CNTY SEC Filings Century Casinos Inc Annual Report Proxy Statement Prospectus

CNTY / Century Casinos, Inc. - SEC Filings, Annual Report, Proxy Statement

All companies that sell securities in the United States must register with the Securities and Exchange Commission (Secs) and submit a report regularly. These reports include the annual report of the company (10k, 10Q), the news (8K), the presentation for investors (included in 8K), the insider transaction (form 4), and the ownership report (13D, 13g. In addition to), there are reports related to certain securities sales, such as registration notification and stock issuance. This page introduces the latest SEC documents about Century Casinos, Inc.

  • The latest press release
  • 8-K and 6-K (news)
  • 10-K, 10-Q
  • power of attorney
  • Registration notification form and emission ability
  • Membership document, Charter
  • Contract and agreement
  • Intender
  • Reorganization plan
  • Space} Amurerita Contract

Press Releases (Most Recent)

2024-08-08 3 months later)
2024-05-09 3 months later)
2024-03-14 3 months later)
2024-03-14 National regulations and licenses)
2024-02-09 Result Bulletin :)
2023-11-09 2023 Major indicators in the third quarter*)
2023-10-04 EVITTTS RESORT, LLC (DBA Rocky Gap Casino & Amp; Amp; Resort) (Golden Entertainment, Inc.) Financial reports and independence of December 31, 2021 From people Report of, and overall)
2023-09-06 Century Casino Canada, 4 real estate sales completed)
2023-08-08 3 months later)
2023-07-25 Century Casino)
2023-06-09 Independent auditor's report)
2023-05-17 Century Casinos, Inc. has announced the sale of four real estate in Albert (Canada).
2023-05-09 3 months later)
2023-04-04 Century Casino)
2023-03-10 National regulations and licenses)
2023-03-10 3 months later)
2023-01-17 Hamilto Pinses & Amp; Amplifier; Beach and Century Casino)
2022-12-05 Century Casino announces the latest information about the project in Curtersbill, Missouri)
2022-11-04 3 months later)
2022-08-25 One year later)
2022-08-05 3 months later)

News Filings

2024-08-08 8-K Open FD information
2024-06-25 8-K The retirement of directors or some officers, appointment of directors, the purpose of some officers, some executives, some executives, and issued to the holders of the holder of the securities who have a voting right
2024-05-09 8-K Usa Security Commission Washington, Columbia District 20549 Configuration 8-K Curest In Coodiness with Section 13 or 15 And Exchange Act from 1934, The Date of the Report (The Date of the Injured Action, Which Was Reported) : May 8, 2024 Century Casinos, Inc.
2024-03-14 8-K Usa Security Commission Washington, Columbia District 20549 Configuration 8-K Curest Report in Coordination with Section 13 or 15 (D) EXCHANG E Act from 1934, The Date of the Report (The Date of the Injured Action, Which is Reported) : March 13, 2024 Century Casino, I
2024-02-09 8-K Work and economic situation
2023-11-09 8-K Open FD information
2023-09-06 8-K USA Security Commission Washington, Columbia District 20549 Configuration 8-K Curest Report in CoreDINATION WITH SECTION 13 or 15 T from 1934, The Date of the Report (The Date of the Injured Action, Which is Reported): September 6, 2023 Century Casino
2023-08-08 8-K Open FD information
2023-07-25 8-K Washington Security and Specialists Commission, Columbia District 20549 Configuration 8-K CUREST REPORT IN COORDINATION Security and Exchange Act of 1934 (The Date of the Injured Action, Which Is Reported): July 2023 25th Century Casino, Inn
2023-06-09 8-K The US Securities Committee Washington, Colombia Special Zone 20549 configuration 8-K from 1934 The date of the Curus Transactions Law of Article 13 or Article 15 (D) (Date of the reported injury act): 2023 June 7, 2014 Century Casinos, Inc.
2023-05-17 8-K Information disclosure in cooperation with FD regulations, imprisonment due to large muscle agreements
2023-05-09 8-K Open FD information
2023-04-04 8-K Information disclosure, economic reporting and application, asset acquisition or disposal in cooperation with FD positions
2023-03-21 8-K United States Securities Commission Washington, District of Columbia 20549 Form 8-K Date of Curest Report in Coordination with Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (date of reported injury): March 15, 2023 Century Casino, i
2023-03-10 8-K Open FD information
2023-01-17 8-K Open FD information
2022-12-05 8-K Information disclosure in cooperation with FD regulations, imprisonment due to large muscle agreements
2022-11-04 8-K Open FD information
2022-08-26 8-K Conclusion of important final agreements
2022-08-25 8-K Open FD information
2022-08-05 8-K Open FD information

Quarterly and Annual Reports

2024-08-08 10-Q
2024-05-09 10-Q
2024-03-14 10-K
2023-11-09 10-Q Follow-up structure
2023-08-08 10-Q
2023-05-09 10-Q Follow-up structure
2023-03-10 10-K Follow-up structure
2022-11-04 10-Q Follow-up structure
2022-08-05 10-Q Follow-up structure
2022-05-06 10-Q Follow-up structure
2022-03-08 10-K Follow-up structure
2021-11-05 10-Q Follow-up structure
2021-08-06 10-Q Follow-up structure
2021-05-07 10-Q Follow-up structure
2021-03-12 10-K Follow-up structure
2020-11-06 10-Q Follow-up structure
2020-08-07 10-Q
2020-05-22 10-Q/A
2020-05-20 10-Q Follow-up structure
2020-03-13 10-K Follow-up structure
2019-11-01 10-Q

Proxy Statements

Prospectuses and Registration Statements

2023-06-06 S-3 Pursuant to a statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 6, 2023
2020-07-07 S-3 - S-3
2017-11-17 424B5 4. 250. 000 Promotion Regular Promotion $7, 50 for Promotion
2017-11-16 424B5 Thinking about the End November 16, 2017
2017-07-10 S-3/A Century Casino S-3/A
2017-05-26 S-3 Form S-3
13-03-2017 S-8 Century Casino S-8
17-03-2006 S-8 Submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 17, 2006 Registration number 33 3-Security and Exchange Commission Washington, D. C. 20549 Form S-8 REGISTRATIONT The Security Century Casinos, Inc.
2005-10-11 424b7 Century Casinos, Inc. face value $ 0, 01 ordinary stock 7.
03-10-2005 424B5 Century Casino Centurycasinos, Inc. The face value of $ 0, 01 is $ 0132. 667 Austrian deposit certificate (ISIN AT0000499900) 7. 132. 667 copies. 22. 380. 567 Austrian deposit certificate list. 380. 567 Austrian deposit certificate
11-07-2005 S-3 Submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission on July 11, 2005

Press Releases and Other

Press Release August 8, 2024 Century Casino Ink, the second quarter of 2024 announced the first half of this year, but the outlook continues to be bright Colorado Springs (Coloradado) -August 8, 2024- Century Casino Ink (hereinafter "the Company", "Our Company" or "Our Company") (Nasdaq Capital Market®: CNTY) ended today on June 30, 2024. We announced the quarterly financial results.

Press release May 9, 2024 Century Casino Ink, the first quarter of 2024, was tough at the beginning of the year, but maintains a positive outlook for the second half of 2024. Colorado Springs (Coloradado) - May 9, 202 4-Century Casinos, Inc, hereinafter, "NASDAQ CAPITAL MARKET®: CNTY) ended on March 31, 2024. We announced three months of achievements.

Press Release March 14, 2024 Century Casino announced its achievements in the fourth quarter of 2023 and yea r-round. In 2024, the acquisition continued to integrate and the construction project is approaching the completion, so the company's transition period continues, and Colorado Springs (Coloradado) -March 14, 202 4-Century Casino Ink (hereinafter "the Company", "Our Company" Or "Our Company") (Nasdaq Capital Market®: CNTY) has announced today's thre e-month achievements that ended on March 31, 2024.

Appendix 99. 1 Government's regulations and licensed casino gambling facilities are subject to the regulations of many states, regions, foreign, state and federal governments. We need to acquire and maintain a gaming license in each area where the gaming business is conducted. Gaming license restrictions, restrictions, pause, cancellation, or updated

Appendix 99. 1 Press Release February 8, 2024 Century Casino Ink, the provisional financial results and the latest information in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2023 Ink ("Our Company", "Our Company", "Our Company") (NASDAQ CAPITAL MARKET®: CNTY) will be provisional financial results and operations in the fourth quarter of the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023. Information was announced.

Press Release on November 9, 2023 Century Casino Ink, the third quarter of 2023 announced pure operating profit and after adjustment EBITDA recorded a record high ** Rocky Gap Acquisition and Sale Completed Canada Real Estate Colorado Colorado Spring s-November 9, 202 3-Century Casino Ink (Nasdaq Capital Market®: CNTY) announced today in the third quarter of September and nine months.

Excerpted 99. 2 Century Casino Investors Presentation Manager and President Peter Hetzinger, Peter Hetzinger until the third quarter of 2023 Future Century Casino Description, Business Status, Risk Factors and Presentation Precautions This Presentation In may include Article 27 of the 1933 Securities Law (after the amendment) and the "description of future prospects" defined in Article 21 E of the Securities and Exchange Act 1.

EVITTS RESORT, LLC (DBA Rocky Gap Casino & Amp; Amp; Amp; Amp; resort) (complete ownership of Golden Entertainment, Inc.) 2.

EVITTTS RESORT, LLC (DBA Rocky Gap Casino & Amp ;; Amp; Resort) A quarterly Evitts Resort, LLC (DBA ROCKY GAP CASINO & AMP ;; ORT) EVITTS Resort, LLC (DBA ROCKY GAP CASINO & AMP ;; RESORT) Annual Accounting Report Evitts Resort, LLC (DBA ROCKY GAP CASINO & AMP ;; ORT) 2023 3 Annual accounting report for the quarter ending on March 31 Evitts Resort, LLC (DBA Rocky Gap Casino & Amp; Amp ;; Resort)

Unpalid profomers bonded financial statements The following unpalulated profomers bonded financial statements include Century Casinos Inc.'s past audi t-based bonded financial statements and unpopular profile profits and losses. It represents a statement.

Appendix 99. 1 PresS Release, Century Casinos, Inc. Four Property Sales and Leasebacks in Alberta, Canada The Development Initian Chib and/ or Debt Repayment are scheduled to be used for debt repayment. Colorado Spring s-September 6, 202 3-Century Casino Ink (Century Casino or "Company") announced that it has completed the sale of real estate assets.

Press Release August 8, 2023 Century Casino Ink, the second quarter of 2023 announcements announced in Colorado Springs, Colorado, US A-August 8, 202 3-Nasdaq Capital Market®: CNTY is today , 2023's three and si x-month achievements ended on June 30, 2023. Highlights for the second quarter of 2023* Comparison with three months ending on June 30, 2022: -The pure operating profit is $ 136. 8 million.

Excerpt 99. 2 Century Casino Investors Presentation CEO and President Peter Hetsinger 2023 The second quarter of the 2nd quarter of the Future Century Casino, Description, Business Status, Risk Factors, and Presentation Notes, and Presentation Notes. Defined in Article 27a (after the revision) of the Securities Law (after the amendment), Article 21E of the Securities and Exchange Act, Article 21E (2. 1. 1), and Article 21E (2. 1. 1) of the Act. It may include the "description of future outlook".

Appendix 99. 1 Press release July 25, 2023, Century Casino Ink, Rocky Gap Casino Resort Business Completed, expanded business in Maryland Colorado Springs, Coloradad, US A-July 25, 2023 Su n-Century Casino Ink (Nasdaq Capital Market®: CNTY) (hereinafter "Century Casino" or "Our Company") is Rocky Gap Casino Resort from Golden Entertainment (hereinafter "Rocky Gap") It has been announced that the acquisition of the business has been completed.

Unsudated Proformer's Summarant Financial Finance Statements The following unpalulated proformer summary composite fiscal statements described here are Century Casinos, Inc. Inc. Inc. Incorporated unusual Professional Proposal Inserted Professional Inserted Prof have been integrated. It represents a balance sheet and an unpopular profile summary composite profit and loss statement.

NUGGET SPARKS, LLC DBA NUGGET CASINO RESORT Economic Report 2022 Date of December 31, 22222. Inspector 1-2 Balance Calculator 1-2 Balance Letting Library 4 Foreign Capital Report 5 Foreign Exchange Report 6 Note 7-14 NUGGET SPARKS, this audit corporation, Nugget Sparks, LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "company") as of December 31, 2022, the correct profit and loss report for the current fiscal year, and membership. Audited notes (hereinafter referred to as "Economic Calculative") related to financial statements, including the report and the movement of foreign exchange funds, and the economic calculation documents.

Attachment 99. 1 Press Release 2023 May 17, Century Casinos, Inc. announced resale by leaseback in Alberta, Canad a-Colorado Spring, Coloradad o-May 17, 202 3-Century Casinos, inc. (NASDAQ CAPITAL MARKET®: CNTY) (hereinafter "Century Casinos" or "Company") has announced that it has agreed to acquire a subsidiary of VICI Properties Inc. (NYSE: VICI) (hereinafter "VICI").

Excerpted 99. 2 Century Casinos Traders' DemonStration Peter Hetzinger, Cuo and President 2023 Precautions, Century Casinos Demonstration To Mo, Article 27 of the 1933 Securities Law ( After the revision), the Securities and Exchange Act, Article 21 E (after the amendment), and the "description of the outlook" defined on January 1 may be included.

Press Release May 9, 2023 Century Casino Ink, the first quarter of 2023 Announced the first quarter of 2023 Colorado Springs, Coloradad o-May 9, 202 3-Century Capital Market®: CNTY: CNTY: CNTY He announced his thre e-month cash settlement until March 31, 2023. Highlights in the first quarter of 2023* Comparison with three months ending on March 31, 2022: -The pure operating income is $ 18. 5 million.

Appendix 99. 1 Press release April 4, 2023 Century Casino Ink completed the acquisition of the Nugget Casino Resort business, expanded its business in Nevada Colorado Springs, Coloradad o-April 4, 2023 The Century Casino Ink (Nasdaq Capital Market®: CNTY) (hereinafter referred to as "Century Casino" or "Our Company") has completed the acquisition of the Nugget Casino Resort ("Nugget") business from Marnell Gaming. Was announced.

Appendix 99. 1 Government's regulations and licensed casino gambling facilities are subject to the regulations of many states, regions, foreign, state and federal governments. We need to acquire and maintain a gaming license in each area where the gaming business is conducted. Gaming license restrictions, restrictions, pause, cancellation, or updated

Disclosure 99. 2 Century Casino Dealer Peter Hetzinger, General Manager and President of Century Casino Dealership's fourth quarter 2022 forecast results, conditions of doing business and risk points Century Casinos has the ability to hold "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended ("E")

Press Release March 10, 2023 Century Casinos, Inc. Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2022 Financial Results COLORADO SPRINGS, CO - March 10, 2023 - Century Casinos, Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Market®: Cnty) today announced that it has announced its fourth quarter and full year 2022 financial results for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022. The Company announced its three-month and full-year financial results. Key highlights of the fourth quarter 2022* compared to the three months ended December 31, 2021: -Operational weakness

Exhibit 99. 1 Contact: Diarmide O'Salsavan (441) 298-5727 [Email protected] Hamilton Princess & Beach and Century Casinos, Inc. Hamilton, Bermuda, January 13, 2023 - Hamilton Princess & Beach Club claims Century Casinos Company will not participate in the development of a casino at the resort. Century Casinos, Inc. President and Executive Director Peter Hitzinger stated, "We have engaged Hamilton Princess & Beach Club to develop a casino.

Exhibit 99. 1? Press Release of December 5, 2022 - Century Casinos to Announce New Deal at Missouri Century Casinos Provides Update on Project Caruthersville? COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO, Dec. 5, 2022? Century Casinos, Inc. (Nasdaq Capital Market?:Cnty) broke ground on Friday, December 2, 2022, for the construction of a new land-based casino and hotel at Project Caruthersville?. Century Casinos

Excerpt 99, 2 Census Results of Century Casinos for the 3rd quarter of 2022 forecast statements, the circumstances of doing business and the moments of risk of Century Casino Act of 1933 with corrections, Section 21e of valuable rights papers and exchanges from 1934 with corrections (Exchange Act?) and reform of judicial system on personal securities.

? November 4, 2022 Press Release? Century Casinos, Inc. Announces Third Quarter 2022 Financial Results? Colorado Springs, Colorado? November 4, 2022? Century Casinos, Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Markets?: Cnty) today announced its financial results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2022. ? Third Quarter 2022 Key Highlights*? Undisclosed operating income was $112. 6 million, down a whopping 4% compared to the three months.

Exhibit 99, 2 - Century Casino Rocky Gap Casino Resort and Maryland Supplement (August 2022) Disclaimer Century Casino reserves the right to make and use the information contained herein without notice and to the extent permitted by law, that the information contained herein is accurate and up-to-date. Predictable 100

Exhibit 99 1? August 25, 2022 Press Releas e-century casinos concludes final agreement on acquisition of Rocky Gap Casino Resort Operations in Maryland? Colorado Springs, Colorado, August 25, 2022? Century Casinos, Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Markets?: Cnty) today announced its financial results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2022.? Second Quarter 2022 Highlights*? Primary operating income was $111, 100, 000, up 1. 2% from the previous quarter, compared to the third quarter of 2020. 21% increase.

Excerpt 99, 2 Century Casinos' Second Quarter 2022 Census Results 0 Predictable Statements, Conditions of Doing Business, and Risk Moments for Century Casinos Section 21e of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the Securities Reunification Act

May 6, 2022 Press Release Century Casinos, Inc. Announces First Quarter 2022 Financial Results Colorado Springs, Colorado, May 6, 2022 Century Casinos, Inc. (Nasdaq Capital Market) First Quarter 2022 Highlights* Undisclosed operating income was $131 million, up a whopping 42% from the three months ended March 31.

Century Casino's firs t-quarter of 2022's first quarter forecast, business environment, and risk factor presentation presentation, Article 27a of 1933 (with correction clause), 1934 Securities and Exchange Law (Article 21 of the Stock Exchange Law? And there is a possibility that "descriptions on forecasts" aimed at reforming the judiciary on private securities may be included.

Attachment 99. 1??? Press release April 1, 2022 Century Casino Ink (Nasdaq Capital Market Million Dollar (hereinafter referred to as "acquisition") Propco owns the following land and building. There is.

?? Nugget Casino Resort Consolidated balance? 31 December? 2021 2020 Asset Ryuhade: Cash and equivalent $ 5, 204, 459 $ 4, 385, 799 $ 4. Inventories 2. 495. 501 2. 339. 875 2. 250. 759 Care 2, 038, 035 1. 479 2. 046. 227 Ryoso assets Total 11. 518 9. 807, 364. 920? No n-fluid assets

Annex 99. Century Casino March 2022 Charger Presentation

Excerpts 99, 2-Century Casinos, Inc. This presentation is illuminated by the purpose of Article 27a of the 1933 Revised Securities Code, Article 21 of the 1934 Revised Securities and Exchange Law (hereinafter referred to as the "Exchange Law") and the purpose of the Private Securities Litigation Law. , It may include "application to forecasts".

Appendix 99. 1 State regulations and licenses? The ownership and operation of the casino gambling business are regulated by many state laws, local laws, foreign laws, state laws, and federal laws. We need to obtain and maintain a gaming license in each area where the gambling business is conducted. Gambling license restrictions, restrictions, pause, reviews, or failed < SPAN> Century Casino's first quarter forecast, business environment, and ris k-based presentation ) Article 21 of the 1934 Securities and Exchange Law (State Exchange Law? And "Expectations on Forecasts" may be included for judiciary reforms regarding private securities.

Attachment 99. 1??? Press release April 1, 2022 Century Casino Ink (Nasdaq Capital Market Million Dollar (hereinafter referred to as "acquisition") Propco owns the following land and building. There is.

?? Nugget Casino Resort Consolidated balance? 31 December? 2021 2020 Asset Ryuhade: Cash and equivalent $ 5, 204, 459 $ 4, 385, 799 $ 4. Inventories 2. 495. 501 2. 339. 875 2. 250. 759 Care 2, 038, 035 1. 479 2. 046. 227 Ryoso assets Total 11. 518 9. 807, 364. 920 No n-flow assets

Annex 99. Century Casino March 2022 Charger Presentation

Excerpts 99, 2-Century Casinos, Inc. This presentation is illuminated by the purpose of Article 27a of the 1933 Revised Securities Code, Article 21 of the 1934 Revised Securities and Exchange Law (hereinafter referred to as the "Exchange Law") and the purpose of the Private Securities Litigation Law. , It may include "application to forecasts".

Appendix 99. 1 State regulations and licenses? The ownership and operation of the casino gambling business are regulated by many state laws, local laws, foreign laws, state laws, and federal laws. We need to obtain and maintain a gaming license in each area where the gambling business is conducted. Gambling license restrictions, restrictions, pause, reviews, or failed Century Casino's first quarter of the first quarter of the business environment, risk facto r-based book presentation, the 1933 Securities Law Article 27A (with amendment) , 1934 Securities and Exchange Law (The State Exchange Law? And there is a possibility that "descriptions on forecasts" aimed at reforming the judiciary regarding the private securities may be included.

Attachment 99. 1??? Press release April 1, 2022 Century Casino Ink (Nasdaq Capital Market Million Dollar (hereinafter referred to as "acquisition") Propco owns the following land and building. There is.

?? Nugget Casino Resort Consolidated balance? 31 December? 2021 2020 Asset Ryuhade: Cash and equivalent $ 5, 204, 459 $ 4, 385, 799 $ 4. Inventories 2. 495. 501 2. 339. 875 2. 250. 759 Care 2, 038, 035 1. 479 2. 046. 227 Ryoso assets Total 11. 518 9. 807, 364. 920 No n-flow assets

Annex 99. Century Casino March 2022 Charger Presentation

Excerpts 99, 2-Century Casinos, Inc. This presentation is illuminated by the purpose of Article 27a of the 1933 Revised Securities Code, Article 21 of the 1934 Revised Securities and Exchange Law (hereinafter referred to as the "Exchange Law") and the purpose of the Private Securities Litigation Law. , It may include "application to forecasts".

Appendix 99. 1 State regulations and licenses? The ownership and operation of the casino gambling business are regulated by many state laws, local laws, foreign laws, state laws, and federal laws. We need to obtain and maintain a gaming license in each area where the gambling business is conducted. Gambling license restrictions, restrictions, pause, review, or failed

March 8, 2022 Press Release Century Casino, announced the achievements of the fourth quarter of 2021 and the year of the year? Colorado Springs, Colorado, March 8, 2022? ) Today announced its three months and yea r-end achievements ended on December 31, 2021. ? Main indicators in the fourth quarter of 2021*? Pure operating profit was $ 170 billion, up 27 % yea r-o n-year.

Appendix 99. 1? Press Release February 23, 2022, Century Casino, concludes official contracts for the acquisition of Nebada, Colorado Springs, February 23, 2022? Century Casino Ink (Century Casino Ink ( NASDAQ CAPITAL MARKET: CNTY) (hereinafter referred to as "Century Casino" or "Our Company") acquires 50 % of SMOOTH BOURBON, LLC (hereinafter referred to as "ProPco") and 100 % of Nugget Spar (hereinafter "Nugget Spar"). He announced that he had signed a final contract.

Attachment 99. 2 Nugget Casino Resort and Reno Parks Supplement February 2022 Century Casino Exemption Section Century Casino In this presentation, Article 27a of the 1933 Securities Law (after the revision), 1934 Stock Exchange Law Includes Article 21E (after the amendment) and the "description of future forecasts" defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Law in 1995. Predicted 100

Appendix 99. 1? Press Release January 13, 2022, Century Casino, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Colorado, Colorado, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Colorado Spring, Colorado Spring, Century Cadino Ink (Nasdaq Capital Market) : CNTY) ("Century Casino" or "Our Company") is today, the subsidiary Century Resort Alberta (CRA) (hereinafter "CRA") is on January 12, 2022. It has announced that it has signed a final contract to sell a building.

Figure 99. 2? Century Casino Century Casino 1? The Future Casino 1? In the status of business and risk factors, the 1933 Securities Law Article 27A (after the amendment), the 1934 Securities and Exchange Law. It may include Article 21E (after the revision) (hereinafter referred to as the "Exchange Law") and the "description of future outlook" defined in the Private Securities Law.

2021 November 5, Press Release? Century Casino announced the third quarter of 2021? Colorado Springs, Colorado November 5, 2021? Century Capital Market?: CNTY is today , Three months and nine months ended on September 30, 2021, announced. ? Main indicators in the third quarter of 2021*? Pure operating profit was $ 116. 6 million, an increase of 22 % in three months.

Annex 99. Century Casino Cash results result 2021 Casino 2 quarter 1? The forecast status, business status, and the risks of the provided demonstration are Article 27 of the 1933 Securities Law and Article 21 of the 1934 Securities and Exchange Law (hereinafter referred to as the "Exchange Law") and individuals with corrections. We have the ability to maintain "predicted statements" in the sense of securities law.

August 6, 2021 Press Release Century Casino announces the second quarter of 2021? Colorado Springs, Coloradado, August 6, 2021? Century Casinos, Inc (Nasdaq Capital Market? The main features of the 2nd quarter of 2021*? Unknown operating profit was $ 92 million, and it really increased 155 % compared to three months ago.

99-1? Press release on June 10, 2021. Century Casinos resumed all four casinos owned by Colorado-Springs, Albert, Canada, on June 10, 2021? Century Casinos, inc (NASDAQ CAPITAL MARKET HOTEL EDMONTON, Century Casino St. albert, Century Mile Racetrack and Casino ND CAS

EX-99 1 2 CNTY-20210528XEX991. HTM EX-99. 1 Attachment 99. 1 Press release on May 28, 2021. Century Casinos resumes Colorado-Springs in Poland, May 28, 2021-Century Capital Market®: CNTY (Century Casinos) 6 % CASINOS POLAND LTD, a subsidiary belonging to the promotion, has now opened eight i n-house casinos.

EX-99 2 3 CNTY-20210506x992. HTM EX-99. , The provided demonstration has the ability to maintain "prediction" in the meaning of Article 21 (hereinafter referred to as "Exchange Law") from 1933, Article 27 of the Securities Law, and 1934. Masu.

EX-99 1 2 CNTY-20210507XEX991. HTM EX-99. 1 Attachment 99. 1 May 7, 2021 Press Release-Century Casino, Pandemia Colorado closed in connection with Colorado, Colorado. Springs, May 7, 2021-Century Casino, Ink (NASDAQ CAPITAL MARKET®: CNTY) ("Century Casino" or "Our Company") is currently covered by the Polish casino until June 6, 2021. It was effectively announced that it was actually there.

May 7, 2021 Press Release? Century Casino announced the first quarter of 2021 Colorado Springs, Coloradado May 7, 2021? Century Capital Market?: CNTY today , Three months of achievements until March 31, 2021 were announced. The main indicators of the first quarter of 2021*? Pure operating profit for three months, which ended on March 31, 2021, was down 17 % to $ 72. 4 million.

EX-99. 1 2 CNTY-20210319x991. HTM EX-99. 1 Annex 99. 1 Press Release March 19, 2021 Century Casino, COVID-19 Pandemic announced 3 weeks closed in Polish casinos March 19, 2021 The day, Colorado Spring s-Colorado Spring s-Century Casino, Inc.

EX-99. 1 11 CNTY-20201231X991. HTM EX-99. 1 Annex 99. 1 The government's regulations and permit are owned and operated and operated and operated by the government, local, regional, foreign, and federal governments. Will be. We need to acquire and maintain a gaming license in each area where the gaming business is conducted. Restrictions, conditions, stop

March 12, 2021 Press Release Century Casino Ink, the 4th quarter of 2020 and the year's achievements announced through Colorado Spring s-March 12, 202 1-Century Capital Market®: CNTY (CNTY) Today, the fourth quarter and yea r-end business ended on December 31, 2020. The 4th quarter of 2020* -The pure operating profit was $ 84. 8 million, up 26%yea r-o n-year.

EX-99. 2 3 CNTY-20210311xEX992. HTM EX-99. 2 Additional information 99. 2 Century Casinos, Inc. This presentation is Article 27a of 1933 and the 1934 Securities and Exchange Law (hereinafter referred to as Article 21E. The "Exchange Law") may include the "description of future forecasts" defined.

EX-99. 1 2 CNTY-20210212XEX91. HTM EX-99. 1 EX-99. 1 Press Release February 12, 2021 February 12, Century Casino resumed February 12, 2021-Century Casino Ink (NASDAQ CAPITAL MARKET®: CNTY) (hereinafter "Century Casino" or "Our Company") is a Casinos Poland LTD with a subsidiary of 66, 6 % shares. Was announced that it has resumed.

EX-99. 1 2 CNTY-20210115x991. HTM EX-99. 1 EX-99. 1 Press Release January 15, 2021, Century Casino, Colorado Spring (Coloradado State) ) January 15, 202 1-Century Casino (NASDAQ CAPITAL MARKET®: CNTY) (hereinafter "Century Casino" or "Our Company") has been closed by Polish casinos until January 31, 2020. We announced that it was.

Attachment 99. 1 Press Release December 28, 2020 Century Casinos Announced Clossure of Polish Casinos Due To COVID-19 Pandemic 3 Weeks, Colorado Springs MBER 202 0-Century Casinos, Inc (NASDAQ CAPITAL MARKET®: CNTY) (Century Casino, "Century Casino" or "our company") has recently announced that the Polish casino will be closed on December 28, 2020 at 11:59 pm at the beginning of the week.

Attachment 99. 1 Press Release December 9, 2020 Century Casino, COVI D-19 Pandemic's Canadian casinos and racetracks are closed December 9, 2020, Colorado Springs, Colorad o-Century Casino (Nasdaq (NASDAQ) Capital Market®: CNTY (hereinafter, Century Casino or "Company") has announced that it will temporarily close the Canadian casinos and racetracks at 23:59.

November 6, 2020 Press Release Century Casino Inc, USA Colorado Springs, Coloradad, US A-November 6, 202 0-Century Casino Ink (Nasdaq Capital Market® : CNTY) announced the third and ninth cache achievements ending on September 30, 2020. Highlight 2020 The third quarter of the third quarter* -The pure operating profit is $ 95. 7 million.

Vol. 99, 2 Century Casinos, Century Casino (Century Casino. The 1934 Securities and Exchange Law Article 21E (hereinafter referred to as the "Exchange Law") and the "description of future outlook" defined in the securities law for individuals may be included.

August 7, 2020 Press Release Century Casino Ink, the second quarter of 2020 announced Colorado Springs, Coloradad o-August 7, 202 0-Century Capital Market®: CNTY: CNTY , The third and sixth quarter of cash settlement ended on June 30, 2020. Highlights in the 2nd quarter of 2020* -The pure operating profit is $ 36, 000 ($ 524 million in the same period of the previous year).

Excerpt 99. 2 Century Casinos, Inc. Century Casinos Financial Second Quarter 2020 1 In the status of business and ris k-factor, it is Article 27 of the Section 27 34 securities It may include Article 21 of the Transactions Law (after the revision) (hereinafter "exchange law") and the "description of future outlook" defined in private securities.

EX-99. 1 2 CNTY-20210212XEX91. HTM EX-99. 1 EX-99. 1 Press Release February 12, 2021 February 12, Century Casino resumed February 12, 2021-Century Casino Ink (NASDAQ CAPITAL MARKET®: CNTY) (hereinafter "Century Casino" or "Our Company") is a Casinos Poland LTD with a subsidiary of 66, 6 % shares. Was announced that it has resumed.

Binding financial statements: Mountaineer Park, Inc.

Century Casino 1st quarter of 2020 1st quarter of the future "Law") may include "descriptions on future outlook" defined in the Private Securities Law.

May 20, 2020 Press Release Century Casinos, Inc. Century Cadino Ink (CNTY) has announced a thre e-month achievement on March 31, 2020. Highlights 2020 1st quarter* -The pure operating profit is $ 87 million ($ 45 million in three months ending on March 31, 2020).

Appendix 99. 1 Press release March 18, 2020 Century Casino, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Colorado, Colorado 19, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Colorado, Colorado, Colorado Springs, 202 0-CNTY (CNTY: CNTY (Nasdaq Capital Market®: ) (Hereafter, Century Casino or "Our Company") announced today that casinos from Canada, West Virginia and Missouri have temporarily closed on Tuesday, March 17, 2020.

Appendix 99. 1 Press release March 17, 2020 Century Casino, Colorado's casinos will be temporarily closed on March 17, 2020 Colorado Spring s-Coloradado Colorado Spring s-NASDAQ CAPITAL MARKET®: CNTY: CNTY ) (Hereinafter referred to as "Century Casino" or "Our Company") announced today that Colorado's casinos will be closed for 30 days on March 17, 2020 (Tuesday) at 4:00 am (Eastern the United States). 。

Century Casinos Declares Temporary Closure of Poland Casinos - COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO, March 16, 2020 - Century Casinos, Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Market®: CNTY) (Century Casinos or the "Company") has now announced that its subsidiary, Casinos Poland sp. Z. O. O. (66, 6% of the promotion), has effectively blocked its casinos in coordination with the regulator's claims.

Appendix 99. 1 Press release March 18, 2020 Century Casino, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Colorado, Colorado 19, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Colorado, Colorado, Colorado Springs, 202 0-CNTY (CNTY: CNTY (Nasdaq Capital Market®: ) (Hereafter, Century Casino or "Our Company") announced today that casinos from Canada, West Virginia and Missouri have temporarily closed on Tuesday, March 17, 2020.

Exhibit 99, 2 Century Casino Costs 2019 Century Casino 1 Forward-Looking Statements, Business Environment and Risk Factors. The demonstration provided is in accordance with Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, Section 21 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act"), and the ability to maintain "forward-looking statements" in accordance with valuable courts.

Combined Economic Report: Mountain Park, Inc.

Non-certified conventional condensed consolidated combined economic report provides non-certified conventional, condensed combined balance sheets, and non-certified forward-looking, forward-looking, forward-looking information for the non-certified future periods, not based on the conventional, condensed combined balance sheets, and non-certified forward-looking, ... Exhibit 99. 1 Press Release December 6, 2019 Century Casinos, Inc. Eldorado Resorts Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA - December 6, 2019 - Century Casinos, Inc.

Appendix 99. 1 Press Release December 4, 2019 Colorado, US A-Colorad o-December 4, 2019 INOS, Inc. (Nasdaq Capital Market®: Century Casinos or Company announced today that it has been approved by ISLEC CASINO CAPE GIRDEAU and Lady Luck Caruthersville.

Excerpts 99. 2 Century Casino 3 quarter of 2019 Century Casino Century 1 Forecast Statement, Business Status and Risk Factory Presentation is valuable from the 1933 revised Securities Law Article 27A, 21E, Article 21E, and 1934. It may include "predicted statements" in the meaning of rights and exchanges (hereinafter referred to as "exchange law") and private securities litigation.

2019/11/5 Press Release Correction: Century Casinos, Inc. 2019 Announced the third quarter of the third quarte r-November 5, 201 9-Century Casinos, Inc. (Nasdaq Capital Market®: CNTY: CNTY) Corrected the press release announced on November 5, 2010, and announced that it reflected the typographical errors in the calculation of EBITDA*after adjustment for 12 months ending on September 30.

2019. 11. 4 Press Release Century Casino Ink, 2019, 2019 Coloradad o-Spring s-November 201 9-November 4, 201 9-Century Capital Market®: CNTY (CNTY) is today, September 2019 We announced three and nine months, which ended on the 30th. The main indicators of the third quarter of 2019* -The pure operating income was $ 52. 9 million, an increase of 22 % yea r-o n-year.

This presentation may include Article 27a of the 1933 Securities Law, Article 21E of the 1934 Revised Property Transactions Law (hereinafter referred to as the "Exchange Law"), and the "Prediction Description" in the value of private securities litigation. There is.

Annex 99. 1 Press Release on September 25, 2019 Century Casinos, Inc. has been approved by West Virginia Lotary on the acquisition of Mountainer Casino, Hippodorome, Colorado Springs Resort (Coloradado, USA). Ta.

8 Press Release Century Casinos, Inc. 2nd Quarter 2019 Colorado Result s-Springs, Colorad o-8 AUGUST 201 9-Inc. (NASDAQ CAPITAL : CNTY) is June 30, 2019 He announced his financial achievements for three and six months ended on a day. The main features of the second quarter of 2019* -A failed operating profit of $ 52, $ 4 million, actually 32 % higher than three months.

Excerpts 99, 2Centual Casinos, the second quarter of 2019, forecast status, business status, risk points, and the provided demonstrations, with corrections in 1933 Securities 27A, Ceremony from 1934 with corrections. We have the ability to maintain the "prediction statement" in the meaning of the Judicial Company Realization Law on Personal Securities from 1934 (hereinafter referred to as "Exchange Law") and 1934.

Presentation to traders in June 2019, "predictive statement" logo, and this release are Article 27a of the 1933 Securities Act, Article 21 and 1995 of the 1934 Securities and Exchange Law with corrections. It has the ability to maintain a specific "predictive statement" in the meaning.

Annex 99. 1 Press Release June 17, 2019 The final agreement on the acquisition of three casinos from Century Casinos, Inc. Eldorado Resorts was concluded by the purchase of a local real estate in the United States, and immediately EBITDA- Cathedral 4. 1x Colorad o-Springs, Colorado, the United State s-June 17, 201 9-Century Casinos. (Nasdaq Capital Market®: CNTY) (Centuu

May 9, 2019 Press Release Century Casinos, Inc. announced the achievements of the first quarter of 2019 by Colorad o-Colorad o-May 9, 201 9-CNTY (Nasdaq Capital Market®: ) He announced his thre e-month cash performance on March 31, 2019. Main characteristics of the first quarter of 2019* - Failed operating profit was $ 45, 6 million, which increased 12 % from 3 months, which ended on March 31.

Century Casino 1 quarter of 2019 cash settlement Century Casino 1 Forecast, Busines s-performing, moment of risk, the demonstration provided with corrections, Article 27a of 1933, the 1934 Securities and Exchange Law with corrections We have the ability to maintain "predictions" in the meaning of Article 21E ("Exchange Law") and 1995 Personal Securities Litigation Reform Law.

March 11, 2019 Press Release Company Century Casinos, Inc. Fourth Quarter 2018 Colorado Results - COLORADO SPRINGS - March 11, 2019 - Century Casinos, Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Market®: Cnty) today announced financial results for the three months and full year ended December 31, 2018. Fourth Quarter 2018* - Net operating income was $45. 1 million, up 15% from the three months of 2018. Century Casinos 2018 Financial Results Century Casinos 1 Forward-looking Statements, Business Condition and Risk Factors This presentation may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, Section 21 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act") and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

Extra 99. 1 Released February 28, 2019 Announcement of Opening of Century Mile Racetrack and Casino COLORADO SPRINGS, CO, February 28, 2019 - Century Casinos, Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Market®: CNTY) today announced that Century Mile Racetrack and Casino in South Edmonton, Alberta, Canada will open its casino, restaurant, sports bar and off-track betting gym on April 1, 2019. Hippodrome

November 7, 2018 Press Release Company Century Casinos, Inc Third Quarter 2018 Colorado Results - Colorado Springs - November 7, 2018 - Century Casinos, Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Market®: CNTY) today announced financial results for the third quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2018. Third Quarter 2018 Key Metrics* - Net operating income of $43 million, an increase of 6% compared to the third quarter of 2018.

Century Casinos Third Quarter 2018 Results Century Casinos 1 Forward-looking statements, operating conditions and risk factors. The Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

Century Casino Second Quarter 2018 Financial Results Century Casino 1 Forward-Looking Statements, Business Condition and Risk Factors This presentation may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, Section 21e of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

2018/8/8 PRESS RELEASE Century Casinos, Inc. Announces Second Quarter 2018 Results COLORADO SPRINGS, CO - August 8, 2018 - Century Casinos, Inc. (Nasdaq Capital Market®: CNTY) today announced financial results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2018. Highlights Second Quarter 2018* - Net operating income of $39. 6 million, up 6% from the prior three months

2018/5/9 PRESS RELEASE Century Casinos, Inc. Announces First Quarter 2018 Results COLORADO SPRINGS, CO - May 9, 2018 - Century Casinos, Inc. (Nasdaq Capital Market®: CENTURY CASINOS today announced its financial results for the three months ended March 31, 2018. Highlights First Quarter 2018* - Net operating income was $40. 6 million, up 12% from the three months ended March 31.

CENTURY CASINOS First Quarter 2018 Financial Results CENTURY CASINOS 1 Forward-Looking Statements, Business Condition and Risk Factors This presentation may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act") and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.


PRESS RELEASE March 9, 2018 Century Casinos, Inc. Announces Fourth Quarter 2017 Financial Results COLORADO SPRINGS, CO - March 9, 2018 - Century Casinos, Inc. (Nasdaq Capital Market®: CNTY) today announced financial results for the three months and fiscal year ended December 31, 2017. Highlights 2017* - Net operating income was $154. 1 million, an increase of 11% compared to the year ended December 31. CENTURY CASINOS 2017 Financial Results Page 1 Forward-Looking Statements, Business Condition and Risk Factors This presentation may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act") and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

99. 1 Promotions Close Public Offering Annex 99. Press Release November 21, 2017? Century Casinos Declares Pricing of Regular Promotions Public Offering? Colorado Springs, Colorado, November 21, 2017? Century Casinos, Inc. (Nasdaq Capital Market?:Cnty) is pleased to announce the closing of the underwriting of its traditional promotions 4. 887. 500 promotions public offering penalty to cover the absolute performance of the company's commitments by the underwriters.

991 Promotions Close Public Offering Annex 99. 1? Press Release November 17, 2017? Century Casinos Declares Pricing of Regular Promotions Public Offering? Colorado Springs, Colorado, 16 November 2017 - Century Casinos, Inc (NASDAQ Capital Market®: CNTY) now announced in effect that it has determined the cost of securing the public offering of 4. 250. 000 promotions of its own conventional promotions at the cost of $7, 50 per share. Exhibit 99. 1 to Proposed Public Offering ... The company is still waiting for the actual receipt of the results of the promotional placement

Century Casinos' third quarter 2017 cash results are not encouraging statements, business conditions and risk moments, and the demonstrations provided have the ability to hold "promising statements" within the meaning of Section 27 of the Exchange Act of 1995, as amended, Section 21 of the Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act") and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act.

6 November 2017Press ReleaseCentury Casinos, Inc. Announces Third Quarter 2017 Financial Resultsby Colorado - Springs, Colorado - 6 November 2017 - Century Casinos, Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Market®: CNTY) today announced its company cash results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2017. Third Quarter 2017 Highlights* - Unqualified Operating Income of $41. 0 million, up 19% from the third quarter of 2017.

Press Release August 7, 2017 Century Casinos, Inc. Announces Second Quarter 2017 Results Colorado Springs, Colorado - 7 August 2017 - Century Casinos, Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Market®: CNTY) today announced its cash results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2017. Second Quarter 2017 Highlights* - Unqualified Operating Income of $373 million, up 6% from the three months prior.

Century CASINOS 2017 Cash Performance Cash Performance Future Description, Business Status and Risk Points This Certification is Article 27a of the 1933 Stock Exchange Act (after the amendment), 1934 Stock Exchange Law (Revised Article 21E (Revised) (Revised) Later) (hereinafter referred to as the "Exchange Law"), and the "description of future outlook" in the meaning of the Securities Litigation Reform Law for individuals in 1995.

Certificate number 991 Birth certificate number 99 1? Press Release June 21, 2017? Century Casino Acquires Colorado Springs, Coloradado Coloradado June 21, 2017 Century Casinos, Inc (Nasdaq Capital Market?: CNTY ) Century Casinos Europe Gmbh, the company's Austrian subsidiary, has purchased 100 % of the regular promotions of the participating SAW CLOSE CASINO LTD. (? SCCL?)

Attachment 991 1st quarter of 2017? May 5, 2017 Press Release? Century Casino

Abstracted 992 Century Casino Traders Demonstration The Description, Business Status and Risk Points Demonstration in the first quarter of 2017, Article 27a (after amendment) in 1933, 1934 Securities and Exchange Law, 21E It may include the "description of future outlook" in the meaning of Article (after the revision) (after the revision) ("Exchange Law") and the 1995 Securities Litigation Reform Law.

Securities number 991 CM Securities Number 99 1 Press Release March 27, 2017 Century Miles Racing Entertainment Center, proposed in northern Alberta, Coloradado Colorado Springs, March 27, 201 7-The Century Capital Market®: CNTY has approved the Century Miles Racing, a proposed entertainment center proposed by the Alberta Liquor and Gaming Commission. Announced 。

March 10, 2017 Press Release Century Casino Inc, 2016 Fourth Fourth Fourth Fourth Yea r-Colorado Spring s-March 10, 201 7-Century Capital Market®: CNTY: CNTY , Three months and annual cash performance ended on December 31, 2016. Highlights 2016* -The pure operating profit increased $ 139. 2 million, an increase of 4 % in the year ending on December 31.

Century CASINOS Financial Results description, Business Status and Risk Points This Certification is Article 27a of the 1933 Stock Exchange Law (after the amendment), 1934 Stock Exchange Law Article 21e (after amendment) (after amendment) And the intention of "description on outlook" in the meaning of the 1995 Personal Securities Litigation Reform Law).

November 1, 2016 Press Release Century Casino Ink, 2016's 3rd quarter year's achievements in Colorado Spring s-November 1, 201 6-Century Capital Market®: CNTY: CNTY , Three months and 9 months of cash performance ended on September 30, 2016. The main feature of the third quarter of 2016* -The pure operating profit is $ 34. 5 million, an increase of 3 % compared to the three months of 2016.

In the third quarter of 2016, the business outlook, business status and riskpoints, and this demonstration are Article 21 of the Securities Law, Article 21 E (after the revision), and Article 21 of the 1934 Securities and Exchange Law. We intend to include the "description of future outlook" defined in E (after the revision). And, in 1995, we intend to include a description of future forecasts in the meaning of the Personal Securities Litigation Reform Law.

Attachment 991 2016, 2-quarter of 2016 Traders Demonstration 2 The Description, Business Status and Risk Points Demonstration on the Cash Performance and Risk Points Demonstration in 1933, Article 27A of the 1933 Securities and Transactions Law, 21E, 21E, It is intended to include the "description of future outlook" in the meaning of the Article and 1995 Securities Litigation Reform Act.

2016 Financial Restrictions Outlook for the Financial Extraordinary Intelligence in the meaning of Article 27a of the 1933 Revision of the Stock Exchange Act, Article 21E (Exchange Law) of the 1934 Stock Exchange Law (Exchange Law), and the 1995 Private Securities Litigation Reform Law. We intend to include "descriptions on future outlook".

August 5, 2016 Press Release Century Casinos, Inc. announced the performance of the second quarter of 201 6-August 5, 201 6-August 5, 201 6-Century Capital Market®: CNTY is this time We announced three and si x-month cash performance ending on June 30, 2016. The main feature of the second quarter of 2016* -The pure operating profit was $ 35. 2 million, decreasing by 7 % from the three months, ending on June 30, 2016.

No. 991 Press Release June 30, 2016 A contract to acquire Apex casinos from Century Casino and St. Albert Capital Market®: CNTY has recently signed a contract to acquire Apex casinos in St. Albert, a suburb of Edmonton, Alberta.

Attachment 992 The first quarter of 2016 Demonstration Demonstration Designation, Business Status and Risk Points Demonstration provided in the Securities Law A (after the amendment), Article 21 E (after the revision) of the Securities Law and Article 21 E ( After the revision) ("Exchange Law") and the 1995 Personal Securities Litigation Reform Law may include "descriptions on future outlook".

Attachment 991 2016 1st quarter financial results May 6, 2016 Press Release Century Casinos, Inc.

The Fourth quarter of the Fourth quarter of the Fourth quarter of the Future Future, Business Status and Risk Item, this demonstration is Article 27a of the 1933 Revision of the Corporation and Transactions Law, Article 21E of the 1934 Revision of the Law ("Exchange Law") and 1995. We intend to include "descriptions on future outlook" in the meaning of the Unproof Securities Litigation Law.

11 MARCH 2016 Press Release Casinos, Inc. Announces 4th Quarter 2015 Results Colorado Springs, C O-11 MARCH 2016 (NASDAQ CAPITAL ET®: CNTY) ended on December 31, 2015 We announced thre e-month and annual cash settlement. Highlights* -Pure operating profit in 2015 was $ 134. 4 million, an increase of 12 % since the end of December 31, 2014. - advertisement

Abstracted 992 Trader Demonstration Cash Result Forward Rooking Statement, Business Status and Risk Points In this demonstration, Article 27a of 1933 (after the amendment), 1934 Securities Exchange Law, 21E. It may include Article (after the revision) ("Exchange Law") and the 1995 "Forward Rouest Statement" in the meaning of the Personal Securities Litigation Reform Law.

Attachment 991 November 6, 2015, 2015 Financial Results Presentation Pres Release Century Casinos, Inc.

Excerpted 992 Trader Demonstration, Designation of Cash Expenditure Prostrations in the 2nd February 2015, Demonstration provided by business conditions and risk points include Article 27A (after the amendment) of the Securities Law and 1934 Securities Exchange Law Article 21E (After the amendment) (after the revision) ("Exchange Law") and the 1995 Personal Securities Litigation Litigation Reform Law may include "descriptions on outlook".

Excerpted 991 Press Release Century Casinos, Inc.

Display 992 Demonstration for Traders The first quarter of the 2015 cash results, business performances, and risk points, "predicted the demonstration provided by Article 27 of the Corrected Securities Law in 1933. It has the ability to maintain the sentence, a law on the reform of judicial practices on personal securities in the 1934 Securities and Exchange Law ("Exchange Law") and 1995.

Attachment 991 WinStrelease Q1 May 8, 2015 Press Release Century Casino

Exhibited 991 WinStrelease 2014 Q4 March 16, 2015 Press Release Century Casinos, Inc.

Exhibition 991 WinStrelease 2014 Q4 March 16, 2015 Press Release Correction: Century Casinos, Inc.

November 14, 2014 Press Release Century Casino Ink announced the 3rd quarter of 2014 Colorad o-Spring s-November 14, 201 4-Century Casino Ink (NASDAQ CAPITAL MARKET®: CNTY) This time, it has announced a thre e-month and nin e-month financial performance ending on September 30, 2014. Main characteristics in the third quarter of 2014* -A failed operating profit of $ 28, 1 million, actually decreased by 2 % from the three months, which ended on September 30, 2014.

August 14, 2014 Press Release Corporation Century Casino, Inc. Inc. announced the results of Colorado in the second quarter of 201 4-Springs, Colorad o-August 14, 201 4-Century casino, inc. (Nasdaq Capital Market) The® and the Vienna Stock Exchange: CNTY) has now announced the three and si x-month results ending on June 30, 2014. Main characteristics in the second quarter of 2014* -On failed operating profit of $ 31, 6 million, actually increased 11 % from the first quarter of 2014.

May 15, 2014 Press Release Century Casino Ink announced the first quarter of 2014 Colorad o-Spring s-May 15, 201 4-Century Casino Ink (NASDAQ CAPITAL MARKET® and Vienna Securities) Exchange: CNTY) has recently announced a thre e-month financial result ending on March 31, 2014. Highlights in the first quarter of 2014* -A rare operating profit was $ 29 million, an increase of 62 % compared to the three months of 2014.

31 MARCH 2014 Press Release Casinos, Inc. Announced Results for 4th Quarter and Year Ended 2013 by Colorad o-31 MARCH 2014 URY CASINOS, Inc. (Nasdaq Capital Market® and Vienna Stock Exchange: CNTY) Now Announced Monetary Results for 3 months and year Ended 31 Decementers 2013. Main characteristics of 2013* -An unknown operating profit was $ 146 million, 46 % compared to 2013.

3 December 3, 2013 Press Release Century Casinos announced the latest information on the Century Downs Racecourse and the Casino Plan and the ceremony schedule in Calgary, Canad a-Colorado Springs, Colorado, Colorado, Colorado ・ Century Casinos, Inc.

21 November 2013 PresS Edit: Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, Colorado (Century Casinos, Century Casinos, Century Casinos .

14 November 2013 Press Release Corollado Springs, Coloradad o-November 14, Colorado (NASDAQ CAPITAL MARKET® NTY ) This has announced three and nine months of cash performance ending on September 30, 2013. Highlights in the third quarter of 2013* -The pure operating profit increased $ 28. 8 million, 54%.

August 14, 2013 Press Released Century Casino (Century Casinos, Inc. The second quarter of 2013 announcement of achievements in Colorado Springs, Coloradad o-August 14, 201 3-Century Cadino (Nasdaq Capital Market® and Vienna Securities Exchanges: CNTY) announced the main features of the 3rd and six months of the end of the third and six months that ended on June 30, 2013* -Pure operating income is 28. 3 million. The dollar exceeded the first quarter of 2013 by 59 %.

June 10, 2013 Press Release Century Casino, Applying for Casino License in Austria Vienna Colorado Springs (Colorado) June 10, 201 3-Century Casinos, Inc.

15 May 2013 Press Release (Century Casinos, Inc. Exchange: CNTY) This time, the thre e-month cash financial results ended on March 31, 2013* The main features of the first quarter of 2013* -The pure operating profit was $ 18 million. It was 2 % exceeded 2 %.

On April 9, 2013, Colorado Springs, Colorad o-Century Casino, was a century casino, Inc, a 33 % acquisition of Polish Casino Promotion.

Press Release March 28, 2013 Century Casino Ink, 2012 Fourth quarter performance announced in Colorado Springs, Colorado, US A-March 28, 201 3-Century Capital Market® and Vienna Securities Exchange : CNTY) has recently announced its thre e-month and annual cash performance ending on December 31, 2012. Highlights in 2012* pure operating income was $ 71. 8 million, increasing by 1%from the end of the year.

December 3, 2012 Century Casinos Press Release Announces Start of Construction Plan for Race Amusement Center and Hippodrome in Calgary, Alberta, Canada - December 3, 2012, Colorado Springs, Colorado - Century Casinos, Inc. Press Release November 7, 2012 Century Casinos, Inc. Announces Third Quarter 2012 Financial Results COLORADO SPRINGS, CO - November 7, 2012 - Century Casinos, Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Market® and Vienna Stock Exchange: Cnty) today announced its financial results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2012. Key Highlights for Third Quarter 2012* - Recurring operating income was $1, 870 million, up from $1, 870 million in the prior quarter. Century Casino Inc. announced that it has signed an agreement to acquire an additional 33% interest in Poland Promotions.

Press Release August 8, 2012 Century Casino Inc. Announces Second Quarter 2012 Results Colorado Springs, CO - August 8, 2012 - Century Casino Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Market® and Vienna Stock Exchange: Cnty) today announced its financial results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2012. Second Quarter 2012* Highlights - Adjusted EBITDA** measure was $2, 9 million, a substantial 5% increase over the third quarter of 2012.

Press Release May 2012 Century Casinos, Inc. Announces First Quarter 2012 Results May 4, 2012 - Century Casinos, Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Market® and Vienna Stock Exchange: Cnty) is now announcing its financial results for the three months ended March 31, 2012. Key Highlights for First Quarter 2012** ● Undisclosed operating income of $17. 6 million, an impressive 3% increase compared to the three months 2012.

PRESS RELEASE March 29, 2012 Century Casinos, Inc. Announces Fourth Quarter 2011 Colorado Results - Colorado Springs - March 29, 2012 - Century Casinos, Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Market® and Vienna Stock Exchange: Cnty) today announced its financial results for the three months and full year ended December 31, 2011. Key Highlights for Fourth Quarter 2011: ● Undisclosed operating income of $17. 6 million, an increase of 13% over the first quarter of 2011.

PRESS RELEASE November 8, 2011 Century Casinos, Inc. Announces Third Quarter 2011 Financial Results Colorado Springs, Colorado November 8, 2011? Century Casinos, Inc. (Nasdaq Capital Market? and Vienna Stock Exchange: Cnty) is now announcing its financial results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2011. What are the key highlights from the third quarter of 2011? Operating income was $181 million, an increase of 14% over the third quarter of 2011.

Press Release August 12, 2011 Colorado Springs, 2011 Colorado Springs, 201 1-August 12, 201 1-Century Casino Ink (NASDAQ CAPITAL MARKET® and Vienna Stock Exchange: CNTY) This time, he announced his three and six months of cash balance ending on June 30, 2011. Highlights in the second quarter of 201 1-pure operating profit were $ 18 million, increasing 21%from the first quarter of 2011.

Press Release May 13, 2011 Century Casinos, inc., 2011 Financial Results Presentation Colorado Spring s-May 13, 201 1-May 13, 2011 : CNTY) announced the main characteristics of the first quarter of the first quarter of the thre e-month cash expenditure on March 31, 2011. Increased 21%compared to.

Press Release March 31, 2011 Century Casino announces the 4th quarter of 2010 Colorado Springs, Coloradado March 31, 2011 Century Capital Market (CNTY) This time, we announced thre e-month and on e-year cash settlement, with the end of December 31, 2010. What are the main features of the fourth quarter of 2010? Pure operating profit was $ 15. 6 million, an increase of 29%from the previous quarter.

November 9, 2010 Century Casino Ink, the third quarter of 2010 announced in Colorado Spring s-November 9, 201 0-Nasdaq Capital Market® and Vienna Securities Exchange: CNTY: CNTY: CNTY ) This announced the thre e-month and nin e-month cash balance ending on September 30, 2010. Highlights in the third quarter of 201 0-pure operating profit were $ 16 million, up 16%yea r-o n-year.

13 AUGUST 2010 Press Edit: Century Cassinos Reports Seconds Second Quarter 2010 Colorado Springs, Colorado, 2010, Colorado? Century Casino

Press Release May 21, 2010 Century Casino announces a new corporate goal May 21, 2010 Colorado Spring s-Colorad o-Century Casinos, Inc.

Press Release May 10, 2010 Century Casino, reporting the cash expenditure in the first quarter of 2010 Colorado Springs, May 10, 2010, Colorado, Century Casino

Press Release March 15, 2010 Century Casino announced the 4th quarter of 2009 and the whole year's cash balance March 15, 2010 Colorado Springs, Colorado Century Casino

Press Release November 9, 2009 Century Casino announced in the third quarter of 2009, November 9, 2009 Colorado Spring s-Colorad o-Century Casinos, Inc.

Press Release August 10, 2009 Colorado Springs, Colorado, August 10, 200 9-Century Casinos (Century Casinos, Inc. Inc.

EXHIBITION 99. 1 Century Casinos, Inc. (hereinafter "the Company") Century Resorts Limited (hereinafter "CRL") D (hereinafter referred to as All unprecedented promotions of "CCA) have been signed to resold AFR 460 million ($ 57 million), and have been corrected.

Press Release May 11, 2009 Colorado Springs (Coloradado) announced the achievements in the first quarter of 2009, May 11, 2009? Century Casinos, Inc.

Press Release March 16, 2009 Century Casino, 4th quarter of 2008 Colorado Springs, Colorado March 16, 2009? Century Casino

Press Release November 10, 2008 Century Casino, 3rd quarter of 2008 announced Colorado Springs, Coloradado, November 10, 200 8-Century Casinos, Inc.

Press Release August 11, 2008 Century Casino, the second quarter of 2008, August 11, 2008, Colorado Springs, Colorad o-Century Casinos, Inc.

May 12, 2008 Century Casino announces profits for the first quarter of 2008, Colorado Springs, Colorad o-Colorad o-Century Casino

Press Release March 17, 2008 Century Casino increased operating income by 239%Colorado Springs (Coloradado) --century Casinos, Inc.

Press Releas e-January 2, 2008 Century Casino announces 100 % ownership of Colorado Central City Cagorado Spring s-Century Casinos, Inc.

Press Release November 9, 2007 Century Casino, Produced Colorado Springs, Coloradado Colorado Colorado Springs in the third quarter 2007

Press Release August 9, 2007 Century Casinos reports the profits of the second quarter of 200 7-Colorado Spring s-Century Casinos, Inc.

Certified 99. 1 FOR URGENT RELIGION Corporate Larry Larry Hannappel CEO and President Senior Vice President +1 719 5813 +43 355 355 +1 29 6448 [Email Protected] [Email Protected] Century Casinos Covered Tolika Resalee Position IN GAUTENG, SOUTH AFRICA, Colorado Springs, PLAN, September 28, 200 6-Century Casinos, Inc (Nasdaq and Vienna)

Certified 99. 1 FOR URGENT RELIGION Corporate Larry Larry Hannappel CEO and President Senior Vice President +1 719 5813 +43 355 355 +1 29 6448 [Email Protected] [Email Protected] Century Casinos Covered Tolika Resalee Position IN GAUTENG, SOUTH AFRICA, Colorado Springs, PLAN, September 28, 200 6-Century Casinos, Inc (Nasdaq and Vienna)



Agreements and Contracts


For ImmediaTE PUBLICATION LARRY HANNAPPEL (719) 527-8300 INGS, Colorado, 18 Octor 200 4-Century Casinos, INC (Nasdaq: CNTY), Franklin, Iowa The Landmark Gaming LLC owner has announced that it has signed a contract to submit an order as a joint applicant.

-Century Casinos, Inc (NASDAQ: CNTY) has announced that it has signed a contract to develop and operate a casino with Colorado in Colorado's Colorado Central City to TollGate Venture LLC. The proposed contract price is $ 40, 0

Attachment 10. 1 Century Casinos, Inc. Century Casino Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company"; Century casino ink (hereinafter referred to as "this plan")) is an excellent employee in the company's heavy position. It is thought to be to hire and maintain members, relocate additional incentives to them, and match their profits with our profits.

Annex 10. 1 The particularly specified information is excluded from the attached documents because it is likely that the registrant will cause competitive damage when disclosed and is not important. [This means that information is prohibited. A pledge based on the fifth correction between leases and businesses (solidarity with each authorized parties) described in the appendix A.

Organizations (hereinafter referred to as "existing lender") in the separate table A. of this Agreement, Rocky GapcoPco LLC (hereinafter referred to as "existing lender" together with the successors and transferees), a limited liability company in the Delaware state. And the actual 4th amendment of the lease between them (hereinafter referred to as the “this correction”) shall come into effect on July 25, 2023 (hereinafter referred to as the “effect date”).

Attachment 10. 1 Century Casinos, Inc. Incentive Plan) There is a sexuality, and based on the "This Plan"), based on the standards specified in the table below, a stock unit credit will be given to you, the member shown in the table below. Status and rules

Annex 10. 15B The specific information is excluded from the provided, because it is not an important existence, but may cause competitive damage to the recording company when it is published. [Indicates that the information is edited. May 5, 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the "effectiveness date".

Organizations listed in the attached document A of this Agreement ("lender" in joints with each successor and transferee), organizations stated in the attached document B of this Agreement (jointly with the successors and transferors "The Leaseholder"), among the entrepreneurs described in the attached book B of this Agreement ("lender" in joints with each successor and transferor), the second 2nd 2nd on December 14, 2021. A change in lease (hereinafter referred to as "this change") has been concluded.

Specific information is not considered an important information, and is excluded from the application because it could cause competitive damage to the recording company when it was published. < SPAN> Annex 10. 1 The specific information is excluded from the attached document because it is unlikely that the registrant will cause competitive damage when disclosed and is not important. 。 [This means that information is prohibited. A pledge based on the fifth correction between leases and businesses (solidarity with each authorized parties) described in the appendix A.

Specific information is not considered an important information, and is excluded from the application because it could cause competitive damage to the recording company when it was published. < SPAN> Annex 10. 1 The specific information is excluded from the attached document because it is unlikely that the registrant will cause competitive damage when disclosed and is not important. 。 [This means that information is prohibited. A pledge based on the fifth correction between leases and businesses (solidarity with each authorized parties) described in the appendix A.

Attachment 10. 1 Century Casinos, Inc. Incentive Plan) There is a sexuality, and based on the "This Plan"), based on the standards specified in the table below, a stock unit credit will be given to you, the member shown in the table below. Status and rules

Annex 10. 15B The specific information is excluded from the provided, because it is not an important existence, but may cause competitive damage to the recording company when it is published. [Indicates that the information is edited. May 5, 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the "effectiveness date".

Organizations listed in the attached document A of this Agreement ("lender" in joints with each successor and transferee), organizations stated in the attached document B of this Agreement (jointly with the successors and transferors "The Leaseholder"), among the entrepreneurs described in the attached book B of this Agreement ("lender" in joints with each successor and transferor), the second 2nd 2nd on December 14, 2021. A change in lease (hereinafter referred to as "this change") has been concluded.

Specific information is not considered an important information, and is excluded from the application because it could cause competitive damage to the recording company when it was published. Annex 10. 1 The particularly specified information is excluded from the attached documents because it is likely that the registrant will cause competitive damage when disclosed and is not important. [This means that information is prohibited. A pledge based on the fifth correction between leases and businesses (solidarity with each authorized parties) described in the appendix A.

Organizations (hereinafter referred to as "existing lender") in the separate table A. of this Agreement, Rocky GapcoPco LLC (hereinafter referred to as "existing lender" together with the successors and transferees), a limited liability company in the Delaware state. And the actual 4th amendment of the lease between them (hereinafter referred to as the “this correction”) shall come into effect on July 25, 2023 (hereinafter referred to as the “effect date”).

Attachment 10. 1 Century Casinos, Inc. Incentive Plan) There is a sexuality, and based on the "This Plan"), based on the standards specified in the table below, a stock unit credit will be given to you, the member shown in the table below. Status and rules

Annex 10. 15B The specific information is excluded from the provided, because it is not an important existence, but may cause competitive damage to the recording company when it is published. [Indicates that the information is edited. May 5, 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the "effectiveness date".

Organizations listed in the attached document A of this Agreement ("lender" in joints with each successor and transferee), organizations stated in the attached document B of this Agreement (jointly with the successors and transferors "The Leaseholder"), among the entrepreneurs described in the attached book B of this Agreement ("lender" in joints with each successor and transferor), the second 2nd 2nd on December 14, 2021. A change in lease (hereinafter referred to as "this change") has been concluded.

Specific information is not considered an important information, and is excluded from the application because it could cause competitive damage to the recording company when it was published.

Application form 10. April 1, 2022, Century Casino Ink (borrower), borrower subsidiaries (parties), guarantors, lenders, parties, creditworthiness lenders, Goldman Sachs Corporation USA (Office Agency and Credit Agree, which was concluded between Goldman Sachs Bank USA and BOFA Securities Co., Ltd. (c o-owner and joint book runner)?

Attachment 10. 3 Loan Contract Correction No. 3 Delaware Corporation Century Casinos, Inc. Macquarie Capital Funding LLC (hereinafter referred to as "administrative agent",

Annex 10. 1 The specific information is not important, and is excluded from this book because if it is disclosed publicly, it may cause competitive damage to the registrant. [Indicates that the information is edited. The edition of the implementation edition of September 30, 2020, the 2nd item, the 2nd item of the disclaimer amendment, and the disclaimer (hereinafter referred to as "this correction").

Annex 10. 1 Specified information is excluded from this book because it is not important, but may cause competitive damage to the registered company if it is disclosed publicly. [That means that the information is edited. September 30, 2020 Change of Edition No. 2 and credit conditions Details No. 2 and credit conditions details (hereinafter referred to as "book change")

No. 10 Century Casinos, Inc. This option contract is Century Casinos, Inc. It will be concluded today.

EX-10. 1 2 CNT Y-20191211X101. HTM EX-10. 1 Annex 10. 1 Specific information is not important, and if it is disclosed, it is likely that the registrant will cause competitive damage. Therefore, it is excluded from Annex. [Indicates that the information is edited. Leasing between organizations described in the attached document A (collaborative, along with each license) < Span> Application form 10. April 1, 2022, Century Casino Ink (borrower), borrower subsidiary (Party), guarantors, lenders, party, creditworthy lenders, Goldman Sachs Bank USA (administrative agent and collateral agent), Goldman Sachtic Bank USA and BOFA Securities Co., Ltd. (C o-owner and Joint Book Runner) ) Credit aggregation concluded in between?

Attachment 10. 3 Loan Contract Correction No. 3 Delaware Corporation Century Casinos, Inc. Macquarie Capital Funding LLC (hereinafter referred to as "administrative agent",

Annex 10. 1 The specific information is not important, and is excluded from this book because if it is disclosed publicly, it may cause competitive damage to the registrant. [Indicates that the information is edited. The edition of the implementation edition of September 30, 2020, the 2nd item, the 2nd item of the disclaimer amendment, and the disclaimer (hereinafter referred to as "this correction").

Annex 10. 1 Specified information is excluded from this book because it is not important, but may cause competitive damage to the registered company if it is disclosed publicly. [That means that the information is edited. September 30, 2020 Change of Edition No. 2 and credit conditions Details No. 2 and credit conditions details (hereinafter referred to as "book change")

No. 10 Century Casinos, Inc. This option contract is Century Casinos, Inc. It will be concluded today.

EX-10. 1 2 CNT Y-20191211X101. HTM EX-10. 1 Annex 10. 1 Specific information is not important, and if it is disclosed, it is likely that the registrant will cause competitive damage. Therefore, it is excluded from Annex. [Indicates that the information is edited. Application form between organizations described in the attached document A (collaborative, along with each license) 10. April 1, 2022, Century Casino Ink (borrower), borrower subsidiary (parties) , Guarantors, lenders, party, creditworthiness lenders, Goldman Sachs Bank USA (administrative agent and collateral agent), Goldman Sachs Corporation USA and BOFA Securities Co., Ltd. Credit aggressive?

Attachment 10. 3 Loan Contract Correction No. 3 Delaware Corporation Century Casinos, Inc. Macquarie Capital Funding LLC (hereinafter referred to as "administrative agent",

Annex 10. 1 The specific information is not important, and is excluded from this book because if it is disclosed publicly, it may cause competitive damage to the registrant. [Indicates that the information is edited. The edition of the implementation edition of September 30, 2020, the 2nd item, the 2nd item of the disclaimer amendment, and the disclaimer (hereinafter referred to as "this correction").

Annex 10. 1 Specified information is excluded from this book because it is not important, but may cause competitive damage to the registered company if it is disclosed publicly. [That means that the information is edited. September 30, 2020 Change of Edition No. 2 and credit conditions Details No. 2 and credit conditions details (hereinafter referred to as "book change")

No. 10 Century Casinos, Inc. This option contract is Century Casinos, Inc. It will be concluded today.

EX-10. 1 2 CNT Y-20191211X101. HTM EX-10. 1 Annex 10. 1 Specific information is not important, and if it is disclosed, it is likely that the registrant will cause competitive damage. Therefore, it is excluded from Annex. [Indicates that the information is edited. Leasing between organizations described in the attached document A (collectively, along with each license)

Schedule 10. 1 Executed on December 6, 2019 by Century Casinos, Inc. as Borrower, a subsidiary of the Borrower as Guarantor, the Creditors, the Creditors, Macquarie Capital Funding LLC as Administrative Agent and Commission Agent, and Macquarie Capital (USA) are Inc. as Sole Lead Manager and Sole Bookrunner.

Schedule 10. 1 Employment Agreement Executed Employment Agreement (the "Agreement") executed and signed on November 18, 2019 by and between Margaret Stepton (the "Executor") and Century Casinos, Inc., Delaware Corporation (the "Company"). Details A. The Executor will serve as the Company's financial director and corporate secretary. B. The Contractor will perform the Contractor's own obligations.

Schedule 10. 2 2nd Amendment Making Agreement a true 2nd Amendment Making Agreement dated 31 October 2019 between: Century Resorts Alberta, Inc., Century Casino St. Albert, Inc. and Century Mile, Inc. (collectively, the "Borrowers") and Bank of Montreal (the "Creditors") have entered into a true 2nd Amendment Making Agreement dated 31 October 2019 as a result of the Borrowers and the Lenders having effectively executed the Third Amended and Supplemental Loan Agreement dated June 30, 2020. Schedule 10. 1 First Amendment Agreement to Implement Amendments True First Amendment Agreement dated August 1, 2019, between Century Resorts Alberta Inc. and Century Casino St. Albert Inc. and Century Mile Inc. (collectively, the "Borrowers") and Bank of Montreal (the "Creditors"), by way of the Borrowers and Lenders to the Third Amended and Renewed Loan Agreement, dated as of June 30, 2018 (the "Agreement").

Exhibit 10. 1 Loan Agreement dated as of June 30, 2018, between Centres Alberta Inc. and Century Casino St., as Borrowers, and Bank of Montreal, as Lenders) Exhibit 10. 1 Table of Contents Article 1 Definitions of Terms 1 1. 1 Certain Definitions 35 1. 3 Terms 36 1. 4 Schedule 36

Exhibit 10. 1 Century Resorts Alberta Inc. and Century Casino St., as Borrowers, and Bank of Montreal, as Lenders Resorts Management GmbH Untere Viaduktgasse 2 1030 Vienna Firmenkundencenter [Corporate Customer Center], Vienna South Rennweg 33b 1030 Vienna Credit Contracent Credit Contracent Long sovereign / lady, in connection with the negoti held with you, We would actually prepared in your resolution for a repeated loan for the required amount before T.

EX-10. 1 2 C147-20170621EX101. HTM EX-10. 1 Ex. Information 10. 1 20 June 2017 (1) century casinos Europa GmbH (2) Global Gaming Ventures (Group) Limited (3) Zag Casino Limited (4) Anthony Wollenberg, Ino Limited Extra. Information 10. 1 The Real Treaty was concluded on 20 June 2017 between: (1) century casinos Europa GmbH registered in the AU

Annex 10. 1 Century Casinos, Inc. Treaty on the payment of remuneration in the form of promotions based on the results of activities? Century Casinos, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), in conjunction with the intention to promote the Joint Stock Fund Century Casinos, Inc., 2016 (as may be amended and supplemented, hereinafter the "Plan"), provides appropriate benefits in the form of performance-based promotions (hereinafter the "PSUs") to the physiological persons identified below (hereinafter the "Participants").

EX-10. 1 2 C147-20160930XEX101. HTM EX-10. 1 APPENDIX 10. 1 The agreement regarding the promotion and acquisition of real estate is a substantial contract in force as of July 22, 2016. INTER: Century Casinos Europe GmbH Company Century Casinos Europe LLC (hereinafter the "Zedent") under the title of Celebration, registered in accordance with the laws of the State of Alberta ... 10. 2 First Rehabilitation of the Promotion and Real Estate Acquisition Agreement, the Real Estate Amendment Agreement, dated August 24, 2016, between Century Casino St. Albert Inc. ("Buyer") and Casino St. Albert Inc. ("CSA"), effective as of August 24, 2016, between Action ATM Inc. ("ATM"), MVP Sports Bar Ltd. ("MVP"), Game Plan Developments Ltd. ("GPD"), 851896 Alberta Ltd. ("851"), and 851896 Alberta Ltd. ("851").

EX-10. 1 2 C147-20160930XEX101. HTM EX-10. 1 APPENDIX 10. 1 The agreement regarding the promotion and acquisition of real estate is a substantial contract in force as of July 22, 2016. INTER: Century Casinos Europe GmbH Company Century Casinos Europe LLC (hereinafter the "Zedent") under the title of Celebration, registered in accordance with the laws of the State of Alberta ... 10. 2 First Rehabilitation of the Promotion and Real Estate Acquisition Agreement, the Real Estate Amendment Agreement, dated August 24, 2016, between Century Casino St. Albert Inc. ("Buyer") and Casino St. Albert Inc. ("CSA"), effective as of August 24, 2016, between Action ATM Inc. ("ATM"), MVP Sports Bar Ltd. ("MVP"), Game Plan Developments Ltd. ("GPD"), 851896 Alberta Ltd. ("851"), and 851896 Alberta Ltd. ("851").

Schedule 10 Century Resorts Alberta Inc.

EX-10. 2 2 C147-20160630X102. Albert Inc. Action Atm Inc. MVP Sports Bar LTD. And BRUCE Mpherson June 29, 2016 Note 1. Definition 1 Note Resale and Purchase 1 2.

Attached table 10. 1 Fix of employment contracts (hereinafter referred to as "Fix") on September 1, 2015 (hereinafter "Effective Date") is Century Casino Ink (hereinafter referred to as "Century") and Doctor Irwin Hyatsuman (hereinafter referred to as "Century"). The employment contract (hereinafter referred to as "employment contract") on February 18, 2003 with "Employee") is repeatedly revised. Finally, about employment contracts

Instructions 10. 2 1st Amendment Contracting A contract for the first fixing contract for the true contract for the truth was concluded between the following on September 30, 2015: Century Resorts Alberta. And Century Casino Calgary Inc. The borrower and the lender have a revised loan agreement on August 15, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as the "Hara Roan", between the "borrower") and the Bank of Montreal (hereinafter referred to as "lender"). As a result, a true first revision contract was concluded on September 30, 2015.

Annex 10. 1 No. 1 Annex No. 1 Contract number on the provision of a loan to replenish the PLN to replenish the PLN, arrested on March 26, 2015. Warsaw's MBANK SA (Registered Office: Senatorskiej 18, Warsaw Kyodo Branch: UL. 025237 , NIP number 0000025237.

Attachment 10. 13 Century Casinos, Inc. supports the 2005 Promotion and Ingrades Project for the benefit of specific officers, employees, employees, directors, and / or consultants, and in reality, in reality. As specified in the document, we hope to change the project.

This employment contract amendment clause is a 2003 Delaware Corporation Century Casino (hereinafter referred to as "Employers") and Mag. Peter Hoetzinger ("employee") ("employee") in 2003. An additional amendment of the employment contract concluded on February 18.

Exhibit 10. 1 Reinstatement in respect of duties dated 3 November, 2014. The true reinstatement of the employment contract is based on the employment contract concluded and signed on February 18, 2003 between Century Casinos, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Employer"), and Erwin Haittsmann, a physician residing in Austria (the "Employee"), in a future manner that will enter into the proper configuration: a) Section 1 "Term of the Agreement", in real time, works

EX-10. 11A 2 Cnty-20140826111a07dd. htm EX-10. 11a APPENDIX 10. 11A "Termination Agreement" between UniCredit Bank Austria AG (the "Bank"), Century Casinos Aktiengesellschaft (the "Company"), and Oesterreichische KontrolBank Aktiengesellschaft (the "OEKB") Preambulo, wishing that the Company be all parties to the real agreement, was executed on September 9, 2005, in accordance with the ADC between the two parties. Trying to terminate the agreement (check here).

Schedule 10. 8a is a flawless returned loan agreement between Century Resorts Alberta Inc. and Century Casino Calgary Inc. and returned on August 15, 2014 with Bank of Montreal as lessee and lessor, respectively. 1 1. 2 Recognition 33 1. 3 Accounting definitions and calculations 33 1. 4 Illustration 33 Notes II Credit A 2. 1 Amount and use options 34 2. 2 Promises

This change is effective September 30, 2013. Between: Century Casinos Europe LLC (registered in Alberta under the trade name Century Casinos Europe LLC as an Extra Professional Company) and United Horsemen of Alberta Inc (the "Borrower"): A. Century Casinos Europe LLC and the Borrower have entered into a Loan Agreement dated October 25, 2012. [Logo] BRE Bank SA Credit Facility Agreement No. 02/408/13/Z/OB Agreement on loan in zlotys to replenish reserve funds, dated November 18, 2013, captive at Brea Bank Sposa Akcyjna, Warsaw, with addresses in Warsaw: UL. Senatorskaya, 18, Oddział Korporacyjny Warszawa (Warsaw branch), UL. Krilevskaya, 14, 00-950 Warsaw, registered in the Companies Register of the Moscow Regional Court.

Promotion-Implementation Agreement, the prisoner is now between 1. Ek MittelstandSfinanzierungs AG (FN 226436 W) Openergasse 6, 1010 Vienna ("Seller") as a merchant and 2. Century Casino Europe GmbH (FN 30856 B) Untere Viadktgasse 2, 1030 Vienna ("Buyer") as a customer, who will soon enter into an agreement in the following manner: 1. Preamble 1. The company Centoris beteiligungs AG is deemed to be a company registered in the Companies Register.

[Translator Note: In the square parenthesis, it is indicated in an Italic body) [Documents are paraphrased on each page, fair roam] Polskie Linie Linie Lotnicze Lot S. Promotion contract.

[Translator Note: Included in the square parentheses in an Italic body] Preparation related contract for promotion between Polskie Linie Lotnicze Lot S.

The sales contract is a genuine sales contract on November 6, 2009 (hereinafter referred to as "this agreement").

No change ... 3 And the true collection number of the sales contract ... 3 and as a temporary manager and manager regarding the rejection of the acquisition agreement (hereinafter referred to as "change and dismissing"). EGC Holdings LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "EGC Holdings") and Century Casinos Europe Gmbh (here are "buyers". In fact

The fix of the 1st acquisition agreement (hereinafter referred to as "1st") (hereinafter "this correction") is Grant Sonton Limited (hereinafter "Grant Songton"). Is a temporary administrator and administrator between the EGC Holdings Limited (hereinafter referred to as the "recipient") and the Century Casino European (hereinafter "buyer"). At that time, A. When the recipient and the buyer are deemed to be the parties of the sales contract

November 30, 2009, a temporary manager and administrator of EGC Holdings LTD. (hereinafter "EGC Holdings") and Century (hereinafter "recipient") and Century. Casinos Europe Gmbh (hereinafter referred to as the "buyer") has concluded a true repair No. 2 and a responsibility for acquiring responsibility (hereinafter "this correction and refusal agreement"). order

Fixed employment contracts on November 5, 2009 The actual rehabilitation (PDS) is Century Casinos, Inc., EGC Holdings, LTD. (hereinafter, "EGC Holdings") February 18, 2003. Introducing an auxiliary configuration in the employment contract concluded.

Regarding the revision of the employment contract on November 5, 2009, a supplementary configuration has been introduced to the employment contract (EA) concluded with Century Casino on February 18, 2003.

Century Casinos, Inc.'s Amendment and Revision Project to Return the 2005 Promotion sponsors the proposed approval of the 2005 Promotion for the benefit of certain of Century Casinos, Inc.'s own officers, employees, directors and/or consultants. The Delay Indemnity Agreement (for non-US resident employees) has been in force since November 2008 and is a clean and approved Second Loan Agreement dated November 6, 2008 between Century Casinos, Inc. and WMCK Venture Corp.

EX-10. 2 3 Ex10-2. Third Amendment to the HTM Loan Agreement Third Amendment to the Tollgate Loan Agreement The Third Amendment to the Loan Agreement (the "Third Amendment") was drafted and executed on November 6, 2008 between CC Tollgate LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (then known as "Tollgate" and at other times as "Borrower").

The Ninth Loan Agreement (the "Ninth Loan Agreement") is a clean and approved Second Loan Agreement dated July 21, 2008 between WMCK Venture Corp. and WMCK Venture Corp. The Eighth Amended Loan Agreement (the "Eighth Amended Loan Agreement") was executed on April 11, 2008 between WMCK Venture Corp. and WMCK Venture Corp. Schedule 10-7 December 6, 2007 Century Resorts Alberta Inc. 1263 A Lake Plaza Drive Colorado Springs, Colorado 80906 Attn: Century Resorts Alberta Inc. ("Century Resorts") and its guarantees, the Bank has approved the appropriate fixed interest rate, if any, for the selected term. At the time of writing, the Bank's fixed interest rate is

Exhibit 10-1C Deliberation and Release Agreement This Deliberation and Release Agreement (the "Agreement") is executed on December 31, 2007 (the "Implementation Date") between Century Casinos Tollgate, Inc.

Annex 10. 4c Agreement on respiratory promotion concluded on 1 February 2007 (hereinafter referred to as the "Amendment") between: - Malgozhaya Maria Rogovic h-anterman, holder of identification number. AAE 781019, and Hedgehogs with a Ceslak, resident in Poland, holder of ID number ACE 725154; Peter Marcin Nassius, holder of ACE 725154, Pshymislav Dariusz Tomashevsky, holder of personality certificate number ABP 968234, ID number ACZ 458318.

Century Casino Europe Address: Wipplinger Str: Wipplinger Str. 30, 1010, Vienna, Austria, in the person of Dr Christian Gerton, acting as director, hereinafter referred to as the "State".

Exhibit 10. 1 Second Amendment to the Loan Agreement The Second Amendment to the Loan Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Second Amendment") was entered into on February 28, 2007, by and among CC Tollgate LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (then known as "Tollgate" and at other times as the "Borrower"), Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, Marsh (hereinafter referred to as "Marsh"), and CC Tollgate LLC (then known as "Tollgate" and at other times as the "Borrower"), Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, Marsh (hereinafter referred to as "Marsh").

Exhibit 10. 2 Restitution of True 7 to the Absolute and Fixed Credit Agreement The Seventh Amendment to the Absolute and Fixed Credit Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Seventh Amendment") was entered into on and among and among WMCK Venture Corp., The Company of Delaware Casinos Criple Creek, Inc., The Colorado Corporation and WMCK Acquisition Corp., The Company of Delaware (collectively, "WMCK").

Schedule 10. Client No.: Item No.: 4200942 0006 Squad No.: 0000 A Loan Agreement between Nedbank Limited (Business Banking) (Bank) posted at Winlands Regional Office Summerlust Estate 20 Bersig Ave Paarl 7646 and Century Casino Casino (Pty) Ltd (199800272307) posted at 100 Allen Street Newcastle 2940 (the "Borrower"), pursuant to which the Bank bona fide grants permission to assign the Loan to the Borrower.

Exhibit No. 10 An informal agreement 180 between the appropriate parties (hereinafter referred to as the "Parties") Gold Reef Resorts Limited (Registration No. Limited (Registration No. 1998/002583/07)) (hereinafter referred to as "Ali") and Akani Leisure (Silverstar Holdings) (proprietary) Limited (Registration No. 2005/031386/).

The 6th recovery of the contract about loans to a limited party 6th recovery 6 The sixth recovery of the contract related to loan to the parties (hereinafter "6th amendment") is October 31, 2006. WMCK Venture Corp.

Century Casino Ink, The Company of the Delaware, and Mag. Peter Hetzinger ("employee") live in Austria.

Century Casino Ink, Delaware State US Company (as a guarantor), casino c o-focus

Century Resorts International ("Management Corporation, 100 % Century Casino Inc.), Century Casino, US Delaware Corporation (Guarantee), and Fly Fish Corporation (Guarantee), and Fly Fish Corporation (" Century Corporation). A business contract on September 30, 2006, which was concluded with Casino ("Management Agreement").

The 6th recovery of the contract about loans to a limited party 6th recovery 6 The sixth recovery of the contract related to loan to the parties (hereinafter "6th amendment") is October 31, 2006. WMCK Venture Corp.

Certificate 10. 175 Loan Certificate NEDBANK LTD REGH NR 1951/000009/06 To: Nedbank ("Bank") 1. I/We are the banks/us/us/we are true and legal I agree to lend the required amounts attached to this agreement, which bears the debt to the bank. 2. The bank will make regular payments for me / us or third parties under me / our instructions in my / private name. 3. Sometimes < Span> The sixth recovery of the contract about lending to a restricted parties 6th recovery 6 The sixth recovery of the contract related to the loan to the parties (hereinafter referred to as the "6th correction") , October 31, 2006 WMCK Venture Corp.

Century Casino Ink, The Company of the Delaware, and Mag. Peter Hetzinger ("employee") live in Austria.

Century Casino Ink, Delaware State US Company (as a guarantor), casino c o-focus

Century Resorts International ("Management Corporation, 100 % Century Casino Inc.), Century Casino, US Delaware Corporation (Guarantee), and Fly Fish Corporation (Guarantee), and Fly Fish Corporation (" Century Corporation). A business contract on September 30, 2006, which was concluded with Casino ("Management Agreement").

Certificate 10. 178 September 1, 2006 The second recovery of the employment agreement (EA) was signed on February 18, 2003 and was signed on February 3, 2005. The appropriate configuration is introduced in the employment contract.

Certificate 10. 175 Loan Certificate NEDBANK LTD REGH NR 1951/000009/06 To: Nedbank ("Bank") 1. I/We are the banks/us/us/we are true and legal I agree to lend the required amounts attached to this agreement, which bears the debt to the bank. 2. The bank will make regular payments for me / us or third parties under me / our instructions in my / private name. 3. It is the sixth recovery of the sixth recovery of the contract on the loan to the parties with limited 6, the sixth recovery of the contract related to the loan to the parties (hereinafter "the sixth amendment") is in 2006. WMCK Venture Corp. on October 31st

Century Casino Ink, The Company of the Delaware, and Mag. Peter Hetzinger ("employee") live in Austria.

Century Casino Ink, Delaware State US Company (as a guarantor), casino c o-focus

Century Resorts International ("Management Corporation, 100 % Century Casino Inc.), Century Casino, US Delaware Corporation (Guarantee), and Fly Fish Corporation (Guarantee), and Fly Fish Corporation (" Century Corporation). A business contract on September 30, 2006, which was concluded with Casino ("Management Agreement").

Certificate 10. 178 September 1, 2006 The second recovery of the employment agreement (EA) was signed on February 18, 2003 and was signed on February 3, 2005. The appropriate configuration is introduced in the employment contract.

Certificate 10. 175 Loan Certificate NEDBANK LTD REGH NR 1951/000009/06 To: Nedbank ("Bank") 1. I/We are the banks/us/us/we are true and legal I agree to lend the required amounts attached to this agreement, which bears the debt to the bank. 2. The bank will make regular payments for me / us or third parties under me / our instructions in my / private name. 3. Sometimes

Certificate number 10. 174 Credit Agreement on the 1st Corporation Credit Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "1st Correction Clause") on June 28, 2006, CC TollGate, a limited liability company in Delaware. LLC ("TollGate" TollGate "," Borrower "on another occasion), WELLS Fargo Bank, National Association, Marshall B

172 On June 13, 2006, on June 13, 2006, a contract for execution and acquisition of the promotion called the Treaty, Magoshachi Maria Logovi c-Gangerman, Polish nationality, UL. Turkusova 13, 05-806 Komorov, Poland (hereinafter referred to as "seller No. 1"), an d-HedgeHog Chelak (Polish, Living in UL). WSPLONA 37, 05-806 Granica, Poland (hereinafter referred to as "Seller No. 1".

Certificate 10. 173 Loan Contract June 13, 2006 In Warsaw, 1. Century Casinos Europe Gmbh (registered in Austria: Wippeller Str. Austria) was concluded in Warsaw on June 13, 2006, as an individual of Dr. Christian Gerton (Dr. Christian Gerton), a management director.

Schedule 10. 170 CHICARY INVESTMENTS (Proprietary) Limited Dynamo Investments Limited Moon Investment Holdings (Proprietary) Limited IZULU ROPRIETARY) LIMITED MALELA GAMING (proprietary) Limited (Proprietary) Limited (Proprietary) d Leisure Investment (NewCastle ) Limited Purple Rain Properties No.

Registration number 1985/000896/07 Dynamo Investments Limited registration number 1995/004006/06 Harvest Moon Investment Holdings (Proprietary) Limited registration number 1998/010314 Aming (Proprietary) Limited registration number 1998/008061/07 KHULANI Holdings Limited registration number 19 79/006828/06 libalele

Registration number 1998/002723/07 Balele Leisure (Proprietary) Limited (a private company that is registered in accordance with the South Africa Republican Corporation Law) and Century Cas on November 18, 2005. , Signed.

This employment contract is between CENTURY CASINOS EUROPE GMBH. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") and DR. CHRISTIAN GERNERT (hereinafter referred to as the "Employee") 1. Employment Contract and Term of Employment The Employee has been with the Company since March 1, 2005 and was appointed as Gescheftsführer (Managing Director) of the Company on September 12, 2005. 12, 2005. This Agreement This employment contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is made between Century Casinos Europe GmbH (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") and the Company with an effective date of March 15, 2005 (hereinafter referred to as the "Effective Date"). AIA® Document A111™-1997 A standard contract between an owner and a contractor, where the basis of payment is COST OF WORK PLUS FEA with an agreed maximum guaranteed price. The contract was executed between the Owner on May 6, 2000 (specify day, month, and year).

AIA Document A111?-1997 Standard form of contract between Owner and Contractor where payment is based on COST OF WORK PLUS FACE with an agreed maximum guaranteed price.

CCDC Standard Construction Document 2 60; 1994 Fixed Price Agreement Project: CELEBRATIONS HOTEL AND CASINO Edmonton, Alberta This contract is copyrighted and the parties intend it to be the unmodified version of CCDC 2-1994, except as amended or modified as provided in the Addendum.

EX-10. 164 2 EX10164. htm Memorandum of Understanding CENTURY RESORTS INTERNATIONAL LTD. December 2, 2005 746306 Alberta Ltd. Via fax c/o 608, 1388 Homer Street Vancouver, B. C. V6B 6A7 For attention of: David Mollett Regarding Century Resorts Alberta, Inc. (the "Company"), 746306 Alberta Limited ("Oasis") and Century Resorts International Limited ("Century"). ("Century") Century is an Oasis Company. Fifth Amendment to the Credit Agreement This Fifth Amendment to the Credit Agreement (the "Fifth Amendment") is dated December 6, 2005, and is the sole and exclusive right of WMCK VENTURE CORP.~AIA Document A111™ -1997 The usual structure of the contract between the owner and the contractor, the basis of payment is the price of the business plus FIS, adjusted for the best value contract, entered into on July 21, 2005 (the words indicate the day, month, and year) between the owner: (name, address, and other information) CC Tollgate L.

Standard Construction Document CCDC 2 60; 1994 Contract with the value under discussion: Celebrations Hotel & Casino Edmonton (Alberta) This contract is protected by copyright and is deemed to be the unmodified version of CCDC 2-1994, except where additional standards are provided for in addition to the structure or variations.~Credit Agreement dated November 18, 2005 between CC Tollgate LLC, a limited liability company registered in Delaware, Borrower, Landlord, Issuer L/s, Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, is referred to in the Official Documents as the Face Bank Contents Acknowledgement 1 Note I - Definitions 2 Paragraph 1.

Underwriting Agreements

Agreement between Century Casinos Africa (Proprietary) Limited and Winlen Casino Operators (Proprietary) Limited: Bowman Gilfiles SA Reserv Bulding, 60 St Georgias Mall, C. Ape Town, 8001 PO Box 248, Cape Town, 8000, South Africa Tel + 27 21 480 7800 Fax +27 21423 2141 Reference: Ra Anderson/JM/13295 0-1- 1.

ADC Settlement Attachment: Austrian Depository Receipts contains the correct language: Austrian Depository Receipts for Retail Customary Promotion with a nominal value of US$0.


EX-10. 157 3 EX10157. HTM ADC Agreement The "ADC Agreement" between Bank Austria Ceditanstalt AG (the "Bank"), Century Casinos, Colorado Springs, U. S. A. (the "Company") and Oesterreichische KontrolBank Aktiengesellschaft ("OEKB") -1-1-1- Preamble OEKB is an exciting company under Austrian law, providing tools enabling the trading and calculation of registered securities (shares and debt instruments).

Mandat a-Agreement, 1) Ca ib Corporate Finance Bratungs Ges.

The 4th Adult Loan Agreement was signed on September 23, 2005, between WMCK Ventures K. K. (hereinafter referred to as "WMCK").

Change Change Standard Borrowing Original Replacement Date Call All Information, including the initial $ 5., an employee of the employee, is omitted for the number of characters. Borrower: CC TollGate L

E X-10. 154 5 CWB CommitURY Resorts Alberta, Inc. Inn K. Dosman Re: Century Resorts Alberta ・ About the loan from August 3, 2005 (hereinafter referred to as the “Bank”) from the ink (hereinafter “borrower”) from the Canadian Western Bank (hereinafter “Bank”). The following is called a "commitment book".

Reorganization Plans

* 0000000051965002002004042005* Single Lending AgreeMent Principal Amount 00, 00 Loan Daily 04-04-2005 Loan No Call / College Account E The link of the nichal network is a render Is only to use, and this document does not limit applications to specific loans and items. The part with the number of characters is omitted due to the number of characters. borrower

September 23, 2005 CC TOLLGATE CASINO, LLC 1263 Lake Plaza Drive Colorado Springs, Co 80906 TAV: Larry Hannappel, Sr.

NEDBANK CREDIT Contract Header number: Position number: 2934744 0001 Detachment number:

On August 2, 2005, Century Casinos, Inc (hereinafter referred to as the "borrower"), the Delaware Corporation, the lower member, is replaced by David R. Belding (hereinafter referred to as the "lender"). , 93 HWY USA, Boulder City, Nevada 89005, or agree to pay for David R. Belding, a valid owner of the transferred subscribed loan (hereinafter referred to as "lender"). Other than Belding (hereinafter referred to as "lender"), a valid person (hereinafter referred to as the "DRB bond") of the transfer bond (hereinafter referred to as "DRB bond") transferred by Hacienda Hotel, 93 HWY USA, Boulder City, Nevada 89005 I agree to pay as follows.

This contract is Teller Realty, Inc.

Exhibit 10 149-Permanent Employment Agreement for Rich Rabin Established: April 27, 2005 by: Richard S. Rabin / S / Richard S. Rabin by: Ervin Haitzmann / S / Erwin Haitzmann by: Peter Hoetzinger / S / Peter Hoetzinger (the "Agreement") dated July 19, 2004 (the "Effective Date"), and executed by Century Casinos, Inc., a Delaware corporation with its principal place of business in Delaware. EX-10. 147 2 EX10147LH. HTM EX10147 LH EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT EX10147 LH EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT This employment agreement (hereinafter, the "Agreement"), effective as of January 1, 2005 (hereinafter, the "Effective Date"), is read between Century Casinos, Inc., a Delaware corporation with its principal place of business in Colorado Springs, Colorado (hereinafter, the "Employer"), and Larry Hannapple (hereinafter, the "Employee"). Cm. The parties to this Agreement are: Century Casinos, Inc., a Delaware corporation (hereinafter, "Century"), Focus Casino Consulting AG, a Swiss corporation (hereinafter, "FCC"), Century Resorts International Limited, a Mauritius corporation (hereinafter, "CRI") and its wholly owned subsidiary, Century. Certificate

Articles of Incorporation

The parties to this management transfer agreement are: Century Casinos, Inc. ("Century"), a Delaware corporation; Flyfish Casino Consulting AG ("FCC"), a Swiss corporation; and Century Resorts International Ltd ("CRI"), a Mauritius corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Century. Certificate


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

Material from the Holiday Corporation ("Holiday") Proxy. Statement-Prospectus All of the foregoing pages of Book Two of the. Annual Report are incorporated. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Nov. 17, /PRNewswire/ -- Century Casinos, Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Market®: CNTY) announced today that it has. reports given on the authority of such firm as experts in accounting and auditing. The consolidated financial statements of Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc.

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