How Humans Do and Don t Learn by Dr Philippa Hardman

How Humans Do (and Don't) Learn

This month, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania published the largest review of behavior change approaches, or interventions that lead (or don't lead) to change people's behavior.

The researchers found that in many fields, there are clear patterns in the types of interventions needed to change individual and group behavior. The results are eye-opening.

TLDR: The interventions we typically use to gain knowledge or change behavior, such as video + quizzes, lectures, and collaborative skills, have low impact on measuring people's knowledge and behavior change.

New research on human behavior change from the University of Pennsylvania has important implications for how we develop and deliver training.

The bottom line is that traditional teaching and learning methods are overrated and ineffective. Of course, the billion-dollar question is which methods are more effective.

Behavioural Science & Learning Design

The science of behavior change is still underutilized in L& MP corporate programs, despite its proven effectiveness. The science of behavior change studies the mechanisms of habit formation, how to change them, and their impact on human behavior. Leading researchers in the field, including Wendy Wood, Verplanken-Bass, and Benjamin Gardner, have repeatedly demonstrated that habits form not as a result of the presentation of new information, but as a result of repetition under stable, unchanging conditions, when cues trigger automatic behaviors without conscious intention. For learning professionals, these behavioral studies convincingly support the importance of switching from an emphasis on developing content to developing context.

In fact, these studies imply two important habit changes for us learning professionals:

1. Shifting from Content Design to Cont ext Design

  • What habits do we want our students to develop?
  • 12 weeks with one lesson per week were found to be effective in initiating behavior change.

2. Shifting from Short Term to Long Term Design

However, more complex and stable changes often require longer interventions. For example, a program lasting six months with one lesson per week is recommended to guarantee a change in behavior or exposure.~With the importance of an environmen t-focused method, this study also emphasizes the dangerous role of "pushing actions." The following strategies are more effective in this study:

{space}~Space} External incentive: Relocation of material cost to desirable behavior.


  • space
  • So, what does this actually mean as we develop and train?
  • As a result, we reached the following conclusion:

Implications for Learning Design & Delivery

Based on new research in the behavioral science field, we will briefly explain the layout of collective training in the workspace with low, medium and high effects.

From the data obtained, we were able to organize two important conclusions for manuals who want to increase the influence of students:

1. Practical meaning


Key Take Aways

In conventional methods that focus on the most abstract knowledge, such as online and ful l-time webiners, the effect is small (the effect size is 0, 04). In the case of a boxer, the transfer of the teaching educational resources and the probability for practical use will significantly increase the effect (the effect size is 3, 70).


  • {space}.
  • 2. The importance of lon g-term research and support
  • The on e-time review and goal setting sessions on the receiving side have no effect (the magnitude of the effect is 0, 10). However, by setting a specific goal, the transfer rate relocation rate and structured predictions have been seen, improving work efficiency (2, 20 to 4, 50).


  • {space}
  • {space}.
  • These conclusions are probably not surprising to many people in the world of learning and education. Since the two sigma research in the 1980s, we have considered the importance of personalized learning with the best help.
  • Can AI change this situation? Based on highly reliable research as posted last week, it is time to create a research model that can actually create a structure that can actually be measured in human probability and introduce it into the workspace. Huh?

If you want to conduct an experiment, a certain number of L & Lamp; KP, like Chatgpt 4O support, is a certain number of KP;

Personalized plan

AI & the Optimisation of L&D


Use Chatgpt to develop personalized trainings and practical tasks for employees. For example, enter the explanation of public affairs and necessary skills in Chatgpt, and have personal learning goals, aspects, practical instructions, and current associations.


  • Mentering program
  • Use Chatgpt to pair the worker, create a mentor session, and create an outline between colleagues and meetings. Chatgpt provides points for discussions and has the ability to further influence infinite help.


  • Prediction and effect
  • Use Chatgpt to analyze training and performance data to create detailed money reports. Chatgpt has the ability to devise more systematic impacts to ensure infinite improvement.


  • In fact, according to research on people's actions, it is necessary to review how to develop and provide normal training to actually have an impact that can be measured.
  • For experts in research fields who want to change their students' ways and behavior, this research is impressive what the central significance is:

Concluding Thoughts


Be careful about developing the content of the context.


  1. In many human relationships, the exception of the exception we encounter is not to understand what kind of intervention measures should be created to improve the impact on employees and business centers. It is to guarantee the effective implementation according to the scale.
  2. Good experiment! fill

If you want to freeze a part of the prosperous society of PS: AI + Study Design experts, please join my wonderful society in Linkedin.

PPS: If you want to jump into the AI ​​world and study with the innovators in the education world, check out the three weeks online butterp.


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

In the 9th episode of MADE for U of T (see all episodes), we hear from Dr. Philippa Hardman, who discusses the role of AI in learning design. We are stuck in an old paradigm, with institutional structures that were built for a world that no longer exists. Within education, passionate entrepreneurs &. She has spent over 20 years researching the science of how humans learn and, off the back of her research, has developed an evidence-based approach to learning.

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