Corporate Strategy 2024 to 2027

Corporate Strategy 2024 to 2027

The business strategy defines the most important work you want to accomplish over the next three years.

Published: April 8, 2024

Last updated: April 8, 2024

Print or save this version: August 25, 2024

Gambling consumers, the general public, and licensees have an interest in ensuring that the gambling industry is fair, safe, and crime-free.

The way people gamble continues to evolve. People play in different ways, with different products, and with different regularity. The global pandemic has affected how people gamble, and as a result, our approach to regulation has been affected. Fewer people gamble regularly than before the pandemic, but similar surveys have shown that consumers are overall spending more money on gambling than in 2019.

Behind these underlying trends are both consumer behavior and the individual performance and drivers of licensees. More people than ever before are gambling online instead of in person. A growing proportion of consumers are gambling with higher risk products, and fewer and fewer are using cash as a means of payment. Thus, the UK gambling industry continues to evolve based on changing consumer behavior and regulatory changes. Licensees also continue to strive to influence consumer behavior by introducing innovative products and adapting their business models. Mergers and acquisitions are changing the structure of the industry, the size and global presence of the largest players.

During the pandemic, we demonstrated our ability to respond quickly and flexibly to unexpected changes in circumstances. We must maintain this ability to keep pace with the industry and continue to improve regulation for consumers and society.

With the accelerating development of new technologies, the increasing globalization of gambling business models and major reforms to gambling regulation, this period has been a watershed for the industry. This strategy sets out how we will transform the industry to maintain our focus on making gambling safer, fairer and crime-free.

We have developed an ambitious strategy in two main areas:

Implementing decisions taken to bring about significant and lasting changes in the management of games and the National Lottery.

The government's Snow White's "High Station-Gambling Reform in the Digital Era" (opens in a new tab) modernized domestic gambling adjustments, on the other hand, and on the other hand, and on the other hand between harm. There are quite a few promises to balance. Apart from this, a new license has been born for the first time in a stat e-owned lottery situation, and the coordination system has been changed to continue to operate the stat e-owned lottery safely.

Improve your work by investing in important fields for the benefits of buyers, population and license.

Investing in the priority field will make it possible to adapt effectively in the future. These investment focuses on our layout, system, evidence we are relying on, and the most important thing, the formation of our employees. This will ensure our adaptation to ensure that the adaptation will continue to reflect the composition of the gambling industry, achieving the ultimate goal of securing the best results for buyers and people.

Some of the main areas of strategy have already been implemented, such as the achievement of the government's promise on Snow White, and the launch of four licenses to carry out a stat e-owned lottery. We are also working on improving data collection and application methods that are considered most important in our work. We are convinced that a clearer confirmation based on the use of more effective data will lead to more effective adjustments. We hope to organize more transparent data and publish more information about our work.

We show that we can improve rationality in licensing business, and to ensure that it can be improved in order to ensure rationality and ensure that it is very effective and efficient, and adapt to digital technology in the times. He showed his ability. As the Regal Risk Industry continues to evolve, he discussed the question of how to make the lon g-term goal of gambling formation positive. We are going to focus on the work we have been outlined in this strategy and learn a new layout to adapt to an opportunity for out, for example, a decent recognition, and what we are working. Test and search, but not.

With all of these impacts, we can do better work to ensure the faithful, safety, and difficulties of gambling for the benefit of buyers and the general public. You will be able to do it.

Chairman Marcus Boyle, Andrew Rose, major executive officer and commissor

Corporate Strategy 2024 to 2027 Introduction

Introducing the Corporate Strategy (2 minutes, 12 seconds)

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We present our company strategy for 2024, our latest vision that will shape the future adaptation of gambling in the UK.

This basic strategy envisages a stage up to 2027 and brings us closer to realizing our vision of a more loyal, committed and crime-free gambling market.

We want to ensure customer protection and support the industry to ensure that the industry meets claims and does not tolerate cruelty.

Towards the right three years, everyone involved or interested in gambling, buyers, the public and our licensees will benefit from this necessary strategy.

We have received the government's promise in Snow White 2023 to bring the necessary configuration to offer and adapt gambling.

Already four state lottery licenses have been announced and new licensees have been noted.

But that's not all. We have identified key areas where improving our work could bring better results for buyers, the public and our licensees.

Our task for the best three years is clear. We will be the ones who can apply further data and experts to regulate gambling regulation more effectively, improve our main operational functions to ensure the best practices of licensing, claims compliance and law enforcement, various requests to set license-person based on verification, start working with the farm, and perhaps solve difficulties in the same capacity. And finally successful state lottery regulation.

We are careful to be rudimentary and not to solve problems in one capacity. We are investing in tools, techniques and skills of a brand new center of data innovation to make the quality of the data we collect and how we use it.

We will work with our partners in the coordination around the world, switch to knowledge and find effective conclusions to fight against such collaborations as illegal gambling.

You can learn about our internet strategy and we will start providing reviews and recommendations to help us continue to pursue perfection and develop.

We trust to work with everyone interested in gambling and express our determination to guarantee loyalty, safety and accessibility to crime.

The Gambling Committee is regarded as a national regulatory organization of most Gambling in England. We approve and provide licensing companies that provide paid gambling (excluding Spred-Betting) and its main personnel. We conduct government talks about gambling duties. The British stat e-owned lottery is also regulated.

The book called Gambling in the digital era has shown a strategic goal for the next three years (from 2024 to 2027). This traces the footprints that repeat the strategy along with the business plan of each year. We will report the progress of the promise we have exchanged with ourselves under this strategy in a report set in a place every year.

Through the overall strategy, we describe the effects of taking the company's best adjustments for the company's best interests. In other words

  • Protect customers and the general public
  • Space} Maintenance of social trust in gambling companies and commissions
  • Securing a stereotype of the following actions and abilities by licenseing.

Our statutory objectives and duties

The 2005 Azard Games Act (Azard Games Act 2005) and the 1993 Loth Lozer Law (LOTHER LAW 1993) define the purpose of the license to manage our work and the direct obligations of the national lottery.

Our job as a gambling regulation authorities is to allow gambling if we believe it is reasonably consistent with the purpose of the license.

  • Prevents this so that gambling is not used to cause crime, disorder, linked to crime, disorder, or to promote crime.
  • Make sure that the gambling is honest and not closed.
  • Protects children and vulnerable from harm and operation in gambling.

We must guarantee as a lottery regulatory organization:

  • Space} The lottery nationwide was performed with the following accuracy.
  • Space} Members' profits were protected and worked with two direct duty data.
  • National lottery income has a high probability.

Delivering our objectives and duties

We generalize goals and responsibilities in our concept:

We hope that gambling bazaar is conscientious, harmless, and there is no crime.

This strategy can manage gambling better and approach this vision. The correct result shows our vision, roles, and the ability of regulatory authorities. All of our tasks in the final result are to achieve data from the main consequences of adaptation. We will show the performance of its performance by measuring and publishing the characteristics of the influence related to each result.

Protecting from harm or exploitation

For that reason, we will work on the following:

  • Those under the age of 18 cannot play gambling.
  • Thanks to the effective legal requirements and compliance compliance, the weak people are protected by gamblin g-related harm.

Fair and open gambling

For that reason, we will work on the following:

  • Space} Products and services provided by Licensei are fair and provided as promised.
  • Space} You can select a consumer with sufficient information about gambling games
  • Space} Licensis provides fair and prompt solutions to consumer issues.

Preventing crime

For that reason, we will work on the following:

  • In the UK, it was difficult for consumers to provide larg e-scale illegal gambling
  • Space} Avided by gambling is low at risk of money laundering and terrorism.
  • Space} The fairness of bookmakers and events that have entered the UK is high.

The National Lottery licence

For that reason, we will work on the following:

  • All aspects of the stat e-owned lottery are well operated
  • Space} Protect the interests of all participants who play, participate, or expose all national lotteries and all games.
  • Space} The maximum increase in profits has been brought to good intentions.

What to aim for in the next three years is shown in each commitment of this strategy. Achieving commitment increases the effectiveness of operations to achieve major regulations.

In addition, in order to evaluate the results of major regulatory activities, we will publish major performance evaluation indicators in business.

At the same time, the system that evaluates this effectiveness will enhance the transparency of the general public and the licensee and will be a guideline for our continuous improvement activities.

Our performance measurement framework

Licensing objectives and National Lottery duties

A rational, safe, committed gambling market that protects the interests of consumers and the general public.

Regulatory outcomes

Measure and publish using exposure indicators.

Strategy commitments

It is implemented through the annual business plan. Measured and reflect in the annual report.

Operational key performance indicators

We publish data on our main activities.

Statutory Functions – our ‘core business’

We strive to consider transparency, accountability, proportional, seizure, and actions in areas where action is needed.

We have achieved many functions stipulated by law to achieve the purpose and duties of the license. We set our approach in a statement on the principles of licensing and regulations (this does not include functions related to domestic lotteries).

Our regulation functions are as follows:

  • Space} Operator and key person license providing gambling services in the UK
  • Space} Gives a license for businesses and key person who provides gambling services in the UK.
  • Space} License holder's evaluation of requirements
  • Thorough compliance with legal requirements and accusations of violations of gambling law
  • Publication of principle
  • Advice to the town hall about gaming and gaming regulations
  • Instructions to the license authorities

Our legal missions regarding the state lottery are as follows:

  • Publing a license for a state lottery.
  • Issuance of games license
  • Regulating the status of licenses for operating national lottery
  • Monitor the license to implement a national lottery.

These functions form our main business and continue to be the basis of our work. This strategy focuses on what to actually replace and improve to achieve the next three years.

Areas of Strategic Focus for 2024 to 2027

We have identified the five strategic fields that seem to have a major impact on regulations to achieve the best results for customers, local communities, and licensed, along with regulations. 。 We understand the gambling industry and the issuance of national lottery licensing 4 and the government's "expensive prize gold white book: Gambling reform in the digital age" (opened in a new version. Tab) after 2021. These fields were outlined based on trends. ). These also reflect our regulatory skills and include data obtained through the opinions of stakeholders, including litigation, customer engagement, survey, data, and our advisory teams.

In the strategic stage from 2024 to 2027, we will give priority to the following five fields:

  1. Data to improve gambling regulations and use of experts.
  2. Rust} Improve the productivity of the main business department.
  3. Establish claims based on accurate evidence for Licensee.
  4. Actively act and solve problems with the same ability.
  5. Success the state lottery.

More detailed information about these five strategic areas is listed on the related pages provided by management.

1. Using data and analytics to make gambling regulation more effective

As a result of more useful data, more clear data leads to more eas y-t o-use regulations, and eventually leads to better results for customers, local communities and licensed.

The rapid development of technology has a chance to the regulatory economic department and its regulatory authorities. Gaming is in a position to provide more sophisticated and sophisticated products and services that depend on advanced data processing technology. We need to accept them and respond to changes to continue regulations for the best benefits of society.

We argue that the true expectations of the people on technology and data are still changing. Existing skills to improve adaptation must be balanced with the people's expectations for the next application of the data that are effective and serious. Licensee is still waiting for our coordination to comply with our statements of licensing and indications and regulatory authorities.

To complete these tasks, we sell ambitious programs to handle data, invest in tools, technologies, and skills under the new innovation center in data, expand our knowledge. Increase the unity of data and launch them more to complete the current task.

All of this is supported by reliable operating systems, which actually makes it easier to implement them for access to our information and for all kinds of purposes.

We would like to increase efficiency, minimize the burden on regulatory authorities, and to automate systems and processes in order to deal with more resources to implement major appearance in legal operations. 。 With its own line, we can respond quickly to the most promptly formed difficulties, so that we can secure more reliable protection of customers and the general public. This will definitely help us with the same ability to avoid risk branches that are likely to occur for license purposes.

Key Commitments

We will significantly increase the depth of our understanding of the gambling market and consumer behaviour.

Why? During the COVID-19 period, it was proved that by receiving more constant data on operators and buyers support surveys, it could actually detect, publish, and respond to market trends and buyers. The introduction of this possibility includes an important significance to recognize the changes flowing from the government's Snow White Book and strengthen our own direct duties to advise the gambling market. 。 In a long time, we are hoping to combine data to achieve a perfect awareness of how the industry, and how it will affect buyers and wider population. 。

As a result, we will promote the conclusions of the issues and priority issues we have raised. We will start a lon g-term program for buyers who provide hig h-quality learning. It also improves the data collected from licensing in which our work is to be improved to ensure influential understanding and statistics relocation on English gambling.

Consumers, more widespread people, and Licensei will benefit from our actions that are more focused and based on the best confirmation that can be caused as a result of their actions. This is compatible with our goal s-our work, for example, as a customer, uses data and functions to make better perceptions to affect the industry. Decide and inoculate the adjustment as needed.

We will use data science methods to improve early identification of issues and our understanding of industry compliance.

Why? Using advanced analytics to identify patterns and trends across licensors, business models and sectors will enable a deeper understanding of industry trends and consumer behaviour. While a better understanding of market trends is extremely valuable, we also want the data to generate actionable understanding of when we can intervene to take care of the market.

As a result, new interconnected datasets and analytical capabilities will enable a better understanding of risk for operators.

Consumers and the public will benefit from a reduced chance that stable or even significant breaches will go undetected and lead to consumer harm. Compliant licensees will benefit from targeted action against licensors who pursue commercial interests without adhering to required standards.

We will build a leading understanding of gambling-related harm.

Why? We need a deeper and stronger understanding of who is suffering, when, why and with which products. In the long term, we aim to develop a flexible, comprehensive and longitudinal view of who is harmed and why. This will allow us to identify past problems and predict where measures can be developed to reduce the risk of harm in the first place.

As a result, a new UK gambling survey will provide information on the gambling habits, attitudes and dangers of the adult population. This new study will triangulate with other research projects, allowing us to conduct more targeted events, evaluate their impacts and identify changes over time within and between different groups of consumers.

Consumers, the public and licensing will benefit from the fact that regulation and policymaking will be based on a deeper understanding of findings through the UK Gambling Survey and other datasets. Our research will help to improve our understanding of gambling and its harms.

We will develop our internal capability to embed the effective use of data across all aspects of our work.

For To realise the ambitions of this strategy, we need to pilot more data-driven solutions. This will include investments in storage and data analytics as well as people.

As a result, we can improve our process, how to determine the value, the consciousness that works, and the reliability and visibility we accept. In fact, the processes and systems we use to manage our business are renewed, and more effectively use data to improve our main financial, human resources, and productive indicators. Connect to.

Consumers, the general public, and Licensei can benefit from effective regulatory authorities with better information and have an intentional and effective impact.

We will collectively measure progress against these commitments by:

  • Sel f-evaluation in cooperation with government data evaluation systems
  • Annual audit of data science and opportunity to increase data literacy and drive a drive to invest in data tools
  • What has actually changed in the gambling field, the dangers related to future compositions and the renewal information about our gaze on our gaze.
  • Recognition of the results and demonstration of our consistency to evaluate
  • Confirm that our risk assessment is better than the related, focused, effective intervention.

2. Enhancing our core operational functions

The gambling industry continues to evolve and develop very rapidly. As a regulatory authority, we are obliged to adapt and evolve to continue effective regulations for social benefit. For the appropriate three years, we will improve the main operation functions. Make the necessary investment to introduce modern licensing methods, ensure relationships and law execution. These major operational functions in soVokus provide the results of ours, licenses and the general public.

Key Commitments

We will evolve our licensing, compliance and enforcement work including improving our core processes, technology and related approaches.

Why? We are working hard to make sure that our alignment for adaptation will evolve in cooperation with the changes in branches and legal bases. This means that it reflects the difficulty of adapting to the British gambling industry in the digital era, educates employees and accesses new skills and experiences. Our major technology and systems are reaching the limits of their possibilities. By modernizing our technology, system, and appropriate layouts, we can improve our work efficiency. There is a chance to improve the quality of proposals by beautifying more processes and making them more attractive and common for buyers and licenses.

As a result, our processes, layouts and systems will be digital by default, making our interactions with applicants and licensees more operational and automated.

Consumers and more people will benefit from the application of enhanced data on legal adjustments to manage our operations. This data will drive constant improvements and allow us to orient our influence to the conclusion of the issues that have the greatest impact on the outcome of the adaptation, in order to achieve what we aim for.

We will review our progress by publishing and showing the improvement of the characteristics of our operational performance on the main operational indicators.

We will develop our approach to assurance including increasing transparency of industry compliance levels by theme and licensee.

Why? We will carry out claims compliance events to ensure that the normative requests are actually being made. This work will help us communicate its results to licensees, discover improvements and avant-garde practices, and ensure that the interests of our customers are protected. Day by day, we want to improve our alignment to observe and shape contemporary techniques in adaptation. Essentially, to ensure that our layouts remain relevant and offer the best results for buyers and the public. Increasing the transparency of ratios in our branches is, in our view, one of the areas where progress is needed.

As a result, in 2024 we will start to publish regularly the results of the work to evaluate the ratios of our claims on fidelity, protection from harm and prevention of cruelty. This first step will not allow us to identify individual licensees, but for the first time we will know the results of the work to evaluate the ratios. Then, in all major consultations, the question of how to increase the penetration of our work on compliance with legal claims will be the first step towards the implementation of the rest of the provided strategy.

By the end of the implementation of the strategy, the gambling industry will be able to advise licensees or cover those who contain the possibility of a positive effect, otherwise known at a conditional level of claims or observations of avant-garde practices can be qualified on the basis of.

Consumers and a larger public will receive more information about the normative claims about the industry and our work to ensure license compliance to our stereotypes. They will still benefit from being able to find out trends and themes on the fringes to orient our adaptations to achieve a greater impact.

We will make it a first milestone to report on the level of stereotype adherence in our industry, and then review our progress by showing those flattering trends to enhance the significance of adherence.

We will increase investment, resource and capacity to tackle illegal gambling.

Why? Customers access to illegal gambling impairs the framework and protection of regulations that guarantee customers and the general public. It threatens the purpose of the license and the duty of the country's lottery, and is considered unfair against a legitimate license. To solve this challenge, you need an effective partnership with the license industry and other organizations. In order to suppress the activities of illegal gambling operators targeting British buyers, we invest in very effective events and invest the resources necessary to guarantee the possibility, probability, and means of means. That is required.

As a result, it is not yet easy to give customers a larg e-scale illegal gambling in England. Completely eradicating illegal gambling is impossible, considering the morals of advanced technology and how criminal society has continued to improve their own layouts. However, we show how Sobokpus guarantees that our overestimated concerns and investments will lead to measures that are effective and focused, and that the UK will continue to be a difficult market for illegal services. Masu.

The strengthening of efforts to suppress the activities of illegal companies and people who support them will benefit consumers and more broader people. The most likely buyer will trade with an illegal company. This illegal is not applied to our stereotypes, such as defending customer rights or managing and explanation provided by England's gambling license. Sucting illegal gambling will greatly increase the effects of defense and adjustments used in the license industry.

Licensei can benefit from behaviors aimed at preventing illegal labor by people who are excited to obtain benefits.

We will consider our progress, publish the features of our work in controlling illegal labor, and will lighten lighting focusing on specific research themes. We will examine the possibility of obtaining highly useful reliable characteristics in examining the scale and dangers of illegal markets in England. < SPAN> Why? Customers access to illegal gambling impairs the framework and protection of regulations that guarantee customers and the general public. It threatens the purpose of the license and the duty of the country's lottery, and is considered unfair against a legitimate license. To solve this challenge, you need an effective partnership with the license industry and other organizations. In order to suppress the activities of illegal gambling operators targeting British buyers, we invest in very effective events and invest the resources necessary to guarantee the possibility, probability, and means of means. That is required.

3. Setting clear, evidence-based requirements for licensees

As a result, it is not yet easy to give customers a larg e-scale illegal gambling in England. Completely eradicating illegal gambling is impossible, considering the morals of advanced technology and how criminal society has continued to improve their own layouts. However, we show how Sobokpus guarantees that our overestimated concerns and investments will lead to measures that are effective and focused, and that the UK will continue to be a difficult market for illegal services. Masu.

Key Commitments

We will deliver those measures we are responsible for in the Government’s White Paper including improving player protections and product safety.

The strengthening of efforts to suppress the activities of illegal companies and people who support them will benefit consumers and more broader people. The most likely buyer will trade with an illegal company. This illegal is not applied to our stereotypes, such as defending customer rights or managing and explanation provided by England's gambling license. Sucting illegal gambling will greatly increase the effects of defense and adjustments used in the license industry.

Licensei can benefit from behaviors aimed at preventing illegal labor by people who are excited to obtain benefits.

We will consider our progress, publish the features of our work in controlling illegal labor, and will lighten lighting focusing on specific research themes. We will examine the possibility of obtaining highly useful reliable characteristics in examining the scale and dangers of illegal markets in England. Why? Customers access to illegal gambling impairs the framework and protection of regulations that guarantee customers and the general public. It threatens the purpose of the license and the duty of the country's lottery, and is considered unfair against a legitimate license. To solve this challenge, you need an effective partnership with the license industry and other organizations. In order to suppress the activities of illegal gambling operators targeting British buyers, we invest in very effective events and invest the resources necessary to guarantee the possibility, probability, and means of means. That is required.

As a result, it is not yet easy to give customers a larg e-scale illegal gambling in England. Completely eradicating illegal gambling is impossible, considering the morals of advanced technology and how criminal society has continued to improve their own layouts. However, we show how Sobokpus guarantees that our overestimated concerns and investments will lead to measures that are effective and focused, and that the UK will continue to be a difficult market for illegal services. Masu.

We will increase our capacity to evaluate new requirements and policies.

The strengthening of efforts to suppress the activities of illegal companies and people who support them will benefit consumers and more broader people. The most likely buyer will trade with an illegal company. This illegal is not applied to our stereotypes, such as defending customer rights or managing and explanation provided by England's gambling license. Sucting illegal gambling will greatly increase the effects of defense and adjustments used in the license industry.

Licensei can benefit from behaviors aimed at preventing illegal labor by people who are excited to obtain benefits.

We will consider our progress, publish the features of our work in controlling illegal labor, and will lighten lighting focusing on specific research themes. We will examine the possibility of obtaining highly useful reliable characteristics in examining the scale and dangers of illegal markets in England.

The government published a white paper in April 2023 entitled "High Stakes - Gambling Reform for the Digital Age". This white paper sets out the medium-term policy agenda for gambling regulation in England and places significant commitments on us, the gambling regulator, to deliver it. These commitments, aimed primarily at protecting consumers and the public from harm, will take up the majority of our political resources over the next three years. In delivering on what we promised in Snow White, we aim to make regulation as clear and targeted as possible, while at the same time making it easier for licensees to comply with our fixed principles. This is consistent with the Council's Framework for Effective Regulation, the Code for Supervisors and our personal Statement of Principles.

We will review how we communicate our requirements and related guidance to licensees and the public.

Why? The Snow White Book describes the changes that have taken place in the gambling industry since the passage of the Act in 2005, including the significant development of online gambling. It sets out a package of reforms that reflects these changes, based on the latest data and informed by our advice. The Culture, Media and Sport Committee report on gambling regulation, published in December 2023, was a supportive parliamentary test of the service. The government has asked us to lead the implementation of a significant number of measures from Snow White. We will consult on how we will use our capabilities to communicate and implement the reforms.

Ultimately, it will sell the government's desire to ensure that gambling regulation in England remains consistent, appropriate and effective in the digital age.

Consumers and the general public will benefit from the fact that the nature of online gambling will be quieter, licensees will be more careful in advertising their products, and they will be more proactive in preventing unregulated, hard-to-find gambling from leading to harm.

We will measure our progress by reporting on the achievement of the "Snow White promise" to which we are accountable. As part of the evaluation work, we will support efforts by the government and other organizations to evaluate the impact of the White Paper reforms.

4. Being proactive and addressing issues at the earliest opportunity

This will undoubtedly help us understand which layouts for adaptation will have the most impact and guarantee us the chance to get used to more effective layouts as the precedents speak. We will take special care to evaluate the impact of our work on the commitments we made to ourselves in the government's snowbook.

Key Commitments

We will invest in a programme of activities exploring how licensees can be supported to meet their responsibilities to consumers and the wider public.

As a result, we will be able to allocate resources to more effective political measures and show whether they are having the desired effect.

Consumers, the wider public and licensees will benefit from proportionate and consistent precedent-based measures that ensure the following balance between achieving greater customer advocacy and minimal burdens that are important to the benefits of licensing objectives.

We will review progress, publish the results of the review and investigation, and set out for adaptation if necessary (after consultation).

Why? We want licensees and the public to have access to accurate information and controls, thereby effectively improving awareness of normative claims. Our Recognized Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP) are required to evolve in concert with the changes resulting from government nurture. We want licensees to be fully aware of their direct obligations and make requests based on one's capabilities. We also hope that buyers and other stakeholders will be informed by another about the normative claims and their rights, especially in light of the government's commitment to establish the status of an ombudsman in gambling.

We will increase the resource available to improve our understanding of issues which pose a risk to the fair and open licensing objective.

In relation to the data, we will dialogue with licenses, buyers, etc. to discover the capacity to improve the recognition of normative claims and regulate the direct obligations of licenses that are more understandable.

Licensees will have an accurate idea about the claims and be able to report on their implementation. Buyers and the public will have an accurate idea about their rights. It will be better for buyers as licensees will be easier to comply with the requests.

At the beginning, we will determine the initial data of the current view and consider the progress while conducting experiments on the communication and proper management of the requests. If improvements are found, we will consider how to evaluate them within the framework of the commitment.

To ensure that licensees comply with the rules with the same probability, in the interest of buyers and the public, and in the interest of the branch itself. In the stage of strategy exposure, we want to achieve this goal. It is not to strengthen our interference in the licensees' operations, but to sacrifice our reactive operations to ensure compliance with claims and law enforcement. We are clearly aware that such a transition is only possible if licensees make every effort to work within the framework of the rules and with the interest of their customers and the public. If they do not, we will continue to take decisive and escalated law enforcement measures.

5. Regulating a successful National Lottery

Why? The obligation to comply with the rules lies with the licensees. However, it is fundamental for us to use our personal skills, influence and organizational capabilities for proposals that support licensees in fulfilling their obligations to their customers. By investing in events and actions, we can get to know clearly with stakeholders, detect and eliminate joint risks and skills, we can increase the company's fixed view of behavior and capabilities in gambling commerce, and increase the confidence of adaptive gambling in our own lines.

As a result, licensees have access to accurate information and management. Licensees will be able to search and receive information about risks, skills or collective dilemmas that they have to solve as part of their business. This work depends on the existing interaction between us and the licensees.

Consumers and the public can reduce the risk of harm, unjust consequences and cruelty by the licensees' recognition of requests with one force. If it is intentional, the licensees will focus on the operational conclusion of the task affecting the customer. At the heart of the importance of our law enforcement work, unaltered, serious and intentional crimes will be able to be found more frequently.

We will consider our progress in the number of licensees, show accurate recognition of stereotypes and increase the number of observations. The borrowing of formal tools for stereotype compliance will decrease and we will devote more attention to those who do not make requests.

Key Commitments

We will complete our oversight and assurance of the transition to, and implementation of, the Fourth National Lottery licence.

Why? Past strategies have correctly concentrated important number of resources in the conclusions of gambling damage and crime prevention. With great success in these fields, without losing interest in it, new strategies determine the risks and probability of the goal of licensing disclosed in a conscientious, and as a result of regulations associated with this goal. , There is a high possibility that resources will be introduced. Recognize buyer tasks, improve the assignment of players, ensure gambling product faithfulnes s-all of these are improved consumers and compared to low reliability levels pointed out in real time. It is an important component to enhance the trust of buyers.

As a result, we were able to raise awareness of such a basics for buyers in this field. We will still be able to help gambling companies as they recognize other things that have customer interests.

The intervention of a regulatory organization aimed at closing tasks, which provides a greater risk of gambling in England, will benefit consumers and wider population. Buyers will notice that at various stages of customer response, the way of contacting Licensia has changed without compliments.

We examine our progress, compare the mood of the buyer, whether the gambling is considered conscientious, whether it can be believed, and claims for gambling. We determine these important features as a fairy and ope n-licensed claim. We still apply data on specific plans and tasks, just like customer research, to examine how this or other intervention has affected and the case where it was detected. I'm starting to do.

We will embed our regulatory approach to the Fourth National Lottery licence.

The stat e-owned lottery has been indispensable for British life since the first lottery in 1994, and is regarded as one of the most famous brands in the country. Thanks to the prize money, it replaces it with a life so that people can earn prizes, for example, charitable organizations receive the methods collected by the state lottery.

For the first time in the state of the state lottery, Licensei was replaced. Apart from this, a new legal foundation has been introduced, focusing on the final results, opening a wider range of skills, and the relevance, outlook and sustainability of the state lottery for the overall profits of England. We encourage investment to maintain.

Our priority is consistent with the main consequences of regulations, maintains fairness, protects the interests of members, matches both direct responsibilities, and ensures the maximum income in charities. That is to comply with the duty of the national lottery.

In order to achieve these goals, it is essential to succeed in acquiring stat e-owned lotricence 4, and it is important to evaluate the license concompetition, learn from there, and use it in future competitions.

We will assess how well the benefits from the new licence arrangements are realised.

Why? We are accountable for Licensei and ensure the completeness of the competition results. As a result, the decisions of Licensei can be determined according to cases and risks, and the decisions can be reflected in the regulations under a new license system that focuses on business results.

As a result, our national lottery program 4 dedicated license will provide Winwin monitoring, interaction, and guarantee that Licensee will perform the duties during the implementation period. In order to guarantee the flexible and efficient management of the program, we plan to start the management system.

Consumers and the general public benefit from improving the stat e-owned lottery that will be brought up by promised and achieving application results.

We simply define the order of risk and tasks, predictions of promises and results, and important milestones to ensure the order and quality submitted to promote positive results. We will support our progress by supporting a series of events.

Cross-cutting enablers

Why? This is to respect the main stereotypes, pay special attention to the support of members, maximize charitable donations, and increase the value of national lottery as assets. It will definitely help. This will definitely help you enjoy the advantage of the transition to a new result s-based normative normal base.


As a result, Licensei will be able to innovate more freely and exercise its own judgment, but at the same time, it will be more responsible for achieving the results of their own work and the set goals. You will be responsible. We will be able to report to businesses using a regulation framework that guarantees that the business operator's license period is in line with the strategic goal.

  • We start evaluating the progress using many development methods, including understanding the consistency with the implementation of the facility model stipulated in the license. In addition, the performance of licensing in each duty is evaluated so that performance does not decrease under new license management.
  • This allows you to ensure the trust of the people in the competition process and the results, and indicate that all statutory direct responsibilities are performed at the expected level when issuing a license.
  • We measure our progress through many hig h-value (eg, licensed order share) and quantitative (eg, charity returns) indicators starting at the start of the fourth license period of the national lottery. Masu.
  • To ensure the implementation of a corporate strategy, we will formulate and implement a personnel strategy. Solve the following priority issues regarding personnel resources during the strategy.


Formation and adoption of important combinations of abilities and opportunities


Effective stakeholder engagement

Rula} Improvement of human resources, recruitment and maintenance of human resources


Strengthening the ability of leaders and leaders


  • Why? Our most important assets are employees. In order to achieve our strategy, we need to pursue outstanding every day, enhancing employee engagement and improving organizational performance. We are a hig h-quality regulatory institution that attracts, hires and maintains a variety of and professional staff, and realizes our ambitions that make gambling more fair, safer, and no crime. I am trying to be. < SPAN> We start evaluating progress using many development methods, including the integrity of the operator and the license's license. In addition, the performance of licensing in each duty is evaluated so that performance does not decrease under new license management.
  • This allows you to ensure the trust of the people in the competition process and the results, and indicate that all statutory direct responsibilities are performed at the expected level when issuing a license.
  • We measure our progress through many hig h-value (eg, licensed order share) and quantitative (eg, charity returns) indicators starting at the start of the fourth license period of the national lottery. Masu.
  • To ensure the implementation of a corporate strategy, we will formulate and implement a personnel strategy. Solve the following priority issues regarding personnel resources during the strategy.
  • Formation and adoption of important combinations of abilities and opportunities


Rula} Improvement of human resources, recruitment and maintenance of human resources


Strengthening the ability of leaders and leaders



Inclusion into everyday work

Why? Our most important assets are employees. In order to achieve our strategy, we need to pursue outstanding every day, enhancing employee engagement and improving organizational performance. We are a hig h-quality regulatory institution that attracts, hires and maintains a variety of and professional staff, and realizes our ambitions that make gambling more fair, safer, and no crime. I am trying to be. We start evaluating the progress using many development methods, including understanding the consistency with the implementation of the facility model stipulated in the license. In addition, the performance of licensing in each duty is evaluated so that performance does not decrease under new license management.

Why? The issuance of a license to operate a state lottery is an important and serious decision by the Gambling Committee. Therefore, we must observe and show whether the impact of this conclusion matches our expectations.

This allows you to ensure the trust of the people in the competition process and the results, and indicate that all statutory direct responsibilities are performed at the expected level when issuing a license.

Consumers and the general public have no doubt about the results of competition, the fact that the nobles are still in compliance with all the following rules, and the maximum benefits to charitable organizations. Being really benefits.

We measure our progress through many hig h-value (eg, licensed order share) and quantitative (eg, charity returns) indicators starting at the start of the fourth license period of the national lottery. Masu.

Like our main regulatory functions, the performance of our promises in our five fields depends on many cros s-cracks that support all our work.

To ensure the implementation of a corporate strategy, we will formulate and implement a personnel strategy. Solve the following priority issues regarding personnel resources during the strategy.


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

Strategic Plan Executive Summary · Preserve the integrity of the UN's CAAC architecture; · Advance the implementation of the CAAC agenda; and · Elevate. UHC's – Strategic Framework describes how UHC operates and adds value, now, on the path towards the next UN high-level meeting on UHC in Our new strategy 'Building on Strong Foundations' will meet this vision through the delivery of four key objectives from to the end of which are set.

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