Our power markets A 100 databased approach Yggdrasil

The U.S. power market

The US power bazaar is composed of multiple markets and is considered to be the worst power market in the world. Most of the South American markets are operated by an organization called ISO (independent operator). They regulate in real time, for example, a day ago, like Bazar.

It was South America's power market that Yggdrasil established its own position with MW/H. We are trading in all ISOs in the United States, including Caiso in California, MISO and SPP in the Midwest, ERCOT in Texas, PJM ISO-NE, NYISO on the East Coast.


Members who do not produce electricity and consume, such as Yggdrasil, do trade called "virtuals", for example. In fact, this is an economic alternative to cast-pronoun. We take a day in the market and create the opposite position in the market in real time. In other texts, we bet on the fact that the cost is higher or lower than the daily cost in real time. This South America n-style power trading method supports Bazaar in two ways. First, the desirable fluidity is added to the market, and then virtual transactions can reduce the price range of rea l-time and one day ahead.

Button bazaar

For example, in the US power market, a node system is used to determine the cost and power radius. A node is a specific bark in the transmission system in advance, and is usually specified by the use of power generation or electricity.

By splitting the power market into a node, a wide variety of electricity rates can be obtained from the inside of each market. For example, PJM, one of the ISOs in the United States, offers 65 million services. The French power market has only one price range, but PJM has more than 11, 000 nodes. The 11, 000 node means the 11, 000 price range of 11, 000.

US connection

The US market is composed of three energy systems, but since each is operated separately, there is no function to relieve mutual imbalance.

The eastern system is extended from the center of Canada to the east (excluding Quebec) in the east (excluding Quebec), the south of Florida in the south, and the Rocky Mountains in the west (excluding most of Texas). The eastern part of the eastern system has spread to Canada beyond the United States, which reflects what Ryosan wanted to cooperate when electrification on the east coast of the United States began.

Western Association has spread from Western Canada to Bach California in Mexico, and the east, from the Rocky Mountains to Great Plains. A part of Bach California was contained in the western United States because electrification was closer to the US power system than Mexico.

The Texas Intersequence or Ercot interconnection covers most of Texas. This is a very small association that fluctuates. One example is that the price of a snowstorm in February 2021 reached a maximum of $ 9. 00 per MVT over a few days.

Power trading in Europe

A web of power markets with many interactions

Yggdrasil entered the European power market in the second year and made his first trading in the Netherlands. Currently, the European continent is the most important position in the Yggdrasil portfolio.

In general, the European power market consists of two main parts, exchanges and TSO.

Stock exchange

On the power exchange, transactions are mainly made before the supply. Here, two market participants exchange money for MVT. One of the largest exchanges in Europe is: EPEX SPOT and NordPool (two major exchanges), OMIE, Semopx, Borzen, and OKTE.


TSO is a place where market participants supply electricity and actually exchanges electricity. Here, the market participants will have an undecided position by buying and selling electricity. All TSOs do not allow market participants to balance unpaid positions, but are required to have "clean zero" instead. -Ins a position. Examples of TSO include Elexon, Tennet, Elia, Energinet, etc.

European outlook

In a broad sense, the European power market is divided into six regions defined by Etsoean Association for Cooperation of Energy System Operators. In addition, the European power market is divided into at least 30 zones. Each zone has only one price and only one person in charge. Most of these zones are countries, but some countries, such as Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, have different zones.

In each six regions, the market should be "harmonious". This means that networks cooperate in each region. The purpose is to promote power transactions for both market participants and networks themselves, manage the balance of each grid indirect, and minimize the interruption of power supply.

A trading license in the European shor t-circuit power market is being made as a real transaction. Most of the power is sold on exchanges and markets the day before or during the day before.

Traders are in charge of electricity balancing. Therefore, the trader is also called the "Balance Officer" (BRP). In all European countries, the BRP is like a transaction license, and without it, the power market cannot be accessed.

There is an obligation to move from somewhere when electricity is moved somewhere. BRP has an obligation to decide what to make using electricity. Whether to sell electricity again in the market, in some cases, transfer electricity to another area, trade there, or solve the use of electricity (if you are allowed by TSO).

Such choices are actually created by transactions, that is, moving to another material area, further transactions in that space, or searching for another transaction partner, is a very large part of Yggdrasil. is. After paying the second position, you can see if it is advantageous or lost.

Great Britain and Ireland

Windy isles

Like geography, the power market in England and Ireland was mostly historic. The power was produced in each state because the connection with the European continent was weak.

In recent years, many new interconnections have been announced, and the situation has changed. England and Ireland now have any opportunities to import more than 10 % of important power from nearby countries on European continents.

There has been a big change in the last 10 years. Historically, England wanted coal, nuclear power, and gas, but now coal is literally no longer used. It changes mainly by wind power, the wind is guaranteed a lot of common use, and solar power is added on a sunny day.

Energy and gas costs from the sun and wind

The drawback of the repeated energy source is that we cannot actually go every time, and the sun is often closed in the clouds. In the standard of tension in the world of gas rates, the most likely tension is actually the right electricity price.

As a result, it is considered an electric bazaar at a huge amount of stunning rates on a daily basis. If the wind is strong and sunny, the maximum production cost of wind, sunlight, and nuclear power is very small, so the cost may be zero. However, if the amount of wind power, solar, and nuclear power is small, the cost may decrease in a fairly short period. < SPAN> Transaction license in the European shor t-circuit power market is being made as a kind of transaction. Most of the power is sold on exchanges and markets the day before or during the day before.

Traders are in charge of power balancing. Therefore, the trader is also called the "Balance Officer" (BRP). In all European countries, the BRP is like a transaction license, and without it, the power market cannot be accessed.

There is an obligation to move from somewhere when electricity is moved somewhere. BRP has an obligation to decide what to make using electricity. Whether to sell electricity again in the market, in some cases, transfer electricity to another area, trade there, or solve the use of electricity (if you are allowed by TSO).

Power trading in Japan

A recently liberalized power market

Such choices are actually created by transactions, that is, moving to another material area, further transactions in that space, or searching for another transaction partner, is a very large part of Yggdrasil. is. After paying the second position, you can see if it is advantageous or lost.

Like geography, the power market in England and Ireland was mostly historic. The power was produced in each state because the connection with the European continent was weak.

In recent years, many new interconnections have been announced, and the situation has changed. England and Ireland now have any opportunities to import more than 10 % of important power from nearby countries on European continents.

There has been a big change in the last 10 years. Historically, England wanted coal, nuclear power, and gas, but now coal is literally no longer used. It changes mainly by wind power, the wind is guaranteed a lot of common use, and solar power is added on a sunny day.

Energy and gas costs from the sun and wind

The drawback of the repeated energy sources is that we cannot actually go to the whirlwind every time, and the sun is often closed in the clouds. In the standard of tension in today's gas rates, the most possible electricity price is actually the right electricity.

As a result, it is considered an electric bazaar at a huge amount of stunning rates on a daily basis. If the wind is strong and sunny, the maximum production cost of wind, sunlight, and nuclear power is very small, so the cost may be zero. However, if the amount of wind power, solar, and nuclear power is small, the cost may decrease in a fairly short period. A trading license in the European shor t-circuit power market is being made as a real transaction. Most of the power is sold on the previous day or daytime exchange or market.

Traders are in charge of power balancing. Therefore, the trader is also called the "Balance Officer" (BRP). In all European countries, the BRP is like a transaction license, and without it, the power market cannot be accessed.

There is an obligation to move from somewhere when electricity is moved somewhere. BRP has an obligation to decide what to make using electricity. Whether to sell electricity again in the market, in some cases, transfer electricity to another area, trade there, or solve the use of electricity (if you are allowed by TSO).

Such choices are actually created by transactions, that is, moving to another material area, further transactions in that space, or searching for another transaction partner, is a very large part of Yggdrasil. is. After paying the second position, you can see if it is advantageous or lost.

Like geography, the power market in England and Ireland was mostly historic. The power was produced in each state because the connection with the European continent was weak.

In recent years, many new mutual connections have been announced, and the situation has changed. England and Ireland now have any opportunities to import more than 10 % of important power from nearby countries on European continents.

There has been a big change in the last 10 years. Historically, England wanted coal, nuclear power, and gas, but now coal is literally no longer used. It changes mainly by wind power, the wind is guaranteed a lot of common use, and solar power is added on a sunny day.

Energy and gas costs from the sun and wind

Want to learn more?

The drawback of the repeated energy sources is that we cannot actually go to the whirlwind every time, and the sun is often closed in the clouds. The most likely tension standard in the world of gas rates is actually the right electricity price.

As a result, it is considered an electric bazaar at a huge amount of stunning rates on a daily basis. If the wind is strong and sunny, the maximum production cost of wind, sunlight, and nuclear power is very small, so the cost may be zero. However, if the amount of wind power, solar, and nuclear power is small, the cost may decrease in a fairly short period.

The tariff rate became much frequent. In 2019, the system cost did not exceed £ 2. 000/MWT. It was only once in 2020. In 2021, the increase in volatility began tracking to a new value. As of the end of 2021, the average electricity bill was about four times the previous, exceeding £ 2. 000/MWT in 20 cases. Only eight cases exceeded £ 2. 000/MWT in January 2022. Since then, the highest fluctuation has become normal.

Meet the Yggdrasils

Lasse Faarbaek, Lead Architect

Transfer electricity in Yggggdrasil England, North Ireland and Ireland Republic.

Jacob Falborg Nordström, Power Market Specialist

The uniqueness of the power market in Japan is that the state is divided into two different frequencies. It is 50 Hertz in the eastern part of the country, and 60 Hertz in the western part. The fundamental cause is that we purchased two types of generators in the 1890s.


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

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