Emerging Nuclear Energy Countries World Nuclear Association

Emerging Nuclear Energy Countries

Approximately 30 countries have been considering, planning, or starting nuclear programs, and are interested in nuclear programs when about 20 countries. The following list includes links to countries where individual countries have pages.

  • Europe: Albania, Serbia, Croatia, Norway, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ireland, Turkey.
  • Middle East and North Africa: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Iraq, Gulf Country, Yemen, Israel, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Sudan, Sudan.
  • West Africa, Central Africa, South Africa: Nigeria, Gun, Senegal, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Namiba, Rwanda, Ethiopia.
  • Latin America: Cuban, Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay.
  • Central / South Asia: Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Mongolian, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan.
  • Southeast Asia and Oceania: Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Myanmar, Australia.
  • East Asia: North Korea.

Despite the large number of developing countries, it will not greatly contribute to the expansion of nuclear power in the near future. In the long term, however, the trend of urbanization in the developing countries in developing countries will significantly increase the power demand, especially the power demand from the base road station, such as nuclear power. The structure of energy demand in these countries will be similar to Europe, North America and Japan.

Some of the above countries can be classified depending on how much their planning and nuclear development plans have progressed:

  • Constructed energy reactor 1: Bangladesh, Egypt, Türkiye.
  • Energy reactor under planned: None.
  • Proposed reactor 3: Jordan, Kazakhstan, Litania, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan.
  • Provisional Plan for Comit Management or postponement: Algeria, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Laos, Morocco, Morocco, Nigelia, Rwanda, Sriwanda, Sudan, Sudan, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam (delay).

1. Construction = Pour the first concrete of the reactor. 2. Under planning = license, fund procurement, commitment, and most importantly, the reactor will be operating within the next 15 years. 3. Propose = specific plans and proposals for the object.

In a report on the international status and prospects of nuclear power generation published by July 2021 by the International Nuclear Organization (IAEA), nuclear power is individuals in 28 member countries without nuclear power plants. It has been reported that we are considering connecting to the energy balance of the energy. Of the unspecified 28 countries, 10 to 12 countries plan to establish nuclear power plants between 2030 and 2035.

One of the most important issues for many states is the value of the power system. Almost all nuclear power plants are more than supplementing or replacing fossil fuel power plants, and does not include the power generated unit with more than on e-tenth of the power system (power system (power) (power). If there is a huge flow of power from, it may be 15 %). This is necessary to have the ability to be separated from the grid in connection with refueling, technical services, or unexpected life events. The strength and quality of the power system have all the opportunities to be examined at the region, for example, like Jordan. Investing in the power system may not be inferior to investment in power plants. Kenya tried to consider the power supply system in its own country before examining the type of power generation.

Another issue is a permit plan for the reactor. In principle, developing countries do not have important knowledge or skills for this. As a result, on the original route, we have to rely on national permission plans such as the United Kingdom, the United States, France, the Russian Federation, and China, but on the other hand, the responsibilities of permitting the actual operation of the power plant are the development field. Must be focused on.

The Russian Federation and China's stat e-owned nuclear power companies have participated in funding and fuel and proposing nuclear power plants developed by the state. The table on the right shows all kinds of agreements, but have a major impact on countries where the station is not under construction (see the table on the right on the information page for China and Russia):

Russian Federation China others
Jordan Sudan Poland
Egyptian Kenya Lithuania
Tunisia Thailand Philippines
Algeria Cambodia Kenya
Morocco Uganda
Sri Lanka

IAEA support for new nuclear programmes

In all countries, the government is to nuclear power, including competent and independent regulatory systems, policies related to nuclear waste management and decommissioning, international nuclear no n-diffusion measures and thir d-party insurance mechanisms. The conditions for investment should be set. *.

Institutional arrangements vary from country to country. In general, the government plays an intensive role in planning, and in developing countries, it also plays an important role in financing and driving. Since nuclear developing countries have no powerful labor of technicians and nuclear scientists, construction is often implemented on a turn key basis. As a candidate, suppliers have the option to form, own, and operate a power plant. As the industry becomes more international, new arrangements, including publi c-private partnerships, are possible.

IAEA has advocated a ste p-b y-step approach to 19 issues to create the potential of nuclear power in a new nation. As a whole, the thre e-stage layout is as follows (underlines are drawn in the stage):

  • Pr e-design phase 1 (1-3 years), the most important step to consciously accept promises on nuclear development programs, establishing a nuclear development program implementation organization (NEPIO). We are talking about the program, not talking about the next second stage specific plan.
  • Phase 2 (3-7 years), which adopts the conclusions on the plan, includes preparation work, subsequent conclusions, requests for participation in bidding, and the establishment of a supervision organization. In the second stage, the role of the government will gradually move to the supervisor and the owner operator.
  • From construction (7-10 years) to start operations from the third stage of supervisory agencies to trial runs and driving. < SPAN> Rwanda




{Rumbers} Buruni


WANO and ASN support for new nuclear programmes














Sri Lanka






In all countries, the government is to nuclear power, including competent and independent regulatory systems, policies related to nuclear waste management and decommissioning, international nuclear no n-diffusion measures and thir d-party insurance mechanisms. The conditions for investment should be set. *.

Institutional arrangements vary from country to country. In general, the government plays an intensive role in planning, and in developing countries, it also plays an important role in financing and driving. Since nuclear developing countries have no powerful labor of technicians and nuclear scientists, construction is often implemented on a turn key basis. As a candidate, suppliers have the option to form, own, and operate a power plant. As the industry becomes more international, new arrangements, including publi c-private partnerships, are possible.

IAEA has advocated a ste p-b y-step approach to 19 issues to create the potential of nuclear power in a new nation. As a whole, the thre e-stage layout is as follows (underlines are drawn in the stage):



Pr e-design phase 1 (1-3 years), the most important step to consciously accept promises on nuclear development programs, establishing a nuclear development program implementation organization (NEPIO). We are talking about the program, not talking about the next second stage specific plan.

{Next stage}

Phase 2 (3-7 years), which adopts the conclusions on the plan, includes preparation work, subsequent conclusions, requests for participation in bidding, and the establishment of a supervision organization. In the second stage, the role of the government will gradually move to the supervisor and the owner operator.


From construction (7-10 years) to start operations from the third stage of supervisory agencies to trial runs and driving. Rwanda





{Rumbers} Buruni















Sri Lanka

Middle East

Gulf states








In all countries, the government is to nuclear power, including competent and independent regulatory systems, policies related to nuclear waste management and decommissioning, international nuclear no n-diffusion measures and thir d-party insurance mechanisms. The conditions for investment should be set. *.


Institutional arrangements vary from country to country. In general, the government plays an intensive role in planning, and in developing countries, it also plays an important role in financing and driving. Since nuclear developing countries have no powerful labor of technicians and nuclear scientists, construction is often implemented on a turn key basis. As a candidate, suppliers have the option to form, own, and operate a power plant. As the industry becomes more international, new arrangements, including publi c-private partnerships, are possible.

IAEA has advocated a ste p-b y-step approach to 19 tasks to create the potential of nuclear power in a new nation. As a whole, the thre e-stage layout is as follows (underlines are drawn in the stage):


The most important steps to consciously accept promises on nuclear development programs for the pr e-design phase 1 (1-3 years), establishing a nuclear development program implementation agency (Nepio). We are talking about the program, not talking about the next second stage specific plan.


{Next stage}


Phases 2 (3-7 years), which adopts the conclusions on planning, includes preparation work, subsequent adoption, request for participation in bidding, and the establishment of a supervision organization. In the second stage, the role of the government will gradually move to the supervisor and the owner operator.


From construction (7-10 years) to start operations from the third stage of supervisory agencies to trial runs and driving.

In 2009, IAEA began providing a comprehensive nuclear infrastructure evaluation (INIR) mission to evaluate the maturity of nuclear infrastructure in each country based on the sel f-evaluation of member countries. The first three missions were implemented in Jordan, Indonesia and Vietnam. Later, a survey was conducted in Bangladesh, Belarus, Ghana, Egyptian, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Morocco, Nigelia, the United Arab Emirates, Poland, Saudi, Turkey and the Philippines. In 2013, the INIR task focused on South Africa. South Africa is the first country with a lively nuclear power plans for this proposal.


INIR focuses on the nuclear energy system evaluation (NESA) using international planning (INPRO) methods for innovative reactors and fuel cycles, and supports the establishment of lon g-term nuclear energy strategies by the state. Inpro methods are stratifiedly defined as basic principles, users' claims and standards as a foundation for evaluating innovative and sustainable nuclear systems. The NESA program helps the participants to "gain social recognition, build support for nuclear plan in their own country, and enhance their perception of nuclear technology innovation." NESA was held in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Indonesia.

The IAEA location and external design (SEED) mission evaluates the design and location of the nuclear power plant in consideration of environmental hazards that are specific to the expected location. This program began in response to the tragedy after the tragedy at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, and the IAEA International Earthquake Security Center (ISSC) has also participated, and since 1980, we have conducted more than 430 external hazard evaluations. I'm doing it.

IAEA also has an integrated regulation review service (IRRS), and has conducted strict tests on the regulatory structure of a specific country in response to the demands of each government. However, this service is mainly used for countries that developed nuclear power. For example, in Iran in 2010, Poland in early 2013, Jordan and Vietnam in 2014, UAE and Indonesia in 2015, Bangladesh and Belarusi in 2016, and 2019 in the United Kingdom, the country that started nuclear power development. It is also used. < SPAN> In 2009, IAEA began providing a comprehensive nuclear infrastructure evaluation (INIR) mission to evaluate the maturity of nuclear infrastructure in each country based on the sel f-evaluation of member countries. The first three missions were implemented in Jordan, Indonesia and Vietnam. Later, a survey was conducted in Bangladesh, Belarus, Ghana, Egyptian, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Morocco, Nigelia, the United Arab Emirates, Poland, Saudi, Turkey and the Philippines. In 2013, the INIR task focused on South Africa. South Africa is the first country with a lively nuclear power plans for this proposal.


INIR focuses on the nuclear energy system evaluation (NESA) using international planning (INPRO) methods for innovative reactors and fuel cycles, and supports the establishment of lon g-term nuclear energy strategies by the state. Inpro methods are stratifiedly defined as basic principles, users' claims and standards as a foundation for evaluating innovative and sustainable nuclear systems. The NESA program helps the participants to "gain social recognition, build support for nuclear plan in their own country, and enhance their perception of nuclear technology innovation." NESA was held in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Indonesia.

The IAEA location and external design (SEED) mission evaluates the design and location of the nuclear power plant in consideration of environmental hazards that are specific to the expected location. This program began in response to the tragedy after the tragedy at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, and the IAEA International Earthquake Security Center (ISSC) has also participated, and since 1980, we have conducted more than 430 external hazard evaluations. I'm doing it.

Saudi Arabia

IAEA also has an integrated regulation review service (IRRS), and has conducted strict tests on the regulatory structure of a specific country in response to the demands of each government. However, this service is mainly used for countries that developed nuclear power. For example, in Iran in 2010, Poland in early 2013, Jordan and Vietnam in 2014, UAE and Indonesia in 2015, Bangladesh and Belarusi in 2016, and 2019 in the United Kingdom, the country that started nuclear power development. It is also used. In 2009, IAEA began providing a comprehensive nuclear infrastructure evaluation (INIR) mission to evaluate the maturity of nuclear infrastructure in each country based on the sel f-evaluation of member countries. The first three missions were implemented in Jordan, Indonesia and Vietnam. Later, a survey was conducted in Bangladesh, Belarus, Ghana, Egyptian, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Morocco, Nigelia, the United Arab Emirates, Poland, Saudi, Turkey and the Philippines. In 2013, the INIR task focused on South Africa. South Africa is the first country with a lively nuclear power plans for this proposal.


INIR focuses on the nuclear energy system evaluation (NESA) using international planning (INPRO) methods for innovative reactors and fuel cycles, and supports the establishment of lon g-term nuclear energy strategies by the state. Inpro methods are stratifiedly defined as basic principles, users' claims and standards as a foundation for evaluating innovative and sustainable nuclear systems. The NESA program helps the participants to "gain social recognition, build support for nuclear plan in their own country, and enhance their perception of nuclear technology innovation." NESA was held in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Indonesia.

The IAEA location and external design (SEED) mission evaluates the design and location of the nuclear power plant in consideration of environmental hazards that are specific to the expected location. This program began in response to the tragedy after the tragedy at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, and the IAEA International Earthquake Security Center (ISSC) has also participated, and since 1980, we have conducted more than 430 external hazard evaluations. I'm doing it.

The IAEA also has an integrated regulation review service (IRRS), and has been conducting strict tests on the regulatory structure of a specific country in response to the demands of each government. However, this service is mainly used for countries that developed nuclear power. For example, in Iran in 2010, Poland in early 2013, Jordan and Vietnam in 2014, UAE and Indonesia in 2015, Bangladesh and Belarusi in 2016, and 2019 in the United Kingdom, the country that started nuclear power development. It is also used.

In March 2020, the IAEA published new guidelines for countries hoping to develop nuclear power: Starting a Nuclear Programme: Responsibilities and Opportunities for Owners and Operators. The document is based on more than a decade of experience and best practices from countries introducing nuclear power, as well as lessons learned from INIR missions and IAEA technical assistance activities for newcomers. Along with Nuclear Programme Implementing Organizations (NEPIOs) and nuclear regulators, owners and operators of nuclear power plants are one of the three key organisations identified in the Milestone Approach. This document is a major revision of a document published in 2009.


As part of its peer review programme, the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) conducts pre-commissioning peer reviews for newcomers to nuclear power who are close to delivering fuel to their first reactor, to address issues for new plants from countries and organisations with no nuclear power experience. WANO's goal is to conduct pre-commissioning reviews for all new plants worldwide. The review assesses how each operating organization is preparing for operation and makes recommendations for improvement based on the collective experience of the global nuclear power industry.

In January 2008, the French Nuclear Safety Agency (ASN) announced that it would focus on new nuclear power plant projects in countries with no experience in this field. According to the ASN, it takes at least five years to build the regulatory infrastructure for a nuclear program, two to ten years to license a new plant, and about five years to build the plant. This means that there is a "minimum of 15 years of waiting" before new nuclear plants can be commissioned in countries that do not yet have the necessary infrastructure.


These comments refer to the French Atomic Energy International (AFNI) agency, which France created under the Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) as a vehicle for international assistance. AFNI's activities are aimed at helping countries that wish to develop civil nuclear programs establish structures and systems that facilitate their establishment.

The remainder of this page reports on progress in a number of countries. If a separate page for a particular country is available (where indicated), more detailed information is provided there.


By 2020, electricity generation will reach 5. 3 TWh, almost all of which will be generated by hydroelectric plants.

In 2007, drought, which was limited to 4 hours a day, restricted the government's proposal to build nuclear power plants for exports to the Balkan Peninsula and Italy. In 2009, Croatia supported the proposal, and the two states have agreed on the proposal in general. Croatian municipalities, HRVATSKA ELEKTROVRIVREDA (Croatian Electric Power Company, HEP), will be in charge of the construction, and a huge amount of power will be supplied to Croatia. Previously, Montenegro and Bosnia were expected to be invited to their roles, but Montenegro seems to be contrary to that intention.

In April 2009, the Croatian government officials said that the construction of a joint nuclear facility near the Montenegro branch has actually reached an agreement with Albania. The government of the two countries formed a work group consisting of five experts, and each was left behind by the technical implementation of the plan. In January 2010, the government confirmed the establishment of the AGJENCIA KOMBETARE BERTHAMORE (AGJENCIA KOMBETARE BERTHAMORE), which manages nuclear planning and legal basis. The planned site of a 1, 500 mw nuclear power plant is a Scedel area in a lake with the same name, or a cumbersome place on the north coast, or Doules. Enel, Italy, is exploring the possibility of the construction of a nuclear power plant.

By 2020, 5. 8TVT-H hydroheral energy, 4. 7TWE-H fossil fuels, 1. 7 Tweet wind power: Creation is 13 and 4 TWCH.

The country has imported more than 30 % of the main electricity and is considered a c o-owner near the Cruco Slovenian nuclear power plant. The state is a new nuclear capacity 2-claw site Hungary, which is evaluated for the construction of new nuclear reactors at the KRSO nuclear power plant, and the Hungary of the construction of a 2-claw site: Dalge or Pelevrack. In 2010, Croatia refused to propose an investment in Bulgaria's nuclear power plant, Belene.

By 2021, Estonia will produce 7. 3 Tvt-H. 4. 4TVT fuel, 1. 9 Twe-H bio fuel and waste, 0. 7 Tweet wind.


These nations do not intend to secure nuclear power voluntarily, and have joined the surprising intentions to build a 3, 400 MW new Bisagin nuclear power plant in Lithuania. In fact, it was planned to remodel the Ignarin Nuclear Power Plant and hold much more power for services to Baltic countries and Poland. See the page of Lithuania's nuclear power generation and Polish nuclear power.

Estonia is an EESTI ENERGIA with a 2380mW power generation capacity in Narva, producing most of the power from shale oil.

The emission is 1, 2kg/kwh.


However, due to Visaginas's intentions, Estonia decided where to build a personal nuclear power plant in 2008 and take measures to study the role of the sixth power plant in Finland. Ta. Earlier in 2009, EESTI ENESTI ENESGIATE Municipal Energy Energy Company announced in 2019 that it could build a 335 MW power plant with two iris onvased furnaces.


The new energy policy adopted by the government in February 2009 requires the establishment of legal and restricted structures for nuclear energy by 2012, and Esty Energy is actually up to 1, 000 mvte capacity. Considering that a nuclear power plant has been constructed and reduced the ratio of shale fuel to 30 % by 2025. In September 2009, Esty Energia obtained a mining permit on the Sur Pakuri Peninsula, a west island near Paldiski, located 50 km west of Tallinn. In November 2010, the company announced that the location is suitable for the construction of a power plant and is more likely to provide intensive heat to Tallinn. Public information campaign has started.

Fermy Energia was founded in February 2019 by Estonia's science and energy groups, covering the former representative of Estic Energy and introducing a small module furnace (SMR) in the country. She later, how the development of SMR technology can be developed, cost, license, and in general, the possibility of such a reactor in the Baltic Sea. In order to learn the conditions of, he signed a contract with the British company, Moltex Energy, to implement technical and economic justifying. In March 2020, Vattenfall, Sweden, will conduct a joint investigation with Finnish Fotam and Tractable in Belgium, and will be adopted in early 2021. Fermi Energy Corporation includes Nuskare SMR, ground energy ISMR-400, Hitachi BWRX-300, and Mortex SSR-W300 as the basis for technical and economic legitimacy. In fact, Estonia has no reliable options other than nuclear power to ensure the reliability of energy supply, as the power generation from shale oil will decrease by 2030, but it is not based on the SMR reactor. The company says it is not. Vilnigle on the north coast proposed a nuclear power plant location. In August 2022, Nuskare Electric Power signed a memorandum of Fermi Energear and the possibility of SMR development.

With economic assistance from the EU, Estonia recently completed the construction of a 350 MW direct current power cable link (Estlink) with Finland at a cost of €110 million. In addition, there is a possibility of laying 650 MW transmission lines between Estonia and Finland, 500 MW and 1000 MW between Lithuania and Poland, and 700 MW between the Baltic States and Sweden.

Estonia has two small Russian nuclear reactors, originally used for submarine research. These date from 1968 and 1983 and were closed in 1989. They are operating in safe-star mode and will be dismantled after 50 years. The fuel was returned to the Russian Federation.

In January 2023, the Spatial Analysis Working Group of the Estonian Ministry of Environment published an interim report proposing 16 coastal areas as potential sites for the construction of nuclear power plants. It was assumed that the working group's irrevocable tests would be completed in March 2023, and the government's final nuclear feasibility study would be published by the end of the year.

In February 2023, FermiEnergia announced that it had selected GE Hitachi's BWRX-300 as the technology for the SMR station, which is scheduled to be built in early 2030. In July 2023, FermiEnergia completed geological surveys of land suitable for the construction of an SMR power plant in the Viru-Nigra municipality in northeastern Estonia. FermiEnergia is evaluating the possibility of selecting a site in the neighboring municipality of Luganuse.

Electricity generation in 2021 - 31. 9 TWh: fossil fuels 19. 8 TWh, wind 9. 7 TWh, hydro 1. 0 TWh, biofuels and waste 1. 3 TWh.

Ireland has committed to increasing the share of electricity generated from renewable energy to 70% of total electricity generation by 2030. In addition, it will close all peat and coal-fired power plants by 2023.

Since gas-fired power plants are necessary to ensure the resilience of the electricity supply, the move to develop renewable energy and phase out other fossil fuel power plants will increase reliance on natural gas. A sharp decline in domestic gas production is expected from the mid-2020s, and with no LNG infrastructure, it is likely that almost all of Ireland's gas supply will be imported via a transit point in Scotland. The International Energy Agency (IEA) report "Ireland: An Education 2019" points out that "Ireland's high reliance on a limited-scale gas infrastructure has, in fact, raised concerns about the security of Ireland's gas supply."

In the 1970s, the Irish government considered the possibility of building a 650MW nuclear power station (PWR) at Carnarvon, but the plan was shelved in the 1980s when energy demand declined. To ensure the survival of the station, which was often compared to the Irish power system at the time, it would need to be linked to the UK through the Irish Sea. To facilitate the construction of this station, the Atomic Energy Act was enacted in 1971 and, in concert with it, a council was established that was asked by politicians to develop options for developing nuclear power. Since nuclear power had no formation, the Irish College of Radiological Protection was established in exchange for the council and considered in real time as part of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


In Ireland, two laws, the Electricity Industry Act of 1999 and the Strategic Infrastructure Act of 2006, prohibit the issuance of building permits for nuclear power plants and the expression of intent to build nuclear power plants accordingly. However, since 2006, voices on the issue have been repeatedly heard.

The Forfas report, commissioned by the government in April 2006, noted that Ireland should reopen its nuclear power opportunities to "ensure the country's long-term energy security." Nuclear power plants were expected to be relatively small. The report also recommended accelerating the implementation of the intention to build a mega-link with Great Britain from East to West.

In April 2008, the Irish Energy Regulator proposed exhausting a national debate on the issue of nuclear power to solve the country's energy decline. It spoke of the need to find a candidate to quell future energy demand, as neither wind power nor any kind of energy information repeat has the ability to kill demand. Such calls continued into 2013, when the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) revealed that the state was not cooperating with the set task of reducing emissions by 20% by 2020. In May 2014, the Green Book expressed an estimate that the Moneypoint coal power station (with a generating capacity of 915 megawatts) could be replaced by a nuclear reactor, especially considering the presence of 400 square meters of infrastructure.

In 2020, the publication of the book "Developing Nuclear Power in Ireland" produced by 18for0 reopened the public debate. In 2020, the Irish Minister for Environment, Climate and Communications said that he "would not rule out" the establishment of nuclear power in Ireland.

167TVT-H combustion fossil fuels (including 142TVT-H's natural gas), 46. 8TVT-H hydroelectric energy, 25. 0TVT-H solar energy, 20. 8TVT-H, 20. 6TVT-H biofuel and discarded. Geothermal energy of 5. 9TVT-H.

In 2021, the hydropower energy was 144TVT-H, the wind power was 11. 8 tweets, and fossil fuels 0. 9TVT were 158 tweets.

In February 2008, the committee is likely to be able to test in a Harden research reactor, which is considered to be the possibility of constructing power generation furnaces due to trey fuel. It was announced. The committee also has the obligation to strengthen international cooperation in the nuclear field and develop unique human resources in the nuclear and engineering fields to save the possibility of using triums as complementing uranium options. He said. "The potential contribution of nuclear power in future energy should be recognized," he said.

Norwegian Radiation Defense Bureau has given permission to build underground storage facilities from inside the mountain for radioactive waste from the state oil and gas industry. The underground storage facility is planned to contain 6, 000 tons of waste of 6, 000 tons of recognized measures, and has already set up 400 tons.

Norway has 12 tons of worked fuel research reactor Halden, which was recommended to send customized reports from Mayark to the Russian Federation for processing in early 2010. In this case, Uranus is used as the fuel of the RBMK reactor, and the plutonium is MOX processed in the Russian Federation.

In November 2023, Norwegian energy company østfolda established a new design company Halden Kjernekraft, which conducts early research and research to build SAMR in Halden.

148Tvt-C fossil fuels (including 130TVT-H coal fuel), 16. 2TWEET wind, 8. 5TVT-H bio fuel and waste, and 3. 1TVT-H's hydropower.

In 2020, 38. 0 Tvt was created: 27. 0TVT-fuel fuel, 9. 7TVT-hydrogen, 1. 0 tvt-wind power.

In 2009, the Russian Federal Government and the Serbian government led a "serious negotiations" to build a nuclear power plant on Serbian land as part of the overall plan.

In August 2010, the Serbian government announced that it would probably take 5 % of the role of joint equivalent to Bulgaria's nuclear power plant, Belen. In November, Bulgaria proposed to Serbia, Croatia and Macedonia to participate in a 1-2 % Belen nuclear power plant.

In 2019, the Russian Federation and Serbia signed an interpretation agreement on cooperation in the construction of the Serbian Nuclear Science and Technology Industrial Center.


The breakdown is 213 TFT-H from fossil fuels, 55. 7 TFT-H from hydro, 31. 1 TFT-H from wind, 13. 3 TFT-H from solar energy, 10. 8 TFT-H from geothermal energy, and 6. 3 TFT-H from biofuels and waste.

In December 2006, the six countries of the Cooperation Council for the Persian Gulf (SSAGPZ), Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Qatar, and Oman, announced that the Council had indeed instructed them to study the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. France agreed to cooperate with them, and Iran promised assistance with nuclear technology.

With the exception of Saudi Arabia, the Gulf countries have a common energy system. Nearly all electricity is done with fossil fuels, which does not count, but there is a high demand for water desalination, which is done in real time for oil and gas.

In February 2007, the six countries agreed with the IAEA to cooperate in preparing a technical and economic justification for a regional nuclear and desalination development plan. Saudi Arabia led the study and thought the plan could come to fruition around 2009.

In 2003, all six countries signed and the UAE ratified the agreement with the IAEA. In mid-2008, the UAE was appointed IAEA ambassador.


54. 2 TVT-H of natural gas, 32. 2 TVT-H of oil, and 4. 9 TVT-H of hydron energy.

Since the 2003 Iraq War, Iraq has suffered from a power shortage.

In June 2021, the head of Iraq's Radiation Sources Agency announced that Iraq plans to build eight nuclear reactors with an energy capacity of 11 GW, raising $40 billion in financing and finding a likely partner to pay the cost over the next 20 years. Options are being considered with South Korean and domestic suppliers.

By 2021, creation will amount to 74, 0 twch: 68. 1 TVT - fuel fuel; 5.

In the 1980s, the Israel Electric Corporation (IEC) approached the construction of a nuclear power plant in Shivut in the southern Negev, and facility negotiations were held near France. In 2007, the issue was reopened by the Ministry of National Infrastructure and the Atomic Energy Commission. With the guarantees of the IAE, it was expected that a dual-reactor nuclear power plant with a capacity of 1, 200-150 MWTE would be built at this site by 2020. In early 2010, Israel said it would like to cooperate with Jordan to develop its own nuclear power plant, but this proposal did not materialize. In mid-2011, the Prime Minister said that the intention was not to sell.

Israel has a 5MW IAE A-supervised reactor in Nahar Solek near Tel Aviv, and has been using South American fuel since 1960. In addition, Negev's Dimona also has a 70MW French hydraulic furnace, which will be used to produce combat plutonium. The Reactor of Solek will be stopped around 2017 and will be replaced by a particle accelerator.

Israel is one of the three major countries that have never been a member of the Nuclear Nuclear Treaty (NPT), which means that all nuclear devices and any supply of nuclear fuel are strictly restricted by borders. Unlike India and Pakistan, Israel has no nuclear power plans for consumer use.

Fossil fuel 16, 8 TWH (natural gas 16, 0 Twh), solar 2, 9 TWH, and wind power 1, 4 TWH.

In 2020, the amount of power generation was 74, 8 TWH, literally due to fossil fuels.

Kuwait evaluated the possibility of implementing its own nuclear plan in the field of energy and water supply, and in March 2009, the IAEA began establishing the National Nuclear Committee. In April 2010, France signed a nuclear cooperation agreement with France for a wide range of consumer use, including power generation, desalification of seawater, science exploration, agriculture, biology, global science, and medicine. In December 2010, the Kuwait Investment Office agreed to purchase Aleba's propulsion shares for the required 600 million euros (48 %). Kuwait is still in the United States, the Russian Federation and Japan.


In September 2010, we announced a plan to build four 1, 000 MW reactors by 2022, but in the middle of 2011, this conclusion was proven in 2016 that it would not promote this work. 。 The Cabinet has also delegated the function of the Kuwait National Nuclear Committee (KNNEC) to the Kuwait Science Research Institute (KNNEC).

In 2015, the oil accounted for most of Kuwait's production volume of 68TWh. The power generation capacity was 11 GW in 2010, but it is expected to increase to 25 GW in 2030. In 2011, 350, 000 barrels (2, 1gj) oil were consumed per day due to power generation and seawater desalating, but by 2030, this figure is expected to increase to 500, 000 barrels (3GJ). 。

By 2020, the amount of power generation will be 38, 2 TWH, and will be literally covered by fossil fuels alone.

Oman was a member of the GNEP, and was looking for the possibility of nuclear use, including the significant agreement with the Russian Federation in June 2009. However, at the end of 2008, Oman states that the introduction of nuclear power is unrealistic because the demand is due to peak loads, but investment in nuclear power plants in nearby Gulf countries may be possible. Ta.


In August 2017, Berkeley Energy was interested in raising funds to launch the Uranium mine in Saramanka (Spain), and with Oman's government funds, a conversion of $ 120 million. I used a loan and a batch option. As a result, Oman becomes a major shareholder of the company.

By 2020, 49, 3 toy from natural gas will be produced.

Qatar has conducted a personal survey on the possibility of nuclear power, and at the end of 2008, there is no major reason for continuing the plan, especially 300 to 600 MW, and it is difficult to access the advanced reactor with a capacity of 300 to 600 MW. Was stated. At least in 2010, the content was raised on the possibility of implementing local nuclear production plan. In 2015, Qatar produced 4TVT, but all was due to gas. In 2010, Qatar signed a nuclear cooperation agreement with Russia's Los Atom.

In 2020, 395TVT-H will be produced from fossil fuels.

In 2020, 16. 4 Tvt was created: 15. 6Tv t-fuel fuel; 0, 8TV T-H hydron energy.

In 2011, Syria produced 41 Teraton out of 16. 3 Teraton, Gas 21. 5 Terraton and 3. 3 hydropower 3. 3 Terraton. Power demand is increasing.

In the 1980s, Syria plans to build a VVER-440 reactor, but abandoned its plan with the tragedy of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the collapse of the Russian Federation. However, the plan was abandoned by the tragedy of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the collapse of the Russian Federation. With oil prices and the rise in gas, the problem of nuclear power was examined, and the Russian Federation proposed its own support. In 2011, the Syria Nuclear Committee announced a proposal to build a nuclear power plant by 2020.

However, from 2001 to 2007, Syria built a remote gas frozen furnace similar to the plutonium facility in Yongben, North Korea. In 2007, it was destroyed by the Israeli bombing and the debris was demolished. Israel basically explains that military officials have received a 2 5-MW gas cooling reactor. The plan was hidden and did not follow Syria's promises.

2020-2, 9 Tweeadph; 2. 4 TWEEAD S-fossil fuels; 0, 5 Twee s-solar.

Yemen has used a small reactor up to 300 MW between 2025 and 2030, and has evaluated the intention to build a 1, 000-150 MW paid nuclear power plant within 2035. He is working on these intentions with Magate. At the same time, the establishment of a research reactor is also being considered. The nuclear law is at the formulation stage.


In July 2015, several countries have formulated three years of action plan and agreed on cooperation in the development of a comprehensive West Africa regional nuclear program. At the meeting held in Niger, nations such as Benan, Burkinafaso, Ghana, Mari, Niger, Nigeria, and Senegal participated, and united in the West African integrated nuclear energy group (WAINPG). This is followed by the 3rd African Energy Conference and nuclear energy held in Montbus, Kenya in April 2015, and in connection with the Western African Energy Pool (WAPP) planning plan by the West African Economic Community (Eco Bus). There is. This has been contributed to the fact that the World Bank has provided funds in the first stage of the 1. 3 billion dollar East African Electric Power Plan for East African Energy Pool (HATP).

In May 2012, under the sponsorship of Magart, the GAEC Committee's "Cooperation for Africa's Nuclear Development Plan and Network Regional Meeting" was held on cancer. "Increasing energy demand for Africa's soci o-economic development, combined with constantly changing fossil fuel prices, is still a serious problem for many African countries."

By 2020, the production volume is 79, 2TWCH: 78.

In January 2007, Russia signed an agreement to study the possibility of creating nuclear energy here. From 2007 to 2008, an agreement on Argentina, China, France, and the United States was concluded, and Aleba's agreement was significant commercial interest in French agreements. In April 2015, the Nuclear Public Price and the Algeria Nuclear Committee signed an agreement on cooperation in fields such as nuclear energy, research furnace, nuclear safety, nuclear technology, and water background. < SPAN> In July 2015, several countries formulated three years of action plan and agreed on cooperation in the development of comprehensive West Africa regional nuclear programs. At the meeting held in Niger, nations such as Benan, Burkinafaso, Ghana, Mari, Niger, Nigeria, and Senegal participated, and united in the West African integrated nuclear energy group (WAINPG). This is followed by the 3rd African Energy Conference and nuclear energy held in Montbus, Kenya in April 2015, and in connection with the Western African Energy Pool (WAPP) planning plan by the West African Economic Community (Eco Bus). There is. This has been contributed to the fact that the World Bank has provided funds in the first stage of the 1. 3 billion dollar East African Electric Power Plan for East African Energy Pool (HATP).


In May 2012, under the sponsorship of Magart, the GAEC Committee was held with cancer, organized by the GAEC Committee for the African Nuclear Development Plan and Network. "Increasing energy demand for Africa's soci o-economic development, combined with constantly changing fossil fuel prices, is still a serious problem for many African countries."

By 2020, the production volume is 79, 2TWCH: 78.


In January 2007, Russia signed an agreement to study the possibility of creating nuclear energy here. From 2007 to 2008, an agreement on Argentina, China, France, and the United States was concluded, and Aleba's agreement was significant commercial interest in French agreements. In April 2015, the Nuclear Public Price and the Algeria Nuclear Committee signed an agreement on cooperation in fields such as nuclear energy, research furnace, nuclear safety, nuclear technology, and water background. In July 2015, several countries have formulated three years of action plan and agreed on cooperation in the development of a comprehensive West Africa regional nuclear program. At the meeting held in Niger, nations such as Benan, Burkinafaso, Ghana, Mari, Niger, Nigeria, and Senegal participated, and united in the West African integrated nuclear energy group (WAINPG). This is followed by the 3rd African Energy Conference and nuclear energy held in Montbus, Kenya in April 2015, and in connection with the Western African Energy Pool (WAPP) planning plan by the West African Economic Community (Eco Bus). There is. This has been contributed to the fact that the World Bank has provided funds in the first stage of the 1. 3 billion dollar East African Electric Power Plan for East African Energy Pool (HATP).

In May 2012, under the sponsorship of Magart, the GAEC Committee's "Cooperation for Africa's Nuclear Development Plan and Network Regional Meeting" was held on cancer. "Increasing energy demand for Africa's soci o-economic development, combined with constantly changing fossil fuel prices, is still a serious problem for many African countries."

By 2020, the production volume is 79, 2TWCH: 78.

In January 2007, Russia signed an agreement to study the possibility of creating nuclear energy here. From 2007 to 2008, an agreement on Argentina, China, France, and the United States was concluded, and Aleba's agreement was significant commercial interest in French agreements. In April 2015, the Nuclear Public Properties and the Algeria Nuclear Committee signed an agreement on cooperation in fields such as nuclear energy, research furnace, nuclear safety, nuclear technology, and water background.

In February 2009, the government announced a plan to build the first nuclear power plant, revealing that there is another option to start operation around 2020 and then build another block. In 2013, a nuclear engineering university was established to train workers with the goal of building one power plant by 2025. In September 2014, a different government agreement with Los Atom was concluded, and the overall use of nuclear power plants and research nuclear reactors, the use of nuclear reactors for thermal production and seawater desalination. Exploration and production, calling with nuclear fuel, and cooperation in nuclear waste treatment. In fact, Los Atom states that the main nuances of VVER reactors based on "abundant skills for building nuclear power plants in the hot climate and the highest seismic activity" are the main nuances of Algerian. He stated that the conditions for implementation of this plan were "for the next 12 years." Another agreement was concluded with Los Atom, including the opportunity to build a nuclear power plant in April 2016, and in September 2016, the design, construction, operation, and services of nuclear power plants in Algeria. Completion of another agreement to be concluded.


In May 2016, a preliminary cooperation agreement was concluded on China's Nuclear Public (CNNC), Nuclear Research Center, Hua Dragon No. 1 Furnace, small reactor ACP100, and repeated energy sources.

In September 2009, the National Mining Inheritance Agency established a field for Uranus information in the southern Taman Rassse Prefecture. According to the Red Book in 2022, Algeria's Uranium reserved is 19. 500 tons, all of which belong to highly suitable categories.


Since 1995, Algeria has operated two research reactors in Domarian and Ein Ussal. The ES-SALAM device with a 15MW capacity was abandoned in 1992 and was rebuilt from 2016 to 2019, and the Neur Blockbus with CNNC Nakahara and 1MW was in the 1980s. Constructed by Argentine's company Invap.

9TVT-H hydroheral energy, 0, 6 wind power tweet.

In June 2017, the Ministry of Science and Technology concluded a comprehensive agreement, including the Nuclear Research Center with research furnace, with Los Atom. In April 2021, two more agreements were concluded.

In October 2019, Ethiopia and the Russian Federation signed an inte r-government agreement on cooperation in peace of use of nuclear power.

Fossil fuels 168 TVT-H (including natural gas 161 TVT-H), hydro energy 15. 0 TVT-H, solar energy 4. 5 TVT-H, wind 4. 2 twch.


By 2020, production of 19, 7 twch: 12. 4 TVT-H fuel fuel; 7. 3 TVT-H hydro energy.

In April 2007, the government expressed its intention to introduce nuclear power for energy security reasons, and in 2008 assessed this at 400 MW of nuclear generating capacity by 2018. In 2012, it spoke of a "long-term perspective" not earlier than 2030, but at the same time provided for the construction of generating units (OV) with a capacity of 1, 000 MWE. At the end of 2014, the goal was set to build 700 MWe by 2020, commission it by 2025 and expand to 1000 MWe.

In September 2012, as part of the first milestone, the Ministry of Energy established the Nuclear Energy Program Implementation Organisation (NEPIO), called the Ghana Nuclear Power Programme Organisation (GNPPO). The GNPPO is responsible for all issues related to the planning and implementation of the nuclear programme, coordinates the activities of all relevant bodies participating in the programme and develops the regulatory framework. Eight technical groups were set up for the planning and implementation of the programme. The Ministry of Energy identified three potential sites.

In 2012, the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum signed an agreement on cooperation in the nuclear field with the Rosatom State Enterprise, and in mid-2013 further discussions were held on the features of joint projects that would contribute to the implementation of Ghana's development programme with Russian assistance. In June 2015, the Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation signed an agreement with Rosatom on cooperation in the nuclear field, which will put in place a contractual and legal framework for cooperation between the two countries in the nuclear field. It also provides for the promotion of Russian technology in the West African market and the practical launch of joint nuclear projects, Rosatom said in a statement. Nigeria is open to the possibility of implementing foreign projects for the construction and operation (bu) of nuclear power plants as envisaged in Russia.

In February 2015, it was reported that Ghana had signed or ratified several IAE treaties, including the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage (CSC). In September 2007, Ghana joined the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP), now the International Framework for Nuclear Cooperation (IFNEC).

In August 2015, the Diet passed the law on nuclear adaptation, stipulating the establishment of an independent nuclear adaptation authority-Ghana Nuclear Indication Bureau (UYAR), which revised the Radiation Protection Council. Seven members were appointed in January 2016. This law is considered another important prerequisite for driving a nuclear power plant. In January 2017, Ghana observed the goal of IAEA for all-and-and-and-compassionate evaluation of nuclear power infrastructure (INIR), and in accordance with the Magatesal Exchange for the "Main Stage" for these countries. Is evaluated. It presented a report in May 2017, and in October 2019, the further task expressed a good progress to satisfy the first mission assignment. In 2018, nuclear power generation ghana (NPG) was established to manage the first nuclear energy plan of the country. It was registered as a company in July 2019. In June 2020, Ghana implemented IAEA's first pr e-design. In August 2021, NPG plans to launch nuclear power in 2030 at $ 50 to 80/MWH cost.

In September 2021, the Minister of Science and Technology and Innovation said on Wednesday that five suppliers in the United States, the Russian Federation, Canada, and South Korea had responded to the first complicated request for the construction of power plants. The actual construction contract with a capacity of 1 GW is expected to be concluded in 2024 /2025.


The Ghana Nuclear Committee was established in 1963 to introduce nuclear science and technology in the country and to use peaceful use of nuclear power as a state. The main subjects are small (MNSR), a small (30kW), which has been operated by the National Institute of Nuclear Energy (NNRI) since 1994. In 2017, it was remodeled by the Chinese Nuclear Research Institute (CIAE) to handle low concentrated uranium (kno w-how), and was transferred to a cluster of five Chinese research furnace installed outside China. It is. Initially, fuel with a concentration of 90 % was used, but brought back to China.

In 2006, GAEC and Ghana Institute established the Nuclear and Neighborhood Snas (SNAS) to secure the human resources necessary for driving a nuclear power plant and guarantee the lon g-term training of nuclear scientists. This secondary education institution is considered the center of nuclear education education in West Africa.

According to the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (NPG) in September 2023, NSUBAN chose Ghana as a desired space on the nuclear power plant site, and the central part was split as a spare platform. It was a thing.

By 2020, production will be 11. 6 TVT: 5. 1 THz geothermal, 4. 2 THz hydro, 1. 3 THz wind, 0. 8 THz oil, 0. 1 THz biofuel, and 0. 1 THz solar.

South and Central America


This electricity is produced by 767 MW hydro and 680 MW geothermal, which supply about half of the demand, as well as oil, gas, and other sources. In 2016, Kenya's installed electricity generation was 2, 300 MWTE, and the Energy Regulatory Commission plans for 6766 MWTE by 2020. The 960 MW Lamu coal-fired power plant is scheduled for commissioning in 2017.

Annual demand growth is expected to reach 7%, with some forecasts of rising to 15% as Vision 2030 projects are implemented. In March 2015, the Energy Regulatory Commission estimated that the installed capacity in 2033 would be 24. 674 MW, with significant export potential. Of this, 7264 MW would be geothermal, 5400 MW coal, 2600 MW nuclear, 3960 MW gas, and 2180 MW wind. Another forecast puts the demand at 19. An even lower forecast puts the demand in 2030 at 6, 000 MW, providing 36 TVT without nuclear power. In 2020, the demand growth and forecast was lower.

In 2010, Kenya's National Economic and Social Council recommended that the country begin using nuclear power by 2020 to meet growing electricity demand. The former energy minister was appointed head of the Nuclear Energy Projects Committee, which became the Kenya Nuclear Energy Board (KNEB) in May 2014, and then the Nuclear Energy Agency (NUPEA). The project aims to replace some of the facilities operating on oil and gas with nuclear power. NUPEA is entrusted with the task of accelerating the development of nuclear power in Kenya and contributing to the "safe and reliable use of nuclear technology" for sustainable electricity generation and distribution. The IRR Magate (IRR) Council Integrated Review for Radiation Protection in Kenya was conducted in 2016. In 2016, it confirmed targets for 1000MWe of nuclear capacity by 2025 and commissioning of 4000MWe by 2033. In 2020, NUPEA stated that the construction period for the first station would be up to 2035 and that it would focus on small reactors.

Offshore sites are being searched, and projects include planning to match the conditions of IAEA and work phase. In March 2011, IAEA completed the initial evaluation of a site on a site 50 km away from Nairobi, and in 2015, the IAEA integrated nuclear infrastructure review (INIR) mission visited KNEB and made a recommendation. 。 "We carefully considered the infrastructure required when Kenya decided to develop a national nuclear program," he said. In the subsequent reports, "Lake Tulkana, Indian Ocean, and Lake Victoria" were listed as candidates.

The Ministry of Energy pointed out that South Korea's nuclear power plants cost about $ 3. 5 billion, but can supply cheaper power than several alternatives. Another estimate states that project costs will be $ 9. 8 billion.

Kenya Electricality Generation Co., Ltd. (KENGEN, 70 % stat e-run), mainly supplied 80 % of domestic power by hydroelectric power until 2013, but by 2018 The company aims to increase to 3 million kWE, 4. 2 million kWE by 2022, and 90 million KWE by 2030 by 2030. The company was expecting a partner for nuclear power to respond to an increase in demand and to convert from a poorly expanded hydroelectric power.


In September 2015, the Kenya Nuclear Power Committee (KNEB) signed a contract to consider the construction of the China General Nuclear Power (CGN) and the construction of the Hua Dragon 1 in Kenya. According to KNEB, the agreement should "gain expertise from China in the form of training and development, Kenya's nuclear power plant location and technical support in fields such as feasibility studies." KNEB evaluates technologies such as size and required amount of water. An additional contract with CGN was concluded in March 2017.

In May 2016, Los Atom promoted nuclear infrastructure development in Kenya, basic / applied research, design, construction and operation of nuclear power and research atomic furnace, production and use of radioactive and agriculture in industrial, medical and agriculture, and radioactive waste It has been signed to an agreement that covers a wide range of fields, such as education and training and training for experts on nuclear physics and nuclear power. The two countries will also continue to do practical negotiations to build Kenya's first nuclear power plants.

In February 2017, the French Minister of Economy and Finance stated that France is ready to support Kenya's nuclear development.

In August 2016, Kneb signed an agreement with Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) on cooperation in the construction of a nuclear power plant.

In November 2016, the Atomic Energy Council stated that he actually plans to build a nuclear power plant with a capacity of 1, 000 MW by 2021 and install it in operation by 2027. However, this will turn out to be about $5 billion, which will allow to reduce electricity costs and ensure exports to the East African power pool. Technical and economic feasibility studies are underway in real time.

In early 2015, a 280MW geothermal plant was commissioned at Okolia NPC Kengen on the rift plain, and the first 400MW of the 1600MW Menengai project was built by GOS Geothermal Development Company (GDC), with a price tag of $24 billion, and is scheduled to be commissioned in 2016. The US-East Africa Geothermal Partnership (EAGP) was established in 2012 to promote the development of geothermal energy resources and projects in East Africa covering Kenya. The project also participates in the UNEP's Formation of Geothermal Deposits in the African Gorge (argeo). Geothermal energy in the common gorge is considered promising and argeo is enthusiastic about the issue.

Kenya Power (50, 1% promotor is state-owned) owns and manages most of the transmission and distribution system. In real time, the 220kV route with Uganda is based. In early 2015, the African Development Bank financed the construction of a 400 kV AC section with a length of 508 km and a capacity of 2000 MW with Tanzania, and for 2017, the Global Bank financed and envisaged the construction of a 500 kV unmodified power section with Ethiopia. This would allow the integration of the East African power pole with the South African power pole. Only 30% of the state's 44 million people are supplied with electricity from the grid.

In September 2023, Nupea announced that it would in fact build a 1, 000 MW nuclear power plant in Kilifi or Kuvala in 2027. It was planned to start an international procurement process with trade restrictions in 2026-2027.


By 2020, it would generate 29, 5 TVT-H of electricity.

In early 2007, it was reported that Libya was motivated to conclude US support for the construction of nuclear power plants for power generation and seawater desalination. In 2006, an agreement on the use of nuclear power was concluded with France, and in the middle of 2007, a memorandum about the construction of a mediu m-scale nuclear power plant for seawater desalification was signed. The supplier is Aleba TA, and some French CEA also participates. In 2008, Libya signed a Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement with the Russian Federation.

In early 2010, Libya Nuclear University was preparing for nuclear laws as part of the institutional base for the establishment of nuclear power plants. First, the construction site of the nuclear power plant was selected for both electric power production and seawater desalination.


In 2003, Libya stopped the secretly proceeding uranium enrichment plan and fully accepted IAEA inspections.

Since 1983, Russian research reactors (capacity 10MW), which have been guaranteed for IAEA, have been operating in Tajula. Libya is said to be a plan to adapt to the nuclear seawater desalating demonstration plant by the hybrid multilinator detachment and reverse permeation (Med-RO) system.


In 2020, the amount of power generation-40, 1 ​​TWH: fossil fuel 31, 4 Twh, wind power 4, 6 Twh, solar 1, 5 Twh, 1, 3 TWH.

In Morocco, the need for power demand and seawater desalification is increasing.

A partnership with France, which builds a nuclear power plant near Marrakesh, was announced in October 2007, and the Nuclear Cooperation Agreement was later signed. A cooperative agreement was concluded in the mi d-2010. A nuclear power plant with a capacity of 600mW will be constructed on the coast between Essa Wila and Safi, 130 km away from Marrakesh.


From 2016 to 2017, the government hoped that the first nuclear power plant would be built in Sidi Guzia near Safi, and Atom Streech Sport was able to cooperate with the preparation for this for commercialization. 。 In addition, the country has developed infrastructure to support nuclear development plans, such as the establishment of nuclear safety and radiation protection authorities.

In January 2010, the government plans to build two 1, 000 Megawatts of reactors, which will start operation after 2020, as part of the Copenhagen agreement agreed at the end of 2009. (Under the Copenhagen Agreement, developing countries were required to submit a domestic applicable easing action proposal (NAMAS), which shows plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with specific project support). 。 In fact, the company said that it would announce a bid to build two power plants in 2014, but did not.


In January 2011, the government established a nuclear safety agency and confirmed its intention to establish the Nuclear Safety Law. In 2015, an educational program by INIR IAEA was held.

In the field of seawater desalating, a 1 0-MW heating furnace was installed on the Tan Tan on the Atlantic coast, and the distillation was completed in advance design research to produce 8, 000 m3 drinking water per day.

In Morocco, a 2-MW research reactor TRIGA is under construction in Mamur near Lavato.

In 2007, Aleba concluded a research agreement with Morocco's phosphoric acid (Office Cherifien des Phosphates, OCP) on uranium extraction. According to the available information, the amount of uranium contained in molocco phosphate is within 6 million tons to 9 million tons. When producing 4. 8 million tons of 4. 8 million tons per year, about 960 t u-b y-products may be obtained.

The government's national hydrogen and mining mine (ONHYM) is promoting uranium exploration, focusing on results gained by Geologists in France and domestic and domestic and domestic geologists before 1982. Three areas are investigated in real time: UPPER MULUYA, WAFAGGA, SIRWAH. The first two areas have an old waterway deposit.

Asia and South East Asia


By 2020, 2, 0TWH hydroelectric power, 1, 5TWh hydroelectric power, and 0, 4TWh solar power generation will be performed.

There is a plan to build a natural gas power plant in Walbis Bay.

Namibia is concentrated in 7 % of the world's vulnerable amount of uranium, and is mined to use it at nuclear power plants around the world. The government signed a policy agreement to supply power from nuclear power around 2018, but there is no clear progress. The state faces serious energy supply issues.

See the Namibia Uranium page for details.

In 2020, the amount of power generation was 32, 4 TWH: Natural gas 24, 7 TWH, hydropower 7, 7 TWH. < SPAN> In January 2011, the government established a nuclear safety agency and confirmed its intention to establish the Nuclear Safety Law. In 2015, an educational program by INIR IAEA was held.


In the field of seawater desalating, a 1 0-MW heating furnace was installed on the Tan Tan on the Atlantic coast, and the distillation was completed in advance design research to produce 8, 000 m3 drinking water per day.


In Morocco, a 2-MW research reactor TRIGA is under construction in Mamur near Lavato.

In 2007, Aleba concluded a research agreement with Morocco's phosphoric acid (Office Cherifien des Phosphates, OCP) on uranium extraction. According to the available information, the amount of uranium contained in molocco phosphate is within 6 million tons to 9 million tons. When producing 4. 8 million tons of 4. 8 million tons per year, about 960 t u-b y-products may be obtained.

The government's national hydrogen and mining mine (ONHYM) is promoting uranium exploration, focusing on results gained by Geologists in France and domestic and domestic and domestic geologists before 1982. Three areas are investigated in real time: UPPER MULUYA, WAFAGGA, SIRWAH. The first two areas have an old waterway deposit.

By 2020, 2, 0TWH hydroelectric power, 1, 5TWh hydroelectric power, and 0, 4TWh solar power generation will be performed.


There is a plan to build a natural gas power plant in Walbis Bay.

Namibia is concentrated in 7 % of the world's vulnerable amount of uranium, and is mined to use it at nuclear power plants around the world. The government signed a policy agreement to supply power from nuclear power around 2018, but there is no clear progress. The state faces serious energy supply issues.


See the Namibia Uranium page for details.


In 2020, the amount of power generation was 32, 4 TWH: Natural gas 24, 7 TWH, hydropower 7, 7 TWH. In January 2011, the government established a nuclear safety agency and confirmed its intention to establish the Nuclear Safety Law. In 2015, an educational program by INIR IAEA was held.

In the field of seawater desalating, a 1 0-MW heating furnace was installed on the Tan Tan on the Atlantic coast, and the distillation was completed in advance design research to produce 8, 000 m3 drinking water per day.

In Morocco, a 2-MW research reactor TRIGA is under construction in Mamur near Lavato.

In 2007, Aleba concluded a research agreement with Morocco's phosphoric acid (Office Cherifien des Phosphates, OCP) on uranium extraction. According to the available information, the amount of uranium contained in molocco phosphate is within 6 million tons to 9 million tons. When producing 4. 8 million tons of 4. 8 million tons per year, about 960 t u-b y-products may be obtained.

The government's national hydrogen and mining mine (ONHYM) is promoting uranium exploration, focusing on results gained by Geologists in France and domestic and domestic and domestic geologists before 1982. Three areas are investigated in real time: UPPER MULUYA, WAFAGGA, SIRWAH. The first two areas have an old waterway deposit.

By 2020, 2, 0TWH hydroelectric power, 1, 5TWh hydroelectric power, and 0, 4TWh solar power generation will be performed.

There is a plan to build a natural gas power plant in Walbis Bay.

Namibia is concentrated in 7 % of the world's vulnerable amount of uranium, and is mined to use it at nuclear power plants around the world. The government signed a policy agreement to supply power from nuclear power around 2018, but there is no clear progress. The state faces serious energy supply issues.

See the Namibia Uranium page for details.

In 2020, the amount of power generation was 32, 4 TWH: Natural gas 24, 7 TWH and hydroelectric power generation 7, 7 TWH.

The politician is responsible for the Nigeria Energy Committee, a subsidiary of the Ministry of Science and Technology. The government has a large structure in the power sector to actively privatize new plans for power generation and transmission. At the forefront of the liberalization process since 2013, five power generations and 10 power distribution companies (related to the government's main power companies) were privatized. Apart from this, the Niger Delta Power Holding Company (NDPHC) privatizes 10 not so long power plants. These new privatized power generation companies are required to increase power generation over five years at each power plant based on contracts. The 2GW assistance is due to the new investment of an independent power generator. In December 2014, the government has signed a contract with Turkish companies Koztek Electric and Energy Technologies on a new power plant and the construction of a new power plant invested in Turkish companies. In June 2015, Geometric Power announced that it will build a 1080 MW power plant in Abiya, southeastern state, with the cooperation with GE.3O8In November 2019, the Nigerian Senate asked the government to make nuclear connection issues a national energy balance.

In May 2014, the government agreed to build a 3 GW solar capacity in May 2014, as part of a publi c-private partnership plan with Skypower Fas Energy, concepting the introduction of solar energy. In rea l-time, a subsidy tariff system (FIT) has been developed to support repeat investments of energy information providers.

In order to resolve the shortage of power, Nigeria plans to build up to 4, 000 MW reactors by 2025, calling for support from the International Nuclear Organization (IAEA). Nigeria is one of the most populated states in Africa, and the shortage of power has led to the relocation of industrial companies to Ganu. The Ministry of Energy of Federal Energy is responsible for creating electricity, power networks, and prices. In 2007, the federal government approved engineering programs and strategic implementation projects for the formation of nuclear power. The program is considering the formation of power resources and infrastructure, certification of the reactor system, acquisition of permission, construction, and starting operation. In 2009, a strategic project to rationalize this work was adopted, and it was imposed to build a 1, 000 MWE by 2020 and a 4, 000 mwte nuclear power capacity by 2030. In 2013, the Innir Magate Mission was prepared in 2015.

The Nigerian Nuclear Legal Agency (NNRA) was established under the Ministry of Science and Technology to supervise all of the use of ionic radiation, nuclear material, and radioactive rays.

The Nigerian Nuclear Committee (NEAC), which was established in 1976, is in charge of the business of the Federal Ministry and Age, but is not under that umbrella, but is in charge of the National Nuclear Program Implementation Committee (NEPIC). 。 In October 2010, NEAC announced the selection of four candidate sites to be screened by the Environment and Local Review Committee. Geleg / Ajocta, Kogi in the northern central part, Itu, Acwai Bomb in the southeastern part, Agbaje, Ondo, southwest, and Rau Taraba in the northeast. The first two places, Geleg and Itu, were evaluated from 2014 to 2015 and were judged to be desirable. Preliminary approval from NNRA is scheduled for 2016. Los Atom hoped that two reactors would be built on each site.


In March 2009, the Russian Federation signed a cooperative agreement with Nigeria, stipulating uranium exploration and production in the country. A comprehensive agreement was concluded in June 2009, stipulating Russian reactors for power generation and new research reactors. In July 2011, the Los Atom and the Nigerian Nuclear Committee completed the work toward the inte r-government agreement on the cooperation of one nuclear power plant design, construction, driving, and decommissioning. In addition, the plan to build three nuclear power plants is about $ 20 billion. In June 2012, Los Atom signed with NAEC in a memorandum of "preparing for a comprehensive nuclear power plant construction program in Nigeria," including infrastructure development and nuclear and radiation protection regulation systems. ROSATOM has agreed that the financing options in Nigeria are available, and Rosatom believes that it is a preferred option to construct and operate (BOO), which plays a dominant role. This will be proven in the subsequent inte r-government agreement. In early 2015, it was announced to operate the capacity of Unit 1 by 2025 and 4800 megawatts by 2035. < SPAN> The Nigerian Nuclear Corporation (NNRA) was established under the Ministry of Science and Technology to supervise the use of ionic radiation, nuclear material, and radioactive sources.

The Nigerian Nuclear Committee (NEAC), which was established in 1976, is in charge of the business of the Federal Ministry and Age, but is not under that umbrella, but is in charge of the National Nuclear Program Implementation Committee (NEPIC). 。 In October 2010, NEAC announced the selection of four candidate sites to be screened by the Environment and Local Review Committee. Geleg / Ajocta, Kogi in the northern central part, Itu, Acwai Bomb in the southeastern part, Agbaje, Ondo, southwest, and Rau Taraba in the northeast. The first two places, Geleg and Itu, were evaluated from 2014 to 2015 and were judged to be desirable. Preliminary approval from NNRA is scheduled for 2016. Los Atom hoped that two reactors would be built on each site.


In March 2009, the Russian Federation signed a cooperative agreement with Nigeria, stipulating uranium exploration and production in the country. A comprehensive agreement was concluded in June 2009, stipulating Russian reactors for power generation and new research reactors. In July 2011, the Los Atom and the Nigerian Nuclear Committee completed the work toward the inte r-government agreement on the cooperation of one nuclear power plant design, construction, driving, and decommissioning. In addition, the plan to build three nuclear power plants is about $ 20 billion. In June 2012, Los Atom signed with NAEC in a memorandum of "preparing for a comprehensive nuclear power plant construction program in Nigeria," including infrastructure development and nuclear and radiation protection regulation systems. ROSATOM has agreed that the financing options in Nigeria are available, and Rosatom believes that it is a preferred option to construct and operate (BOO), which plays a dominant role. This will be proven in the subsequent inte r-government agreement. In early 2015, it was announced to operate the capacity of Unit 1 by 2025 and 4800 megawatts by 2035. The Nigerian Nuclear Legal Agency (NNRA) was established under the Ministry of Science and Technology to supervise all of the use of ionic radiation, nuclear material, and radioactive rays.

The Nigerian Nuclear Committee (NEAC), which was established in 1976, is in charge of the business of the Federal Ministry and Age, but is not under that umbrella, but is in charge of the National Nuclear Program Implementation Committee (NEPIC). 。 In October 2010, NEAC announced the selection of four candidate sites to be screened by the Environment and Local Review Committee. Geleg / Ajocta, Kogi in the northern central part, Itu, Acwai Bomb in the southeastern part, Agbaje, Ondo, southwest, and Rau Taraba in the northeast. The first two places, Geleg and Itu, were evaluated from 2014 to 2015 and were judged to be desirable. Preliminary approval from NNRA is scheduled for 2016. Los Atom hoped that two reactors would be built on each site.

In March 2009, the Russian Federation signed a cooperative agreement with Nigeria, stipulating uranium exploration and production in the country. A comprehensive agreement was concluded in June 2009, stipulating Russian reactors for power generation and new research reactors. In July 2011, the Los Atom and the Nigerian Nuclear Committee completed the work toward the inte r-government agreement on the cooperation of one nuclear power plant design, construction, driving, and decommissioning. In addition, the plan to build three nuclear power plants is about $ 20 billion. In June 2012, Los Atom signed with NAEC in a memorandum of "preparing for a comprehensive nuclear power plant construction program in Nigeria," including infrastructure development and nuclear and radiation protection regulation systems. ROSATOM has agreed that the financing options in Nigeria are available, and Rosatom believes that it is a preferred option to construct and operate (BOO), which plays a dominant role. This will be proven in the subsequent inte r-government agreement. In early 2015, it was announced to operate the capacity of Unit 1 by 2025 and 4800 megawatts by 2035.

In response to a U. S. project by the Nigeria Nuclear Corporation (NNRA), the Pemot State government signed a contract in 2009 to investigate the construction site of the US corporate Barnet Holding and a modul e-style reactor using the recommendation of IAEA. 。 The capacity of these reactors is 5 to 20 MW, and will be installed in Owelli, Ogu, and other places in the cities. There is no more information.

Nigeria's first research reactor was established in Afumado Vero in 2004. This is a small reactor made in China with a 30 kW neutral source, similar to other Chinese plants in Ghana, Iran, Syria and China. It uses high enriched uranium fuel, but is now switching to LEU. The IAEA supports the Nigerian government in this project, and is trying to "strengthen and expand nuclear technology support personnel" in the field of medical technology, global chemistry, mineral analysis, exploration, and petrochemicals. In addition, there are plans to build a large research reactor.

By 2020, the production volume will be 0. 9 TWH, 0. 5 hydroelectric power generation, and fossil fuel 0. 3 TWH.

In December 2018, Russia and Rwanda signed a government agreement on nuclear use. The power generation capacity in 2018 was 218 MWE, and the access rate was about 35 %. In 2024, the urbanization rate rose to 35%, with full access to home (almost half electrified) and full access for productive users. The expected power generation capacity in 2024 was 282-376MW. Regional integration is progressing and is expected to be almost completely integrated by 2022.

In October 2020, the Rwanda government has approved the Rwanda Nuclear Committee (RAEB), and the committee aims to coordinate domestic nuclear research and development.

In September 2023, RAEB has signed a contract to build a dua l-fluid furnace with Canada, a German nuclear technology company, founded in 2021. The first facility of this kind, the lea d-cooled, hig h-temperature liquid burning hig h-speed furnace, said Dual Furuid Energy that it will be completed in 2026 and will be in full operation in 2028.

2020 production volum e-5, 8 TWH: fossil fuel 5, 0 Twh, solar light 0, 4 Twh, wind power 0, 1 Twh, biofuel 0, 1 Twh.

In early 2010, Senegal announced that it would evaluate the possibility of constructing a nuclear power plant by around 2020 as part of the political goal of oil alternatives in power generation and integration into West African power poles (WAPP). The Energy Phase has announced that he wants to put the headquarters of the African Nuclear Committee in Dakar. But in 2011, the president stated that the intention of nuclear development was actually postponed. Domestic demand is only 550MWE, but increases by 7 % every year. In 2010, France provided technical support.

By 2020, 17, 3twch (10. 3TVT-H hydron energy, 7. 0TVT-oil) will be created.

In 2007, the Ministry of Energy caused a nuclear power plant formation program, and in 2010, the state began to consider the opportunity to build a nuclear power plant, and the Sudan Nuclear Committee discussed with IAEA. The main departments are considered to be the Electric Power and Aqua Resource Bureau, and the nuclear power generation bureau (NEGD) was created for the choice of technical and economic legitimacy, site and technology. At that time, it was set as an issue to build a nuclear power plant with four blocks with a capacity of 300-600mW or 4400 mW by 2030, but in 2015 it will have a capacity of 600 MW by 2027. The goal was to build two PWR blocks. The country has a nuclear power method, but the functions related to radioactive waste and its transportation are realized under a new comprehensive plan of the nuclear power method that bundles the protection base of IAEA and other Foundation. In May 2016, a framework agreement was signed with the Chinese State Nuclear County, with the construction of No. 1 or No. 2 furnace with a capacity of 600 MW and the development of roadmaps in the maximum of 10 years.

The agreement on nuclear power with Los Atom, which was concluded in June 2017, stipulates the need to be constructed as a nuclear science and technology center equipped with a research reactor and a nuclear power plant. In September 2018, Magate graduated from UNIR's goal and said, "To develop an important infrastructure for a reliable and peaceful nuclear plan, rather than modest, is clearly strictly swearing." I concluded.


Prior to this, in July 2015, the government's geology research department stated that uranium search was regarded as a priority, and production was realized by domestic companies.

Sudan has been considered an IAEA member of the IAEA since 1958, and has been a part of the day a security agreement with IAEA since 1975.

Create 8, 0TVT by 2020: 4. 7TVT-fuel fuel, 3. 1TVT-hydroelectric energy.

The government has indicated its intention to explore the possibility of nuclear power generation. As of the end of 2015, the country's generating capacity was 1. 246 MWe, with 562 MWe from hydroelectric power, 441 MWe from gas, and 243 MWe from oil. Imports are made through the East African Power Pool (EAPP) transmission lines. Overall, 24% of the population is on the grid, but only 7% in rural areas. The 2015 National Energy Policy aims to address this challenge. The country has large gas resources.


By 2020, the country will produce 21. 6 TWh of electricity, consisting of 20. 6 TWh from fossil fuels, 0. 5 TWh from wind, and 0. 3 TWh from solar.

The government is said to be considering building a 600-1, 000 MW nuclear power plant in the north or south at a cost of $114 billion.

Desalination of seawater is one of the most important needs.

In 1990, the National Atomic Energy Commission (CENA) was created, dealing with nuclear technology for various functions, but not energy. Since 2008, the Atomic Energy Law has been revised in cooperation with the IAEA. The regulatory body is the National Nuclear Safety Agency (ANSN), complemented by the National Center for Radiological Protection (CNRD), created in 1981. The National Center for Nuclear Science and Technology was created in 1993 and carries out research.

North Korea

Tunisia's reserves are 100 million tons, including 50, 000 tons of phosphates. For a production of 1. 6 million tons of P 2 O 5 per year, 265 tons of by-products are produced per year.

An agreement on nuclear power and desalination was signed with France in December 2006, supplemented in April 2008. In June 2015, a nuclear cooperation agreement was signed with Russia, covering the design, construction and operation of nuclear power plants and research reactors, production and use of radioisotopes in industry, medicine and agriculture, radioactive waste management, training of experts in nuclear physics and nuclear energy. In 2016, another intergovernmental agreement was signed with Russia. In February 2017, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) signed a cooperation agreement with the National Center for Nuclear Science and Technology of Tunisia.

By 2020, the country will produce 4. 1 TWh of hydroelectric power, 0. 2 TWh of biofuel and 0. 1 TWh of solar power, for a total of 4. 4 TWh.

In 2008, a bill about nuclear power was passed in Uganda, and the introduction of ionizing radiation was regulated, and became the basis for the formation of nuclear power. Later, the government has signed an agreement with IAEA, creating this direction. Uganda's vision 2040 roadmap, announced in April 2013, considers the formation of important nuclear potential as part of the future balance sheet. Uganda's Nuclear Advisory Committee is under the jurisdiction of the Mineral Resources of Energy. In April 2015, the Minister's Office approved the nuclear energy formation strategy. This strategy includes an important infrastructure for nuclear energy formation and a mechanism for its conclusion. Candidate sites are located in Kyoga, Kager, and ASVA areas. In May 2022, the government announced that it had acquired a nuclear power plant construction site. The base case assumes that two power plants with a capacity of 1000mW by 2031 will be built, and the planned price is $ 9 billion.

In May 2017, the ministry signed a nuclear cooperation agreement with the China Nakahara Foreign Procedure and Chinese Nuclear Production Group, and signed an agreement with CNNC. During this time, the Uganda delegation approved by the CNNC subsidiary, China, China, has visited China.

In May 2018, the ministry signed a memorandum on cooperation in the peace of use of CNNC and nuclear power.

Before that, in October 2016, a framework agreement was concluded with Los Atom. In June 2017, the energy and mineral station ministry concluded another agreement with Rosatom and closed the nuclear infrastructure and the nuclear research center with a research reactor.

In August 2023, Uganda's President Yar Musebeni announced that the Russian Federation and South Korea were actually selected to build two nuclear power plants with a total power generation capacity of 15 GVTE.

In 2021, the power generation equipment capacity was 1347 MWTE, of which 1073 MWTE (80%) was brought to the hydropower plant.

2020 Power generatio n-15, 2 TWCH: 12, 8 hydroelectric power plant; 2, 2 tv t-fuel; 0, 2 solar energy. Was regulated and became the basis for the formation of nuclear power. Later, the government has signed an agreement with IAEA, creating this direction. Uganda's vision 2040 roadmap, announced in April 2013, considers the formation of important nuclear potential as part of the future balance sheet. Uganda's Nuclear Advisory Committee is under the jurisdiction of the Mineral Resources of Energy. In April 2015, the Minister's Office approved the nuclear energy formation strategy. This strategy includes an important infrastructure for nuclear energy formation and a mechanism for its conclusion. Candidate sites are located in Kyoga, Kager, and ASVA areas. In May 2022, the government announced that it had acquired a nuclear power plant construction site. The base case assumes that two power plants with a capacity of 1000mW by 2031 will be built, and the planned price is $ 9 billion.

In May 2017, the ministry signed a nuclear cooperation agreement with the China Nakahara Foreign Procedure and Chinese Nuclear Production Group, and signed an agreement with CNNC. During this time, the Uganda delegation approved by the CNNC subsidiary, China, China, has visited China.


In May 2018, the ministry signed a memorandum on cooperation in the peace of use of CNNC and nuclear power.


Before that, in October 2016, a framework agreement was concluded with Los Atom. In June 2017, the energy and mineral station ministry concluded another agreement with Rosatom and closed the nuclear infrastructure and the nuclear research center with a research reactor.

In August 2023, Uganda's President Yar Musebeni announced that the Russian Federation and South Korea were actually selected to build two nuclear power plants with a total power generation capacity of 15 GVTE.

Sri Lanka

In 2021, the power generation equipment capacity was 1347 MWTE, of which 1073 MWTE (80%) was brought to the hydropower plant.

In 2020, the amount of power generatio n-15, 2 TWCH: 12, 8 hydroelectric power plants; 2, 2 tv t-fuel; 0, 2 solar energy. 2008, a bill about nuclear power was passed in Uganda, and the introduction of ionizing radiation was restricted. , It became the basis of the formation of nuclear power. Later, the government has signed an agreement with IAEA, creating this direction. Uganda's vision 2040 roadmap, announced in April 2013, considers the formation of important nuclear potential as part of the future balance sheet. Uganda's Nuclear Advisory Committee is under the jurisdiction of the Mineral Resources of Energy. In April 2015, the Minister's Office approved the nuclear energy formation strategy. This strategy includes an important infrastructure for nuclear energy formation and a mechanism for its conclusion. Candidate sites are located in Kyoga, Kager, and ASVA areas. In May 2022, the government announced that it had acquired a nuclear power plant construction site. The base case assumes that two power plants with a capacity of 1000mW by 2031 will be built, and the planned price is $ 9 billion.

In May 2017, the ministry signed a nuclear cooperation agreement with the China Nakahara Foreign Procedure and Chinese Nuclear Production Group, and signed an agreement with CNNC. During this time, the Uganda delegation approved by the CNNC subsidiary, China, China, has visited China.

In May 2018, the ministry signed a memorandum on cooperation in the peace of use of CNNC and nuclear power.

Before that, in October 2016, a framework agreement was concluded with Los Atom. In June 2017, the energy and mineral station ministry concluded another agreement with Rosatom and closed the nuclear infrastructure and the nuclear research center with a research reactor.

In August 2023, Uganda's President Yar Musebeni announced that the Russian Federation and South Korea were actually selected to build two nuclear power plants with a total power generation capacity of 15 GVTE.


In 2021, the power generation equipment capacity was 1347 MWTE, of which 1073 MWTE (80%) was brought to the hydropower plant.

2020 Power generatio n-15, 2 TWCH: 12, 8 Hydroelectric Power Plant; 2, 2 Tv t-Fuel; 0, 2 Solar Energy.

In May 2016, Los Atom signed an inte r-government agreement on cooperation in the field of nuclear use of peace and built a database on the opportunity to build nuclear facilities. In December 2016 and June 2017, a support agreement on cooperation with Los Atom was concluded. The first is the research of the Zambi-Russian Federation experts, in the direction of 15 years, the Russian Federation prepared a young atomic engineer, planned a nuclear power plant, and established a nuclear regulation organization. We support the construction of a research reactor that guarantees medical care, agricultural proposals, and energy. Zambia wants to freeze nuclear regions. Regarding energy, nuclear power is actually important to prevent power stopping due to unstable supply.

The second agreement in 2016 i s-between the Ministry of Health and the Rostekhnadzo r-Radiation Defense Administration through the development of regulations, relevant reinforced nuclear and radiation energy development methods, not only in cooperation with nuclear safety and adaptation. It is about increasing the possibility of. The third agreement is the agreement between the INFA and the Rosatom, the Ministry of Television and Radio Broadcasting, on the development of nuclear power promotion materials in the UK and Zambian languages ​​to increase the awareness of the nuclear power of Zambian people.

Finally, in 2016, the RUSAT OVERSIZ JSC and the Ministry of Highing Education concluded an agreement on planning to build a nuclear science and technology center with a 10MW research reactor in Zambia. In February 2017, the government and ROSATOM signed a government agreement, and in June 2017, Rosatom signed a support agreement on the development of the Nuclear Science and Technology Center.

By 2020, the creation will be 10, 0 TWC: 6. 4 TV-H fossil fuels (including 6, 3 TVT-H natural gas); 2. 9TVT-H hydrogen energy; 0, 3 TVT-H solar energy; 0. 2TV-H bio fuel.

The government has established the Bolivia Nuclear Agency (ABEN) under Congress and the Ministry of Energy, and hoped to launch a reactor in 2014, for example, from the viewpoint of isotope honey and power production. In October 2014, the President announced his intention to spend $ 2 billion in the formation of nuclear power generation toward the right 10 years. Cyclotron and research furnace will enter that number. The Ibten Nuclear Adaptation Organization has also been established and is collaborating with Rostec Nazol in real time.

In March 2015, the government signed an agreement on infrastructure and system for the use of nuclear power for peace, following the agreement signed in May 2013. The support of Argentina includes the design, construction and operation of nuclear power plants and research reactors, and the processing of radioactive waste.

In July 2014, Russia presented Bolivia's "Integration Plan for Nuclear Development for Peace Purpose", and in October 2015, there was a preliminary agreement on cooperation in the field of nuclear power aimed at the construction of a nuclear power plant in Russia. It was concluded. With the cooperation of Russia, it was also announced that by 2020, it would build $ 300 million to Alo Alto, a 4, 00 0-meter altitude, over $ 300 million. In March 2016, we reached an additional agreement on this matter, and in September 2017, there was a contract on construction between the National Project Institute (GSPI), a Losatom specialty organization, and the Lusato Overses jointly managed. It was concluded.

The first part of the project, that is, the advanced cyclotron radioactic drug complex (PCRC), and the multipurpose irradiation center (MIC) of commercial gamma line facilities for processing medical equipment and agricultural products, and some research The room will be completed in 2021. The center was set up in a basi n-type research reactor of 100 to 200 kW, and the first concrete was placed in July 2021. The operation will start in 2024. The center contributes to the use of radiation technology in agriculture, medical, industries, and other fields. Los Atom believes this center as a reference for such centers in other countries.

The Bolivian Mining Corporation (Combol) aimed to determine and develop uranium resources in Potoshi, Thomas Fruias, and Santa Cruz. But in November 2015, the government declared that it would not continue to produce uranium and import nuclear fuel from France, Canada and Australia.

By 2020, the production volume will be 84. 0TVT-H: 43. 1TVT fuel, 21. 9TVT-H hydroheral energy, 8. 0TVT-H solar energy, 5. 6 tweet wind power, 5. 2TV-H biofuel. < SPAN> In March 2015, the government signed an agreement on infrastructure and systems for the use of nuclear power for peace purposes, following the agreement signed in May 2013. The support of Argentina includes the design, construction and operation of nuclear power plants and research reactors, and the processing of radioactive waste.

In July 2014, Russia presented Bolivia's "Integration Plan for Nuclear Development for Peace Purpose", and in October 2015, there was a preliminary agreement on cooperation in the field of nuclear power aimed at the construction of a nuclear power plant in Russia. It was concluded. With the cooperation of Russia, it was also announced that by 2020, it would build $ 300 million to Alo Alto, a 4, 00 0-meter altitude, over $ 300 million. In March 2016, we reached an additional agreement on this matter, and in September 2017, there was a contract on construction between the National Project Institute (GSPI), a Losatom specialty organization, and the Lusato Overses jointly managed. It was concluded.


The first part of the project, that is, the advanced cyclotron radioactic drug complex (PCRC), and the multipurpose irradiation center (MIC) of commercial gamma line facilities for processing medical equipment and agricultural products, and some research The room will be completed in 2021. The center was set up in a basi n-type research reactor of 100 to 200 kW, and the first concrete was placed in July 2021. The operation will start in 2024. The center will contribute to the use of radiation technology in agriculture, medical care, industries and other fields. Los Atom believes this center as a reference for such centers in other countries.

The Bolivian Mining Corporation (Combol) aimed to determine and develop uranium resources in Potoshi, Thomas Fruias, and Santa Cruz. But in November 2015, the government declared that it would not continue to produce uranium and import nuclear fuel from France, Canada and Australia.

By 2020, the production volume will be 84. 0TVT-H: 43. 1TVT fuel, 21. 9TVT-H hydroheral energy, 8. 0TVT-H solar energy, 5. 6 tweet wind power, 5. 2TV-H biofuel. In March 2015, the government signed an agreement on infrastructure and system for the use of nuclear power for peace, following the agreement signed in May 2013. The support of Argentina includes the design, construction and operation of nuclear power plants and research reactors, and the processing of radioactive waste.


In July 2014, Russia presented Bolivia's "Integration Plan for Nuclear Development for Peace Purpose", and in October 2015, there was a preliminary agreement on cooperation in the field of nuclear power aimed at the construction of a nuclear power plant in Russia. It was concluded. With the cooperation of Russia, it was also announced that by 2020, it would build $ 300 million to Alo Alto, a 4, 00 0-meter altitude, over $ 300 million. In March 2016, we reached an additional agreement on this matter, and in September 2017, there was a contract on construction between the National Project Institute (GSPI), a Losatom specialty organization, and the Lusato Overses jointly managed. It was concluded.


The first part of the project, that is, the advanced cyclotron radioactic drug complex (PCRC), and the multipurpose irradiation center (MIC) of commercial gamma line facilities for processing medical equipment and agricultural products, and some research The room will be completed in 2021. The center was set up in a basi n-type research reactor of 100 to 200 kW, and the first concrete was placed in July 2021. The operation will start in 2024. The center contributes to the use of radiation technology in agriculture, medical, industries, and other fields. Los Atom believes this center as a reference for such centers in other countries.

The Bolivian Mining Corporation (Combol) aimed to determine and develop uranium resources in Potoshi, Thomas Fruias, and Santa Cruz. But in November 2015, the government declared that it would not continue to produce uranium and import nuclear fuel from France, Canada and Australia.2By 2020, the production volume will be 84. 0TVT-H: 43. 1TVT fuel, 21. 9TVT-H hydroheral energy, 8. 0TVT-H solar energy, 5. 6 tweet wind power, 5. 2TV-H biofuel.

Chile imports more than 60 % of primary energy in the form of hydrocarbons, especially Southeast Asia. By 2020, it is necessary to build five more GVTEs to ensure certain energy protection. Power consumption is 3350 kWh per year. Depending on the seasonal rainfall, 30 % of the electricity is supplied from the hydroelectric power plant. In 2013, 24TVT was obtained from the hydropower, 11TVT-H from natural gas, and 30TVT-H-ER from coal. The construction of a new coal power plant and a significant expansion of renewable energy other than hydropower have been proposed.

According to the ESTRATEGIA NACIONAL DE Energía, ENE, 70 % of all electricity will be exported at hydropower plants by 2050 at the state's energy strategy from 2012 to 2030. However, the residents of the district have opposed the subsequent larg e-scale hydropower formation due to the amount of rainfall in recent years. The integration of two major power networks, northern and central, leads to a reduction in electricity rates as expected. The agreement with Argentina, which was signed in December 2015, considers gas and power to the eastern part.

In February 2007, the Ministry of Energy announced that it started technical research on nuclear power development. A larg e-scale corporate group has already negotiated with Aleba about the construction of a nuclear power plant that connects the energy system in the northern and central part of Chile. In November 2007, the President requested the Energy to prepare new research on the possibility of applying nuclear power for appropriate administration. In mi d-2009, the state mining industry called for nuclear power by around 2025 to withstand the growing energy energy and the shortage of energy approaching. In 2010, the Nuclear Committee, a part of the Energy Committee of the Chilean Engineers Association, proposed four power generations with a capacity of 1100 MW.2).They have all the potentials placed in the three parts of the coast: Antojagast, located 1. 400 km north of Santiago, has a huge population and has a functional mining, and in 2017. A large emergency plant is in operation ($ 3. 43 billion) ($ 3. 43 billion); a combo located 300 km north of Santiago provides services in northern Moscow Megapolis; Located in Santiago 200 km south. ・ Liberatador provides services to large cities to defend the decrease in hydropower in the area.

In early 2010, the Energy Phase stated that the first nuclear power plant with a capacity of 1100 MW would operate in 2024, and by 2035, four more will be an alternative to coa l-fired power plants. He summarized from 2012 to 2018 to develop necessary infrastructure, such as human resource development, regulatory frameworks, provisions for safety and waste disposal, geological surveys, and consensus for the people. The construction of the first plant is proposed to a publi c-private partnership, and a bid will be announced in 2016.

In February 2011, a new top of the Chilean Nuclear Committee (COMISIsión Chilena de Energía Nucle, Cchen) was appointed, and CCHEN and the French Nuclear Agency (CEA) have set up training on "institutional cooperation on nuclear power". The agreement has been concluded. In order to promote the cooperation between the French nuclear industry and Cchen, a hig h-level group was established in which GDF Suez and Chile's Quinco leaders were c o-chairs.

Notes & references


General sources

In May 2018, Los Atom America Latin, a member of the Lusata International Network, signed a memorandum on the development of nuclear power in Chile and cooperation in the lithium industry. The memorandum stipulates the modernization of Chile's 5MW research reactors, which started driving in 1974, extension of life, medical care, agriculture, science, and the use of radiation technology in other adjacent fields.


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

From January 1, , Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ethiopia, Egypt, Argentina and the United Arab Emirates will join as new members. In three of these. In March, Serbia's President Aleksandar Vučić told the Nuclear Energy Summit in Brussels the country was seeking support from other countries in. There are currently operable power reactors in 32 countries, which provide approximately 10% of global electricity. These plants are.

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