Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring June 2022
Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring - June 2022
Albania, Barbados, Burkina Faso, Haiti, Gibraltar, Jordan, Yemen, Cambodia, Cayman Islands, Mali, Morocco, Malta, Myanmar, Nicaragua, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Panama, Syria, Senegal, Sudan, Uganda, Philippines, South Jamaica.
High-risk countries and other countries under monitoring
Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring - June 2022
Berlin, 17 June 2022 - Jurisdictions under enhanced monitoring are actively working with the FATF to eliminate strategic deficiencies in their countermeasures against money laundering, terrorist financing and financial flows. When a country is subject to enhanced monitoring by the FATF, it means that the country commits to promptly eliminate the identified strategic deficiencies within an agreed time frame and is subject to enhanced monitoring. Overseas, this list is often referred to as the "grey list".
FATF and FATF-style regional bodies (FSRBs) will continue to work with the following lower-level jurisdictions and report on their progress towards eliminating their strategic deficiencies: FATF calls on these jurisdictions to complete their action plans promptly and within the agreed timeframe. FATF welcomes these countries' commitments and will closely monitor their progress. FATF does not require these jurisdictions to use enhanced measures, but calls on its members and all jurisdictions to consider the information below in their analysis of risk.
FATF continues to identify additional jurisdictions with strategic weaknesses in their anti-money laundering, anti-terrorist financing and anti-trafficking measures. A number of jurisdictions have not yet been reviewed by FATF or its FSRB, but will be considered in the routine manner.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, COVID-19 has given FATF to some extent to report the voluntary work on unpolished countries and regions. As of March 2022, FATF reviews the progress of the following countries: Albania, Barbados, Burkina Fasa, Haiti, Cambodia, Cambodia, Jordan, Maltan, Malocco, Morocco, Myanmar, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Panam, Senegal, Senegal. , Republic of Turkish, Uganda, Philippines, South Sudan, Jamaica. The following are the latest statements of these countries. The United Arab Emirates has decided to postpone the report to focus on its initiatives. For this reason, the statement of March 2022 is described below, but this statement does not necessarily reflect the latest status of the For/FT system in this area. As a result of the analysis, FATF is currently identifying Gibraltar.
FATF welcomes the progress of these countries in the struggle between money laundering and terrorist funding, despite COVID-19 issues.
Jurisdiction areas with strategic weaknesses
Albania has inherited the political commitment to increase the efficiency of the under / FT system in cooperation with FATF and MoneyVal, and since February 2020, Albania has especially related to thir d-party money laundering by experts and gates. Regarding assets, we have taken measures to improve the under / FT system by strengthening the attention and effort of the law enforcement agencies and the Public Prosecutor's Agency for the use of all means for arrest and seizure. Albania is (1) securing appropriate legal frameworks for companies and NPO registration obligations, applying proportional and restricted sanctions, (2) an increase in the number of prosecutors, especially for foreign predicate crimes. You should continue to implement an action plan to eliminate strategic shortcomings, such as related cases. FATF calls Albania to continue implementing an action plan to eliminate the above strategic drawbacks. Since the beginning of < SPAN> Pandemic, COVID-19 has given some freedom to report FATF to unpopular countries and regions to report on voluntary work. As of March 2022, FATF reviews the progress of the following countries: Albania, Barbados, Burkina Fasa, Haiti, Cambodia, Cambodia, Jordan, Maltan, Malocco, Morocco, Myanmar, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Panam, Senegal, Senegal. , Republic of Turkish, Uganda, Philippines, South Sudan, Jamaica. The following are the latest statements of these countries. The United Arab Emirates has decided to postpone the report to focus on its initiatives. For this reason, the statement of March 2022 is described below, but this statement does not necessarily reflect the latest status of the For/FT system in this area. As a result of the analysis, FATF is currently identifying Gibraltar.
FATF welcomes the progress of these countries in the struggle between money laundering and terrorist funding, despite COVID-19 issues.
Burkina Faso
Jurisdiction areas with strategic weaknesses
Albania has inherited the political commitment to increase the efficiency of the under / FT system in cooperation with FATF and MoneyVal, and since February 2020, Albania has especially related to thir d-party money laundering by experts and gates. Regarding assets, we have taken measures to improve the under / FT system by strengthening the attention and effort of the law enforcement agencies and the Public Prosecutor's Agency for the use of all means for arrest and seizure. Albania is (1) securing appropriate legal frameworks for companies and NPO registration obligations, applying proportional and restricted sanctions, (2) an increase in the number of prosecutors, especially for foreign predicate crimes. You should continue to implement an action plan to eliminate strategic shortcomings, such as related cases. FATF calls Albania to continue implementing an action plan to eliminate the above strategic drawbacks. Since the beginning of the pandemic, COVID-19 has given FATF to some extent to report the voluntary work on unpolished countries and regions. As of March 2022, FATF reviews the progress of the following countries: Albania, Barbados, Burkina Fasa, Haiti, Cambodia, Cambodia, Jordan, Maltan, Malocco, Morocco, Myanmar, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Panam, Senegal, Senegal. , Republic of Turkish, Uganda, Philippines, South Sudan, Jamaica. The following are the latest statements of these countries. The United Arab Emirates has decided to postpone the report to focus on its initiatives. For this reason, the statement of March 2022 is described below, but this statement does not necessarily reflect the latest status of the For/FT system in this area. As a result of the analysis, FATF is currently identifying Gibraltar.
The Cayman Islands
FATF welcomes the progress of these countries in the struggle between money laundering and terrorist funding, despite COVID-19 issues.
Jurisdiction areas with strategic weaknesses
Albania has inherited the political commitment to increase the efficiency of the under / FT system in cooperation with FATF and MoneyVal, and since February 2020, Albania has especially related to thir d-party money laundering by experts and gates. Regarding assets, we have taken measures to improve the under / FT system by strengthening the attention and effort of the law enforcement agencies and the Public Prosecutor's Agency for the use of all means for arrest and seizure. Albania is (1) securing appropriate legal frameworks for companies and NPO registration obligations, applying proportional and restricted sanctions, (2) an increase in the number of prosecutors, especially for foreign predicate crimes. You should continue to implement an action plan to eliminate strategic shortcomings, such as related cases. FATF calls Albania to continue implementing an action plan to eliminate the above strategic drawbacks.
Since Barbados made the highest level political commitment in February 2020 to work with FATF and KFATF to improve the performance of its for/FT regime, it has taken steps to improve its for/FT regime by creating and providing a fresh source of information for claims compliance under the operating system, which is critical for monitoring UNFPP; and reducing delays in criminal case review with respect to criminal prosecutions of OD. Barbados is urged to continue to work in a manner that is different to the implementation of its intention to discard its strategic deficiencies: (1) Adopting appropriate measures to prevent the use of legal entities and contracts for criminal purposes and ensure the associated provision of clear and evocative basic infestation and beneficial owner information; (2) Ensuring that PFR economic intelligence products provide subsequent assistance to law enforcement agencies in the investigation of OD and FT; (3) Demonstrating that investigations and judicial prosecutions regarding OD cases are accountable for profiling the nation's risk and leading to punishment where necessary, providing statistics or targeting specific ODs. Since Barbados made the highest level political commitment in February 2020 to work with FATF and KFATF to improve the performance of its for/FT regime, it has taken steps to improve its for/FT regime by creating and providing a fresh source of information for claims compliance under the operating system, which is critical for monitoring UNFPP; and reducing delays in criminal case review with respect to criminal prosecution of OD. Barbados is urged to continue to work toward implementing its intention to repeal its strategic deficiencies by: (1) adopting appropriate measures to prevent the use of legal entities and contracts for criminal purposes and ensure the associated provision of clear and evocative basic information and beneficial owner information; and (2) ensuring that PFR economic intelligence products provide subsequent assistance to law enforcement agencies in OD and FT investigations. (3) Demonstrate that investigations and judicial prosecutions of OD cases are accountable for profiling national risk and leading to punishment where necessary, providing statistics or targeting specific ODs. Since Barbados made the highest-level political commitment in February 2020 to work with FATF and KFATF to improve the performance of its OD/FT regime, it has taken steps to improve its OD/FT regime by creating and providing a fresh source of information for claims compliance under the OD/FT regime, which is critical for monitoring the UNFPP; and reducing delays in the consideration of criminal cases with respect to criminal prosecutions of ODs. Barbados is urged to continue to work in a manner that is appropriate toward the implementation of its intention to discard its strategic deficiencies: (1) Adopt appropriate measures to prevent the use of legal entities and contracts for criminal purposes and ensure the relevant provision of clear and provocative basic infestation and beneficial owner information; (2) Ensure that PFR's economic intelligence products provide subsequent assistance to law enforcement agencies in OD and FT investigations. (3) Demonstrating that investigations and judicial prosecutions of OD cases are responsible for profiling national risk and leading to punishment where necessary, providing statistics and/or targeting specific Os.
In February 2021, Burkina Faso has taken measures to improve the D/FT system since performing the highest level of political commitment to improve the performance of his D/FT system in his country in FATF and GIABA. Ta. Burkina Faso intends to destroy the strategic defect, and has an obligation to work on its execution: (1) Reminds the perception of OD/FT risk. This is the amount according to the method of reviewing the national evaluation of risk in cooperation with the industrial value determined by the national strategy. (2) Appeals to other forms of international cooperation along with mutual law support (catwalk) and risk profile; In order to ensure sex, we will strengthen the penalties for promised default. < SPAN> Burkina Faso in February 2021 to improve the D/FT system since performing the highest level of political commitment to improve the performance of his D/FT system in his own country in FATF and GIABA. I have taken. Burkina Faso intends to destroy the strategic defect, and has an obligation to work on its execution: (1) Reminds the perception of OD/FT risk. This is the amount according to the method of reviewing the national evaluation of risk in cooperation with the industrial value determined by the national strategy. (2) Appeals to other forms of international cooperation along with mutual law support (catwalk) and risk profile; In order to ensure sex, we will strengthen the penalties for promised default. In February 2021, Burkina Faso has taken measures to improve the D/FT system since performing the highest level of political commitment to improve the performance of his D/FT system in his country in FATF and GIABA. Ta. Burkina Faso intends to destroy the strategic defect, and has an obligation to work on its execution: (1) Reminds the perception of OD/FT risk. This is the amount according to the method of reviewing the national evaluation of risk in cooperation with the industrial value determined by the national strategy. (2) Appeals to other forms of international cooperation along with mutual law support (catwalk) and risk profile; In order to ensure sex, we will strengthen the penalties for promised default.
Cambodia has increased the number of property and PFR reports since February 2019, after Cambodia performed a to p-level political pledge to cooperate with FATF and APG to increase its FOR/FT mode in its country. We took measures to improve the amount of for/FT mode in its own country. Cambodia is already over all deadline, so it is obliged to continue taking measures to fully implement the other points of action, but the only crime, products and equivalent prices are freezing and the same price. It is to increase seizure. FATF has expressed serious concerns that Cambodia has not completed a personal project for the fully expired behavior in January 2021. FATF calls almost immediately to Cambodia to complete the personal project of action by October 2022, and according to another FATF, see the opportunity to appeal to its own members. Calls all the laws that use the hig h-priced precautions for transactions and transactions.
In February 2021, Caymanov cooperated with FATF and KFATF to improve his performance under the FT system. Caymanov is obliged to continue to work on its own intention of destruction of strategic defects in the following way: (1) Appropriate parties (including corporations) are acceptable in accordance with the specified requirements. Use the appropriate and effective penalties when they do not provide honest, appropriate and appropriate information about, (2) pursuing all the exterior of the money launding of the risk profile in the jurisdiction. Present the fact that it has led to restricted, effective and proportional penalties. FATF calls on Caymanov to pursue its intentions to eliminate the abov e-mentioned strategic flaws earlier, as all have already expired. < SPAN> Since February 2019, Cambodia has a to p-level political pledge to cooperate with FATF and APG to increase its own country for/FT mode, and Cambodia has the number of property and PFR reports. By increasing, measures were taken to improve the amount of for/FT mode in their own country. Cambodia is already over all deadline, so it is obliged to continue taking measures to fully implement the other points of action, but the only crime, products and equivalent prices are freezing and the same price. It is to increase seizure. FATF has expressed serious concerns that Cambodia has not completed a personal project for the fully expired behavior in January 2021. FATF calls almost immediately to Cambodia to complete the personal project of action by October 2022, and according to another FATF, see the opportunity to appeal to its own members. Calls all the laws that use the hig h-priced precautions for transactions and transactions.
In February 2021, Caymanov cooperated with FATF and KFATF to improve his performance under the FT system. Caymanov is obliged to continue to work on its own intention of destruction of strategic defects in the following way: (1) Appropriate parties (including corporations) are acceptable in accordance with the specified requirements. Use the appropriate and effective penalties when they do not provide honest, appropriate and appropriate information about, (2) pursuing all the exterior of the money launding of the risk profile in the jurisdiction. Present the fact that it has led to restricted, effective and proportional penalties. FATF calls on Caymanov to pursue its intentions to eliminate the abov e-mentioned strategic flaws earlier, as all have already expired. Cambodia has increased the number of property and PFR reports since February 2019, after Cambodia performed a to p-level political pledge to cooperate with FATF and APG to increase its FOR/FT mode in its country. We took measures to improve the amount of for/FT mode in its own country. Cambodia is already over all deadline, so it is obliged to continue taking measures to fully implement the other points of action, but the only crime, products and equivalent prices are freezing and the same price. It is to increase seizure. FATF has expressed serious concerns that Cambodia has not completed a personal project for the fully expired behavior in January 2021. FATF calls almost immediately to Cambodia to complete the personal project of action by October 2022, and according to another FATF, see the opportunity to appeal to its own members. Calls all the laws that use the hig h-priced precautions for transactions and transactions.
In February 2021, Caymanov cooperated with FATF and KFATF to improve his performance under the FT system. Caymanov is obliged to continue to work on its own intention of destruction of strategic defects in the following way: (1) Appropriate parties (including corporations) are acceptable in accordance with the specified requirements. Use the appropriate and effective penalties when they do not provide honest, appropriate and appropriate information about, (2) pursuing all the exterior of the money launding of the risk profile in the jurisdiction. Present the fact that it has led to restricted, effective and proportional penalties. FATF calls on Caymanov to pursue its intentions to eliminate the abov e-mentioned strategic flaws earlier, as all have already expired.
In June 2021, Haiti made a political commitment at the highest level to working with the FATF and KFATF to improve its performance under the FT regime. Haiti plans to continue to implement its intention to destroy strategic deficiencies in a quantitative manner: (1) finalize the assessment process of OD/FT risks and disseminate the results obtained; (2) facilitate information sharing with appropriate international partners; (4) ensure access to relevant savings and basic and beneficiary information; (5) enable competent authorities to more effectively use economic and other response information to combat OD and FT; (6) destroy technical deficiencies in OD atrocities and enable authorities to identify, investigate and pursue OD cases in line with Haiti's risk profile.
Since Jamaica made the highest-level political commitment in February 2020 to work with FATF and KFATF to improve its ex ante/FT performance, it has taken steps to improve its ex ante/FT regime, namely by increasing investigative resources, studying prosecutorial and law enforcement agency personnel, and improving the internal coordination of these agencies. Jamaica is in the process of continuously implementing several measures intended to disrupt strategic deficiencies: (1) connecting all PHOs and UNFPPs to Under/FT-mode and implementing appropriate, foundational measures to assess the monitoring risks of all sectors; (2) adopting appropriate measures to prevent the use of legal persons and devices for criminal purposes and ensure the actual determination by competent authorities of clear and burning basic infestation and beneficiary information; (3) introducing a layout for monitoring the NPO sector to prevent abuse of FT objectives and risks. The FATF boldly urges Yamaichi Securities to more expeditiously pursue the realization of its own intentions that could potentially destroy the strategic deficiencies mentioned above, as all deadlines have already expired.
Since October 2021, when Jordan has a high level of politically promising at the high level of cooperating with FATF and Menafatf to improve the effectiveness of the AML / CFT system, Jordan has been TFS through a legal framework on TFS. We have taken measures to improve the AML / CFT system, such as showing effective processes by the domestic committee and supervisory authorities to carry out without delay. Jordan should continue to implement an action plan to deal with strategic defects: (1) Develop NPO risk evaluation, complete and disseminate the ML/TF risk of corporations and virtual assets. (2) (2) To strengthen the ris k-based director, apply effective, proportional and compelling sanctions for violations, (3) Conduct training programs, especially in DNFBP, especially for submission and issuance of STR. Increase awareness of AML/CFT liability; (4) Maintain complete and latest basic beneficiary information on corporations and legal arrangements. (5) Investigating and prosecuting money laundering, including parallel financial investigations, for prerequisite crimes that match the risk specified by NRA. < SPAN> Since October 2021, when Jordan has a high level of politically promised to improve the effectiveness of the AML / CFT system, Jordan has been a legal framework on TFS. In addition, we have taken measures to improve the AML / CFT system, such as providing effective processes from the domestic committee and supervisor authorities to implement TFS without delay. Jordan should continue to implement an action plan to deal with strategic defects: (1) Develop NPO risk evaluation, complete and disseminate the ML/TF risk of corporations and virtual assets. (2) (2) To strengthen the ris k-based director, apply effective, proportional and compelling sanctions for violations, (3) Conduct training programs, especially in DNFBP, especially for submission and issuance of STR. Increase awareness of AML/CFT liability; (4) Maintain complete and latest basic beneficiary information on corporations and legal arrangements. (5) Investigating and prosecuting money laundering, including parallel financial investigations, for prerequisite crimes that match the risk specified by NRA. Since October 2021, when Jordan has a high level of politically promising at the high level of cooperating with FATF and Menafatf to improve the effectiveness of the AML / CFT system, Jordan has been TFS through a legal framework on TFS. We have taken measures to improve the AML / CFT system, such as showing effective processes by the domestic committee and supervisory authorities to carry out without delay. Jordan should continue to implement an action plan to deal with strategic defects: (1) Develop NPO risk evaluation, complete and disseminate the ML/TF risk of corporations and virtual assets. (2) (2) To strengthen the ris k-based director, apply effective, proportional and compelling sanctions for violations, (3) Conduct training programs, especially in DNFBP, especially for submission and issuance of STR. Increase awareness of AML/CFT liability; (4) Maintain complete and latest basic beneficiary information on corporations and legal arrangements. (5) Investigating and prosecuting money laundering, including parallel financial investigations, for prerequisite crimes that match the risk specified by NRA.
South Sudan
In October 2021, Mali made a political commitment at the highest level to working with FATF and GIABA to improve the performance of its D/FT regime. Mali plans to continue implementing its intention to act towards the elimination of strategic deficiencies by: (1) disseminating the results of the NRA to all appropriate actors and raising awareness of high-risk sectors; (2) starting to develop and implement a risk-focused layout for Under/Ft monitoring of all high-risk UNFPs and UNFPs, and providing for effective, proportionate and mitigating penalties for violations; (4) enhancing the capacity of FIUs and DEUs and strengthening cooperation in the application of economic intelligence; (5) ensuring the role of appropriate signatories in the investigation and prosecution of OD cases; (6) strengthening the capacity of appropriate institutions critical to the investigation and prosecution of central bank cases. Since February 2021, when Morocco made a political commitment at the highest level to work with FATF and Menafatf to improve the productivity of its for/FT regime, Morocco has taken steps to improve its for/FT mode, which is the quantity by licensing and predicting the destruction of technical deficiencies related to UNFPP registration and TFS. Morocco continues to work on implementing its own intention of destroying strategic deficiencies, by: (1) taking measures to improve risk observation and correct history, and using effective, proportionate and limited penalties for non-compliance; (3) increasing reporting of suspicious activities, (4) making arrests and asset seizures, and (5) predicting and effectively observing compliance with FC and UNFPP commitments.
In February 2020, Myanmar, along with FATF and ATGs, made a to p-level political commitment to improving its own country's performance under the FT system and destroying all related technical defects. Myanmar is obliged to work in a quantitative way to realize its intentions to destroy strategic defects: (1) Presentation of improvement of awareness of OD risks in major areas, (2) Road / free Inspections are based on risk evaluation, hundy-operators are registered, presented under supervision, (3) Comprehensive application of economic information in OD surveys, and presentation of FIU business analysis and increased distribution. (4) Secure this so that the investigation / prosecution cooperates with the risk; (5) Presentation of ethnic OD cases in the context of international cooperation. (6) Presentation of the increase in freezing / arrest and seizure of crime interests, crime office and / or equal valuable property. (7) Management of seized assets to keep the price of seized goods before seizing. (8) Presentation of the use of money punishment associated with PF. The FATF resume has expressed serious concerns about the lack of progress by Myanmar. < SPAN> In February 2020, Myanmar, along with FATF and ATG, performs to p-level political commitments to improve their own country's performance under the FT system and destroy all related technical defects. Ta. Myanmar is obliged to work in a quantitative way to realize its intentions to destroy strategic defects: (1) Presentation of improvement of awareness of OD risks in major areas, (2) Road / free Inspections are based on risk evaluation, hundy-operators are registered, presented under supervision, (3) Comprehensive application of economic information in OD surveys, and presentation of FIU business analysis and increased distribution. (4) Secure this so that the investigation / prosecution cooperates with the risk; (5) Presentation of ethnic OD cases in the context of international cooperation. (6) Presentation of the increase in freezing / arrest and seizure of crime interests, crime office and / or equal valuable property. (7) Management of seized assets to keep the price of seized goods before seizing. (8) Presentation of the use of money punishment associated with PF. The FATF resume has expressed serious concerns about the lack of progress by Myanmar. In February 2020, Myanmar, along with FATF and ATGs, made a to p-level political commitment to improving its own country's performance under the FT system and destroying all related technical defects. Myanmar is obliged to work in a quantitative way to realize its intentions to destroy strategic defects: (1) Presentation of improvement of awareness of OD risks in major areas, (2) Road / free Inspections are based on risk evaluation, hundy-operators are registered, presented under supervision, (3) Comprehensive application of economic information in OD surveys, and presentation of FIU business analysis and increased distribution. (4) Secure this so that the investigation / prosecution cooperates with the risk; (5) Presentation of ethnic OD cases in the context of international cooperation. (6) Presentation of the increase in freezing / arrest and seizure of crime interests, crime office and / or equal valuable property. (7) Management of seized assets to keep the price of seized goods before seizing. (8) Presentation of the use of money punishment associated with PF. The FATF resume has expressed serious concerns about the lack of progress by Myanmar.
In February 2020, Nicaragua made a political commitment at the highest level to work with FATF and Gafilat to strengthen its OD/FT regime. Nicaragua has taken steps to improve its OD/FT regime in line with FATF's intent, updating the country's assessment of OD/FT risks, communicating the results of OD/FT risks between perpetrators and appropriate entities in the personal sector, and also establishing mechanisms to ensure the proper receipt and storage of beneficial owner information from legal entities and entities. In its June 2022 plenary session, FATF found its first conclusion that Nicaragua has indeed accomplished its personal project of action and deserves to visit the space for testing, and confirmed that indeed reforms regarding Nicaragua's Under/Ft have been initiated and that in fact it has preserved important political fidelity to sustain implementation and improvement in the future. FATF will continue to observe the history of COVID-19 and will conduct an exit test in the short term. Pakistan's unwavering political loyalty to the fight against terror financing and money laundering has made great progress since June 2018, when Pakistan made a political commitment at the highest level to work with FATF and ANG to strengthen its own control regime and destroy strategic deficiencies related to counter terror financing. In particular, Pakistan has demonstrated that PF investigations and judicial prosecutions target senior officials and commanders of terrorist groups, specific UN, and in fact, Pakistan has an active desire to increase the number of investigations and judicial prosecutions in the field of OD, in coordination with Pakistan in risk profile. Separately, presenter Pakistan has completed a personal draft of actions for 2021, which it set a deadline earlier. At its plenary meeting in June 2022, the FATF reached an initial conclusion that Pakistan has indeed fulfilled the two intents of the 34-point enveloping action, and left unclear questions for such a visit visit for testing, the implementation of reforms in the field of under/FT in Pakistan has actually begun, it has sustained, and indeed its important political loyalty will be preserved to sustain the implementation and improvement in the future. FATF will continue to observe history with COVID-19 and will conduct the end test in a short time
Since June 2019, Panama has highly promised to cooperate with FATF and Gafilat to improve the effectiveness of the AML/CFT system, Panama has improved the supervision of the corporate department and has improved the supervision of the corporate department and high risk. We have taken measures to improve the AML/CFT system, such as money laundering surveys, especially money laundering, which include foreign predicate, and focusing on seizure and confiscation of criminal revenue. However, Panama must continue to take urgent actions in order to fully implement remaining measures in the action plan, as all deadlines have already passed in January 2021. Therefore, in order to deal with strategic drawbacks, it should continue to work on the implementation of action planning including the following: (1) secure effective, proportional and compelling sanctions for violations of AML/CFT. (2) Proper verification, latest information on the beneficiary of the obligatory business enthusiast, securing timely access by jurisdiction, establishing effective mechanisms to monitor the activities of offshore businesses, and abuse of businesses. Cooperation with FATF and Gafilat to improve the effectiveness of the AML/CFT system, the mechanism < SPAN> Panama is the mechanism < SPAN> to identify and implement specific measures to prevent the abuse of nominated shareholders and directors. Since June 2019, which has promised to do high levels, Panama has improved the coach of the corporate division, money laundering surveys related to hig h-risk fields, especially money laundering surveys, especially foreign predicate, and crime. We have taken measures to improve the AML/CFT system, such as focusing on seizure and confiscation of revenue. However, Panama must continue to take urgent actions in order to fully implement remaining measures in the action plan, as all deadlines have already passed in January 2021. Therefore, in order to deal with strategic drawbacks, it should continue to work on the implementation of action planning including the following: (1) secure effective, proportional and compelling sanctions for violations of AML/CFT. (2) Proper verification, latest information on the beneficiary of the obligatory business enthusiast, securing timely access by jurisdiction, establishing effective mechanisms to monitor the activities of offshore businesses, and abuse of businesses. Mechanism Panama to identify and implement specific measures to prevent abuse of nominated shareholders and directors will cooperate with FATF and Gafilat to improve the effectiveness of the AML/CFT system. Since June 2019, which has promised politically at a high level, Panama has improved the coach of the corporate department, the money laundering survey related to the hig h-risk field, especially the money laundering survey including foreign predicate, and seizure of criminal revenue. ・ We have taken measures to improve the AML/CFT system, such as focusing on confiscation. However, Panama must continue to take urgent actions in order to fully implement remaining measures in the action plan, as all deadlines have already passed in January 2021. Therefore, in order to deal with strategic drawbacks, it should continue to work on the implementation of action planning including the following: (1) secure effective, proportional and compelling sanctions for violations of AML/CFT. (2) Proper verification, latest information on the beneficiary of the obligatory business enthusiast, securing timely access by jurisdiction, establishing effective mechanisms to monitor the activities of offshore businesses, and abuse of businesses. Mechanisms to identify and implement specific measures to prevent risks and to prevent abuse of nominated shareholders and directors
The United Arab Emirates
In June 2021, the Philippines cooperated with FATF and ATH to increase the efficiency of the under / FT system of its own country, and since it has been raised and proportional and restrictions for unregistered illegal remittance companies. We have been taking measures to improve the under / FT system, such as applying such sanctions and expanding PF investigation and prosecution. The Philippines should continue to implement an action plan to eliminate the following strategic defects: (1) Demonstration of effective risk-based monitoring (2) Director of the Director of Director-Casino. Demonstration of the use of resources to monitor under/FT to reduce relevant risks (3) Expansion and rationalization of Lee access to DP information, and accuracy and relevance of DP information Recruitment of measures to secure; (4) Expand the utilization of financial intelligence and increase the number of investigations and prosecutions by DP according to risks (5) identification, investigation, and number of indictments of FT cases. Increase (6) Demonstration of the adoption of related measures related to NGO sector (including no n-registered NPOs) < Span> In June 2021, the Philippines cooperated with FATF and ATH, and the efficiency of the under / FT system in its own country. Since taking a political commitment to enhance, under / FT systems, such as raising registration requirements for unregistered illegal transfer companies, applying proportional and restricted sanctions, expansion of PF investigation and prosecution. We have taken measures to improve. The Philippines should continue to implement an action plan to eliminate the following strategic defects: (1) Demonstration of effective risk-based monitoring (2) Director of the Director of Director-Casino. Demonstration of the use of resources to monitor under/FT to reduce relevant risks (3) Expansion and rationalization of Lee access to DP information, and accuracy and relevance of DP information Recruitment of measures to secure; (4) Expand the utilization of financial intelligence and increase the number of investigations and prosecutions by DP according to risks (5) identification, investigation, and number of indictments of FT cases. Increase (6) Demonstration on adopting related measures related to NGO sector (including no n-registered NPOs) in June 2021 In June 2021, the Philippines cooperates with FATF and ATH to increase the efficiency of the under / FT system in its own country. Since I took the commitment, I want to improve the under / FT system, such as raising registration requirements for unregistered illegal transfer companies, applying proportional and restricted sanctions, and expanding the possibility of PF investigation and prosecution. We have taken measures. The Philippines should continue to implement an action plan to eliminate the following strategic defects: (1) Demonstration of effective risk-based monitoring (2) Director of the Director of Director-Casino. Demonstration of the use of resources to monitor under/FT to reduce relevant risks (3) Expansion and rationalization of Lee access to DP information, and accuracy and relevance of DP information Recruitment of measures to secure; (4) Expand the utilization of financial intelligence and increase the number of investigations and prosecutions by DP according to risks (5) identification, investigation, and number of indictments of FT cases. Increase (6) Demonstration of relevant measures related to NGO sector (including no n-registered NPOs)
Since making the highest-level political commitment in February 2021 to work with FATF and GIABA to improve the performance of its D/FT regime, Senegal has been working to improve its D/FT mode, including by building and implementing a risk-assessment-based D/FT predictive system, and continuing to increase FIU resources to ensure effective operational analysis. Senegal is on the path to continue implementing its intention to discard strategic deficiencies: (1) ensuring coordinated awareness of OD/FT risks (particularly related to UNFPP sectors) through appropriate institutions through research, information and education activities; (3) improving compliance through methods of identifying OD/FT violations and the use of effective, proportionate and limited penalties on non-compliant actors; (4) updating and maintaining universal information on beneficial links with legal persons and organizations, and strengthening the penalties regime for non-compliance with commitments to ensure transparency; (5) presenting information on the application of penalties against actors of OD/FT violations; (6) presenting information on the application of penalties against actors of OD/FT violations. Since making the highest-level political commitment in February 2021 to work with FATF and GIABA to improve the performance of its D/FT regime, Senegal has been working on improving its D/FT mode by continuing to build and implement a D/FT forecasting system based on risk assessment, and increasing FIU resources to ensure effective operational analysis. Senegal is on the path to continue implementing its intention to discard strategic deficiencies: (1) ensuring coordinated awareness of OD/FT risks (particularly related to UNFPP sectors) through appropriate institutions through research, information and education activities; (3) improving compliance through methods to identify OD/FT violations and the use of effective, proportionate and limited penalties on non-compliant actors; (4) updating and maintaining universal information on beneficial links with legal persons and organizations, and strengthening the penalties regime for non-compliance with commitments to ensure transparency; (5) presenting information on the application of penalties against actors of OD/FT violations; (6) presenting information on the application of penalties against actors of OD/FT violations. Since making the highest-level political commitment in February 2021 to work with FATF and GIABA to improve the performance of its D/FT regime, Senegal has been working to improve its D/FT regime by continuing to build and implement a D/FT forecasting system based on risk assessment, and increasing FIU resources to ensure effective operational analysis. Senegal is on the path to continue implementing its intention to repeal its strategic deficiencies: (1) ensuring coordinated awareness of OD/FT risks (particularly relevant to UNFPP sectors) through appropriate institutions through research, information and education activities; (3) improving compliance through methods to identify OD/FT violations and the use of effective, proportionate and limited penalties for non-compliant actors; (4) updating and maintaining universal information on beneficial links with legal entities and organizations, and strengthening the penalties system for non-compliance with commitments to ensure transparency; (5) providing information on the application of penalties to actors in OD/FT violations; and (6) providing information on the application of penalties to actors in OD/FT violations.
In June 2021, Southern Sudan politically promised to improve the efficiency of the FT system at a high level with FATF. South Sudan will work on the following action plan, which includes (1) a member of Esaamlg and promises to pass Esaamlg's mutual evaluation. (2) In order to comply with the FATF standard, a comprehensive review of the law on tax/ public section (2012) will be conducted with the support of international partners including technical support; Palemic treaty, compliance with the 1999 Tero Fund Provision Treaty and fully implemented (4) Ensuring the appropriate system and potential of the jurisdiction of the jurisdiction, and introducing a ris k-based approach to the under / Futokoro director of financial institutions; ) Collection of information on the ownership of the corporate beneficiary, and the construction of a comprehensive legal framework for verifying the accuracy (6) Introduction of independent FIU (7) Terrorist funding and OU Starting the implementation of ris k-based supervision and monitoring that narrows down the target and monitoring of legal and institutional frameworks for the application of financial sanctions in line with the resolution of the UN Security Council on distribution < SPAN> In June 2021, South Sudan politically promised to cooperate with FATF at a high level and increase the efficiency of the FT system. South Sudan will work on the following action plan, which includes (1) a member of Esaamlg and promises to pass Esaamlg's mutual evaluation. (2) In order to comply with the FATF standard, a comprehensive review of the law on tax/ public section (2012) will be conducted with the support of international partners including technical support; Palemic treaty, compliance with the 1999 Tero Fund Provision Treaty and fully implemented (4) Ensuring the appropriate system and potential of the jurisdiction of the jurisdiction, and introducing a ris k-based approach to the under / Futokoro director of financial institutions; ) Collection of information on the ownership of the corporate beneficiary, and the construction of a comprehensive legal framework for verifying the accuracy (6) Introduction of independent FIU (7) Terrorist funding and OU Starting the implementation of ris k-based supervision and monitoring that narrows down the target and monitoring of legal and institutional frameworks for the application of financial sanctions in line with the resolution of the UN Security Council on distribution In June 2021, Southern Sudan politically promised to improve the efficiency of the FT system at a high level with FATF. South Sudan will work on the following action plan, which includes (1) a member of Esaamlg and promises to pass Esaamlg's mutual evaluation. (2) In order to comply with the FATF standard, a comprehensive review of the law on tax/ public section (2012) will be conducted with the support of international partners including technical support; Palemic treaty, compliance with the 1999 Tero Fund Provision Treaty and fully implemented (4) Ensuring the appropriate system and potential of the jurisdiction of the jurisdiction, and introducing a ris k-based approach to the under / Futokoro director of financial institutions; ) Collection of information on the ownership of the corporate beneficiary, and the construction of a comprehensive legal framework for verifying the accuracy (6) Introduction of independent FIU (7) Terrorist funding and OU Starting the implementation of ris k-based supervision and monitoring that narrows down the target and monitoring of legal and institutional frameworks for the application of financial sanctions in line with the resolution of the UN Security Council on distribution
Jurisdiction No Longer Subject to Increased Monitoring by the FATF
In February 2010, Syria has achieved progress with the improvement of the US/FT system since Syria cooperated with FATF and Menifat and destroys under/ft strategic defects at the highest level. 。 In June 2014, FATF pointed out that Syria has almost completed personal behavior projects at the technical level through how to pursue criminal liability against terrorism funding and set up procedures to freeze terrorism. 。 However, FATF pointed out that Syria has actually completed a coordinated behavior project from the historical background of its security, and has started a process of implementing necessary reforms and actions, and whether it is sustained. The exit test was not conducted to prove it. FATF will continue to observe the process so far and conduct an exit test in a short period of time. In February 2010, Syria has achieved progress since Syria cooperated with FATF and Menifatf to destroy strategic defects related to under/ft at the highest level. In June 2014, FATF specified Syria that it had almost completed personal projects at the technical level. < SPAN> In February 2010, Syria has been developing with the highest level of political commitments to work with FATF and Menifats to destroy Under/FT strategic defects at the highest level. Achieved. In June 2014, FATF pointed out that Syria has almost completed personal behavior projects at the technical level through how to pursue criminal liability against terrorism funding and set up procedures to freeze terrorism. 。 However, FATF pointed out that Syria has actually completed a coordinated behavior project from the historical background of its security, and has started a process of implementing necessary reforms and actions, and whether it is sustained. The exit test was not conducted to prove it. FATF will continue to observe the process so far and conduct an exit test in a short period of time. In February 2010, Syria has achieved progress since Syria cooperated with FATF and Menifatf to destroy strategic defects related to under/ft at the highest level. In June 2014, FATF specified Syria that it had almost completed personal projects at the technical level. In February 2010, Syria has achieved progress with the improvement of the US/FT system since Syria cooperated with FATF and Menifat and destroys under/ft strategic defects at the highest level. 。 In June 2014, FATF pointed out that Syria has almost completed personal behavior projects at the technical level through how to pursue criminal liability against terrorism funding and set up procedures to freeze terrorism. 。 However, FATF pointed out that Syria has actually completed a coordinated behavior project from the historical background of its security, and has started a process of implementing necessary reforms and actions, and whether it is sustained. The exit test was not conducted to prove it. FATF will continue to observe the process so far and conduct an exit test in a short period of time. In February 2010, Syria has achieved progress since Syria cooperated with FATF and Menifatf to destroy strategic defects related to under/ft at the highest level. In June 2014, FATF specified Syria that it had almost completed personal projects at the technical level.