverine may be an unforgettable event. The director is responsible as a storyteller. And, as is equivalent to chocolate, Easter eggs also protect them to use moderately. "

(15) CLINES AS A Boss. The Simpsons, the voice actor, Hank Azalia, led a blues Springsteen cover band, "he emphasized in the NPR Weekend Edition interview.




... According to them, the purpose of creating and publishing the design of this super shiny-gadget for hacking microcircuits is to make it clear that laser methods of manipulation (known as laser injection of defects or laser visualization of logic states) are much more feasible than many hardware developers - including customers for whom Bomont and Trowell occasionally test Netspi Security - have done. By demonstrating how cheap these methods are to implement, they hope to bring new tools into the hands of self-taught hackers and researchers around the world and encourage hardware manufacturers to protect their products from little-known but surprisingly practical hacks....

(17) Will SpaceX take Boeing? Futurism has an opinion on the matter: "Boeing's Starliner appears to have been a total failure.








If such a scenario has occurred and the Starliner is not recognized as considerably harmless to the flight of the people, we trust politicians and other interests, and we actually investigate our faces. Not so, account dragon capsules are 50 % higher than Boeing Galactic Ship ....

(18) Meeting Ryan on the pitch-George needs to make the question host in the movie "Superman II's pitch general". < SPAN> The unknown key of the "informatio n-in" is based on ARS Technica, where astronauts actually leave the international galaxy station with SPACEX dragon capsules, and the possibility of such a thing is more than 50 %, and another unknown. The person told the publication that there was a high possibility of such a scenario.


Pixel Scroll 6/12/24 Pixels Were Scrolled

NASA's representative talks more carefully about what is actually happening from the past few months when he expressed his confidence in the capacity of the ship to return astronauts. I am.


"NASA is considering all options for the return of astronauts from the Bucci Wilmore and Sniwiams office, probably more harmless, NASA ARS Joshfins. "The conclusion has not been accepted yet, and the institution has been providing new information on its own plan ..."

... Almost all symptoms report ARS, indicating that SPACEX helps a stuck astronaut. Among these symptom s-from the $ 250, 000 company Space X, which is allocated by the galaxy engine, not only for the special doctrine of astronauts' profits, but also to the Galactic Station to return the astronauts to the house. Functional preparation for space X for possible stories when sending a dragon capsule.

According to ARS analysis, if Space X receives a green light, the Starliner plan will be deployed in an unfortunate trash can.

You can do it so that you can do it. You really come out, actually my partner and I promise, just ignore anyone quickly and just ignore these seemingly accurate {} people. You can forget it.


If such a scenario has occurred and the Starliner is not recognized as considerably harmless to the flight of the people, we trust politicians and other interests, and we actually investigate our faces. Not so, account dragon capsules are 50 % higher than Boeing Galactic Ship ....

(18) Meeting Ryan on the pitch-George needs to make the question host in the movie "Superman II's pitch general". The unknown "informatio n-in" key is that the ARS Technica actually leaves the international galaxy station with the SpaceX Dragon Capsule, which is more than 50 %, and another unknown person is more than 50 %. He told the publication that the possibility of such a scenario is high.


NASA's representative talks more carefully about what is actually happening from the past few months when he expressed his confidence in the capacity of the ship to return astronauts. I am.

"NASA is considering all options for the return of astronauts from the Bucci Wilmore and Sniwiams office, probably more harmless, NASA ARS Joshfins. "The conclusion has not been accepted yet, and the institution has been providing new information on its own plan ..."

... Almost all symptoms report ARS, indicating that SPACEX helps a stuck astronaut. Among these symptom s-from the $ 250, 000 company Space X, which is allocated by the galaxy engine, not only for the special doctrine of astronauts' profits, but also to the Galactic Station to return the astronauts to the house. Functional preparation for space X for possible stories when sending a dragon capsule.

According to ARS analysis, if Space X receives a green light, the Starliner plan will be deployed in an unfortunate trash can.

You can do it so that you can do it. You really come out, actually my partner and I promise, just ignore anyone quickly and just ignore these seemingly accurate {} people. You can forget it.

If such a scenario has occurred and the Starliner is not recognized as considerably harmless to the flight of the people, we trust politicians and other interests, and we actually investigate our faces. Not so, account dragon capsules are 50 % higher than Boeing Galactic Ship ....


(18) Meeting Ryan on the pitch-George needs to make the question host in the movie "Superman II's pitch general".

"Superman II", announced in 1980, was a sequel to the supe r-popular "Superman I", and "Superman III" was later announced. There is no mistake in that number. Superman 2] is a Superman who interviews Sodo General and fights Crypton Attackers in the background of the fact that a movie on the subject of superheroes has become more and more prominent from the late 1970s to the early 1980s. We are continuing the adventure of. Superman II raises some questions. For example, where did Marlon brand go? Why did Rex Route erase the light element? For example, why does it hurt when bitten by a snake? For example, why did Superman have a chance to abandon his abilities, but returned it? By the way, what was this cellophane? To answer these questions, let's take a look at the pitch meeting that triggered the production of Superman II.


(19) The password of Elmo and Corks of Monster flows in the "Tonite Show" starring today's video Jimmy Fallon. Birds are text ...

[Teddy Harvia, Mike Kennedy, Andrew Porter, Paul Wamer, John King Turpinian, Crisa Berkley, Cat Eldridge, SF CONCATENATION Jonathan Koi, Steven French, Katie Sullivan. The author name is from the editorial department file 770 Daniel Humus. ]

Mike Grilom issued on June 12, 2024

"The story of Ted Chianga is unconditional, the story of Ted Chianga is unconditional," said Chuni Chuni, the Pen / Maramed Prize Committee. "Not only shows the best stereotype of his creativity and erection power, but also thinks, imagine, and research readers about the original world that transcends the personal world. It is another version of the past. One of the potential versions, his work has a deep attitude on what we live now. "What is the Most CHIANG" embodies the belief that "surprise" and "the effects of thorough knowledge" in a short time. "

Kiana science fiction has won four Hugo Prize, 4 Nebula Awards, and 6 Locus Awards. The first work collection, The History of Your Life and Others, was translated into 21 languages ​​and became under the ARRIVAL, a candidate for the Academy Awards. The second collection "EXHALATION" was selected in the New York Times in 2019.

"I can't express my surprise and joy in that I have become a pen / maramed wreath poet given to the excellent work of a short story." By reading anthology, there is a personal world in each story As a member of Patos, I feel that a short novel is a member of Patos, which is being recognized in a wide literature.


(2) Nyrs f-Measured. Barbara Classnov has been talking about the revival of the New York Review of Science fiction reading on Facebook. Susan Mushvilla will be a guest on the closed reading on June 20. Check the YouTube channel of the Jim Frepparing.

First of all, we apologize for the lon g-awaited reading session with Susan Mushviller in Nyrsf.

However, on Thursday, June 20, from 19:00 in the eastern time, on the gym YouTube channel, a fun reading and interview with the new book "All My Forefaterers Trained Sex" (I love this name!) Will be delivered. I am the main, Jim Frend is a technical expert, and Amy Gold Shinriger is an appropriate assistant to work with the audience. See you on the network!


Susan Mushvilla

(3) The latest episode on the final stage. Galaxy Travel Jennis L. Newman and other visitors saw the last episode of the 1969 "Star Road". In fact, what do they think? "[June 12, 1969] Heavy on the Bitterters (Star Trek: Tanabout Intruder)"

We gathered to see the Starway episode, and it was a bitter mood. Is there an instant masterpiece like "All Awa Days", or will it be a frustration a few episodes?


The episode of the Star Pass was probably the last fresh episode on which it was aired, and it turned out that it was perfectly performed, perfectly set, and perfectly set. And I was disappointed in a completely different sense.


  • universe
  • {space}
  • universe
  • Don't do this together:
  • Everyone had a warehouse in Bloomington, California, and he left it. Many things that have been reached by Forei Ahaman, hundreds of LPs and other records.

There was a box with Fengein, and there were apa L etc. among them. There are many other things that someone collected over the years.

The video is 30 minutes long. The collectors are not named and may not be known, but someone in the Los Angeles fandom probably knew them.

(5) Reflexive Book Bans. [Cliff's entry] "Books Banned by Florida School Council" - Understanding the Guardian.




In a special case of life imitating art, coastal parent Jennifer Pippin takes on books.

(6) Today is a birthday

Irwin Allen, born June 12, 1916. (died 1992)So let's talk about Irwin Allen. He's best known for the epic disaster movie Poseidon, but he did much more than that.

Airing on ABC from fall 1964 to spring 1968, the series became the longest-running American sci-fi television series with a continuing cast of heroes. Of the 110 episodes, the first 32 were shot in black and white, and the last 78 in color.

Remember The Tunnel of Time? Yes, that was him. The series ran for 30 episodes per season on ABC from 1966 to 1967.

His science fiction series culminated in the one-hour series Land of the Giants, which aired on ABC from fall 1968 to spring 1970. It was filmed in color. Notably, five novels based on the TV series were published during the series, three of which were written by Murray Leinster.

Finally, he was responsible for making the musical version of Alice in Wonderland a reality in every way possible. The show aired for two nights on CBS in 1985, with a fantastic cast that included Natalie Gregory (Alice in Wonderland), Red Buttons, Anthony Newley, Jane Meadows, Carol Channing, Sammy Davis Jr., Roddy McDowall, Ann Gillian, Pat Morita, and Robert Morley. It has a 85% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Pixel Scroll 6/11/24 A Pixel Is To Be Hugged And Sung Lullabies Lest It Grow Up Feeling Unwanted. And Then It Won’t Want To Be Scrolled

(7) Comics.


Bliss shows why someone isn't invited to the beach games.

Brewster Lockit reveals the threat coming.

Moderately Confused founded the following comics.


"Mannequin on the Moon" has a "sounds like" problem.

{RUMMARY}"Mannequin on the Moon" has a "similar" problem.

"Carpe Diem" refers to the emoji Homer uses.

(8) Today's Spam Today, I got a letter from the IMF. My immediate reaction was, "What a great scam! A letter from the Impossible Mission Force!" But I was wrong. They were just pretending to be representatives of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and offering me the benefit of a victim compensation fund of 850, 000 euros. The letter didn't self-destruct within five seconds, so I helped it.

Centuries ago, the swirling, colorful chaos of Jupiter's atmosphere gave rise to a giant vortex that we call the Great Red Spot...

... According to this new concept, complex systems exhibit emergence and organize themselves into hierarchies of meaning, each of which behaves autonomously based on the details of the lower levels of meaning. Scientists propose to think of emergence as a set of "nature's software." Just as the software in your laptop works without knowing all the micro-scale information about the electrons in a computer circuit, the emergent appearance is determined by macro-scale rules that appear self-contained, unaware of what the component parts actually do.

Using a mathematical formalism called computational mechanics, scientists have outlined the aspects that determine which systems have a similar hierarchical structure. They have investigated these aspects in several model systems that are popular for their novelty, such as neural networks and cellular automata, using a Game of Life-like approach. The degrees of freedom, or autonomous variables, that reflect the behavior of these systems at microscopic and macroscopic scales are behaving exactly as the doctrine predicts.


(11) Dawn on the Ship At the time, The Hollywood Reporter magazine wrote, "The prequel to Game of Thrones has been revived, says George RR Martin."



Set 1, 000 years before Game of Thrones, the series follows the plight of Princess Nymeria, a warrior queen and founder of the kingdom of Dorn, and the Rhoynar survivors who migrated from Essos to Dorne after being defeated by Valyrian and his dragons. HBO has not commented on the renewal.

(12) Video of the day And this week, "Elia Wood Takes a Master Class in Burger Making" from Burger Bucket List.


Posted: June 11, 2024 by Mike Glier

Key members of the business meeting and the Glasgow 2024 World Science Fiction Society (WSFS) team will negotiate the business meeting that will spill over to Glasgow 2024.



(2) She is in front. Nnedi Randor will be featured in Publishers Weekly on June 10th.

Boo Trimble at the Peabody 2024 Awards Ceremony at the Beverly Wilshire on June 9. Photo: Jon Kopaloff

(4) Star Villain Paul Giamatti has joined the film Starway: Starfleet Academy as the main villain, reports Variety. (Is there a day off at Starfleet Academy?)



Meeting Paul was one of the great moments for us. "The joy of him jumping into work on Starfleet Academy is beyond our gratitude for having him join our great acting." ...

Watching as much as (5). Steven Moffat told his Facebook readers today:




... One of the most exciting entertainments I saw this year was a four-year-old YouTube video of a woman documenting her stays at Disney World hotels. This shocked me, as it did everyone.

My first resistance was when my partner invited me to work on the epic film "The Emotional Failure of the Star Wars Hotel," a microscopic account of Jenny Nicholson's visit to the Disney hotel "Star Wars: Intergalactic Starship." In this now-closed hotel, guests who came to rest were introduced to George Lucas to realize his dream of participating in a rolling game and settling in a building on the edge of the park in Orlando, Florida.


Nicholson's monologue was longer than Lawrence of the Arabian Empire and was viewed by more than 7 million people. The video, which refers to many of the jobs associated with the hotel itself, can also be seen as a diagnosis of the current ills of the leisure industry as a whole. In his own disappointment, Nicholson is made by a brave truth seeker, clearly explaining how corporate greed can cast off loyal fans to realize a more palatable and least sensually rich product. And she prepared this against a backdrop of all sorts of costumed animal menagerie, and at the same time once dressed in a giant suit that evoked memories of the porgs, the chubby creatures from "The Last Jedi"...



Applebot-Extended doesn't particularly like to scan web pages. It is used to determine this or AppleBot - pages viewed by users are used to study Apple - models that provide artificial origins of mind generation capabilities in Apple - products with regard to Apple's intelligence, services and developer tools....

(8) Another impure strategy [article: Jennifer Hotone] I listen to a personal beloved person of the legal podcast "Law and Chaos" ("Dad is on a mother for freedom") They interviewed the founder of Pennsylvania, who noticed from his baby's district school library, and the books were virtually gone and made a decision. It turned out that it was a "shadow prohibition" campaign for books that "mother for freedom" did not like, and these pleasant effects were actually written annual accounts, and then the basis was actually written. Includes the introduction of books in the list of objects deleted from the library. This is a very interesting situation in how the "cultural warrior" keeps a distance to ban books! It's not my favorite fantasy, but the entire fantasy series, "Tennation and Rosa's Court" (Acotor), has become quite a problem among teenagers.


{I wanted to give society with conscientious information. }


After the trial, my lawyer succeeded in justifying that the ward RTK report was illegally forced. The ward, which has been used for many evidence, has eventually acknowledged that one of the employees deleted a record from the report. This was an obvious attempt to hide the deletion of books from social interest.

(9) Honey announcement. Adam-Tri-Castro announced in a public post on Facebook that he was fighting again-he needs to heal. Absolute information on the link.





{yes. }



(10) In fact, the scrolling was requested that the scroll was added for M. blues Franklin. [Pixel Scroll 5-23-24's ninth mini review about H. Bruce Franklin states that it is "many books, essays, and exhibitions related to science fiction", but (at least) For me) Future Perfect (an anthology I read a few decades ago. I saw NYTIMES's death article a few months ago, and I quickly remembered it from the title), There is also a book about the Heinline, Robert A., and as a political / historic no n-fiction, and has definitely focused on SJW.

And thanks to Scott Edelman, there is a uncut snapshot of the New York Times: "H. Bruce Franklin, a Scientist Who Lost His Own Anti-Militarist Views, Ed at the age OF 90 ".

(11) Sharon Lee, a loss of loss, reports his experience related to his husband Steve Miller's death in a book, "As long as one is alive, they stand up." The following is the first paragraph.

Sorrow brings an interesting idea in your head.

{For example, March. }

For example, in March, I had been convinced that Steve had abandoned me-he left partnership and had no address. Without the opportunity to understand why, we spent a lot of time verifying our past in detail and searching for our own mistakes.


  • {Ludge}
  • {space}

So I started looking for a way to balance it at the beginning. I didn't expect to turn from suffering to gratitude. I thought it was a process, a setback, something necessary to achieve a powerful goal.

Steve and I shared not only our daily lives, but also active and exciting fantasies. The world we built, the people who inhabited it, the lessons, the philosophies, all of these also fought the richness of our partnership and served as resources for our secular lives...

(12) Day-Lewis (1955-2024). Centipede Publishing Information Bullet's Thomas Kellogg paid tribute to Doug Lueck, a bookseller and publisher who passed away on May 20th.


Day opened a bookstore after trying to buy Joe Lensdale's novel Night Begons on the spot but couldn't find it. Lewis Shop sold mostly horror, fantasy, science fiction, and crime science fiction. He soon sponsored readings by Joe R. Lensdale, as well as Edward Bryant, Harlan Ellison, Dan Simmons, Konni Willis, Nancy Collins, Partridge's Standard, Steve, Melanie Van Dye, and many others.

The Night Voices series of lectures led to a long friendship between Doug, Tomi and Ed Bryant. Ed Bryant was their mentor. Ed spearheaded the readings and his manuscripts were memorized. Measurements gave birth to Roadkill Press. The initial idea was to publish a collection of works by the writers who attended the readings. At the time, Chapbukki was a novelty. The concept was that high-quality paper, illustrations and the author's signature were surprisingly accessible. The Chapbukki line was a huge success. At a time when expensive limited editions were the norm, a collectible that could command a price was a rare find.

... It all ended when Tomi fell ill and was diagnosed with cancer. She fought bravely but passed away less than eight months later. A farewell tour to see friends was cancelled due to chemotherapy. Doug was devastated by Tomi's death. He no longer cared about anything. Tomi was an extrovert. When she died, Doug was plunged into a lifelong state of despair.

As a result of this despair, his physical health deteriorated. Almost overnight, he developed type 1 diabetes. I remember him telling me at the time that he would never let diabetes dictate his life. If you don't value something, you can't value yourself. In the end, the disease destroyed his life.



[Edited by Paul Weimer]

Paul Weimer By day, he studies the history of slavery in history and popular culture. By night, P. Jerry Clark is a bright new star in science fiction and fantasy. I wasn't introduced to his work right away. A friend practically shoved his novel Ghosts of Tram Car 015 in my hands and said this is what I'd be good at. How about an alternate history Egypt in the late 19th century, where magic has become a global force? Djinn, magic, ghosts, and a strong sense of place in this alternate Cairo? Of course.

P. Jerry Clark His Lord of the Jinn continues to inhabit the same world as the novel, developing, expanding and expanding that world in very satisfying ways. As with the first novel, it develops themes of colonialism, race and gender relations, magical world-building, and explores the impact of the "return of magic" and the rise of Egypt. I hope to physically visit this alternate Cairo and photograph its wonders, but for now I can only hope for more books written in this world.

It's not in the context of reading Hugo in 2024, at least.

At the time of writing this book, I began to recite the arc of his recent work "The Assassin of the Dead Cat's Tail". This situation is firmly established in the secondary world, in contrast to other works, and at the time it reminded me of N. K. Jemisin's fantasy of the secondary world, especially the novel Dream Blood. The exposed space is a red-light district, and the protagonist was once one of the assassins entitled "The Assassin of the Dead Cat's Tail". The scandal has already begun. For Clark, this is a fresh and unusual regime.

(14) Comics section

Saturday morning cereal breakfast is a fresh routine

Tom Garde serves two servings.




Warner Bros. Animation, New Line Cinema, and Sora Entertainment presented the thunderously applauded animated film The Lord of the Rings: Battle of the Rohirrim with a 20-minute pre-screening at the Annecy Animation Festival on Tuesday.

Director Kenji Kamiya said he was inspired by J. R. R. Tolkien's The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, as well as the films of Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh.

The new situation is about 200 years before Bilbo Baggins encounters the all-powerful ring, and the focus of attention is the home of Helm Hammerhand (voiced by Brian Cox), King of Rohan, who turns out to be his daughter, the strong-willed princess Hela (voiced by Gaia Wise). In the footage, chaos breaks out at the council, and the ruthless Lord of Dunrend, Ulf, tries to save the day. Miranda Otto reprises her role as Éowyn from The Lord of the Rings, but now only serves as the film's narrator...

(16) For now, boys. The Boys will end with Season 5 on Amazon, reports The Hollywood Reporter.




Apple and Openai partnership Just a few hours ago, Elon Musk has already unleashed a war for him. The owner of Tesla, X, SpaceX and XII said that if Apple integrated chatgpt at the operating system level, he would ban Apple devices from his company. Musk, the founder of Openai, who is now suing the current owner, said that iPhones with Chatgpt integrated are an "unacceptable security breach."

Pixel Scroll 6/1/24 If You Like My File And You Think I’m Pixely, Come On Baby Let Me Scroll


"If Apple integrated OpenAI at the OS level, Apple devices would be banned from my company," Musk wrote in a follow-up tweet. "And visitors would have to check for Apple devices at the entrance and would be kept in a Faraday cage," Musk wrote in a follow-up tweet.


(18) Steve Hedrum? "A candidate for the Brighton general election wants to become the UK's first artificial intelligence MP. Candidate Steve Endacott tells reporters how he works.

Politics is too serious an issue to be left to the discretion of politicians.


Perhaps that's why a businessman from the south of England made the original decision to run as the first "artificial intelligence MP" in the UK general election.




Endacott, who runs an artificial intelligence company called Neural Voice but "made his mark" in the tourism industry, claims to visit Parliament and vote in politics, guided by the appreciation AI Steve has received from voters.

He claims the AI ​​representative will use Endacott and an avatar's voice to answer voters' issues and questions.

Astronomers took a image of a massive collision of giant asteroids in Beta Pictoris, the neighbouring star system known for its young age and violent planet-forming activity.

The observations show the transitional processes that form star systems like ours and make it possible to investigate the primitive stages of planet formation.

"The Beta Pictris is the age in which the formation of a global planet has been continuing due to a collision with a giant asteroid, because the study of the study of Jones Hopkins University, who led this study. You can observe the formation of type planets and other celestial bodies in real time. "

The results of this research will be announced today at the 244th meeting of the United States Astronomical Society in Madison, Wisconsin.



Focusing on the heat generated by crystalline ceiles (usually young stars, the earth, and the minerals around other celestial bodies), no traces of particles observed from 2004 to 2005 were found. Chen suggested that this was about 20 years ago that asteroids and other celestial bodies collided catastrophically and became smaller than pollen and sugar powder.

The Hong Kong ballet team celebrated the 45th anniversary with an innovative campaign in collaboration between Design Army and Dean Alexander Productions. This campaign transforms the mysterious beauty of ballet to the masses and transforms from a symbol of privilege to a universal cultural experience. This original campaign, inspired by Ballerina Doga, Renaissance, and Art Hip Hop, reconsidered ballet in Hong Kong's unique context. From the wealthy "Academy of Tutu" to the scientific and fantastic alien scene, this film conveys the essence of dancing as a common language in the world, and even aliens are unknown to everyone. Is introduced. From the university hall to the symbolic square, vivid landscapes show the artistic nature of the group against the backdrop of the cultural charm of Hong Kong, making ballet affordable, easy to understand, and broken.


[Mike Kennedy, Andrew Porter, John King Turpinian, Chris Berklee, Cat Eldridge, SF CONCATENATION Jonathan Koy, Steven French, Teddy Harvey, Katie Salivan. The title is from the file editor 770 kat elDRIDGE. ]

(1) Support the proposal. The Worldcon Heritage Organization, which maintains a permanent exhibit of many of the world's convention exhibits, including a collection of past Hugo Awards, is inviting bids in the June 7 auction in hopes of purchasing the first Hugo Award. They would also like to acquire the Honorary Lifetime Achievement Award, awarded to Hugo Gernsback in 1960. Ackerman 1953 Hugo Gernsback 1960 Hugo

John Pomerantz advised: There is no need to tell other candidates how much money the WHA needs to provide. "

Marcin "Arcua" Klak


... For those who don't know yet, the conditions for Minus One to appear on streaming or physiological formats were not absolutely clear. According to the terms of the contract between Toho and Legendary, the film had to be withdrawn from distribution after the release of Godzilla and Kong: Fresh Empire. Perhaps it is precisely as a result of this that the physical version in 4K/Blu-ray has not yet been released outside the Land of the Rising Sun. Fresh Empire was only released for streaming in mid-May, and physical media will be released on June 11, so it will probably take some time before people buy Minus One and add it to their physiological collections....

(4) WHO KNEW? Robert P. Crease argues in Physics World that our Stephen French knew! Ursula Le Guin: The pioneering author who popularized Schrodinger's Cat.


Surdinger initially invented a cat type as a joke. In the field of quantum mechanics, as the religious people say, if the uncertainties in the micro-world only disappear in this era we look at it, this should happen sometimes in the macro world-. And Surdinger thought it was a humorous thing. In a paper published in the German magazine "Naturalwissensense" (23. 807) in 1935, he personally familiar cats in boxes that are personally familiar to show the reason for their meaning. Was presented.

For a while, few people care about this. According to Steven French, a scientific philosophy of the Ries Research Institute (Britain), searching for "Ngram" in Google Books, it has not been mentioned in the literature for nearly 20 years. As French reported in the book 2023 in the phenomen a-phenomena layout for quantum mechanics, the first mentioned in Stephan was the 1957 book, "Observation and Interpretation in Philosophy of Physics". It was a footnote of the essay of the philosopher Paul Fire Vent. Corner ....

... Machine is from June to August "is a science fiction novel with the ability to freeze one item of anthology. Martin has made it, but has not reported or supervised. Michael Casat, who played both in the reboot version of the Twilight Zone in 1985, played both roles. Starring Lina Esco, Charles Martin Smith and Mat Flavor.

The details of the plot are unknown, but the illustration above is obviously Martin is sitting in front of a science fiction ...

(6) George R. R. Martin arrived in Glasgow in 2024. You may not be able to find it if you blink, but in the NOT A BLOG article about the next TV series based on your work, George R. R. Martin will be this year's world conference. He says he is going to attend.


Annabel Jenkins protested the removal of a graphic novel adaptation of Margaret Atwood's 1985 novel.

High school students in Idaho took book censorship into their own hands at their graduation ceremony earlier this month.


{"I just realized that I'm not going to walk across the stage to get my diploma and shake the superintendent's hand."}

"I just try not to do that."


A video posted by Jenkins on TikTok has been viewed more than 24 million times, and shows the graduate shaking hands with other teachers on stage during the ceremony. Jenkins held out her hand to Babu and handed her the graphic novel "Mermaid Tales."


"I got up and took the book out," she said. "For one thing, he didn't take it from me." Jenkins put the book at her feet before leaving the stage....


(8) Dog's Best Friend Amy Nicholson of The New York Times explains why this book is a "critics' favorite": "Robot Dreams Review: A friendship that's far from mechanical." (Link bypasses NYT's commercial site)

Bradbelli's story and bundle impressed me and made me feel something that other writers sometimes failed. The end of "Samushing Bad Cams", the key to joy and smile defeat Mr. Dark. The kindness and elegance of the story of the Dandelion Wine collection. Bradbury's dark side also appears in this work, and every time you read the story like "belt", you can get goose bumps. Bradbelli combined fear and the story of the boys. "Zero Hour", the boys played an imaginary alien game, but they were completely different from what they imagined.

  • Sporting ducks, punk rock with monkeys, buffalo orientation, penguins with boomboxes, a disproportionate number of lights. Mechanical creatures are unusual, and some of them consider them lowly. That shows up cruelly when the relationship between the robot and his dog begins to unravel. But Berger is not funny sci-fi. He made a film that was as relatable as the way two friends communicate behind a shard of pizza (but the robot eats the plate)…
  • (9) Zach Norman (1940-2024). Producer Zach Norman, who became especially famous for producing films featured in Mystery Science Theater 3000, died on April 28 at the age of 83. An autopsy doctor for The New York Times talks about how he became a pop culture icon.
  • Space
  • Space

The film flopped in preliminary screenings and was never released. It was buried for 30 years, but never forgotten - at least not by fans of the 1990s main series Mystery Science Theater 3000.

The show's original host, Joel Hodgson, would wearily mutter, "Hey, Zach Nomi from Chef Zab," every time one of these terrible flops picked up a newspaper.

This is an intentional mention of Norman's nine years in weekly magazines on Wednesday, stubbornly, but playful, in promoting films using Norman's hard photos. 。 The reason is that "it gave me a great pleasure," he said in an interview with San Sentinel's South Flood Publisher.

Norman's trust in the "Zab's leader" has finally paid off. In 2016, they released a new version of the movie with Cohen, then toured and performed at the comedy club. However, it took decades to understand that variety ads have become cultural relics.

In an interview with the movie site "Skewed & amp; amp; Reviewed in 2020", Cohen passed in front of the Mystery Science Theater 3000 in Los Angeles in mi d-2010, and the person wearing Zao Noreman's T-shirt " He said that no one knew about the Mystery Science Theater 3000 until he saw Sammy in the Chef Zouva.{space}"We stopped that person and said," I said, "And," And it's hard to imagine when he saw him talking to Zack Norman.

(10) Today is my birthday.

In "The Adventure of Baron Munfugazen," he executes a heroic officer played by Horatish Jackson.

In the Bond movie 007 Tomorrow Will Never Die, the media king Elliott Carter is trying to cause a war between Britain and China. A small hom e-like par t-time worker.

In the Pirates of the Caribbean series, he plays the Governor Weatherbie Swan. I only saw the first work, Pirates of Caribbean / Black Pearl Curse, but it seemed interesting, but not so good.

In Sherlock Holmes and Baker Street Iregules, he played this character with Bill Patterson as Watson. The Baker Street Iregoms (as described in the BBC news folder, the Gorotsuki group in the city) is looking for a missing member and trying to prevent Sherlock Holmes from being guilty of murder. His photos in this role will be introduced at the end of the review.

(11) Comic section

Close to Home is suspected of priority.




NASA and Boeing will be forced to cancel the first manned launch of the Starliner spacecraft.

NASA's astronaut Barry "Butch" Wilmore and Sanita Williams were planning to take off at 12:25 pm (Eastern Standards) on Saturdays from the Florida Cape Kanaberal launch center. Flying to the International Space Station is the first manned spacecraft.

The launch attempt was canceled in 3 minutes and 50 seconds remaining. Boeing, which had already been delayed and exceeded for several years in the Star Liner Plan, was again frustrated.







"3 Body Problem" creators David Benioff, D. B. Weiss and Alexander Wu on Friday revealed how the Netflix TV series was recently renewed, confirming that two more seasons will be released.

Last month, it was announced that "3 Body Problem" would be filmed for "all-new episodes" at the streamer's demo. Benioff, Weiss and Wu assured fans that "you can follow this to the epic conclusion."


Pixel Scroll 4/9/24 Ebenezer Scroll! Tonight You Will Be Visited By Five Pixels (Three, My Lord!)

No episode or season count was specified, leading to confusion and intense speculation. Benioff, Weiss and Wu later told THR that they were talking about "seasons," but they only went into details today when they confirmed what seasons two and three were during the Netflix FYSEE Space 3 panel at the Body Problem Television Academy.


(15) All smoke but no mirrors? [Article: Stephen French] Is it possible that aliens didn't build the spaceship...? "Are dusty quasars disguised as Dyson sphere candidates?" - Physics World clarifies.





The Hefests project is looking for Dyson's incomplete cap. "Hefaestos" does not contain all star light blocks, but only part of them.


On Sunday morning in Beijing, the Chinese Luno Road "Chane-6" succeeded in landing on the back of the moon, taking a major step in implementing ambitious missions.


According to the National Space Agency in China, the spacecraft "Chain-6" lands on Antarctica Eight Ken and starts collecting the moon.


This is the most difficult robot moon flight for China. The goal of the crewless mission is to take the sample back from the back of the moon to the earth.

  1. universe
  2. universe
  3. universe
  4. universe
  5. [Katie Sullivan, Mike Kennedy, Andrew Porter, John King Turpinian, Krisha Bulcly, Cat Eldridge, SF CONCATENATION WORKERS Jonathan Kovi, Steven French, Teddy Harvia. The title belongs to the editorial departmen t-file 770 Andrew (not WERDNA)].
  6. (1) Suppose you have no music. "59 years later, the oldest science fiction program in history solves the big Beatles problem" -Inverse is "Russell T. Davis's episode on Fab" Doctor Foo. In fact, it is not possible to solve the right of the small one yourself.
  7. universe
  8. {space}
  9. {space}
  10. {space}

(2) The List of Carol Silde, which remained in the final selection of the Carroll Shields, which remained in the final selection of the award, became popular. The merit is "Creativity and Professionalism in Fiction of Canada and American female writers and no n-war writers".

One of the final candidate works is a work that represents attention from the genre perspective.


The winner will receive $150, 000 and a stay at the Fogo Island Inn in Newfoundland, Canada. The winner will be announced on May 13th.

(3) A brief list of the International Bueckers Prize. Judging from the work descriptions on the website, none of the six books currently on the shortlist for the 2024 International Bueckers Prize are in a provocative genre.

2023 Recommended Reading



  • {space}
  • {space}
  • {space}
  • {space}

"The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, rape, incest, sexual content, EDI (equality, divergence, inclusion) unchanged.



(draw) Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews, sexual content open, for deviation from vocabulary.

Erik Moen and Matthew Nolan, LGBTKV+, sexy table of contents undead.

[by Cat Eldridge]

Patricia McCormick, sold for "not depicting rape as sexual content."

(5) Skill in the Body. Logan Dreher defines Octavia Butler, Audre Lorde, and the power of pleasure on the REACTOR site.

... I was all the more curious to revisit three of his most unusual works: the vampire love "Blood", the story of a human colony coexisting with an insectoid alien race "Bloody Child", and "Xenogenesis", the "Xenogenesis" trilogy, which explores the issue and then depicts an alien Bioginean race and apocalypse under the title "Oancali". In all these situations, I have a periodic interest in how the reality of our bodies, our needs and weaknesses, and the ambitions of our bodies, inextricably connect us to another friend.


Whether it is the tentacles that emit the pheromone Oancali from Xenogenesis or the three-meter multi-stake trellis of "Bloody Child", in each situation, humans are less powerful than their inhuman brothers. "But the non-human characters depend on human relationships. In xenogamy, the Oankali secrete chemical preparations at every opportunity, intoxicate people with a single idea, and heal with a single touch. They manipulate individual genes and heal bullet wounds with ease. But their lives depend on relationships. The young Oankali fall into metamorphosis, into a coma, find themselves completely weakened, and long for a brethren who will relate to them. In Imago, the last book of the trilogy, the young Oankali cannot bear any hardships and begins to dissolve on a physical level due to the fact that there is actually no companion who has the opportunity to give him a measured form. As one narrator said, "We spoke of the need in contact with other people and the need for friends through hunger. Those who had the opportunity to misunderstand were more likely to die of hunger."


(6) Presentation on the merits of Afro-animation. "Afro Animation Summit Honors Kemp Powers, Camille Eden, Bruce Smith & amp; Jermaine Turner" - Animation Magazine lists these icons and other award finalists.

Afro Animation is the most everyday event, animators and developers owned by different groups of the population, and has now announced the winners of the 1 Afro Animation Summit Icon Award ...


... Kemp Pauwels, director of the film Spider-Man: Through the Web, will enter the summit's launch theme, "The Development of Unique Situations and the Art of Multifaceted Storytelling," which will be held on April 10th. Camille Eden, vice president of recruitment, talent development and public affairs at Nickelodeon, will be the first to participate in the Entertainment Industry Summit (UNTLD, Women Underdogs in the Entertainment Industry: Triumphs, Challenges, & amp; Challenges, which will be held on April 11th.


In addition, Bruce Smith, developer and executive producer of the Disney + TV series "Proud Family: Lauder and Pruder", and Jermain Turner, the director of Netflix adult animation. Introduced as an industry pioneon at the Afro Animation Icon Award.


FRWD Award sem i-finalist. (Present the art of various storytelling in movies, fresh media, and streaming platform industries).


  • {Membership}

Best Anime Film Award: Spide r-Man: Across the Spider Bath, Elemental, Boys and Methods, Craig Before the Creek



(7) ME John Harrison's memoir. Saga Press will publish the creator M. John Harrison's ant i-Memoall "WISH I WAS HERE" on September 3, 2024.


Is this notebook a failed existence? As a child, he spent his childhood in a mi d-country in the industrial area, a portrait of a young artist spent in London, a counterculture, and a restless escape to hills and wetlands, how he illuminates them. Is it? And will you tell me how to write a book different from past works, as it could be written by another author?


[Cat Eldridge work].

April 9, 193 7-Marty Croft. (Died in 2023).

Is there anyone in us who didn't grow up by watching the Croft brothers' programs? Now it's the day when Marty Croft appears, so you can talk about their work. For example, let's get into the main subject.

After working in Hannah Baber, they love "H. R. Puffnstuff", the first Puppet series of live effects in a natural sense. This series was much longer than I thought, from September to December 69. Like their other television series, this series has fallen into a carious and inexhaustible syncing.

The next appearance was the Bagaros Group. It was a music group similar to Bananas Pritz. The four British children in insects were suffering from bad scams of Benita Bizaral. This is the Introduction song "GNA GNA GNA GNA GNA GNA" provided by Croft Pictures.

The next Rids Ville Series continued only 17 episodes, but I have no opinion whether this vulnerability in the whole television series is planned or due to low audience rating. In this program, two people, ordinary performers, who made up to the characters, and performers wearing amulet costumes. During the shooting, it was mostly used.

The series "Sigmunds and Sea Monsters" lasted two seasons, but was broadcast towards 3. Season 2 was canceled due to a fire at the beginning of Season 2 and all was burned down. This is a situation where two brothers discover a peaceful sea monster, a Sigmund, abandoned for humans. Poor Sigmund. This work has an absolute episode similar to everyone, such as the Frankenstein Cores, for example, the Croft Pictures.

One is Land of the Lost, which was created by David Herold, not written in the television series. For example, did you understand why it came out? The TV series producers are Sid and Marty Krov, who came out with Alan Foshko. There are many genres. A family who got lost in a dinosaur and a human consultant country? In fact, this series was in demand enough to withstand three seasons. However, the third season's intrusion and final credit.

For example, recording such as "Fresh Film Electra Woman", "Dyna Girl", "H. R. Phnstuf", "Land of the Lost", "Sigmund and Sea Monsters" have been resumed, and vigorously active. Was continuing.

(9) Comics section.

Wallace Brave shows that no one actually evaluates the fascinating precedent.

(10) Superly elaborate and expensive than the empire. Francis Ford Coppola's movie Megalo Police has the potential to become an SFF-in fact, if the movie is released in the theater, it has the potential to be more significant. In fact, Variety reports that the premiere of the movie will be held in Cannes. However, as Hollywood reporters have revealed, the studio does not seem to be in a row that does not take the expensive advertising risk of a movie. "Megalo Police": Difficult in the distribution of Francis Ford Coppola "

... The project, which Coppola began running in 1983, was $ 120 million. It is also to carry out a significant part of his wine empire (rumored to exceed $ 500 million by 2021). The movie is 2 hours and 15 minutes. There are two visions: idealist architect (Adam Driver) and realistic mayor (Jancarlo Esport). The film has many mentions to the old Rome, and the number of Caesar Cape drawn by men is large.

Pixel Scroll 4/8/24 Everyone I Know Is A Hoopy Scroll, Who Know Where Their Pixel Is


... Source THR explained that once Coppola was able to conclude his position and in fact he wanted to easily agree to the high cost of P & Pamp; MP; the whole marketing. ) In the region) $ 40 million from the inside of the nation, $ 80 to 100 million around the world.


In this range, Megalopolis is suitable for special labels supported by studios, such as Disney Searchlights and Universal Focus. However, the reporters have stated that Universal and Focus have already abandoned their roles in bidding ...


(11) Thank you for muscle strength James Davis Nikkor commented on the Reactor website's "Five Storys of Scientific and Fantastic about Organism provision."

... If people of the same age should be able to apply these parts more well, why should young people be satisfied with perfect skin, painless back, and multifunctional joints? However, since we live in such political and right times, simple proposals are inconsistent, without having to provide an ineffective organ.


Science fiction makes it possible to see a wonderful world for temporary massage. If we were ready to use technology socially, we had the opportunity to get it, that is, for those who steer. Let's look at these five traditional stories ...


One of the samples


... "Coral Reef" depicts the interesting ecology of a profound space that is not tied to trusted science. The appearance of a politician as a no n-friendly body provider is much more reliable.

(12) Reading galaxy cowboys on April 23, online SF page "Space Cowboy Books" featuring Howard V. Hendrix, Ginger Ai and Hailey Piper Lean. Such a short science fiction reading (1, 000 or less) is a wonderful way to know fresh creators around the world. Pacific time starts at 18:00. The time is within 30 minutes. Eventbrite is intimidated.

(13) The excuse for current concerns. "They flew away from space. Now they are hidden." New York Times reports:






(14) During work. This is the trailer of "Monsters at Work" Season 2, starring Ben Feldman, Billy Crystal, and John Goodman. The premiere of the season will be held on April 5 at Disney Channel, and it will move to Disney +on May 5.

(15) Dan video. [Leslie Nielsen of Star Wars ".

Mike Griar issued on April 8, 2024

Angry Robot provides additional information about Storywise: "StoryWise and Open Submissions Faqs" [Archive Copy from Internet]. This also includes information about how the author refuses to use the story Wise in his work.

People are concerned for obvious reasons. People have pointed out that the storytelling platform may be biased. (And this is software, so you can't see these bias) It's great that this is not a generated AI, but does this mean that the writer can trust it? For example, how can the writer know what kind of story the material is? Also, some people think that this is not a generated AI, but only AI is used as a tool. Some point out that Slader leaders often do not receive salaries and do not take their jobs. (But does this mean the Slader Leader who works for a book publisher?)

Angry Robot later stated that it would delete a message on the social network, which is being accepted, reject statements about Storywise, and resume the use of receiving messages.

(2) On the way to the Chuo Line. A photo of Rich Lynch taken while driving No. 87 in the center of Adirondak Park to observe today's solar eclipse. (Click the enlarged image to read the inscription).

(3) StalkerCon 2024 confirmed Today, Rob Savage was announced as the fifth guest of honor for StalkerCon 2024.


The convention was also a celebration of HWA Librarian Day.


(4) The Detroit Fury Contest also falls victim. "Motor City Furry Con evacuated for the second year in a row," reports Audacy.




Sunday's evacuation came a year after guests were evacuated from the same hotel following a bomb threat emailed to them. In March of this year, no one was injured and no explosives were found.

Motor City Furry Con is a convention for people who "like the anthropomorphic lifestyle," according to a report from the Detroit Free Press.

The Detroit Free Press article also notes that "event attendee Scoops posted to social media to celebrate his second year as an evacuee."

(5)We took it slow, one step at a time. "Caeciliusinhorto" wrote an impressively positive piece on Reddit's r/HobbyDrama that summarized all the news that was part of the "2023 Hugo Awards debacle."


(6) Of course. Very likely. Improbable. Absolutely not. Nautilus asked six science fiction writers, "Will science fiction shape the future?"




[by Cat Eldridge]


The interviewees are N. K. Dozemishin, Andy Weir, Lois McMaster Buttshold, David Brin, Cory Doctorow, and Charles Struss. Here are some quotes from Struss:

Charles Struss: Yes, that's all the current use of AI. The whole idea of ​​AI has become a central part of secular end-time religions, where we can create superhuman meaning slaves that will solve all of our mental difficulties, and they will figure out how to free our pure souls from this nasty bag of rotting flesh, and we will diminish our virtual paradise. And right now, some of the big tech companies are controlled by fanatics who believe this, but we don't have a clear idea of ​​the devices that sleep in our databases of consciousness. These are unsubstantiated speculations, but they threaten efforts to reduce carbon emissions and climate deterioration, and drive huge energy costs.


(7) Monster box office. "Godzilla vs. Kong" made a big rumble at the box office last weekend, Variety reports.

"Godzilla and Kong: The New Empire" once again dominated the Russian box office, beating out newbies "Man-Bearer" and "First Sign".


  • {Space}

Deva Patel's action thriller "Man Sleep" took second place with $10. 1 million, drawing 3, 029 spectators, while Disney and 20th Century's Unreal prequel "First Character" took fourth place with $84 million, drawing 3, 375 spectators.

(8) Peak TV. "Twin Pixels' Agent Cooper: How the most unnatural TV detective emerged" - BBC became the source.



... "I don't remember when I started thinking about my dream, but I made these photos of snaps, and then the story appeared," Lynch said in a valuable interview. "I gathered with Caroline and kneaded the script. I gathered with Caroline and wrote the script. Until a while ago, I even thought that someone had the opportunity to be interested in this data.






(Author: Cat Eldridge).

She is a Nigerian, and she created two coined words, "Afrofvian" and "Afroyum" to express her literary direction. The latter refers to the su b-genre of Afr o-Centric novel based on the spirituality and space of Africa. Cool.

For example, I like her communication method in this genre. Let's choose my favorite short story and novel.

"Ragoon" is a deeply digging Nigerian mythology, including the myth of Regba, which appears here, and is a Love story of a science fiction genre in which aliens and humans form a new Nigeria after capitalism. 。 With a great concept, the characters are attractive and the situations are good.


Derived Dino says "Adhdinos .... in space!"


Amazon has not officially talked about the resurrection of the TV series in Prime Video, but it is clear that the funds are telling it, taking into account hints from Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan, the production general. is. The largest amount of money assigned to an impressive TV series program, one of the 12 TV series, which received $ 152 million, which affected Los Angeles. Ta.

Pixel Scroll 3/19/24 Ocean’s Elevenses


"NCIS: Origins" starring Noah Wil, Ryan Murphy, "The Pitt" starring Joshua Jackson, "Dr. Odyssey", "GROTESQUERIE" starring Nyssie Nash, a winner of Emmy Award. The following is a 330 million dollar credit from the annual program of the California Film Commission-as follows.

... Of course, getting tax financing, including these big ones like Fallout, can't sell the plan. The allocation of funds is contingent on meeting certain deadlines, and a number of films and TV series, for example season 2 of Amazon's "Citadel" spy saga, was subsequently removed from programs such as Greenlight...


(14) Film censorship. [Article by Jonathan Kovi in ​​SF-Connection]. But this 30-minute radio show "Screenshots" doesn't apply to SF. The show showcases how the film spread in the British Empire. For example, the rebellious colonists didn't do anything pedestrian, like the section comparing the British system to the American system. Similarly, we have it and then everything else. Kim Newman (co-host of the 2005 Hugo Awards ceremony during which you might find that name)




... "We have all the necessary technology," said Ben Lamb, executive director of the company in Dallas, Texas.

"It's a basic focus of time and money, but we're 100% sure we can bring back the Tasmanian tiger, the dormouse and the mammoth.


The scientific basis of the plan is simple: find the genes of extinct cattle and recreate them using the DNA of their closest living relatives.

... Finally, after that we can see the return of the mighty mammoth, a creature that fell victim to human hunting and changing standards caused by the end of the last ice age - about 4000 years of extinction.

"We're in the editing phase now.

"We still don't have mammoths, but we're still pretty good about ourselves in 2028."...

(16) Prepare for a geeky laughter. The Animaniux Inn Concert will be staged on April 19 at Pepperdine in Maribu. Tickets can be purchased from this link. See the website for details of the show: "Animaniac s-in Concert".


(17) Today's video Warp Zone video "IF THE STAR WARS" Cantina Song "Had Lyrics" was posted six years ago. This is news for me! (But this is news for me! (Maybe for you?)

Posted: March 19, 2024 Posted by: Mike Gleer


Gayman plans to share some of his profits with painters with his fantasy, rather than to accommodate him in British boards.

"I like creators who have survived the complex era, the idea of ​​supporting the artists, writers, and comic creators who have survived difficult times," Gayman said, a crowded auction gallery on Thursday afternoon. I talked. "And we have a $ 50 and $ 100 art, and now we have to return something to the firs t-page designers with an art of $ 10, 000 per page. But it's very important.

Dave Gibbons and John Higgins' Watchmen#7 Story Page 16 Original drawing.

... Jean Giro's 1994 work, Infinite Death, is a sister under the title of Sandstone, which summarizes the appearance of the universe to date. This type, written by a man named Mobius, caused a competition in auction, and the irreparable amount reached $ 96. 000. The same required amount was saved for John Tolben's Miracle Man No. 16, and was the last issue written by Mroman until Guiman grasped the administration with its own hands.

A coral doll in orange pajamas was projected on the screen with the cat's endless satellite. In fact, he said, "Coraline has lived in a glass case since 2009 in my bedroom, and I will release it from other introductions at this auction. I felt a lot of rapid increase. She is here. She smiles at me. She is special. "


(3) Evidence of being thrown out at school before the opposition of workers and parents. "Release of publishers to NYC DOE about waste books" -Ploring of publishers Weekly reports. < SPAN> Gayman plans to share some of his profits with painters who have concretely made his fantasy in order to accommodate him in British boards.



... Jean Giro's 1994 work, Infinite Death, is a sister under the title of Sandstone, which summarizes the appearance of the universe to date. This type, written by a man named Mobius, caused a competition in auction, and the irreparable amount reached $ 96. 000. The same required amount was saved for John Tolben's Miracle Man No. 16, and was the last issue written by Mroman until Guiman grasped the administration with its own hands.

A coral doll in orange pajamas was projected on the screen with the cat's endless satellite. In fact, he said, "Coraline has lived in a glass case since 2009 in my bedroom, and I will release it from other introductions at this auction. I felt a lot of rapid increase. She is here. She smiles at me. She is special. "

Erik Moen and Matthew Nolan, LGBTKV+, sexy table of contents undead.

[by Cat Eldridge]

(3) Evidence of being thrown out at school before the opposition of workers and parents. "Release of publishers to NYC DOE about waste books" -Ploring of publishers Weekly reports. Gayman plans to share some of his profits with painters with his fantasy, rather than to accommodate him in British boards.

"I like creators who have survived the complex era, the idea of ​​supporting the artists, writers, and comic creators who have survived difficult times," Gayman said, a crowded auction gallery on Thursday afternoon. I talked. "And we have a $ 50 and $ 100 art, and now we have to return something to the firs t-page designers with an art of $ 10, 000 per page. But it's very important.


Dave Gibbons and John Higgins' Watchmen#7 Story Page 16 Original drawing.


... Jean Giro's 1994 work, Infinite Death, is a sister under the title of Sandstone, which summarizes the appearance of the universe to date. This type, written by a man named Mobius, caused a competition in auction, and the irreparable amount reached $ 96. 000. The same required amount was saved for John Tolben's Miracle Man No. 16, and was the last issue written by Mroman until Guiman grasped the administration with its own hands.


A coral doll in orange pajamas was projected on the screen with the cat's endless satellite. In fact, he said, "Coraline has lived in a glass case since 2009 in my bedroom, and I will release it from other introductions at this auction. I felt a lot of rapid increase. She is here. She smiles at me. She is special. "

She was very special, so the auction burned up for Coralin, and as a result she went to a fresh house for $ 72. 000 ...


(2) KGB.

(3) Evidence of being thrown out at school before the opposition of workers and parents. "Release of publishers to NYC DOE about waste books" -Ploring of publishers Weekly reports.



On March 11, GOTHAMIST reported that hundreds of new books on the PS 55 were found next to garbage on the theme of colored races and LGBTK. Reasons "Boys asking about gender" "teenagers fall in love with another girl in class" "Magical? Human skull."

Among the discarded books, there were "My Two Border Cities" and "Kenzi Makes a COMMANDO #1) of David Bowl, which contained the illustrations of Erica Messa. Kita Roswater, Sophie Escabas illustration, "Black Panther: Young Prince" Ronald Smith, "WE'RE STILL HERE: Trash N. Todd, Christian Robinson Picture" Nina: Nina: The Story of Nina: The Story of Nina: The Story. "



On the other hand, the Publishers' Union, which confiscated the book, sent a letter to the New York Education, along with an organization called "Authors Against the Banning of Books", and said, "This is true, if it is a fact. The act is equal to illegal censorship and infringes the rights of Article 1 of the author and student's constitutional amendment. "


The Maurice Sendak Foundation announced this year's Sendak Fellow: Charlotte Agar, Russio Allia, Kozby A. Cabrera.



Freelance illustrator living in London. Buyers for The New York Times, Google Design, Penguin Random House, and Flying Eye Books. Araya is an illustrator from Bilbao, Spain, living in France in real time. In 2024, the first English translation of Rocio's picture book "The Head in the Clouds" will be published by elsewher editions. Cabrera is also the illustrator of "Me and Mom" ​​and "My Hair is the Garden," which won the Coretta Scott King Award and the Caldecott Medal.

(5) Not an absolute feature length. Den of Geek reports "This is official: the television show has ended." (Fenzines is faced with the challenge of how to attribute "File 770" in other ways.)

When there were several fields, there were a lot of TV show names. When television was made by hand, sun-dried, artisanal, and at breakneck speed, there were a lot of titles. Worzel Gammage. Starsky and Hutch. The latter is June-August wine. Characteristic and descriptive items like "Sapphire and Steel" and "Knight Rider" flickered into the drink setting, and writers only had to throw a lasso to remove them.





{"It is impossible for an amateur to make magic.}

"Magical creation cannot be created by an amateur. When I sold Lucas film a little 10 years ago, I was pleased to be a Disney shareholder, because Bob Eiger's symbolic brand and management. I have been respected for a long time, "I was relieved when Bob returned to the company recently. I don't understand Disney than anyone. I believe that I made a lon g-term investment, and I did not doubt, so I will continue to vote for 12 necessary directors, and vote in other shareholders in the same way. I strongly recommend it.

... Disney has a feud with two officials: Nelson Perz and Blackwers Capital. It is noteworthy that Pertz has sold his company (Marvel) to Disney, like Lucas, and has been promoted by $ 1 billion from the major shareholder Ike Palmata. Palmata remained on Disney until he was fired last year.


... "Acolite" can be viewed in four movies with Disney+.

100 100 or more 100 devices are not good. There is no problem in the operation of the device to confirm that the device is no longer used (the device is not suitable for use). Check if there is no problem with the device's operation. He talks about Bob Eiger CEO and Disney's Board of Directors.

{"It is impossible for an amateur to make magic.}

Subscribe to Blog via Email

"Magical creation cannot be created by an amateur. When I sold Lucas film a little 10 years ago, I was pleased to be a Disney shareholder, because Bob Eiger's symbolic brand and management. I have been respected for a long time, "I was relieved when Bob returned to the company recently. I don't understand Disney than anyone. I believe that I made a lon g-term investment, and I did not doubt, so I will continue to vote for 12 necessary directors, and vote in other shareholders in the same way. I strongly recommend it.


  • ... Disney has a feud with two officials: Nelson Perz and Blackwers Capital. It is noteworthy that Pertz has sold his company (Marvel) to Disney, like Lucas, and has been promoted by $ 1 billion from the major shareholder Ike Palmata. Palmata remained on Disney until he was fired last year.
  • (7) I Think to See "The Acolyte": "Acolite" ع ديزني+".
  • Please see {فض}.
  • {"It is impossible for an amateur to make magic.}
  • rumor
  • Note
  • ... "Acolite" can be viewed in four movies with Disney+.
  • 100 100 or more 100 devices are not good. There is no problem in the operation of the device to confirm that the device is no longer used (the device is not suitable for use). Check if there is any problem with the operation of the device ة ك شيء ل
  • He was a South American Irish artist, director, writer and producer. Now, it turns out that the prisoner was actually his creation. He was one of the writer, actually five, but one of the four coaches. In addition, his modification has been added to all the nuances of the TV series and 16 episodes.
  • It was broadcast from 1960 to 1962, and later aired from 1964 to 1968. (There is a little circumstances: Yang Fleming was involved in the production of the television series, but he dropped off on the way. There is no doubt that he did not like how the secret service was drawn).
  • Now, let's leave this genre and move to the TV series Colombo. Why is that so? That's because he was a good understanding of Peter Folk and the five episodes of the television series. McGahan appeared in the TV series from 1974 to 2000.
  • His daughter, Katherine McGhan, is reflected with him in the episode "Ashes to Ashes". 2 Other episodes with the role of Colombo appear-"Identity crisis" and "Agenda of murder".
  • McGahan's last significant role in the film industry was as the voice of Billy Bonds in the animated film Treasure Planet.
  • (9) Comics Category.
  • $1200: This horror buff turned film director brings his short story "Gonch, Heart of Hell" to the big screen in the form of the film "Rebel from Hell."
  • Yogesh Root knew this was Clive Barker.

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  • $800: His New Year story about ghosts, "Ghosts of Men", ran in 1848 with a circulation of 18. 000 copies on the first day of publication.
  • Yogesh chose Dickens.

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  • Yogesh replied, "Is this a cat?", adding "black" to the hint and being correctly marked.
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  • Food source... ..
  • ... The large size of the fossil forced scientists to name the sculpture "Peltocephalus - Fully Ripened", after the "sweet god"-like Turtle Mathurin, who appears from space as a decoration in Stephen King's novel "She". The benevolent turtle also appears as the first of the Guardians of the Rays in the eight-part "The Dark Tower" series by Kinga Books.
  • As the Biology Letters Scientific Journal notes, and as the creators themselves later read in a notice on the website X, the character King was named after Stephen Maturin, who highlights the name of a large turtle in Patrick O'Brian's marine novel H. M. S. Surprise....
  • (12) Life is short, art is long. On Saturday, June 22, ShortCon2024 will be held, "the main conference for writers of short crime science fiction", and among the speakers - their people Michael Breken and Brendan Dubois will be excellent for us.
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  • ... This show is like a bunch of humble performers rehearsing their own production! (It's a musical!)" and the incompetent sailors sing about the greatness of New York. In fact, the cast includes a leading man who is not catchy but whose career is magically improving, a leading woman who is tired of playing two-dimensional characters, an aging actress whose career is nearing the end, and a talented understudy who will lose her chance if she is freed by the professionals. Behind the Window - Sydney, 1999, people are excited about Y2K and worried about the 2000 Olympics. The broad parody of musicals and sexism in the theater industry (especially in the 1990s) are the underlying themes.
  • The musical world is starting to fall apart as key actors drop out, and radio announcements of swift, spread-out infections are heard. Will they find an audience for the premiere?
  • And here's a "preview" from last fall.
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Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

Emails and files released by a member of the Hugo administration team shows that Chinese laws related to content and censorship were the reason behind the. Glasgow Worldcon Chair Vows Transparency Following Chengdu Hugos Censorship Barkley and Jason Sanford, released simultaneously by File censorship from any quarter. Soon. Neil Gaiman @irond.info ·. 3mo. I wonder if it will stop here. I would definitely appreciate a public.

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