Huge Range of Australian Reports Studies On Gambling

Huge Range of Australian Reports & Studies On Gambling

The Serious Gambling Foundation outsources and funded research to develop evidenc e-based policies and programs with the aim of supporting the Serious Gambling industry.

Studies sponsored by the Foundation have been invested in full from the responsible gambling fund (RGF), or as part of the Gambling Research Australia (GRA) plan in collaboration with other states and territory. See the abundant libraries in the survey report on all aspects of gambling. It will be full of attractive precedents and can be quoted.

Published research 1995-2023


Skill-based Gambling in Australia

The survey was outsourced from Gambling Research Australia to investigate gambling issues related to skil l-based gaming machines (SGM) and gamblin g-related damage.

In this report, many unique risks related to SGM are identified. According to the report, players are more likely to experience control illusions and have unrealistic expectations, and if they compete for a long time and enhance their skills, gain more prize money. It turns out that there is a possibility. It has also been found that SGM is more likely to repeat games among those who have already experienced gambling.

NSW Youth Gambling Study 2022 – Qualitative Research

This study investigates gambling, problem gambling, and mock gambling of 12-1 7-yea r-olds in New Southwales.

This is the first research conducted a larg e-scale and hig h-quality survey on the gambling of young people in New South Wales and the main factors that affect the transition, based on the survey results of NSW Youth Gambling Study 2020. 。

It is important that this survey has been able to identify strategies and situations that can help young people protect themselves from gambling harm.

The Role of Parents in Youth Gambling

This study is based on the knowledge obtained from the NSW Youth Gambling Study 2020, and the fact that caregivers play an important role in promoting young people, and growing up in a family with gambling problems. Gambling problems/ Risk gambling are sure to predict the onset of gambling.

In this survey, an online survey was conducted for more than 1, 000 caregivers in New Southwells, who live with a 1 2-yea r-old child. As a result, nearly 80 % of caregivers who gambling in the past 12 months were gambling with their teenagers. In addition, a considerable proportion of caregivers is gambling to adolescent children, and this mediation experience gambling and experiences gambling harm. It has been significantly predicted. The study was conducted by CQUNIVERSITY and received funding from the NSW Gambling Fund.

Impact of electronic gaming machine (EGM) late night play on EGM player behaviours

In this study, we investigated the effects of gambling people at midnight and the effects of electric game consoles (EGM) on profiles.

Investigating 625 EGM users in New Southwales revealed that EGM users are likely to encounter gambling late at night. The risk of gambling issues increases, later, faster (that is, 2:00 am, then 4:00 am). The survey also shows that the closure of the facility is limited to access, reducing the harm of EGM users after the evening.

The survey was conducted by Roy Morgan Research on behalf of the NSW Gambling Foundation.


The Gambling Research Summary 2020-21

The Gambling Research Review provides an overview of Australia and overseas gambling research from January 2020 to September 2021, and outsourced by Serious Gambling Foundation (RGF). This is the third bullet.

This review was entrusted to the six priority research themes of RGF Research Agenda 2021-2024:

  • Rust} Gambling spread and harm of it
  • Prevention and early intervention at personal and social levels
  • Efficiency and effects of treatment
  • Gambling in the vulnerable
  • New technology and new trends
  • Gambling products, customs, and environmental regulations

In the summary, we identify many areas for future research:

  • Observe players for a long time and understand how people and why they move from a certain risk category to another category.
  • Measurement of gambling harm in society
  • Evaluation of sel f-management programs and events for family and friends with gambling addiction
  • Understanding the difference between actions that seek support and the reaction to healing
  • Explore new technologies and trends in the payment method
  • Monitor the performance of Syria Gambling tools and advertising regulations, as well
  • The effectiveness of the sel f-exclusion program is used to promote exclusion in various fields, especially in various fields.

This review emphasizes the need to increase not only evaluations of existing gambling programs and intervention measures, but also increasing regional research on gambling prevention and sel f-suppression strategy. In addition, it is one of the most important values ​​to transfer research and use it for politicians.

We use this research result for our research, programs, proposals, especially annual research proposals. The results of the survey will be shared with the stakeholders, supporting evidenc e-based decisio n-making, policy planning, and program implementation.

Scientists: Dr Anna Thomas, Dr Stephanie Mercury, Dr Simone Rodda and Dr Nikki Dowling.

A behavioural trial of voluntary opt-out pre-commitment for online wagering in Australia

The Voluntary Provision Commitment Exemption Scheme is considered one of the measures to combat harmful gambling behaviour among Australian online gamers as part of the government's online gaming buyer defence scheme.

The study used literature reviews, discrete choice experiments and randomised controlled trials to investigate effective techniques to increase awareness of deposit limits among online sports and horse racing gamblers.

Behavioural trial for consistent gambling messaging under the national consumer protection framework

The study explored what types of communication about risk-free gambling may be effective in changing online gamers' situations and behaviours. The study tested a range of likely messages supported by focus groups and a randomised controlled trial.

The study provides a strong scientific basis for providing consistent information on gambling within the government's online gaming buyer defence framework.


The second national study of interactive gambling in Australia (2019-20)

The study was commissioned by Gambling Research Australia to examine changes in interactive gambling (also known as online gambling) since the government's first interactive gambling survey in 2011-2012.

With rapid technological innovation and fast and easy access to mobile devices, internet gambling is becoming more widespread and it is important to observe and monitor this.

This study investigated the changes in online gambling behaviour and attitudes among Australians aged 18 years and over. The study used a variety of methods including secondary research, interviews, and internet and telephone sample surveys.

NSW Youth Gambling Study 2020

The aim of this study is to improve the understanding of gambling and simulator gambling among young people aged 12 to 17 years in New South Wales and to prevent and reduce gambling harm.

Young people's attitudes towards gambling are changing. This construction is justified by the rapid development of technology, young people's highest level of engagement with mobile technology and gambling, the increase in advertising for classic gambling and online gambling, and the contrast between games with gambling-like elements and the possibility of currency games.


A rapid review and research gap analysis: a 2020 update

The aim of this presented review is to summarise the findings of literature reviews on gambling related to harm prevention, minimisation, intervention and promotion published between 1 October 2018 and 23 April 2020, and to identify priority areas for care to focus in the future. The study, led by Simone Rodda MD, was commissioned by the Serious Gambling Foundation of NSW.

Responsible conduct of gambling study

The research agenda provided is to contribute to the testing and possible improvement of the practice of serious conduct in gambling (RCG) at NYUU sites. The research carried out by CQuinesity was commissioned by the Foundation for Serious Gaming Maintenance NuU.

Gambling Harm Minimisation Technology Assessment Project

The report on the plan provided offers an assessment of the current and emerging situation of technologies to minimize harm, both within the district and internationally. The plan was carried out with the following objectives:

  • To cover and clarify the acceptable efficiency of technological innovations to reduce gambling harm that are used or described in real time in the NYU, Australian and international gambling industries.
  • To determine how there are opportunities for the application of technologies to reduce gambling harm, as well as the benefits of operators and regulators.
  • To determine a priority list of probabilities for research and development focused on future Org and RGF organizations.

The project lasted from April 2020 to June 2020 and included tablets and interviews with national and international stakeholders covering regulators, supreme authorities, research institutions, gambling operators and technology suppliers.


Shutdown periods for electronic gaming machines

The submitted report examines the harm reduction impact of the closure of access to electric slot machines (EIMA) over time from the perspective of progressive literature and EIMA players. The study focuses on the subsequent perception of the advantages of disabling EIGs and reasonable day and night times to reduce gambling for high-risk and problem players. The study, conducted by Snapcracker Research + Strategy, was commissioned by the Foundation for Serious Gambling Nuu.

Literature review of the impact of EGM characteristics on gambling harm

The submitted report examines fictions regarding constructive individuals on electric slot machines (EIMA). The review considers players' attitudes and behaviors towards different features and is oriented towards the nuances of harm associated with different features and serious cases of gambling. The study, conducted by Schottler Consulting, was commissioned by the Serious Gambling Nuu base.

NSW Gambling Survey 2019 PDF

This report summarises the findings of the NSW Gambling Survey 2019 Selected Survey, which was conducted between November 2018 and February 2019 among adults aged 18+ living at NUU. The NSW Gambling Survey 2019 survey aimed to understand the state of gambling at NYU - who is playing, how gambling is changing, what is the level of gambling harm in society and how all areas are impacting on gambling. The survey, conducted by Cquinversity, was commissioned by NUU, the home of serious gambling.

Responsible gambling and gambling harm minimisation research gap analysis

This report shows the results of gambling literature in order to perform gap analysis and identify priority areas and new issues for further research. The educational program was held to prepare for the research program of the Syrias Gambling Foundation, and stipulated the purpose of the research from 2019 to 2021. The survey conducted by the Finders Institute was commissioned by the NSW Syrias Gambling Foundation.


The harm minimisation impact of third party exclusion schemes and possible future directions for NSW

The research examined the possibility of a scheme that eliminates three people from pubs and clubs in New Southwales. This is basically a liquidation of that person, including family, close friends, and most likely stores, to protect families and other people (including players). It means that there is a possibility that you can ban or ban. The survey was conducted by Schottler Consulting to the New Southwales government.

Research into the separation of ATMs and gaming machines in NSW

This survey keeps the distance between the automatic cash deposit (ATM) and the electrical game console installed at hotels and clubs in New Southwales to minimize the damage caused by gambling addiction. It is a survey of whether it can be done. The survey was conducted by Schottler Consulting by the New Southwales government.


Gambling harm-minimisation signage final research report

Registered clubs and hotels with gambling rooms and casinos are required to install damage to damage according to the law. The survey was outsourced to examine the performance of signs inside the facility. In this article, we will explain the content of the survey and the main survey results, and propose future options for signs that minimize damage.

Gambling harm minimisation report

The report clarifies the type of harm and population statistical characteristics that are likely to be associated with gambling products, the degree of risk of harm due to gambling products, and the range of strategies that are considered to be effective in preventing harm associated with gambling. Masu. The Sydney Research Institute's Gambling Recovery Hospital was conducted by the New Southwales government's consignment.

NSW Government response to gambling harm minimisation recommendations

This report shows the New South Wales government's response to one of the "minimizing gambling harm" reports. The report on the minimization of gambling harm is used by the government to ensure a strong response to gambling harm in New Southwales. A gambling harm minimization survey conducted by the Gambling Hospital of the Sydney Research Institute was conducted by the New Southwales government.


Impact evaluation of NSW Gambling Help services

The study evaluated the impact of emergency services at New York University on gambling.

Innovation in traditional gambling products

A new innovative gambling product compared to traditional similar products in Australia has verified the impact of players' behavior.

The Role of Loyalty Programs in Gambling

In this study, we verify the role of the Royalty Program in the player behavior and the gambling gambling in slot machines.


Responsible gambling and casinos

This survey examines the relationship between Australian casinos and local players, regulations, and impacts on advertising and responsible gambling.

Gambler self-help strategies: A comprehensive assessment of self-help strategies and actions

In this study, we present all lists and actions on sel f-help from a wide range of sources, and its use and usefulness in the context of Australia.

The Use of Social Media in Gambling

This study reveals and describes the possibility and promotion of gambling and game opportunities in social casinos through social networks.

Marketing of Sports Betting and Racing

This study verifies the effects of sports and jumping tickets, which are gambling and intentions of Australians.


Impact of Structural Characteristics of Electronic Gaming Machines

This study clarifies the structural features of electronic slot machines (EGM) in Australia, and study the effects of different structural features on gambling behavior.

Interactive Gambling

In this study, we investigate how Australians use tw o-way gambling services, and how the tw o-way gambling affects gambling and gambling issues rooted in the land.

Validation Study of In-Venue Problem Gambler Indicators

The purpose of this study is to monitor the various indicators of problematic gambling behavior and identify those who experience the problem in gambling.

The Impact of Electronic Gambling Machine Jackpots on Gambling Behaviour

This study has examined the impact of the electronic slot machine jackpot on the player's behavior.


Gambling and co-morbid disorder

In this survey, we are investigating the relationship between problem gambling and related disorders.


Prevalence of Gambling and Problem Gambling in NSW

The report summarizes the results of the 2011 New Southwales Gambling Survey, which was conducted in the adult population of New Southwales to examine the rate of gambling and gambling addiction.

Needs Analysis of the NSW Problem Gambling Counselling and Support Services Program

This report is the main needs analysis of consultation and support programs on gambling addiction.


Gamblers at Risk and their Help-seeking Behaviour

The report clarifies and analyzes officials and unofficial behavior when gambling addicted patients seek help, which is useful for evidenc e-based policies and intervention programs.

Gambling and Young People in Australia

This report analyzes the similarity and differences between young Australian gambling and other types of behaviors related to gambling and risk. We also consider potential ris k-suppression and enhancement factors related to gambling, levels that gamble are a problem and levels that will be an indicator of future pathology.

International Student Gambling: The Role of Acculturation, Gambling Cognitions and Social Circumstances

This report verifies the gambling behavior of foreign students in Australia in comparison with local students.

Correlates of Reported Gambling Problems in the CALD population of Australia

This report verifies gambling issues between Cald, which are cultural and linguistic in Australia.

Factors that Influence Gambler Adherence to Pre-Commitment Decisions

This report verifies the factors that affect the gambler's behavior before promising.


Representations of Gambling in English and Non-English speaking Australian Media

In this report, in the cultural and linguistic (Cald) society of Australia, there is a possibility that various media expressions related to gambling will be developed in the context of Cald. evaluate.

Exploring Indigenous Gambling

In this report, the nuances of indigenous gambling and problem gambling in various indigenous communities in New South Wales and Queensland are.

Children at Risk of Developing Problem Gambling

The report verifies dangerous factors related to gambling addiction of children suffering from gambling addiction.

Influence of Venue Characteristics on a Player's Decision to Attend a Gambling Venue

In this report, specific facility data is verified the impact of gambling actions, especially electric gaming machines.

A 20 Game Survey of Gaming Machine Volatility in NSW

In this report, we will explain a new method that systematizes the volatility of the game, and verify the consistency of the 10 types of games that are not well known in New Southwales. I am.

Gambling Module: NSW Population Health Survey 2008-2009

This report shows data on gambling that covers the meaning of gambling classified by age, gender, and social economic status, based on 9. 408 telephone interviews.

The Definition and Predictors of Relapse in Problem Gambling

In this report, the definition of recurrence is created, the forecast factor of the recurrence is examined, and a model of recurrence in the gambling gambling is proposed.


A Community Study – Employment Status and Gambling Pursuits in Greater Western Sydney

In this report, the focus is on the relationship between residents' social environment and leisure activities, the importance of access to the local entertainment gambling field, and the importance of employment forms related to gambling. I am verifying it.


A Review of Australian Gambling Research

In this report, the dangerous outline of recent gambling research in Australia, how much it has applied, forms public health policies in jurisdiction areas and national governments, and the value of gambling research Australi a-specific government research. I mentioned. The material featured in this report covers the period from 1992 to June 2007, especially the materials from 2003 to 2007.

Evaluation of the Six-Hour Shutdown of Electronic Gaming Machines in NSW

In this report, the si x-hour blackout time of the slot machine is verified the effect of minimizing harm associated with gambling.

Needs Analysis of Specialist Support Services for Problem Gambling Counselling in NSW

This report presents the main findings of a comprehensive needs analysis for specialized counseling services for gambling problems at NYUU.


Pressing Problems – Gambling Issues and Responses for NSW Aboriginal Communities

This report examines gambling problems in the context of the Nuu Native community in order to develop areas of future work to prevent and reduce gambling-related problems and harms among Nuu Natives.

Prevalence of Gambling and Problem Gambling in NSW – A Community Survey 2006

This report describes the results of a gambling survey conducted in 2006 among the NYUU adult population to assess the prevalence of gambling and problem gambling at NYUU.


Review of the Problem Gambling Treatment and Support Service provided by Life Activities Inc.

This report examines the gambling support "Lifespan" project to identify best practice strategies for assessment, intervention, and service provision for cognitively disabled individuals who have or are at risk of developing a gambling problem.


Gambling: Promoting a Culture of Responsibility – Consequential Report on Governance Structures

This report examines the effectiveness of existing administrative mechanisms for implementing policies and programs to combat problem gambling, as well as making recommendations to ensure better coordination of policy development in this area.


Explaining the Attraction of Poker Machines: Cognition or Conditioning?

This report examines the extent to which poker machine players select the gamble option and place second stage bets, and also considers various theories of human behavior that explain the pull of players in using the gamble button.

Comparing Changes in Erroneous Beliefs/Perceptions, Subjective Arousal and Heart Rate between Cognitive Therapy and Imaginal Desensitisation in the Treatment of Pathological Gambling

This report examines the therapeutic effectiveness of cognitive therapy and imagery desensitization (a relaxation-based technique) in the treatment of pathological gambling, using common working methods.

Gambling: Promoting a Culture of Responsibility

This report was produced by an independent award and regulatory tribunal to analyse the effectiveness of existing measures to minimise harm from gambling and to explore the impact of each measure on society at large, problem gamblers and problem players.

The Identification of Near Misses in Electronic Gaming Machines and its Effect on Gambling Behaviour

This report examines factors that influence gambling on modern electronic gaming machines, including the degree to which random errors affect gambling behaviour.

Problem Gamblers Receiving Counselling or Treatment in NSW – Eighth Survey

This report presents the results of the eighth annual survey of consultants providing services to problem gamblers.

Withdrawal and Tolerance Phenomenon in Problem Gambling

This report compares and contrasts characteristics of tolerance and withdrawal in samples of gamblers and alcoholics, in a preliminary attempt to test a dependence model of pathological gambling.


An Assessment of Member Awareness, Perceived Adequacy and Perceived Effectiveness of Responsible Gambling Strategies in Sydney Clubs

This report explores club members' perceptions, perceived appropriateness and perceived effectiveness of responsible attitude strategies towards gambling in Sydney clubs, following the enactment of the Registered Clubs (Responsible Attitudes towards Gambling) Amendment Act 2000 in New South Wales.

Assessment of the Research on Technical Modifications to Electronic Gaming Machines in NSW, Australia

This report discusses two research reports produced by the Sydney Institute's Gambling Research Unit and the Centre for International Economics. These research reports examine the impact of proposed changes to the operation of gambling machines on the profits of players and gambling companies.

The economic impact of gambling Part 1

This report examines and compares the value of gambling costs across Australian states and countries and evaluates the economic impact of gambling in Victoria.

Evaluation of the Impact of the Three-Hour Shutdown of Gaming Machines

This report examines the impact of the closure of the 3-hour slot machines, particularly on problem gambling, gambling supporters, establishments and the conversation as a whole.

Problem Gamblers Receiving Counselling or Treatment in New South Wales – Seventh Survey

This report provides the seventh result of a forum for a selection of consultants who make recommendations to problem gamblers each year.

Testing of Harm Minimisation Messages for Gaming Machines

This report evaluates the impact and effectiveness of gambling behaviours from a series of 10 reports on minimising harms shown while playing poker machines.

The Psychological Causes of Problem Gambling - A Longitudinal Study of At-Risk Recreational EGM Players

This report studies psychological predictors of non-compliance with gambling regulations and discusses the results in relation to political figures on gambling and healing of problem players.


Attention Deficit Disorder as a Risk Factor for Problem Gambling in Adolescents

This report examines the prevalence of gambling in a collection of adolescents and young adults diagnosed with ADHD and compares it with a nonlinear group in a secondary education institution.

Gambling and Criminal Behaviour – An Analysis of Local and District Court Files

This report evaluates gambling-related crimes from records at New York University and considers the association with social and economic losses due to gambling.

Losing What You Win – The Relationship Between Lump Sum Workers Compensation Payments, Social Security Preclusion Periods and Gambling

This report examines the link between public support, gambling restrictions, and time compensation payments to employees after constructing the number of purchasers who supported the expenditure of time compensation for gambling.

Problem Gamblers Receiving Counselling or Treatment in New South Wales – Sixth Survey

This report provides the results of the sixth selective survey of consultants who make proposals for gambling problem patients.


Comparison of the Treatment Effectiveness of Three Therapies for Problem Gambling

This report describes an advanced attempt at gambling problem healing by comparing three healing methods: cognitive therapy (CT), GMAP consultation, and self-help resources.

Gambling and Crime Research Project

This is a report on gambling-related crimes in Nu from 1995 to 1999. The objective of this study is to clarify the association between gambling and crime, and the direct and indirect public and economic consequences of gambling-related atrocities.

Impact Study into Cumulative Effects of Drug, Alcohol and Gambling Abuse on Families and Individuals in the Southern Shoalhaven

The report assesses the public costs associated with gambling, alcoholism, and drug addiction for individuals and communities in NYU Shualhaven South.

Problem Drinking/Problem Gambling – A Study of Co-morbid Individuals in NSW

This report examines a portion of alcoholics who are considered problem players and a portion of problem gamers who are considered problem drunks to determine populations for which interventions and treatments may be effective.

Problem Gamblers Receiving Counselling or Treatment in New South Wales – Fifth Survey

This report reports the results of the fifth round, which has been positioned as a selective investigation among consultants who make proposals targeting problem gamers.

The Assessment of the Impact of the Reconfiguration on Electronic Gaming Machines as Harm Minimisation Strategies for Problem Gambling

This report evaluates the differential impact of changes in the design features of electric slot machines (EIMA) on problem gambling and their followers. This report is also derived from the possibility of unforeseen negative effects associated with structural changes.


An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Treatment Program for Pathological Gamblers

The published report presents empirical data on the performance and effectiveness of specific healing events for problem players and all kinds of clinical conductive pathological players working at the bottom, for the use of modern skills in the development of a comprehensive healing program for problem players and their families in a brand new South Wales.

Gambling Problems in a Multicultural Society

This report considers the impact of cultural moments on the healing of problem gambling among popular groups of residents.

The Impact of the Sydney Casino on the Social Composition and Residential Amenity of the Residents of Pyrmont-Ultimo

This report combines and summarizes the results of previous research and the latest case studies focusing on the impact of Casino Sydney on the public composition and housing situation of Piermon Ultimus residents.

Problem Gamblers Receiving Counselling or Treatment in New South Wales – Fourth Survey

This report presents the results of the fourth of what should be a selective study among consultants who make recommendations for problem players every year.

Youth Gambling in New South Wales

This report examines the economic and social impacts of gambling on young people in the new market of South Wales.


Problem Gamblers Receiving Counselling or Treatment in New South Wales – Third Survey

This report presents the results of the third of what should be a selective study among consultants who make recommendations for problem players every year.

Money, Meaning and Gambling – A Qualitative Study of the Gambling Experiences of Some Young Homeless People in Inner Sydney

This report examines nonsense gambling, not begging, from the perspective of unrelated young people living in Sydney, allowing them to accept political conclusions about the right recommendations and interventions.


An Examination of the Socio-Economic Effects of Gambling on Individuals, Families and the Community, including Research into the Costs of Problem Gambling in New South Wales

This report updates the results of a 1995 study that was damaged by the socio-economic impacts of gambling on individuals, families and society.

Problem Gamblers Receiving Counselling or Treatment in New South Wales –Second Survey

This report presents the results of the second of what should be a selective study among consultants who make recommendations for problem players every year.


Evaluating the Current and Future Adequacy of Services for Problem Gamblers in Sydney

This report evaluates the current and future relevance of the recommendations, low-cost public, demographic and ethnic groups of Sydney's population found to be at high risk of developing problem behaviors when gambling on poker machines.

Poker Machine Playing and Problem Gambling Amongst Members of Sydney's Registered Clubs

This report compares the public, demographic and ethnographic characteristics of poker machine players in several mega clubs registered in Sydney, dealing with problem poker machine players.

Problem Gamblers Receiving Counselling or Treatment in New South Wales – Baseline Survey

This report introduces the results of the first place for consultants who propose to the problem player.

Young People, Gambling and the Internet

In this report, we are investigating the awareness of gambling and online gambling knowledge and skills. He also analyzes the level of experts and proposed providers on security management mechanisms to adapt to young people online gambling.


A Preliminary Exploration of the Positive and Negative Impacts of Gambling and Wagering on Aboriginal People in NSW

The report analyzes the selective survey data on the impact of gambling and betting for those from Fresh South Wales.

Study 2 – An Examination of the Socio-economic Effects of Gambling on Individuals, Families and the Community, including Research into the Costs of Problem Gambling in NSW

In this study, we use three remarkable elements: gambling and gambling importance for the NYUU economy, selective surveys that have introduced do knocks, and evaluation of economic losses due to gambling for NUUS society. , We are examining the social and economic results of gambling for society.

Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Resident Populations Supporting Poker Machine Playing in Sydney's Registered Clubs

This study provides the first period of the registered Sydney club poker machine player. In this report, social and population statistical characteristics are generally guided by the IRGE and work in a poker machine in Sydney statistics.


Study 1 - A scan of problem gambling-related services in NSW

This report provides simple information on individuals, organizations, services, and institutions in New Southwales, studying gambling and supporting problematic players and their families.

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Gunblare wear accepts the native as a classic land guardian and respects the past, truth, and future elders. Gamblareware is a comprehensive assistance service. < SPAN> This report introduces the results of the first place for consultants who propose to the problem player and conducted a selected questionnaire.


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

Survey findings show that around three-quarters (73%) of Australian adults gambled at least once in the past 12 months and almost two in five (38%) gambled at. A review of research into problem gambling amongst Australian women ; during long EGM playing sessions and described measures that would help them during that. This report provides an overview of gambling activity in Australia in , with respect to participation, expenditure, and problems among regular gamblers.

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