Frontiers COVID19 and athletes Endurance sport and activity resilience study CAESAR study
COVID-19 and athletes: Endurance sport and activity resilience study—CAESAR study
Data: The trends of Cobid 19 and its restrictions have affected the Sports Association, but the latest knowledge on the impact of mild Cobid 19 on cardiopulmonary and physiological parameters has not yet been concluded. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of mild coovid-19 on the cardiopulmonary athlete (EA), which has a different level of physical training (EA), to the cardiopulmonary exercise load test (CPET) index.
Materials and Method: 49 athletes (n)male= 43, nwoman= 6, average age = 39, 94 ± 7, 80 years old, height = 178, 45 cm, weight = 76, 62 kg; IMT = 24, 03 kg m-2), before and after the mild infection COVI D-19. I received a double thread CPET or a cyclometry CPET and a physical analysis (AT). Mild infectious diseases were defined as (1) that (1) without hospitalization and (2) complications do not become prolonged.2), Pulmonary ventilation, blood lactic acid concentration (including anaerobic threshold (AT)), respiratory compensation (RCP) and maximum load were measured before and after COVID-19 infection. In order to evaluate the relationship between physiological parameters or physical activity parameters and time, the correlation coefficient of Pieron and the correlation coefficient of Spearman were used, and the Student T-certification was used.
As a result, there was no significant difference in the physique index before and after the implementation of COVID-19. A significant decrease in Vo was observed.2AT and RCP (both indicators P)< 0.001). Pre-COVID-19 VO234, 97 ± 6, 43ml k g-i n-i n-i n-1, 43, 88 ± 7, 31ml k g-i n-1 and 47, 81 ± 7, 81ml k g-i n-1, rcp and maximum values. Vo after COVID-192Each was 32, 35 ± 5, 93 ml k g-1, 40, 49 ± 6, 63 ml k g-i n-i n-i n-1, 97 ± 7, 00 ml k g-i n-1, respectively. Difference in heart rate in AT (p)< 0.001) and RCP ( p < 0.001) was observed. The HR before infection was 145.08 ± 10.82 bpm for AT and 168.78 ± 9.01 bpm for RCP and HR after infection was 141.12 ± 9.99 bpm for AT and 165.14 ± 9.74 bpm for RCP. Time-adjusted measures showed significance for body fat (r = 0.46, p < 0.001), fat mass (r = 0.33, p = 0.020), cycling power at the AT (r = −0.29, p = 0.045), and HR at RCP (r = −0.30, p = 0.036).
Conclusion COVID-19 mild infection caused EA's CPET to decrease. The main change is Vo2Was observed by heart rate. Healthcare professionals and exercise experts should recommend the best treatment and recognize the results of mild infections in order to correctly adjust the exercise intensity. < SPAN> Problem: The trends of Cobid 19 and the restrictions from the introduction have affected the Sports Association, but the latest knowledge on the impact of mild Cobid 19 on cardiopulmonary and physiological parameters has still been concluded. do not have. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of mild coovid-19 on the cardiopulmonary athlete (EA), which has a different level of physical training (EA), to the cardiopulmonary exercise load test (CPET) index.
Materials and Method: 49 athletes (n)
= 43, n
woman2= 6, average age = 39, 94 ± 7, 80 years old, height = 178, 45 cm, weight = 76, 62 kg; IMT = 24, 03 kg m-2), before and after the mild infection COVI D-19. I received a double thread CPET or a cyclometry CPET and a physical analysis (AT). Mild infectious diseases were defined as (1) that (1) without hospitalization and (2) complications do not become prolonged.
), Pulmonary ventilation, blood lactic acid concentration (including anaerobic threshold (AT)), respiratory compensation (RCP) and maximum load were measured before and after COVID-19 infection. In order to evaluate the relationship between physiological parameters or physical activity parameters and time, the correlation coefficient of Pieron and the correlation coefficient of Spearman were used, and the Student T-certification was used.
Materials and methods
Study sample and testing protocol
As a result, there was no significant difference in the physique index before and after the implementation of COVID-19. A significant decrease in Vo was observed.
AT and RCP (both indicators P)<95%), cardiovascular diseases (cardiac arrhythmias confirmed by ECG, myocardial ischemia, prolongation of the QT interval in the ECG, any structural disorders of the heart found in echocardiography, decompensated hypertension with blood pressure over 160/100 mmHg), acute neurological and psychiatric conditions, acute or chronic musculoskeletal condition, deviations in laboratory tests (leukocytosis over 10,000 mm −3 , anemia with hemoglobin levels <10 g·dL −1 dl).
34, 97 ± 6, 43ml k g-i n-i n-i n-1, 43, 88 ± 7, 31ml k g-i n-1 and 47, 81 ± 7, 81ml k g-i n-1, rcp and maximum values. Vo after COVID-19
Each was 32, 35 ± 5, 93 ml k g-1, 40, 49 ± 6, 63 ml k g-i n-i n-i n-1, 97 ± 7, 00 ml k g-i n-1, respectively. Difference in heart rate in AT (p)
Conclusion COVID-19 mild infection caused EA's CPET to decrease. The main change is Vo
CPET protocol
Was observed by heart rate. Healthcare professionals and exercise experts should recommend the best treatment and recognize the results of mild infections in order to correctly adjust the exercise intensity. Data: The trends of Cobid 19 and its restrictions have affected the Sports Association, but the latest knowledge on the impact of mild Cobid 19 on cardiopulmonary and physiological parameters has not yet been concluded. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of mild coovid-19 on the cardiopulmonary athlete (EA), which has a different level of physical training (EA), to the cardiopulmonary exercise load test (CPET) index.2Materials and Method: 49 athletes (n)2male= 43, nwoman= 6, average age = 39, 94 ± 7, 80 years old, height = 178, 45 cm, weight = 76, 62 kg; IMT = 24, 03 kg m-2), before and after the mild infection COVI D-19. I received a double thread CPET or a cyclometry CPET and a physical analysis (AT). Mild infectious diseases were defined as (1) that (1) without hospitalization and (2) complications do not become prolonged.2), Pulmonary ventilation, blood lactic acid concentration (including anaerobic threshold (AT)), respiratory compensation (RCP) and maximum load were measured before and after COVID-19 infection. In order to evaluate the relationship between physiological parameters or physical activity parameters and time, the correlation coefficient of Pieron and the correlation coefficient of Spearman were used, and the Student T-certification was used.As a result, there was no significant difference in the physique index before and after the implementation of COVID-19. A significant decrease in Vo was observed.AT and RCP (both indicators P)234, 97 ± 6, 43ml k g-i n-i n-1, 43, 88 ± 7, 31ml k g-i n-1, 47, 81 ± 7, 81ml k g-i n-1, rcp and maximum values, respectively. Vo after COVID-192Each was 32, 35 ± 5, 93 ml k g-1, 40, 49 ± 6, 63 ml k g-i n-i n-i n-1, 97 ± 7, 00 ml k g-i n-1, respectively. Difference in heart rate in AT (p)2Conclusion COVID-19 mild infection caused EA's CPET to decrease. The main change is Vo2Was observed by heart rate. Healthcare professionals and exercise experts should recommend the best treatment and recognize the results of mild infections in order to correctly adjust the exercise intensity.2From 2020 to 2021, the pandemic was estimated to die 18 million and 2 million, and many of the deaths were caused by Coronavirus infection 2019 (COVID-19) (Wang et al., 2022). These numbers are affected by limited precautionary measures and treatments aimed at suppressing other diseases. People who recover after infection often have symptoms (NASSERIE et al., 2021). One of the main results of COVID-19 infection is to change the respiratory CT (mainly light) (Baratella and others). Prior to COVID-19 infection, physical activity may promote the severity of COVID-19 patients and reduce mortality. In particular, it is recommended to include 150 minutes/ week or more or 75 minutes/ weeks more vigorously in physical activity (SITTICHAI et al. 2022). Complete vaccination does not guarantee complete prevention of COVI D-19 lon g-term complications (A l-ly et altogens, 2022).2The pandemic and related fears have a significant impact on the lifestyle of people around the world (Jodczyk et al.) This has adversely affected many fields of human life, including mental health (Gruba et al. Depression, anxiety disorders, sleep disorders, and irritable stress have become more common among healthy youth and young people who have not yet ill (Kasiak et al., 2022A). Also, due to changes in everyday life, various groups have reported that physical activity has declined (WunSch and others, 2022). < SPAN> From 2020 to 2021, it was estimated to have 18 million and 2 million people by pandemic, and many of the deaths were caused by Coronavirus infection 2019 (COVID-19) (WANG and 2022). year). These numbers are affected by limited precautionary measures and treatments aimed at suppressing other diseases. People who recover after infection often have symptoms (NASSERIE et al., 2021). One of the main results of COVID-19 infection is to change the respiratory CT (mainly light) (Baratella and others). Prior to COVID-19 infection, physical activity may promote the severity of COVID-19 patients and reduce mortality. In particular, it is recommended to include 150 minutes/ week or more or 75 minutes/ weeks more vigorously in physical activity (SITTICHAI et al. 2022). Complete vaccination does not guarantee complete prevention of COVI D-19 lon g-term complications (A l-ly et altogens, 2022).2The pandemic and related fears have a significant impact on the lifestyle of people around the world (Jodczyk et al.) This has adversely affected many fields of human life, including mental health (Gruba et al. Depression, anxiety disorders, sleep disorders, and irritable stress have become more common among healthy youth and young people who have not yet ill (Kasiak et al., 2022A). Also, due to changes in everyday life, various groups have reported that physical activity has declined (WunSch and others, 2022). From 2020 to 2021, the pandemic was estimated to die 18 million and 2 million, and many of the deaths were caused by Coronavirus infection 2019 (COVID-19) (Wang et al., 2022). These numbers are affected by limited precautionary measures and treatments aimed at suppressing other diseases. People who recover after infection often have symptoms (NASSERIE et al., 2021). One of the main results of COVID-19 infection is to change the respiratory CT (mainly light) (Baratella and others). Prior to COVID-19 infection, physical activity may promote the severity of COVID-19 patients and reduce mortality. In particular, it is recommended to include 150 minutes/ week or more or 75 minutes/ weeks more vigorously in physical activity (SITTICHAI et al. 2022). Complete vaccination does not guarantee complete prevention of COVI D-19 lon g-term complications (A l-ly et altogens, 2022).2The pandemic and related fears have a significant impact on the lifestyle of people around the world (Jodczyk et al.) This has adversely affected many fields of human life, including mental health (Gruba et al. Depression, anxiety disorders, sleep disorders, and irritable stress have become more common among healthy youth and young people who have not yet ill (Kasiak et al., 2022A). Also, due to changes in everyday life, various groups have reported that physical activity has declined (WunSch and others, 2022).
Statistical analysis
The new, pandemic situation poses a challenge for athletes. Although athletes are not considered a high-risk group for Covid-19 vaccine-related indecision (Ulaszewska et al., 2022). Moreover, the course of the disease is asymptomatic or mild in about 94% of cases (Lemes et al., 2022). Nevertheless, the return to physical activity after onset is questionable from a safety point of view, with myocardial infarction being the most concerning (Rajpal et al., 2021; Modica et al., 2022). In addition to the cardiovascular system, there are also health hazards due to complications of the respiratory system (Xia et al., 2020) and muscular system (Seixas et al., 2022). However, these complications do not necessarily require hospitalization. Moreover, training in closed rooms (Washif et al., 2022) and sporting events (Sparrow et al., 2021) face great organizational problems due to the risk of SARS-COV-2 infection. The above factors are again closely related to physical performance. The oxygen uptake (Vo) and changes in lactate metabolism in athletes who have recovered after mild Covid-19. Although this issue has not yet been fully studied, the subjects' physical performance tended to decline (Csulak et al., 2021; Komici et al., 2021). There are also studies that showed results that differ from this assumption (Fikenzer et al., 2021). Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) turned out to be a useful tool to assess the status of endurance athletes after COVID-19 and can be used to diagnose preserved symptoms (Moulson et al., 2022).
We assume that COVID-19 infection causes a decline in physical form accompanied by a deterioration of physiological and anthropometric indicators of the body (Ali and Kunugi, 2021), changes are mainly found in muscle mass, the mechanism of which is unclear, but this may be associated with, for example, cytokine storms, inalmir, and prolonged physical inactivity (Zhou et al.). The aim of this study is (1) to evaluate the effect of COVID-19 in endurance athletes with different levels of physical training in terms of physical activity and body physiology, and (2) to adjust the results taking into account the time since COVID-19 infection. The main novelty and advantage of this study is that it provides time-adjusted CPET and somatic changes according to the time since COVID-19 infection. This approach allows for a better understanding of the possible consequences of the disease. Moreover, this study included athletes with different training levels, both professional and amateur, allowing a more comprehensive and comprehensive evaluation of the impact of COVID-19 infection on CPET. The study was conducted in a group of young endurance athletes at the Sports Medicine Clinic of the Treetic Medical Centre (www. sportslab. pl; Circulation date: 2 February 2022, Warsaw, Poland) from June 2021 to June 2022. In the trial set, only able-bodied athletes who passed the CPET before and after covid-19 infection were included. Each participant signed an informed consent. The study sample included both professional athletes and amateurs, people with different physical training levels.
Participants basic characteristics
The participant selection process is shown in Figure 1. Inclusion criteria included treadmill or cycle ergometer exercise for 3 years before SARS-COV-2 infection, confirmed SARS-COV-2 infection by PCR or antigen test, no history of hospitalization for 2 weeks to 6 months before CPET after COVID-19, and asymptomatic or mild illness without persistent symptoms before CPET & amp; amp; GT;-2 antigen test. Exclusion criteria included respiratory disease (COPD, uncontrolled bronchial asthma, blood saturation Figure 1. Participant selection protocol. Abbreviations: EA: endurance athletes, CPET: cardiopulmonary stress test, ECG: 12-output electrocardiogram, CBC: complete blood test, COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, HB: blood hemoglobin.
Participants underwent a preliminary test by a heart specialist. Medical professionals confirmed their medical history, conducted physical tests, and conducted an echo test with 12 guidelines. Only athletes with no abnormality in the heart and lungs have been able to participate in the research.
43 men and six women met all participation criteria. The athlete performed a CPET using a treadmill or cycle elgotometer (the same protocol and equipment as before SARS-COV-2 infection).2The analysis of the body composition (BC) was performed in front of each CPET using a Tanita, MC 718, Japan using a 5kHz/50kHz/250kHz multilateral radiation. BA and CPET were performed under the same conditions: 40m2 air conditioning room, 100m above sea level, temperature 20-22 ° C, humidity of 40-60 %. Participants received advice on nutrition and recovery by email before CPET, and prepared enough. The cycle heart rate was performed on the CYCLE-2 device (RBM ELEKTRONIK-AUTOMATION GMBH, Leipzig, Germany), and the treadmill was performed in a mechanical treadmill (H/P/Cosmos Quasar, Germany). The CPET after COVID-19 was implemented in the same way as before COVID-19. The cardiopulmonary parameters were measured using the Cosmed Quark CPET device (Italy, Rome) and adjusted individually before each test (according to the instructions of the manufacturer). The heart rate was measured with an accuracy of ± 1 bpm like ECG using ant+chest strap (included in the Cosmed Quark CPET kit). The starting power (watt) or speed (km/h) was determined individually for each player. The starting power at the CPET bicycle ergometer was the lowest value that the participants reported on the resistance. In Tredmill, the start speed was "conversation pace". The test started with a 5-minute war m-up (walking or pedaling without resistance). Increase the speed by 1 km / h every 2 minutes, or increase the speed by 1 km / h.Plateau (Vo)Growth R< 0.00001) and VO245 minutes-1), (4) Prescribed load ≧ 18 Bolg scale, (5) achieved maximum heart rate ≦ 15 beats/ lower than predictive rate.maximumGrowth R< 0.00001) differ between pre- and post-infection conditions. Relative and absolute values were lower during the post-infection assessment. Heart rate at the anaerobic threshold (HRAT43 men and six women met all participation criteria. The athlete performed a CPET using a treadmill or cycle elgotometer (the same protocol and equipment as before SARS-COV-2 infection).The analysis of the body composition (BC) was performed in front of each CPET using a Tanita, MC 718, Japan using a 5kHz/50kHz/250kHz multilateral radiation. BA and CPET were performed under the same conditions: 40m2 air conditioning room, 100m above sea level, temperature 20-22 ° C, humidity of 40-60 %. Participants received advice on nutrition and recovery by email before CPET, and prepared enough. The cycle heart rate was performed on the CYCLE-2 device (RBM ELEKTRONIK-AUTOMATION GMBH, Leipzig, Germany), and the treadmill was performed in a mechanical treadmill (H/P/Cosmos Quasar, Germany). The CPET after COVID-19 was implemented in the same way as before COVID-19. The cardiopulmonary parameters were measured using the Cosmed Quark CPET device (Italy, Rome) and adjusted individually before each test (according to the instructions of the manufacturer). The heart rate was measured with an accuracy of ± 1 bpm like ECG using ant+chest strap (included in the Cosmed Quark CPET kit). The starting power (watt) or speed (km/h) was determined individually for each player. The starting power at the CPET bicycle ergometer was the lowest value that the participants reported on the resistance. In Tredmill, the starting speed was "conversation pace". The test started with a 5-minute war m-up (walking or pedaling without resistance). Increase the speed by 1 km / h every 2 minutes, or increase the speed by 1 km / h.Plateau (Vo)The analysis of the body composition (BC) was performed in front of each CPET using a Tanita, MC 718, Japan using a 5kHz/50kHz/250kHz multilateral radiation. BA and CPET were performed under the same conditions: 40m2 air conditioning room, 100m above sea level, temperature 20-22 ° C, humidity of 40-60 %. Participants received advice on nutrition and recovery by email before CPET, and prepared enough. The cycle heart rate was performed on the CYCLE-2 device (RBM ELEKTRONIK-AUTOMATION GMBH, Leipzig, Germany), and the treadmill was performed in a mechanical treadmill (H/P/Cosmos Quasar, Germany). The CPET after COVID-19 was implemented in the same way as before COVID-19. The cardiopulmonary parameters were measured using the Cosmed Quark CPET device (Italy, Rome) and adjusted individually before each test (according to the instructions of the manufacturer). The heart rate was measured with an accuracy of ± 1 bpm like ECG using ant+chest strap (included in the Cosmed Quark CPET kit). The starting power (watt) or speed (km/h) was determined individually for each player. The starting power at the CPET bicycle ergometer was the lowest value that the participants reported on the resistance. In Tredmill, the starting speed was "conversation pace". The test started with a 5-minute war m-up (walking or pedaling without resistance). Increase the speed by 1 km / h every 2 minutes, or increase the speed by 1 km / h.45 minutes-1), (4) Prescribed load ≧ 18 Bolg scale, (5) achieved maximum heart rate ≦ 15 beats/ lower than predictive rate.The analysis of the body composition (BC) was performed in front of each CPET using a Tanita, MC 718, Japan using a 5kHz/50kHz/250kHz multilateral radiation. BA and CPET were performed under the same conditions: 40m2 air conditioning room, 100m above sea level, temperature 20-22 ° C, humidity of 40-60 %. Participants received advice on nutrition and recovery by email before CPET, and prepared enough. The cycle heart rate was performed on the CYCLE-2 device (RBM ELEKTRONIK-AUTOMATION GMBH, Leipzig, Germany), and the treadmill was performed in a mechanical treadmill (H/P/Cosmos Quasar, Germany). The CPET after COVID-19 was implemented in the same way as before COVID-19. The cardiopulmonary parameters were measured using the Cosmed Quark CPET device (Italy, Rome) and adjusted individually before each test (according to the instructions of the manufacturer). The heart rate was measured with an accuracy of ± 1 bpm like ECG using ant+chest strap (included in the Cosmed Quark CPET kit). The starting power (watt) or speed (km/h) was determined individually for each player. The starting power at the CPET bicycle ergometer was the lowest value that the participants reported on the resistance. In Tredmill, the starting speed was "conversation pace". The test started with a 5-minute war m-up (walking or pedaling without resistance). Increase the speed by 1 km / h every 2 minutes, or increase the speed by 1 km / h.Growth R< 0.00001). The maximal oxygen uptake (VOAs a result, there was no significant difference in the physique index before and after the implementation of COVID-19. A significant decrease in Vo was observed.The analysis of the body composition (BC) was performed in front of each CPET using a Tanita, MC 718, Japan using a 5kHz/50kHz/250kHz multilateral radiation. BA and CPET were performed under the same conditions: 40m2 air conditioning room, 100m above sea level, temperature 20-22 ° C, humidity of 40-60 %. Participants received advice on nutrition and recovery by email before CPET, and prepared enough. The cycle heart rate was performed on the CYCLE-2 device (RBM ELEKTRONIK-AUTOMATION GMBH, Leipzig, Germany), and the treadmill was performed in a mechanical treadmill (H/P/Cosmos Quasar, Germany). The CPET after COVID-19 was implemented in the same way as before COVID-19. The cardiopulmonary parameters were measured using the Cosmed Quark CPET device (Italy, Rome) and adjusted individually before each test (according to the instructions of the manufacturer). The heart rate was measured with an accuracy of ± 1 bpm like ECG using ant+chest strap (included in the Cosmed Quark CPET kit). The starting power (watt) or speed (km/h) was determined individually for each player. The starting power at the CPET bicycle ergometer was the lowest value that the participants reported on the resistance. In Tredmill, the start speed was "conversation pace". The test started with a 5-minute war m-up (walking or pedaling without resistance). Increase the speed by 1 km / h every 2 minutes, or increase the speed by 1 km / h.2Plateau (Vo)
Growth R
CPET results
45 minutes-1), (4) Prescribed load ≧ 18 Bolg scale, (5) achieved maximum heart rate ≦ 15 beats/ lower than predictive rate.As a result, there was no significant difference in the physique index before and after the implementation of COVID-19. A significant decrease in Vo was observed.(LACH and others, 2021). Exercise is VoAs a result, there was no significant difference in the physique index before and after the implementation of COVID-19. A significant decrease in Vo was observed.2maxAs a result, there was no significant difference in the physique index before and after the implementation of COVID-19. A significant decrease in Vo was observed.curve increased compared to the measured VE/VCO curve; (2) the O
partial pressure increased to the measured CO
partial pressure; (1) a final reduction in CO partial pressure, (2) a benefit of maximum load. (2) a drop in the final partial pressure of , (3) a sharp rise in VE (second deviation), and (4) a fit of VE/VCO.
has little meaning and starts to increase.The analysis of the body composition (BC) was performed in front of each CPET using a Tanita, MC 718, Japan using a 5kHz/50kHz/250kHz multilateral radiation. BA and CPET were performed under the same conditions: 40m2 air conditioning room, 100m above sea level, temperature 20-22 ° C, humidity of 40-60 %. Participants received advice on nutrition and recovery by email before CPET, and prepared enough. The cycle heart rate was performed on the CYCLE-2 device (RBM ELEKTRONIK-AUTOMATION GMBH, Leipzig, Germany), and the treadmill was performed in a mechanical treadmill (H/P/Cosmos Quasar, Germany). The CPET after COVID-19 was implemented in the same way as before COVID-19. The cardiopulmonary parameters were measured using the Cosmed Quark CPET device (Italy, Rome) and adjusted individually before each test (according to the instructions of the manufacturer). The heart rate was measured with an accuracy of ± 1 bpm like ECG using ant+chest strap (included in the Cosmed Quark CPET kit). The starting power (watt) or speed (km/h) was determined individually for each player. The starting power at the CPET bicycle ergometer was the lowest value that the participants reported on the resistance. In Tredmill, the starting speed was "conversation pace". The test started with a 5-minute war m-up (walking or pedaling without resistance). Increase the speed by 1 km / h every 2 minutes, or increase the speed by 1 km / h.(deviation from linearity).
Data of basic members were anonymized, exported and saved in an Excel file (Microsoft Corporation, Washington, DC, USA). Shapiro-Wilk analysis was performed to assess normality. All variables were considered continuous and calculated as means with normal deviations (SD). Pearson's r correlation coefficient was used for well-distributed data and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient for unnaturally distributed variables. In addition, Student's t-test for independent means was performed to compare the means between more significant variables adjusting for occupational skills. Tests were performed using the statistical software SPSS Statistics (version 28, IBM, Chicago, IL, USA) and STATISTICA (version 13. 3, StatSoft Polska Sp.).
The study was approved by the Bioethics Committee of the Warsaw Medical Institute (license number KB/50/21 dated April 19, 2021). The study procedures followed the Declaration of Helsinki. Each athlete received detailed information about the study and signed an informed consent before participating in the protocol.
Group characteristics covering these data of lifting, weight, BMI (grain volume), BZ (multiple bodies), and FATM (multiple bodies) are shown in Table 1. The mean age during the evaluation was 39, 94 ± 7, 80 years (40, 74 ± 6, 98 years for men and 38, 09 ± 6, 43 years for women). Then, we implemented the COVID-19 program. We are weight and bumper. Strangely enough, in fact, the proportion of BF and FATM decreased in the COVID-19 method.2Table 1. Member characteristics.
Anthropometric characteristics were not significantly more prominent before and after implementing COVID-19. At the same time, CPET characteristics changed significantly. Vo at anaerobic threshold
Anaerobic threshold (VoAs a result, there was no significant difference in the physique index before and after the implementation of COVID-19. A significant decrease in Vo was observed., P
Respiratory compensation point (Vo22RCP
, P2P = 0, 00140) and heart rate at reactive point (HRAs a result, there was no significant difference in the physique index before and after the implementation of COVID-19. A significant decrease in Vo was observed.P = 0, 00011) still worsened and showed higher significance in infections measured afterwards. Lactate concentration and pulmonary ventilation (VE) were worsened at the respiratory compensation point (LACAs a result, there was no significant difference in the physique index before and after the implementation of COVID-19. A significant decrease in Vo was observed.p = 0, 01250 and veRCP, PAs a result, there was no significant difference in the physique index before and after the implementation of COVID-19. A significant decrease in Vo was observed.Then, the phase was lowered in the COVID-19 method (P = 0. 00012). Other anaerobic threshold, respiratory compensation point, and maximum features continued to be measured without significant differences. Clear results before and after measurements are shown in Table 2. Then, even taking into account training experience, the 6-10 year class (AT was p = 0, 03 to 0, 37, RCP was No significant differences were found for the individual groups of control points, except for Vo22max (p = 0, 02–0, 46). Apart from this, no differentiation into subgroups was found in models adjusted for the training proficiency (AT P = 0, 25–0, 41, RCP P = 0, 19–0, 49, Max P = 0, 19–0, 46).2Table 2: Differences in CPET indices before and after COVID-19 in the study population.2Auxiliary differences were detected when measuring heart rate on the treadmill and on the cycle ergometer. On the cycle ergometer, only unconditional Vo22max2changed (p = 0, 039). However, no statistically significant differences were found for the other variables, including speed or power (p = 0, 066), speed or power (p = 0, 061), and conditional Vo22max
(p = 0, 078). CPET by cycle ergometry The results are shown in Table 3. As a comparative example, significant differences were observed in the treadmill, for example, unconditional VoAs a result, there was no significant difference in the physique index before and after the implementation of COVID-19. A significant decrease in Vo was observed.(p=0, 00036 and 0, 00003, respectively), AT and RCP speeds (p=0, 04450 and p=0, 00019). The results of CPET on the bicycle ergometer are shown in Table 2. 2, The results on the treadmill are shown in Table. 4.
Table 3. Cycling-19 CPET scoring difference in Cycling Ergometry.2Table 4. The difference between the COVID-19 CPET score in the treadmill.2In subsequent analysis, the time adjustment variables (calculated by the number of days from COVID-19 infection to CPET) are BF, FATM, at power, HR.
Practical and clinical implications
Table 5 and 6 are shown in Table 5 and 6 that the time adjustment summary of CPET and CPET and body variables for body variables.
Table 5. Time adjustment CPET and Pearson correlation coefficient R of physical performance score.2,Table 6. Time correction computer fault shooting results and physical characteristics of spearmans.
Data availability statement
The adverse effect on the mild COVID-19 infection on the endurance athlete's CPET performance was shown. Main knowledge: (1) COVID-19 infections have caused lower shifts of physical characteristics in training and physical measurement in both professional athletes and followers.
Ethics statement
(3) Even a mild COVID-19 infection should be considered as the limit of exercise. Weight and BMI increase. Interestingly, after COVID-19 infection, the response rate between BF and FATM declined. < SPAN> Table 3. Cycling-19 CPET score difference in cycling Ergometry.
Author contributions
Table 4. The difference between the COVID-19 CPET score in the treadmill.
In subsequent analysis, the time adjustment variables (calculated by the number of days from COVID-19 infection to CPET) are BF, FATM, at power, HR.
Conflict of interest
Table 5 and 6 are shown in Table 5 and 6 that the time adjustment summary of CPET and CPET and body variables for body variables.
Table 5. Time adjustment CPET and Pearson correlation coefficient R of physical performance score.
Publisher’s note
Table 6. Time correction computer fault shooting results and physical characteristics of spearmans.
The adverse effect on the mild COVID-19 infection on the endurance athlete's CPET performance was shown. Main knowledge: (1) COVID-19 infections have caused lower shifts of physical characteristics in training and physical measurement in both professional athletes and followers.
(3) Even a mild COVID-19 infection should be considered as the limit of exercise. Weight and BMI increase. Interestingly, after COVID-19 infection, the response rate between BF and FATM declined. Table 3. Cycling-19 CPET scoring difference in Cycling Ergometry.
Table 4. The difference between the COVID-19 CPET score in the treadmill.
In subsequent analysis, the time adjustment variables (calculated by the number of days from COVID-19 infection to CPET) are BF, FATM, at power, HR.
Table 5 and 6 are shown in Table 5 and 6 that the time adjustment summary of CPET and CPET and body variables for body variables.
Table 5. Time adjustment CPET and Pearson correlation coefficient R of physical performance score.
Table 6. Time correction computer fault shooting results and physical characteristics of spearmans.
The adverse effect on the mild COVID-19 infection on the endurance athlete's CPET performance was shown. Main knowledge: (1) COVID-19 infections have caused lower shifts of physical characteristics in training and physical measurement in both professional athletes and followers.
(3) Even a mild COVID-19 infection should be considered as the limit of exercise. Weight and BMI increase. Interestingly, after COVID-19 infection, the response rate between BF and FATM declined.
Our subjects were different in body composition before and after the indication of COVID-19. Depending on the degree of onset, infected patients, there is a risk of losing weight due to weakness, fever, anorexia, and a decrease in taste (Yang et al., 2020). Factors correlated with weight loss include an increase in C-reactive protein value, a decrease in renal function, and a prolongation of the disease period (Anker et al., 2021). In our patients, both weight and BMI gained, but this is not a typical example immediately after the disease. This is considered to be due to changes in eating habits such as isolation, physical activity, and overeating (Martinez-Ferran and others) in addition to the time passed since the first consultation. Systematic reviews were created, where food consumption was increased by 36, 3-59, 6%, and physical activity was 67, 4-61, 4% (Chew and 4%). Lopez, 2021). An unexpected decrease in BF and FATM due to gain gain may be related to a specific diet that aims to minimize the increase in body fat in athletes (IRAKI et al., 2019). A sufficient amount of protein and appropriate training during meals support fat burning in the body and contribute to maintaining dry.
Physical training enables a higher lactic acid level to give a higher load (San-Millan and Brooks, 2018) and increase Vot.
2MAX < SPAN> Our subjects were different in body composition before and after the infection of COVID-19. Depending on the degree of onset, infected patients, there is a risk of losing weight due to weakness, fever, anorexia, and a decrease in taste (Yang et al., 2020). Factors correlated with weight loss include an increase in C-reactive protein value, a decrease in renal function, and a prolongation of the disease period (Anker et al., 2021). In our patients, both weight and BMI gained, but this is not a typical example immediately after the disease. This is considered to be due to changes in eating habits such as isolation, physical activity, and overeating (Martinez-Ferran and others) in addition to the time passed since the first consultation. Systematic reviews were created, where food consumption was increased by 36, 3-59, 6%, and physical activity was 67, 4-61, 4% (Chew and 4%). Lopez, 2021). An unexpected decrease in BF and FATM due to gain gain may be related to a specific diet that aims to minimize the increase in body fat in athletes (IRAKI et al., 2019). A sufficient amount of protein and appropriate training during meals support fat burning in the body and contribute to maintaining dry.
Physical training enables a higher lactic acid level to give a higher load (San-Millan and Brooks, 2018) and increase Vot.
2 Max of our subjects were different in body composition before and after the infection of COVID-19. Depending on the degree of onset, infected patients, there is a risk of losing weight due to weakness, fever, anorexia, and a decrease in taste (Yang et al., 2020). Factors correlated with weight loss include an increase in C-reactive protein value, a decrease in renal function, and a prolongation of the disease period (Anker et al., 2021). In our patients, both weight and BMI gained, but this is not a typical example immediately after the disease. This is considered to be due to changes in eating habits such as isolation, physical activity, and overeating (Martinez-Ferran and others) in addition to the time passed since the first consultation. Systematic reviews were created, where food consumption was increased by 36, 3-59, 6%, and physical activity was 67, 4-61, 4% (Chew and 4%). Lopez, 2021). An unexpected decrease in BF and FATM due to gain gain may be related to a specific diet that aims to minimize the increase in body fat in athletes (IRAKI et al., 2019). A sufficient amount of protein and appropriate training during meals support fat burning in the body and contribute to maintaining dry.
Physical training enables a higher lactic acid level to give a higher load (San-Millan and Brooks, 2018) and increase Vot.
This is actually considered a preparatory stage for achieving proper sports results (Seiler, 2010). Maintaining physiological form, by nature, requires observing the manners of classes and grades. Box, the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic carry many risks of current effects (Jodczyk et al., 2022). By itself, the disease has the ability to quickly affect a certain number of organ systems, but more than that, it is stronger and harder to pass. However, even a relatively mild direction of the disease was associated with persistent weight loss (Van Voorthsen et al., 2022). It is worth emphasizing that in fact from our study more than once, no patient was taken to the hospital for COVID-19 infection. In one of the studies, it was also shown that in healthy patients who received non-fingerprint COVID-19, the functionality is reduced in comparison with the control group, which covers the decrease in peak VO2 associated with the violation of the systemic extraction of air, and this does not count, more often have respiratory failure (Singh et al., 2022). Daily physiological energetic reductions that can lead to a decline in performance in their own line are painful (Delbressine et al., 2021). There is a fundamental, ignoring the appearance of side effects, including in people with moderate or mild covid-19.
Fibrosis signs are easily recognized in small and mild cases of COVID-19, but are not frequent (1. 1% of cases) (Xia et al., 2020). Autonomic nervous system neglect in young patients, measured in terms of heart rate and partially attenuated physiological energetics, has also been reported (Freire et al., 2022). A laboratory study of athletes revealed continued symptoms of myocarditis and more damaged myocardium on cardiac magnetic resonance tomography for 53 days beyond the quarantine period (Rajpal et al., 2021). A presumption was expressed that muscle deconditioning in the host limits the results of CPET in surviving Covid-19 (Rinaldo et al., 2021). Possible mechanisms include - the invasion of flat cells, the reduction of ACE2 levels, inflammation and, in lethargic cases, prolonged bed rest and hypoxia (Seiixas et al., 2022). The deterioration of conditioning due to inactivity occurs quickly and for example, as few as 5 days may be enough to negatively affect muscle strength and oxidative capacity, cause fiber atrophy and not observe protein balance (Fovet et al., 2021). The usual standard of 8 months of fixed life leads to ineffective results, as it turns out, as 6 weeks of classes in the VO project.
(Fritzen and others, 2020). There are also footprints indicating that the epidemic itself did not mean isolation. In addition to COVID-19 illness, physiological inactivity has become possible due to legal and social conditions that encourage social distance, limit access to sports facilities, and sometimes prohibit leaving the residence. Wunsch et al.)
Our results show the cumulative adverse effects of pandemic to the physiological training of endurance athletes, showing various infections in both treadmills and bicycle ergometry. These findings show that the two modalities are different (Price et al., 2022), the selection of the equipment was adjusted to the main events of the subject, and the difference was controlled. It is consistent with advance research.
The heart rate was different between cycling and running CPET tests, at the maximum load, at the time of AT, RCP, for example, as well as men. We noticed that the VO value was lower among the CPET test participants.
The early accumulation of lactic acid in CPET is also large. On the other hand, it shows changes in CPET characteristics after COVID-19 infection in endurance athletes, and research compared to healthy contrasts is not sufficient. As with our results, CPPET is Vo
VE, HR and O
2 pulse
It was recommended that it is lower than that of the contrast group. On the other hand, unlike our research, Vo
There was no statistical difference. But Vo
The desire to lower it was clear. Also, Vo
The 2-4 mlkg-min-1 decreased (accurate interval is 591, 67 ± 282, 24 days; see Table 1). According to the reference criteria by Kaminsky and others (2015), Vo
Will decrease by about 4 to 5 mlkg-min-1 in 10 years. In the case of our experts, the decrease in Vo has occurred much faster. < SPAN> (Fritzen et al. 2020). There are also footprints indicating that the epidemic itself did not mean isolation. In addition to COVID-19 illness, physiological inactivity has become possible due to legal and social conditions that encourage social distance, limit access to sports facilities, and sometimes prohibit leaving the residence. Wunsch et al.)
Our results show the cumulative adverse effects of pandemic to the physiological training of endurance athletes, showing various infections in both treadmills and bicycle ergometry. These findings show that the two modalities are different (Price et al., 2022), the selection of the equipment was adjusted to the main events of the subject, and the difference was controlled. It is consistent with advance research.
The heart rate was different between cycling and running CPET tests, at the maximum load, at the time of AT, RCP, for example, as well as men. We noticed that the VO value was lower among the CPET test participants.
The early accumulation of lactic acid in CPET is also large. On the other hand, it shows changes in CPET characteristics after COVID-19 infection in endurance athletes, and research compared to healthy contrasts is not sufficient. Like our results, CPPET Vo
VE, HR and O
2 pulse
It was recommended that it is lower than that of the contrast group. On the other hand, unlike our research, Vo
There was no statistical difference. But Vo
The desire to lower it was clear. Also, Vo
The 2-4 mlkg-min-1 decreased (accurate interval is 591, 67 ± 282, 24 days; see Table 1). According to the reference criteria by Kaminsky and others (2015), Vo
Will decrease by about 4 to 5 mlkg-min-1 in 10 years. In the case of our experts, the decrease in Vo has occurred much faster. (Fritzen and others, 2020). There are also footprints indicating that the epidemic itself did not mean isolation. In addition to COVID-19 illness, physiological inactivity has become possible due to legal and social conditions that encourage social distance, limit access to sports facilities, and sometimes prohibit leaving the residence. Wunsch et al.)
Our results show the cumulative adverse effects of pandemic to the physiological training of endurance athletes, showing various infections in both treadmills and bicycle ergometry. These findings show that the two modalities are different (Price et al., 2022), the selection of the equipment was adjusted to the main events of the subject, and the difference was controlled. It is consistent with advance research.
The heart rate was different between cycling and running CPET tests, at the maximum load, at the time of AT, RCP, for example, as well as men. We noticed that the VO value was lower among the CPET test participants.
The early accumulation of lactic acid in CPET is also large. On the other hand, it shows changes in CPET characteristics after COVID-19 infection in endurance athletes, and research compared to healthy contrasts is not sufficient. As with our results, CPPET is Vo
VE, HR and OAs a result, there was no significant difference in the physique index before and after the implementation of COVID-19. A significant decrease in Vo was observed.It was recommended that it is lower than that of the contrast group. On the other hand, unlike our research, Vo
There was no statistical difference. But Vo
The desire to lower it was clear. Also, Vo
The 2-4 mlkg-min-1 decreased (accurate interval is 591, 67 ± 282, 24 days; see Table 1). According to the reference criteria by Kaminsky and others (2015), Vo
Will decrease by about 4 to 5 mlkg-min-1 in 10 years. In the case of our experts, the decrease in Vo has occurred much faster.
Rather than judging only by age. This means that it should be considered a variable that is likely to have an effect of exposure to COVID-19. Heart rate, maximum heart rate, heart rate and arterial pressure did not change compared to awakened subjects, and other recorded CPET characteristics did not change. In this study, no n-competitive athletes have not participated, and have tried to recover after the past 30 days, which is actually a more preliminary evaluation than used in the provided research. be. For example, among the 24 soccer players who had been tested after COVID-19, only five had no signs of this disease (Komici et al. 2021). Similarly, the valuable players of the Hungarian representative swimming team suffered from severe COVID-19 infections, but no bias in the CPET performance (csulak et al., 2021). 。 With aging, physical functionality has declined by the members, but it is noteworthy that the age was also one of the factors (WEECHA et al., 2022). Until now, heart rate and VO depending on the training skills.