Console commands Stellaris Wiki

Console commands

If you want to make a personal contribution to this page, enter "Help" in the console to display the command list, so after seeing the explanation and characteristics of the team, "Help [Command i n-Name]. "And enter the appropriate data in the list.

On this page, check the commands used in the console. See "Effect" section for the terms used in remodeling.

On this page, we will list the code that can be included in the console windo w-a special error detection window, in games that are not related to Iron Man, shift+2, Alt+2+1, shift+3, §, §.~The key depends on the keyboard layout). In the case of the Qwerty keyboard, this button is `. If you are unpleasant, don't forget to press Shift + Alt + C. Click the upper and lower arrow button to move to the previously created team. Almost all code can be invalidated by repeating the command, but sometimes you need to restart or end the game. The console still has a diet and button for the most popular team.

  • 1 personal number
  • 2 cheats
    • 2. 1 List of main events
      • 2. 1 Change the galaxy
      • 2. 1. To unlock EDICTS 2
      • 2. Unlock the paragon in 1. 3


      Most personal numbers are fateful and can be found on the ID page. However, the appearance, favorite, state, and population of personal numbers are guided by game development, and it is essential to find it through the support of the DebugtooleTi p-team.

      • If you add the cursor to the image on the appearance feed, you can read the identifier of the appearance. If the starting system or universe has not been changed, the player's image has a main appearance of 1, and the appearance of Syncretic/Cyborg/Biotrofey/Patent is 2.
      • If you add the cursor to your favorite or Relum, you can read your favorite. If the start system or universe has not been changed, your favorite at the start of the player will be 0 each time.
      • Condition-identification data can be recognized by placing the cursor on the contact dyss or the imperial flag on the galaxy map. If the start system or universe has not been changed, the state of the player will be 0 each time.
      • If you turn the cursor to the ship in the fleet window, you can read the ship's identifier. If the start system or universe has not been changed, the player's start scientific ship will be 0 every time.
      • Populatio n-ID can be recognized by turning the cursor to the population on the "Population" tab. It is also possible to use the add_pop Empty command, displaying the list of personal numbers in all POPs. If the starting system or universe has not been changed, the player's starting scientific ship always owns 0 to 32 numbers.

      Trade identification data is displayed when the cursor is adjusted to the debug window property.


      CHITS is a console-team that can be applied to gain inappropriate advantage, not just for testing.

      team effect Parameter example
      Activation_vse_trade Activate all occupation space Activation_vse_trade
      Activate Vaning Parka Activate the specified Ascension Park. [AP ID] Start Park Mark AP_MIND_OVER_MATTER.
      Grings start Activate all gates of the galaxy space Grings start
      Activation_Revate Activate the effect of the triumphal author [id lelics]. [Remains ID] Start R_UNBIDDEN_WARLOCK.
      Starting_Stellation Space} Activates the specified tradition. [I D-Tradition] Activation_Sct activation
      Addition _ Anomary Add the specified anomaly to the selected celestial body, press the tab-button to open all personal numbers. [ID abnormal] Add an Anomali Life Asteroid Category
      Addition _ Intel Add the mind of quantity to [Target], default 10 [Target] [quantity] Addition _ Intel 1 100
      Additional _ loyalty Added Commitment of Target, Default 10 [Target] [quantity] Added _ loyalty 1 50
      Addition _ Opinion Increase the degree of consideration of the [Initial] area in the [Target] area to the quantity. [Source] [Target] [Quantity] Add_option 1 0 100
      Added_Pop Create a [quantity] pop of [Racial identifier] in the selected object, not specify your personal number, opens all your personal numbers. [Racial identifier] [quantity] Addition _ Pop number 0 5
      Additional_light Returns ID relics]. The replacement ID assigns all relics. You can add the same relics as 1 to a certain number of times. Note: CYBREX WAR FORGE does not work normally by launching it once. [Remains ID] Added _ Saint R_UNBIDDEN_WARLOCK
      Added_Colab Press the tab to display the NPC ship name: the generated jigart cannot be built, modernized, or repaired. [Design name] Addition of ship A butter
      Nibal set Add a penetrating [quantity] progress to the target. [Target] [quantity] Added_spynetwork_Value 1000
      No addition Add the amount of time [unit]. [Unit] [amount] Addition _ Time number 10
      Added_trait_leader Add Leader ID]. Enter only your favorite ID to open all ID functions in this class. [Leader ID] [Characteristic ID] Space} [Leade r-ID] [Characteristic ID] {Space} Add_trait_leader 1 Leader_trait_speed
      Characteristics_ Added race Add [I D-Character] to I D-Race]. [ID] [Characteristic ID] Add_trait_species 5 Intelligent
      Preliminary _ Council _ Contractors Add the progress of [quantity] to the agenda of the council, the agenda starts when entered without numbers. total 1000 to advance the agenda of the council
      ai On/ off of false spirit space ai
      alloy Added alloy of quantity, standard 5000 total Alloy 500
      application Control all targets in the world and stars [target] [Annex] 3
      Rapucha flot controllac The selected paid fleet returns to the first owner space Rapucha flot controllac
      Build_pop Collect [quantity] pop for the corpse of the selected celestial body. total Build_Pops 5
      cash Add an energy loan, default 5000 total Cash 500
      colony Use the specified personal number bat copy to launch a process to colonize the selected object. [Coronizer po p-id] Colony 1
      communication Establish a relationship with all areas space communication
      contact Start first contact with all areas space contact
      Create_ mega trast Create a megal trast for the current star system and click the tab. Open your personal number [Megastructur e-ID] Create a gateway.
      Create_flot Create a fleet using the latest development that uses the Navy potential of %. total Create_ Navy 0.
      damage Damage [quantity] to all the fleet of the selected fleet. total Damage 100
      Debug symbol Switch the AI ​​area every time to refuse the player's proposal space Debug symbol
      Debug_ Jesusman Switch the AI ​​area and agree to the player's service space Debug_ Jesusman
      Addition of building Add [I D-building] to the selected celestial body [I D-Building] Add a building.
      deposit Add a [I D-DepOSIT] planetary personality resource deposit to the selected object [Deposit ID] Add_deposit = d_arid_hilands effect
      The effect has been deleted. Remove the [I D-deposit] of resource deposits or planetary individuals from the selected object [Deposit ID] REME_DEPOSIT = D_ARID_HIGHLANDS effect
      Additional district Add the District identifier to the selected object. [District identifier] Add_district = District_city effect
      Addition _ Planet _ Attack Add the devastation of [amount] to the selected celestial body and reduce the negative meaning total Added _ Planet _ Damag e-Effect
      Effect add_sitions_progress = Add the "quantity] progress to the selected history. total Effect ADD_SITATIONS_PROGRESS = 20
      Effect LAND_DOBES_ETIKA = Add [I D-Ethics] to the player's status. If you use three or more ethical points, the extremely low char m-ethics will be emphasized. [Ethical ID] Effect Country_add_ethic = Ethic_spiritualist
      Effect Country_add_ethic = Delete [Ethical Identification] from the player's empire. [Ethical ID] Effect Country_remove_ethic = Ethic_spiritualist
      Effect Create_archaeological_site = Add [Ide ID] to the selected celestial body and record randomly to create a random archeological site. [Archeological ID] Effect Create_archaeological_site = lithoids_digsite
      Effect of destruction Complete the selected story space Effect of destruction
      Forced addition _ Citizen Add Civic ID to the player status. [Civic ID] Add Space} [Civic ID] to the player's status.
      Forcibly delete citizens Delete [Citizen ID] from the player's empire. [Civic ID] Force_remove_civic = Civil_meritOcrac y-Effect
      Delete_megaStrust's effect = THIS Delete the selected mega trast. space Delete_megaStrust's effect = THIS
      This effect Delete_modifier = Delete Modifier ID from the selected object or area. [Modifier ID] REME_MODIFIER = Effect of Holy Planet
      Set _ Origin Replace the origin of the player empire. [Origin ID] Effect Set_origin = Origin_fallen_empire
      shift Switch the ethics of the player's empire to [ethics ID]. [Ethical ID] Shift_ Ethics = Ethics _ Fanatic _ spiritual effect
      This effect is destroyed by by_lonia To remove the selected universe space This effect is destroyed by by_lonia
      choice Contributors start elections space choice
      end Do not accept/ do not accept the currently voting resolution space end
      design Quantity] Technical technology, add standard 5000 total Engineering 500
      event The I D-Event is triggered, the world can be selected manually, but the ship requires a targe t-ID. [Even t-ID] [Targe t-ID] Event deviations.
      Federal_add_ Experience Federation skills added, default 1000 total Add Federation_ Experience 1200.
      Federal _add_cotion Add the unity of the amount to the federation, default 200 total Federal _ADD_COSION 10
      Federal addition _ Coheishon speed Added coherence [amount] for each month to the federal, default 10 total Federation_add_cocheson_speed 10
      Head_ Expertors _ Federation Enable federation continuity space Head_ Expertors _ Federation
      End _duga_etapa Completed the current chapter of archaeological objects, and originally seeks the choice of its celestial body and scientific ships space End _duga_etapa
      End of learning End all functional research space End of learning
      Completion of special projects Complete all special plans space Completion of special projects
      End _ Terraform Complete the total process of terrifying space Completion of special projects
      food Add food [amount], default 5000 total Food 500
      Strength of integration Integrate the target state into the player's state. [target] Forced integration 2
      Forced voting Space} Complete the current interval of the Senate space end
      Free government switching. Players can replace the government without time limit and ignore the restrictions on civilians. space Free government
      Free politics Switching, players can change the rights of politicians and races without restrictions, and the former politicians are separated space Free politics
      Glow_Pops Add pop to the selected world. total Grow_pops 10
      Hire a rider Rental of all your favorite balls. space Hire a rider
      Impact Added exposure to quantity, default 5000 total Impact 500
      Instant_ Build Switching the second end of construction and modernization, resource storage becomes unlimited resistance: This is still a reference of the enemy AI, and as a result, it is used only during a break. space Instant_ Build
      Instant_ Specialized conversion Switch the second reconstruction of the target item. space Instant_ Specialized conversion
      Intel Space} Give the opportunity to see the entire galaxy system space Intel
      invincible Players do not take damage space invincible
      Maximum resource Fill all resource storage facilities space Maximum resource
      mineral Add a mineral for quantity. total Mineral 500
      observation Switch to obser bar mode and use the Play command to control care: If the game is not delayed in the obser bar mode and the player understands the control of the player. space observation
      His own Belongs to the selected fleet, star base, and planet, gain the right to control them. If none of them are selected, you will get the right to belong to the planetary ID indicated as an argument. Unpalculated celestial bodies are created as colony, but have no serious structure. [Planetary knowledge His own
      Physics More] Added physical technology points, default 5000 total Physics 500
      Nivea L_ Prolition Has the ability beyond the normal meaning, which changes the level of the selected astronomical objects by [quantity] total Planet _ Ascension Tear 3
      Class plane Change the selected celestial body on [ID of astronomical object]. [Planetary class identifier] Class plane PC_ARID
      Planetary strike The default is 100, with the selected planet with a bliss of [amount] total Planet Happiness 25
      Planetary size Changing the size of the selected celestial body and has the ability to exceed the normal dimension, but in a dimension higher than 78, the celestial body moves backwards. [size] Size _ Planet 30
      Play Switch the player management to the state [Imperial ID]. [Imperial ID] Play 2
      Random ruler A new random of the dominant in the area space Random ruler
      Rider deletion Delete [ID function] from the leader ID, and only your favorite favorite access opens all the current Devil titles. [Leade r-ID] [ID or functio n-index] REME_TRAIT_LEADER 1 LEADER_TRAIT_GALE_SPEED
      Space} {Space Delete [I D-Character] from I D-Race]. [ID] [Characteristic ID] REME_TRAIT_SPECIES 5 Intelligent
      Research_vsah_thnologies Immediately study all unique technology. One added for galaxy creatures and crisis technology. Add 2 to [Quantity] of regenerated technology. [Boolal value] [amount] Research_ All technology 1 5
      Research_ Technology Immediately study ID technology [ID technology] Research_ Technology_ Automation _ stainaging
      resource Added quantity] [Resource], default 5000 [Quantity] [Resource] Resource Consumer_Goods 1000
      skill Add [Quantity] to each of your favorite skill values ​​adopted by the player. total Skill 9
      Cool down skip Switch that can change the contract condition without a break space Cool down skip
      Skip the expansion federation Space} Tumbler that allows you to change federal law without a cool down space Skip the expansion federation
      Skip Galactic Sobose Switch that can present a solution from one group without Kur d-Down space Skip Galactic Sobose
      society Quantity] Added social points in society, default 5000 total Society 500
      questionnaire Investigate all celestial bodies and need at least one scientific ship space questionnaire
      Technical update Repeated scrolling the current available technical options space Technical update
      unit Added unit, default 500 total Unity 5000
      Unlock Unlocks all editts space Unlock
      Pull Rider update Update the pool of the leader space Pull Rider update
      branch Create or control a branch in the selected world space branch
      Minor artifact Add a secondary artifact of amount. total Minor Artifact 100
      threat Add a threat of quantity. total The number of threats is 1000
      Empire Add [amount] Imperial power. total Imperial _Puration 20
      Added _ Target_xp Add the Experience of Specialized subjects to Target]. [Target] [quantity] Addition _ subject _xp 1000
      Unlock _ lot _ Effect on Sovet = 1 Unlock the council slot space Unlock _ lot _ Effect on Sovet = 1
      Astral _nti Added astral thread, default 5000 total Astral Thread 100
      Finnish_strifa_drif Complete the current chapter of the selected astral fault space Finnish_strifa_drif
      Space} {Place Set the number of astral errors completed in quantity. total set_Completed_rifts 2
      Span _ Astral _ lift If the tab is open to all identificatio n-oriented precautions, if one has not been introduced, the current system or randomly generates an astral fault identifier: Crystal destruction is generated. , Not a good end [Astral error ID] Space} [Astral error ID] {Space} [Astral lift station
      Advanced log Add the extended logic [amount]. total Advanced _ Logic 1000

      List of major events

      ID Main events Memo Necessary choice
      AKX. 888 Horizen signal You can start the "horizontal line" event. boat
      Anomaly Voyager No. 1 If the SOL system exists somewhere in the galaxy, you can start a "solar coordinate" event. boat
      Abnormal. Space} If you have the right technology and AI policy, you can revive in the form of new colonies and empires. boat
      Anomaly Space} Giant skeleton Get a huge skeleton army boat
      Anomary 3085 Prince Events that are small but have the influence of certain opinions boat
      Colony 101 Space} Titanic Life Survey: Success Space} Titanic Beasts can recruit the army. planet
      Space} crisis Guardian's rebellion CRISIS is not required, but sound effects are added. space
      Crisis. 71 Space} Donation of Sentinel Fleet Cosmic} does not require a crisis or guard. space
      Crisis 105 Her Majesty the Queen The livestock queen pretrin is born boat
      crisis Space} The return of Kibrex Space} No need for crisis space
      crisis Space} Star Eater's bombardment Space} The current system is destroyed planet
      Fallen_empires_task. 1 Patronise or Machine Fallen Empire sends random gifts. space
      Characteristics of galaxies 301 Verbable fleet of the fallen empire boat
      Nomad 1 Nomad It does not occur when the sentinel hour is completed space
      A sign. 98 Voltrium Home System Cosmic} Available in the Sapar system space
      A sign. 598 Discover the maternal system of Utto Generate Utto's maternal system space
      Prospect I prefer the home system of the first league System 1 league that produces households space
      Predecessor. 1598 The Iraz family in the ball is identified Cosmic} Create an Iracianus family space
      A sign. 2098 Detect the ball Saiibrex home system Cosmic} Saibrex is born space
      History 107 Taste the amoeba space
      history Space} Crystal is rounded space
      origin Shroud teacher Unlock the room of the space base "Shroud lighthouse" space
      Leviathan 322 Patron with benefits Options to acquire a building from the Ministry of Culture} space
      Leviatana Infinite equation {Space} Win the infinite ball with the machine Age and reveal an infinite line. space
      Leviathan 2101 Space} The mysterious power has been erased With the age of the car, the mysterious power line becomes clear space
      Leviathan 3102 Dreadnote disconnection Space} Awards to win automatic dreadnotes and clarify the age of the car and the old dreadnought of the line space
      Leviasana Repaired dreadnote. boat
      Utopia Cosmic} Enter the shroud Works, including whether or not in the Kur d-down state space
      Utopia 3021 Avatar (army) space
      Utopia 3190 Chosen space
      Utopia Cosmic} Avoid in the void Space} Variations for making carpets space
      Utopia 3305 Composition by stringed instrument Space} Variations for making carpets space
      Utopia 3306 Space} Those who eat the world Space} Variations for making carpets space
      Utopia 3307 Space} Tools for desire Space} Variations for making carpets space
      Sindow question Space} Incident and history of AI planet
      Shindow 1000 Review of cars The situation requires a case related to AI, and only one bot. situation
      Mardo Mercenaries are made cheaply Cosmic} It must be generated in a certain number of areas of looters space
      Dister 137 The end of the scavenger The prize that won the beetl e-cruck with the backing of the mechanical era reveals Rhin Ska Benjar Robo. space
      Long distance. 172 Neuron symbiosis Ability to get some priests and darings to get the dialogue of "Slog Slog in the Brain" boat
      Dister 212 The death of the patriarch Space} Leviathan's transgenesis reveals Polimeria's pedigree as a price of winning Sandy's mother. boat
      Dister 260 Wild native creature Space} Makes the predecessor of "modest cow" on the planet. planet
      Distar. 1001 Lost paradise Create a surrounding system with the world of Gaia and the ston e-oriented barbage civilization space
      Distar. 1081 Asian Space} Options that can recruit the Ajisian army in every world space
      Distar. 2050 External essence Create a mysterious cache in the galaxy space
      Dister 3014 Nivrak (no n-friendly) Create a state with a constant correction of concept-100. space
      Distar. 3016 Nivrala (friendly) Create a state with a concept +100 constant correction. space
      Long distance. 3055 Alien boxes are not closed Get one out of 3 Darov Devil space
      Dister 5006 Space} Bud Spone The selected heavenly corpse transforms into a cracked world, from which the product of the empty sky offs shutters. planet
      Dister. 5012 Space} The evolution of giants Leviathan Transgenesis's winning prizes for VOIDSPAWN will reveal the line VOODLING. boat
      Greigo 400 Quiet walk Encounter with Graygo boat
      Ankrel 4000 Stone whisper Create an archeological site "Stone whisper". planet
      Ankrel 4058 guard A chance to get the army of guards planet
      Ankrel 6130 Space} Selected person of Zarklan Space} In the sacred world, it can be distinguished from+150 Immacuitable Concept and Immaculate Guardians. space
      Ankrel 10050 The secret of Yukuta Unlock the ending and promote Yukt's purification process space
      Aqua Tix 120 Time came Ability to unlock the space base property "Dragon Incubator" space
      Paragon 241 Last button Unlock the structure "Stored Ecosfer" space
      Paragon 3001 arrival You need the right action space
      Paragon 3005 We are looking for Skull Pubic Skland. The previous event is required for work space
      Cyber ​​1505 Society 2. Cancel the lock of Cyberin authorities space
      Synthetic machine Synthetic conversation Space} Locking synthetic authority unlock space

      For changing the galaxy

      ID Main events Memo Necessary choice
      Galcom 16 Birth of space society Being able to create and participate in the Space Association immediately space
      Action 99 Galactic Bazaar: Enforced Form a space bazaar in the mosque star system space
      crisis. Space} Praetorinsky Scourge GIVES A DECLINE space
      crisis. 1000 Unexpected GIVES A DECLINE space
      crisis. 1100 Devoted Don't enjoy illegal space
      crisis Fierce Essential space
      crisis Unexpected GIVES A DECLINE space
      crisis Space} The end of consoniesis Space} The empire has fallen, and the player is forced to encounter another nation space
      crisis Queen GIVES A DECLINE space
      Fallen_EMPIRES_AWAKENING. 1 Sleep awakening You need to select a depravity in advance in the play team. space
      Characteristics of the galaxy 401 Space storms, impact on galaxies space
      Galaxy features 403 The storm of the universe is spreading space
      Utopia End of space} cycle Space} Variations for making carpets space
      Utopia Space} liquidation The appropriate work requires approval of the contract in the final event. space
      Fallen_machine_empire. 1 The old caretaker wakes up Antique administrators must be selected in the play team in advance. space
      Mardoda 500 Worm drum You need to select the state of the malloader in advance depending on the game team. space
      Dister 232 roots If you have a spatial} junk evaluation system, create a ketling picture. space
      Dister 236 roots If the drawn picture is ketling, create a state ketling star cluster. space
      Dister 11000 Generate L cluster The sealed L cluster space
      Distance 13000 L-CRASTER (L-DRIK) Space} L does not require clusters, but still open everything L-V V Vite space
      Greigo 1 L-CRASTER L-Claster is required for work. space
      Greigo 100 L cluster (drawing thread) L-Claster is required for work. space

      For unlocking edicts

      ID Declaration Necessary choice
      Abnormality Improvement of working environment boat
      Anomaly A wide range of intelligence of the detector boat
      Abnormality Enhanced energ y-startup boat
      Anomaly Providing master education: best good space
      Abnormal. Master: Provides a teacher of Philosophyical World Modernation. space
      Abnormal. Master's teaching subsidy: diplomatic confidence space
      Abnormal. Awarded Master Teaching: War of War space

      For unlocking paragons

      Other paralons can be obtained in the error detection parallon window.

      ID display Necessary choice
      Characteristics of the galaxy 303 Tablock boat
      Dister 156 S875. 1 warform boat
      Dister 245 AX7-B attendant boat
      Ancrel 4036 Oracle space
      Paragon 1 Spectator space
      Paragon 228 Astroquatter Azarin space
      Paragon 3115 Case, descendants of Vagross space
      Leviatana Palagon Shula Corp space
      Leviatana Space} Rigan Paragon space
      Leviatana 125 Mutagan Paragon space
      Leviatana Paragon culator space
      Flying field Palagon with maid space
      Astral Plains 3100 Zadigal space
      Crisis Space} Nameless rebellion space

      Testing commands

      Test commands are used for tests by developers, beta testers, and remodelers.

      team explanation Parameter example
      3dstats Toggle 3D stats (FPS and render time) space 3dstats
      Deployment status Print performance stats space Deployment status
      Activation_Revate Activate triumph [id relics] effect. [Po p-ID] [Ethics key] Start R_UNBIDDEN_WARLOCK.
      Add_tetic_pop Add ethics to pop [Po p-ID] [Ethics key] Add_ethics_pop purged ethic_fanatic_authoritarian.
      Advanced Galaxy Models the game in the year 2400 (each empire gets standard colonies, tech, and fleets) space Advanced Galaxy
      ai_anomalies Toggles whether human realms receive only AI anomalies. space ai_anomalies
      Alien Fux Attempts to change computer lighting with alien FX space Alien Fux
      Ambient Object Generates an ambient object of the specified type. [Type] Ambient Object Tourbulent_Nebula_2
      Attack Fleet Have all of the player's fleets attack all other fleets. space Attack Fleet
      Audio. Play named sound effect space Sea lion
      Audio. Set active audio group. space Sea lion
      Audio. Test. Effect. Weight Check random distribution of sound effect weight space Sea lion
      Berserk AI - Set attack power to 10 space Berserk
      Post-blend effect Blend with new post-effect settings [nseting] [vtime] [nmode] Sea lion
      Edge Calculate map border. space Edge
      Kasberry Add Berry Incident to specific target empire Please enter [Berry Incident Key] [Country ID]. Kazsuberi cb_subjugation 2
      check_cess check_and_load space check_cess
      clean_border Clear all saved error detection lines space clean_border
      clear_fold_stes Clear all saved bug lines space clear_fold_stes
      clear_flags Clear event flags for a specific purpose [type] [flag] [id target] clear flags Global Prethoryn_invasion_hapeded
      collision Display competing fields and circles space collision
      communication Space} Switch on/ off associations in a reasonable area without any argument Space} [Motivated area identifiers Communication 1
      contact address Hide who is the owner of Case Belli on the contact screen space contact address
      control Used to occupy the planet. If you are not in a war with the owner of the plane t-ID, the control will be returned immediately. [Planetary knowledge Control 50
      Copy_Pop Pop the copy to the selected planet using the first po p-ID. [Po p-ID] Copy_Pop 1247
      accident Interrupt the game space accident
      debug Includes po p-ups for debugging. space debug
      Debug performance clear Erase all users and statistics space Debug performance clear
      Debug event Printing advanced events space Debug event
      Debug statistics Displays game performance statistical information. space Debug statistics
      Debug_traits_view Open a list of symptoms space Debug_traits_view
      Debug Enable on/ off space Debug
      Debug texture Space} Folding box of texture [Texture name] [Transparency] [Alpha channel] Debug texture name 0.
      Debug tooltip Displays debug information as a hint. For example, the individual popp y-number of the planet and the individual planetary number. space TWEAKERGUI DEBUGTOOOLTIP (1. 1 or earlier) or Debugtooltip (1. 1)
      delta Scale of delta time in this sense [Delta_t] [meaning of scale]. Sea lion
      space Start a democratic election of rulers space space
      deposit Display deposits statistics space deposit
      Dipro_3rd_party Diplomacy between the two players is performed from a third party's perspective. [DIPLO] [Actor ID] [Receiver ID] DIPLO_3RD_PARTY ACTION_OFFER_PEACE 1 4 4
      Dump_ai_ Build_ Plan Returns information about what AI wants to make next. space Dump_ai_ Build_ Plan
      Dump_ Origin Lead all the origin of the galaxy space Dump_ Origin
      effect Perform the effect of the effect. space crystal_hit_effec t-effect
      Set planet flag Set flag on selected planet. [Id flag] Set_planet_flag = titanic_life_can_buld effect
      error Show journal error space error
      Event co-open Lead tree from current event visibility space Event handling
      Event statistics Show event statistics. space Event statistics
      Factions showalllfactions Showallfactions {Space} Show all factions and information about them. space Factions showalllfactions
      Factions. Compete for the most attractive faction. space Factions.
      Factions SpawnAll Returns all possible rests. Instantly disappears if not 10 years old. space Factions SpawnAll
      Fast Broke Rewind a certain number of days [days] [observer] Fast_no_na_100
      File Watcher Remove file watcher space File Watcher
      FTL Unlimited Super Light Speed ​​Enabled/Disabled, Outdated space FTL
      Full Switch to full screen mode space Full
      Game Over Run the specified type of game [Victory Type Index] Game Over 0
      Game Over Pause or resume game space Game Over
      game speed sets the game display speed speed sets the game speed.
      GFXCulture sets the graphics culture of the player's empire. [culture key] gfxculture mammal_01
      go move the camera to the position of [x] [y] GOTO 10 10
      grow rebound indicates the position of the user interface element the cursor is over. space grow rebound
      HDR HDR toggle space HDR
      Help Displays reference documentation for the command. [team name] Help Human_ai
      Help No help space Help
      HSV RGB to HSV conversion space HSV 25 25 25
      man_ai AI change in human condition space man_ai
      Human_dlya_aii Make AI can receive normal abnormalities space Human_dlya_aii
      information Display rendering information space information
      country Kill the current state. space country
      Kill_ Rider Kill the specified favorite. [I D-Leader] Kill_leader?
      kill Kill the current ruler space Kill the current ruler
      Kill_Pop PO P-ID] Kill POP. [Po p-ID] Kill_Pop 745
      Camera lock Space} Fix the video camera to the current position. [Debug_lockcamera, Lockcamera]. Camera lock
      Map name The map name is played. space Map name
      Galaxy A model of 100 years of galaxy age. space Galaxy
      test Use to test the memory leak when using a specific function. Repetition Memory Test 1
      message Display all message types in the top panel. space message
      Nogi Verive/ disable GUI space Nogi
      Nomaus Switch off the mouse scroll wheels space Nomaus
      One _ god Start the game for one year and fill in the diary of how long it took. space One _ god
      night Set the game in the night session. [Tiki for moving] Night 2
      Particle Includes particle error detection information. space Particle Crystal_hit_effect
      Particle Sea lion space Sea lion
      particle. user Sea lion space Sea lion
      particle. Sea lion space Sea lion
      Party editor It is a part that generates a particle editor. space Party editor
      path Find the road in the starry sky. [From index] [To index] Way 0 1
      Space} {Space The target status invites the player player. [I D-Country] MIR_NA_GROK 05
      planet Return all types of planets and the number. space planet
      Player Displays all human players in the current IRGE. space Player
      fill in Filling all the settlements on the planet selected by the player: The game hangs in version 3. space fill in
      pp Give the player a mineral. total P.
      production Solve some debug information about Production. space production
      Rebuilding of section Rebuilding the boundary boundary space Rebuilding of section
      Restoration _ Fleet presence It is convenient when loading old preservation. space Restoration _ Fleet presence
      Renewal of birth brink Recovers the border between Lelm with the same base color space Renewal of birth brink
      Reload Asset reply [File name] Reloading Main. Gui
      Reload _ Galaxy Start a new game space Reload _ Galaxy
      Reloading graphical map Reload graphic map space Reloading graphical map
      FX reload Shader reload [Argument: Folder/ Map name/ postfx or file name *. FX] Reload FX arrow
      REME_ETIK_POP Remove ethics from the target puppet. [Po p-ID] [Ethical key] REME_ETHIC_POP? Ethical key
      Deletion notification Delete all notifications from players total Notification deletion 1
      Rendering type I will disagree with the current rendering type. space Rendering type
      sauce Display statistical information of resources space sauce
      Reverse de pro Send a diplomatic team from the player's goal. [Dipro] [ID] Reverse _ Diple action_ invitation_to_ Federal 01
      boot Start the specified file with the command list. The file must be placed in the main Stellaris folder in the My Document folder. The file name is 'INSERT THE FILE NAME here' without parentheses. The file extension must be INI. space Execute group_commands. ini.
      Enlarged shrinkage Includes/ does not include model scaling. space Enlarged shrinkage
      Script profiler Once you use it, you will start profiling, and once you use it again, it will be completed and the result will be displayed. You can find out the cause of the performance problem. space Script profiler
      soft Turn on the smoothness of the staff space soft
      Space} Sporton entity Donate the essence specified in the cursor position. The entity name is in the GFX folder of the . set file. [Essence name] Spawn entity test_object_entity.
      Srgb Color mode switching RBG space Srgb
      Surrender Reduction and concessions to all requirements. If you use only OF Country parameters, display a list of wars with the corresponding War_ids of the specified country. [Country ID] [Wa r-ID] Country_id lists all wars in the country of 5 with War_ids. WAR_ID = 19975: Surrender 5 in the 19975 war surrenders the country of Country_id = 5.
      Switch the language Read the localization file and switch the language. space Ling L_ENGLISH
      Technical weight Give the player's skills weight [Technical area] Technical weight
      Test position Used for trigger performance checks [performance] Space} [Performance
      space Start the game 30 and write down the diary of how long it took. space space
      thread. Number of task threads Returns the number of processor streams used space thread. Number of task threads
      Tic partner Controls the number of cuts of one rotation. [Number of chopped] Number of chops 10
      time Returns the local system time space time
      Trigger Control the trigger script (*. txt) placed in the folder Stellaris Interactive. [Trigger script] Trigger test_trigger
      Triggadoxment Displays triggers and effect documents space Triggadoxment
      file Control the trigger script and lead to the collapse of the game space file
      Version Copy the game version to the clipboard. space Version
      volume Change the volume of music [Volume delta] Part 20
      war Space} The first country declares war to the second country.
      List of identifier
      victory Wg_conquest
      Free Wg_libration
      Vassalize Wg_subjugation
      Create influx Wg_tribute
      Impose ideology WG_FORCE_IDEOLOGY
      Humiliate (Fallen Empires) Wg_fe_humilation
      Stop athletes (Fallen Empires) Wg_fe_stop_atrocity
      Cleanse holy worlds (Fallen Kingdoms) Wg_fe_cleanse_holy_worlds
      Disinfect borderlands (Fallen Realms) Wg_fe_cleanse_border_worlds
      II Ban (Fallen Kingdom) WG_FE_STOP_AI
      Domination Wg_ae_domination
      End the threat WG_END_THTRAT
      Clean Wg_Clean
      Assimilate Wg_assimilation
      Absorb Wg_Absorb
      War in Heaven Wg_war_in_heaven(War in Heaven)
      Review of cars WG_MACHINE_UPRISING
      Independence WG_Independence
      Support Leadership Wg_assert_verlordship
      Plunder Wg_plunder
      Total War Wg_Colossus
      Stop the Colossus WG_END_THREAT_COLOSS

      TweakerGUI commands

      • Tweakergui commands are a special subset of team that bring up user interface elements to switch between commands, eliminating the need to open a console and reopen the command for the command.
      • All teams included in this subset must start with "Tweakergui.
      team explanation Parameter example
      Alerts. Shows the display of all user interface alerts space tweakergu i-alerts.
      Draw asteroids Toggles reaching the asteroid belt. space Draws asteroids.
      Draw background Toggles the display of background space textures. space Tweakergui Draw. Background
      Draw. Toggles the color of the area border and badges. space Tweakergui Draw. Border
      Draw. Toggles the display of a glow from the center of the galaxy. space Tweakergui Draw Center
      Draw Clusters Toggles reaching the white circles on the galaxy map. Areas appear to be evenly distributed in clusters. space Tweakergui Draw.
      Combat Debug Line The reflection of the columns during the battle is projected, indicating the task of the ship. The trajectory still shows where the ship was before the battle. space Combat debug line
      draw Switch the display of the spaceship. space TWEAKERGUI draw. Dust
      Draw Green Screen Switch the greenish screen behind the background. By breaking the background (Draw. backGround), you can get a complete greenish game that can be applied to the video. It is still continuing to include a part of Draw. navigationArrows and Draw. space in the footer. Use NavigationArrows and Draw. Systemlines. space Toukergui draw. Green screen
      Draw a high parane Switch the high parane. space Hyper plane
      drawing. Reflect on the map of the galaxy in the state and fog title. space name
      draw. Navigation column Switch the range and name to the neighborhood of the system. (In the first test, you fly from the play, but this may be a coincidence) space TWEAKERGUI draw. Navigation arrow
      draw Switch the fog reflection to the map of the Milky Way. space Space} Teker Gui draw.
      draw. Switch the arrival of the old man's blue and yellow rows. The blue part is drawn from the star system to a nearby star system. The yellow part is divided into a cell, and each belongs to one star system. space Drawing toeker Gui.
      Drawing objects Switches the spaceship, ship, station, planetary, and arrow to reach the adjacent star system. space Draw an object.
      Pass system drawing Displays the slider with default-1. When you select a ship, the route from the ship system to the system corresponding to the slider ID is drawn. Each jump reflects the arrival time. The arrival time is specified as "X DAYS", but as well, the more important games of games, the 10 is 10. (Possible game tick) space TWEAKERGUI draw. Pass system
      Draw sensor Switch the green dotted circle (= sensor irradiated radius) around the properties of the ship and system. space TWEAKERGUI draw. sensor
      draw. Cyprinter ? space Toukergui draw.
      draw. The starry sky and dark holes on the map of the Milky Way. space TWEAKERGUI draw.
      draw. System set Switch the scope of the Systeminit template. Which? The system occurs to the opponent or created by a nearby colony. space Teker Gui Draw Systeminit
      Drawing system line Switch to reach the planetary orbit of the system, the limit of the curvature, and the external limit. space TWEAKERGUI draw. System line
      drawing. Switch whether to display a yellowish mesh on the galaxy map. The usage is unknown. space TWEAKERGUI draw.
      draw. Trail Switch the ship route. space Teker Gui Dorout Trail
      Draw Weapon Locator Draw a gun location. space Toukergui draw. Weapon locator
      Switc h-on Includes fake ghosts. space Enable TweakerGui.
      Assert Include accuses. space Enable TweakerGui.
      Enable. Frame smoothing Includes employee smoothing. space Enable TweakerGui. Frame smoothing
      End screen Displays the final screen. space Display TwitCasting GUI on the final screen
      entity Displays the entity name. space Displays the entity name.
      entity. Relating boundary volume Displays a recursive boundary volume. space Display the entity.
      Wire frame Displays the graphical interface frame. space Wire frame
      Ignoring trick War may be announced during truce SPACE} Switc h-on, switchoff. Tsukhagui IGNORE_TRUCE
      Instant _ Anomary_ Research Investigate abnormalities immediately SPACE} Switc h-on, switchoff. Tekurg Istimal_anomaly_research
      Instant colonia Cool ships no longer spend time before settlement. SPACE} Switc h-on, switchoff. Instant colony
      Instant_ Move The ship quickly teleports the righ t-click cursor. SPACE} Switc h-on, switchoff. Instant movement of Twichagui
      Instant_ Survey Quickly investigate the planet SPACE} Switc h-on, switchoff. Tweker Gui Instant Survey
      Maximum FPS Limit the maximum importance FPS. The default is unlimited (0). space Touker Gaimax F-Peezer
      mesh. ? space TWEAKERGU I-Mesh.
      mesh. Displays the mesh file name used for each model. TWEAKERGU I-Mesh.
      mesh. Texture name Displays the folder/ name of the texture file used in each model. space TWEAKERGUI mesh. Texture
      mesh. Switch the model wire frame. space TWEAKERGUI mesh. Wire frame
      MissileGfx. EXTRATIMEPERTICK ? space Extra Time Peltic
      Missile GFX. Slow down radius ? space TWEAKERGUI Missile GFX. Slow down radius
      music ? space TWEAKERGUI music. fade
      music. to the next ? space Toukurg Eye Music Next
      No resource ? space No resource
      usually Displays normalization points for each regime. space TWEAKERGU I-NORMALS
      Pathind cache ? space Space} TWEAKERGUI PATHFINDCACHE
      Pop_happiness Forcibly make a pop party of a specific level. space Touker Geopop _ Happiness
      Pop fact log ? space Tekar Gu i-PoptionLogs
      Portrait ? space Portrait of toy car
      Portrait ? space TWEAKERGUI portrait.
      Terran kognita It is used to open the entire place that was not known before. space Space} Tsukhagui Telane Cogenita

      Changing galactic imperium color

      The color of the space empire can be copied the correct combination of the command with the console, changed the color title, played for the eggs of the space, and changed in the middle of the game: Effect =.< change_country_flag = < icon = < category = "special" file = "" >Background =< category = "backgrounds" file = "" >color< "red" "red" "null" "null" >> >

      The word red can be changed with any color title to get a different paint, such as Dark_blue.


      Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

      Last modified: 27.08.2024

      Stellaris on a “Console” irond.infoxwikis. com/Console_commands. Console commands - Stellaris Wiki. Here are the best Stellaris console commands and cheats out therre, as well as how to use them in the expansive space strategy game. It was released as Stellaris: Console Edition for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on February 26, It is also available on Xbox Game Pass for Xbox and PC.

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