UNICEF is to strengthen prevention and treatment in cooperation with groups, states, and district partners for those who die from RBID-19 and other non-secure infectious diseases, and protect people in a weaker position. Especially emphasized.
UNICEF tapped to lead COVID-19 vaccine rollout for COVAX
UNICEF played a leading role in the world's most ambitious vaccination campaign.
Before the Cobid-19 vaccine was developed, UNICEF was vaccinated for nearly 50 % of children around the world, overcoming logistics difficulties and overcoming the impossible area. Was reaching out to the people who needed. Kobax-19 When the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine are proved, UNICEF (the only organization with important infrastructure, technology, and procurement opportunities) immediately procurements in low and medium-income countries under the Cobax Program. I was asked to lead the appropriate distribution.
Approximately 1. 89 billion times were administered in 146 states (see the latest information on COVID-19 UNICEF Market Panel).
UNICEF is constantly working around the world to reduce the damage (and still giving) the infectious disease. Thank you, COVID-19:
- According to Space} estimation, the number of difficult boys has increased by 142 million.
- Space}, at least 7 babies and young people have a negative effect on psychological happiness, access to education, copper services and other important proposals, and are huge in 2020 based on mode that has not left the house. I lived in the share.
- In the pandemic enthusiasm, up to 94 % of students around the world were affected by the closure of seconds, and at least on e-third was unable to receive correspondence.
- 10 million children are suffering from hunger due to deficiencies in food systems and health and nutritional services.
UNICEF has special interest in proposals to support the state to strengthen the health system to recover the leading proposals in the pandemic enthusiasm and prevent future pandemic.
How to help
UNISEF's impressive presentation collection collection allows workers to find a lot of objects of one needs covered by family and honey so that workers continue to protect themselves and others. You can help. Let's send food now.
Vaccinating the world, country by country
UNICEF's role in the battle of Pandemic blocking was to urgently deliver vaccines and other related weights to poor states. In these countries, the following are being done:
Afghanistan became the first country in Central Asia, which received the COVID-19 vaccine administration of COVAX R, and UNICEF adjusted its purchase and delivery. The first batch is 468. 000 times, mainly for teachers and university lecturers, and supports Afghanistan so that they can study in a safe environment. Click here for UNICEF's support activities using COVID-19 in Afghanistan.
When Bolivia received the Cobax Center through the Cobax Center, the healthcare professional Janin Mendens sighed not only for himself and his family, but also for the local community and patients.
"When I vaccinated as an advanced line, it was calm to take care of the patient and I was able to escape the illness thanks to Cobid," she said. Robbs has also begun to treat unretable children. Read more about UNICEF's support activities about Cobid 19 in Bolivian.
Cat Deiboir
The receipt of the 504. 000 vaccine in Cat-D'Ivoire has hoped to the country, which has the most vulnerable pandemic economic damage. Click here for details on UNICEF's support activities related to COVID-19 in Cat-D'ivoire.
On February 24, 2021, Ghana became the first country to receive a batch of COVID-19 vaccine through Kobax, buying the basics of the largest vaccine in the history of activity. Click here for UNICEF's COVID-19-related support activities in Ghana.
In June 2021, a group of refrigerators with Honduras flags was lined up at the Armando Espinal Air Force Base in Sanpedro, Honduras. Gene Goff, a UNICEF region of Latin America and the Caribbean, is Honduras, one of Latin America's lowest vaccine level, and has long collected vaccines transferred to the United States. We welcomed as supplies. "These doses are the scales of hope for the region and all countries, and we look forward to the dose of Kobax," GOF said. Please read here for UNICEF's support activities related to Honduras COVID-19.
India's fatal second Cobid 19 waves have virtually destroyed the country's medical system. Hospital beds were full and the stockpiling of oxygen and medical devices decreased, and medical workers were forced to fight to save their lives. Read how UNICEF sent relief supplies to India and supported more than 50, 000 COVID-19 vaccination center in 57 states.
The rights of refugees receiving medical services are the same no matter where the refugees go, and UNICEF is eager to defend refugees and guarantee these rights at all stages. When the COVID-19 vaccine entered Jordan for the first time through the COVAX factory in March 2021, UNICEF definitely applauded the Ministry of Health and helped everyone to cover the refugees, including the right to receive the vaccine.
"Acha, a 62-year-old refugee from Syria, who has lived in the Zatari refugee camp since 2013, has said. Click here for details on UNICEF's COVID-19 support proposal in Jordan.
In March 2021, when Kenya took over 1 million Cobid-19 vaccines from Oxford / Astrazeneca, a vanguard-section copper staff was first vaccinated. When teachers, other employees, and those over the age of 58 are given the right to be vaccinated, the 60-year-old crispin borotila, the founder of the five boys, hurrys and has a COVID-19 vaccine. He was vaccinated and expressed similar wishes. Now we can fight Coronavirus with this gun. " Read here for UNICEF's efforts to support the fight with Covid-19 in Kenya.
Nurses who basically believe that people in Laos are like a huge family will determine the first dose of COVID-19 vaccines at the Mitta Fab Clinic in Moscow Laos Vennayana. I was in the honor. However, on the first day of the pandemic, Somsk Kunmani felt fear of infection. Click here for UNICEF's initiatives on COVID-19 support proposals in Laos.
UNICEF is good at delivering vaccines to places that are difficult to access on the earth. The number includes remote Himalayas. UNICEF's honey worker, Indra Kara Taman, traveled on a fiv e-day path to support the vaccine campaign in the Jumul, one of the most distorted areas in Nepal. The last miles of the vaccine route are the feats created by UNICEF and partner, so that the vaccine reaches the last place with an effective and heavy state, so that the freezer video camera and refrigerator do not get in the way. There is.
The provision of approximately 4 million vaccines made by Astrazeneca to Nigeria, the largest population in Africa, was only the beginning of a UNICEF mission supporting the country to restore pandemic's destructive effects. Click here for details on UNICEF's COVID-19 aid proposal in Nigeria.
When Peru was administered by Cobacks through Kobax, the old people arrived at the vaccination center in Peru, in Lima, who was put on a family or nurse while sticking a cane or rolling a wheelchair. Ta. Vaccinations have gained the same as important things, as the old people have gained a pen that can be expected to extend the life, and the freedom of singing their grandchildren's songs. Read more about UNICEF Cobid 19 rescue activities in Peru.
On March 4, 2021, 480. 000 Cobid-19 vaccines were delivered to the Philippines through Kobax. The first vaccination was done by copper workers and people with acquired diseases. For medical sisters, an aggressive treatment branch, this was a chance to meet her husband and child after almost four months separation. Thanks to the distribution of UNICEF Cobid 19 vaccines in the Philippines, most of the families who left after pandemic were able to meet again. Read the details of UNICEF's activities on COVID-19 support proposals in the Philippines.
Rwanda has become one of Africa, which was provided by Pfizer Cobid-19 vaccine. But the war with Cobid-19 cannot win without another important gun, soap. Meet the mobilization of society through waste anacreat. The peasants are definitely losing their attention in these spaces, such as the Maham area of the KAMOBO village, which is definitely reminiscent of the people by occupation and waste. It is impossible, and please tell us about the significance of washing your hands over and over again. Read more about UNICEF's COVID-19 eradication activity in Rwanda.
South Africa
In early 2021, in South Africa, the largest COVID-19 infected number of people in Africa was recorded. Here are two brave medical staff who handed Cobid 19 and returned to work immediately.
In Sudan, the residents who last vaccinated campaigns canceled their anxiety about vaccines using their own knowledge and personal connections, and told the residents about Cobid-19 vaccines. COVID-19 Vaccines are modest, effective, and free to reassure the people, and protect those who are exposed to greater risk-elderly people and those with regulations on illness. Is required. Click here for UNICEF's activities on COVID-19 vaccine support proposals in Sudan.
When the COVID-19 trends exploded in 2020, Tunisia was preferred in North Africa to contain coronavirus and reduce the number of inpatients and the number of deaths. However, as the number of patients with the disease began to increase, UNICEF struggled with Cobid 19, combined with scouts, a state organization that bundled all 24 volunteers in Tunisia. Click here to see how Scouts and UNICEF cooperated and saved people's lives in the fight against Cobid 19 in Tunisia.
In Vanuatsu, COVID-19 disease cases were not sufficient. However, while vaccination was continuing as part of the COVAX program, UNICEF, the Ministry of Health, and the district partners faced their own issues. It was to secure the people to arrange vaccines from this disease, which has achieved great results so far. Read the details of UNICEF's COVID-19 countermeasures in Vanuatsu.