Gambling Laws and Regulations Report 2024 Denmark

Gambling Laws and Regulations Denmark 2024

ICLG - Gambling Laws and Standards - Denmark This guide covers cross-cutting issues in gambling law and regulation, covering relevant authorities and legislation, licence applications, licence restrictions, digital media, enforcement and liability.

Chapter Content Free Access

  1. 1. Relevant authorities and legislation
  2. 2. Licensing approval and licence restrictions
  3. 3. Online/mobile/digital/electronic media
  4. 4. Enforcement and obligations
  5. 5. Reform proposals

1. Relevant Authorities and Legislation

1. 1 What forms of gambling and/or social/skilled gaming are regulated in your jurisdiction?

By product

Who regulates digital?

Who regulates terrestrial?


Casinos (including table games such as slot machines, roulette and blackjack)

Danish Gambling Authority ("DGA").


Betting on sports/horse racing (where regulated separately from other forms of betting)

Fantasy betting (payments for the selection of a "league" or "portfolio" for a particular time period, such as sports or stocks)


Social/Professional games

"Social" games without a currency or exchange rate

DGA. Subject to development, the transfer of these games in Denmark will be subject to the Danish Marketing and Customer Protection Regulation, administered by the Danish Customer Protection Ombudsman.

Games of skill and competition without chance

1. 2 Check (i) the laws and regulations that apply to the product in your jurisdiction and (ii) whether they permit or prohibit the offering of the product to persons in your jurisdiction.

The main law regulating gambling activities in Denmark is the Danish Gambling Act (the "Gambling Act").

It is believed that there are a number of special implementing regulations that supplement the Gambling Law:

  • Executive Decree No. 727 of 9 June 2017 (amended by Executive Decree No. 1285 of 27 November 2017) granting partial exemptions from the Anti-Money Laundering Law ("AML Law") for certain games.
  • Executive Decree No. 72 of 29 January 2018 on special contributions to horse racing.
  • Decree No. 1274 of 29 November 2019 on online casinos (amended by Decree No. 1010 of 25 May 2021, Decree No. 19 of 10 January 2022 and Decree No. 720 of 24 May 2022).
  • Administrative order No. 1276 OF 29 November 2019 on Internet Tariff (with Amendment Made by Executive Order NO 1009 OF 25 May 2021 And Executive Decree NO 721 OF 24 May 2022).
  • Administrative order No. 1288 of 29 November 2019 on No n-Profit Lottery.
  • Administrative orders ... 1289 November 29, 2019 Slot machine and game console at restaurants.
  • Executive Command NO ... 1290 Regarding the land casino, November 29, 2019.
  • Executive command No ... 657 on May 26, 2023 about reports. At the Secretariat of Money Laundering Countermeasures.
  • Executive command No. 658 May 30, 2023, an order to report and publish Russian political exposure (Peps).
  • Executive command No. 873 About the payment of commissions in the management of gambling on June 21, 2023.
  • Space} The administrative order No. 1140 on August 28, 2023 (August 28, 2023) regarding the payment of fees in the management of gambling.

Denmark's approval games are obliged to maintain their own game authentication in cooperation with the DGA authentication program. The fresh and renewed certification program for online studios, Landbook makers and online casinos was influenced in 2023.

The provision of gambling in Denmark is regulated by the Money Laundering Prevention Law and the Denmark advertising conventional rules, which complement the provisions on the marketing of the gambling method. Apart from this, a law on marketing has been established for payment offer and electrical equipment. Economic coordination works in the same way as coordinating customer rights for claims to the information of the possible players. Apart from this, there are standards on the rights of players who refuse transactions. Ultimately, the licensed game is under the influence of the Denmark law on tasks on gambling.

All appropriate products are allowed according to Denmark's law on condition that specific claims are observed. However, please be concerned that paid lottery will be considered monopoly.

2. Application for a Licence and Licence Restrictions

2. 1 What regulations, permissions, tolerances, or other official statements (hereinafter referred to as "licenses") (hereinafter referred to as "license") to legally provide appropriate products to those in your jurisdiction?

If the game is provided in the (i) Danish market, (II) You need to arrange a bed for the role there, it belongs to one of the appropriate categories. :

  1. Space} Lotto, winning probability is realized by most accidental;
  2. Space} Complex game, the possibility of victory here is based on a coincidence and skill combination.
  3. Betting, that is, the probability of winning depends on the finale of the action,

A DGA license is required to operate such games.

Social/skill games generally do not meet the above aspects, so these games are generally not strongly licensed.

Examples of games that can be offered without a license:

  • Games with no stake but with a chance to win.
  • Games with stake but with no chance to win.
  • Chess, quizzes, bridge with duplicate cards, sports competitions, some types of computer games, etc.

For specific types of licenses, see questions 2. 2 and 2. 3 below.

2. 2 If there is a license, please explain the structure of the relevant licensing regime.

The Danish gambling market is only partially liberalized and as a result, lottery transmissions have a monopoly position. Therefore, Danske Spil, a Danish municipal company, is keen to operate the lottery. As a result, no one else has the ability to obtain a license to conduct lotteries. However, it is possible to obtain a license to hold a non-commercial lottery.

Generally speaking, gambling licenses in Denmark are divided into two main categories: 1) Internet gambling licenses and 2) Land-based gambling licenses.

1. Online gambling

There are two types of online gambling licenses in Denmark: bookmaker licenses and online casino licenses. Online casino licenses cover roulette, poker, blackjack, baccarat, punto banco, online bingo, slot machines and combination games. Bookmaker licenses cover all games where the player predicts the outcome, such as sporting events and horse racing.

In addition, it is possible to apply for an income-limited license for the offering of online casino or online betting, in which case the gross gaming revenue (bet minus winnings) ("GGR") cannot exceed 1, 000, 000 Danish kroner (approximately 134. 181 euros). ) Even if you hold such a license, it is possible to host board games.

It is also possible to apply for a limited turnover license for managed games, where the turnover must not exceed 5. 000. 000 Danish kroner (approximately 670. 905 euros) and the return rate must not exceed 20%.

2. Land-based gambling

Limited license applied only to casino licenses and slot machines. Apart from this, a license for a bookmaker's work is described by a higher job like the Internet, for example, a terrestrial bookmaker.

In addition to placing slot machines in slot machines and restaurants, there is no limit on the number of licenses for gambling online gambling.

Lan d-based casinos have a limit on the number of licenses and are likely to be issued.

It is impossible to get a license for major staff and subcontractors, and subcontractors are generally not allowed to obtain personal licenses. However, this conclusion is based on a certain promise evaluation between the parties.


As mentioned earlier, Denmark's gambling license is mainly divided into two categories: 1) online gambling license, 2) Lan d-based gambling license.

1. Online gambling

The fee for submitting an order is 304. 500 Danish Claw (approximately 40. 856 euros) for bookmakers or online casinos (2023 levels), and the parties are licensed for bookmakers and online casinos. If it is applied to receive in combination, the collection will give the collection of 426. 300 Denmark Claw (about 57. 198 euros) (2023 level).

Applicants with a minimum of 1, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 per year (approximately 134, 181 euros) may have a license with interes t-restricted, and the collection is 60, 900 Danish Claw (approximately 8, 172 euros). Year level).

Online gambling operators must pay the license fee every day. The fee amount varies depending on the GGR. Apart from this, the license owner must pay the gambling fee according to the GGR. See 7.

Those who try to provide gambling online games in the Denmark market are not (i) who are not under 21 years old, (II), and (III), not in catastrophic procedures, (III). IV) It is necessary to be convicted of criminal crimes that enable gambling access, and (v) Do not own debt against municipalities.

If a person is not living in Denmark or other EU/EEA member states, if it is intended to operate in Denmark, or if an agreed licensed person is considered a corporation, it must be incorporated in Denmark. I can't afford it.

Companies that wish to offer online gambling on the Danish market must be established in the EU/EEA or have a designated representative in Denmark.

In addition, the directors and managing directors must meet the personal requirements above.

If a representative is appointed, the representative must be approved by the DGA, and to be approved, the representative must meet similar requirements to the personal requirements above.

If these minimum requirements are met, the applicant must demonstrate its ability to offer online gambling services on a sound financial and professional basis.

The review is carried out by the DGA based on a number of financial and technical documents submitted by the applicant. Income-restricted license requirements are less extensive.

The DGA can issue a full license, a conditional license, or reject the application. Applicants who do not submit sufficient documentation or do not meet the DGA's requirements are usually given the opportunity to provide missing information and correct the situation before the application is rejected.

The DGA reviews the whole picture and issues a license if it determines that the necessary requirements are met. It usually takes 3 to 6 months from the time an application is submitted to the DGA until a license is issued.

Generally, the application fee is not refundable and will disappear if the application is rejected. If you reapply, you will have to pay a new fee.

2. Land-based gambling

The application procedures for land-based casino licenses and gaming machine licenses are similar to those described above and are supplemented by the implementing regulations on land-based casinos and gaming machines in gambling halls and restaurants. Thus, for example, there are requirements for people working in land-based casinos.

At the time of writing (August 2023), there are seven physical casino licenses. Currently, it is not possible to apply for a new land-based casino license. A license can only be applied for if one of the existing licenses becomes vacant or if the DGA opens a new application.

2. 4 Are there any restrictions on licensees in your jurisdiction?

When a license is issued to relocate gambling in the Denmark market, a certain situation is specified. In principle, it touches a game where technical claims and licenses are applied.

And if the license for gambling is expanded only to the games submitted by the order, and the license owner appears to place new auxiliary games, you need to obtain a DGA permission.

Gambling law clarifies a continuous application that is in line with licensed-the owner must be able to give gambling based on highly reliable and profile bases. DGA keeps the DGA license-owner to confirm that this application was actually submitted.

2. 5 Each license is briefly described in the appropriate details, such as (i) valid period, (ii) evaluation, pause, or the possibility of reviewing.

Licensing Internet gambling with interest is issued for up to five years for one year for internet gambling (bookmaking and/ or online casinos) for up to five years. You can apply for an update before the license expires. This process is a question 2. 3.

Land Casino license is up to 10 years, limited land slot machine license is issued on a personal basis and has unlimited period options.

If you observe the gambling market and determine that the license owner has become unable to provide economic and profile games, you can find the license collection function at any time. As is well known, this procedure has not been disclosed yet.

DGA decisions have all the opportunities to appeal to the State Tax Court in search of 1. 100 Denmark Crone (approximately 147, 59 euros). The tax court's conclusion may be appealing to the Denmark court for three months from the conclusions. If you are dissatisfied, the National Tax Court's conclusion is the final.

2. 6 What are the main restrictions on the relocation of proposals to customers for consistent products? Connected to this answer to all types of keys that limit promotion and ads. < SPAN> When a license is issued to relocate gambling in the Denmark market, a certain situation is specified. In principle, it touches a game where technical claims and licenses are applied.

And if the license for gambling is expanded only to the games submitted by the order, and the license owner appears to place new auxiliary games, you need to obtain a DGA permission.

Gambling law clarifies a continuous application that is in line with licensed-the owner must be able to give gambling based on highly reliable and profile bases. DGA keeps the DGA license-owner to confirm that this application was actually submitted.

2. 5 Each license is briefly described in the appropriate details, such as (i) valid period, (ii) evaluation, pause, or the possibility of reviewing.

Licensing Internet gambling with interest is issued for up to five years for one year for internet gambling (bookmaking and/ or online casinos) for up to five years. You can apply for an update before the license expires. This process is a question 2. 3.

Land Casino license is up to 10 years, limited land slot machine license is issued on a personal basis and has unlimited period options.

If you observe the gambling market and determine that the license owner has become unable to provide economic and profile games, you can find the license collection function at any time. As is well known, this procedure has not been disclosed yet.

DGA decisions have all the opportunities to appeal to the State Tax Court in search of 1. 100 Denmark Crone (approximately 147, 59 euros). The tax court's conclusion may be appealing to the Denmark court for three months from the conclusions. If you are dissatisfied, the National Tax Court's conclusion is the final.

2. 6 What are the main restrictions on the relocation of proposals to customers for consistent products? Connected to this answer to all types of keys that limit promotion and ads. When a license is issued to relocate gambling in the Denmark market, a certain situation is specified. In principle, it touches a game where technical claims and licenses are applied.

And if the license for gambling is expanded only to the games submitted by the order, and the license owner appears to place new auxiliary games, you need to obtain a DGA permission.

Gambling law clarifies a continuous application that is in line with licensed-the owner must be able to give gambling based on highly reliable and profile bases. DGA keeps the DGA license-owner to confirm that this application was actually submitted.

2. 5 Each license is briefly described in the appropriate details, such as (i) valid period, (ii) evaluation, pause, or the possibility of reviewing.

Licensing Internet gambling with interest is issued for up to five years for one year for internet gambling (bookmaking and/ or online casinos) for up to five years. You can apply for an update before the license expires. This process is a question 2. 3.

Land Casino license is up to 10 years, limited land slot machine license is issued on a personal basis and has unlimited period options.

If you observe the gambling market and determine that the license owner has become unable to provide economic and profile games, you can find the license collection function at any time. As is well known, this procedure has not been disclosed yet.

DGA decisions have all the opportunities to appeal to the State Tax Court in search of 1. 100 Denmark Crone (approximately 147, 59 euros). The tax court's conclusion may be appealing to the Denmark court for three months from the conclusions. If you are dissatisfied, the National Tax Court's conclusion is the final.


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

In , the Danish Gambling Authority has blocked the access to a total of illegal websites that offer gambling to Danes. This is the. This country-specific Q&A provides an overview of Gambling laws and regulations applicable in Denmark. The regulation of Denmark's gambling market is currently among the most effective worldwide, providing a high level of safety for end-users while encouraging.

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