PostQuantum Cryptography A Primer Keyfactor
Post-Quantum Cryptography: A Primer
In rea l-time, the pressure (and noise) for companies seeking "quantum support" seems to be very large. But what is a pos t-quantum code (PQC)? The guide provides an answer to a compelling question about the topic that suffers from security leaders. What PQC works, how it works, and what is more important, and how should the organization be prepared for Q-day now?
Table of Contents
- Q Day approaches
- Introduction to encryption and public key base
- Difference from the mechanism of quantum computing and others
- Quantum computing military competition
- How to prepare for MEMBERSHIP} post quantum secret lighting
- House
- Educational middle
- Post quantum cipher: textbooks
“Q Day” is coming
Rumors about quantum computing have been gaining momentum in the field of corporate IT and security for several years. For those who don't know anything, an expert who sounds a warning bell with the excuse to happen 10 years later may look like a person standing on the street corner with only a banner stating "The end is near!" expensive.
The day when quantum computers make all of the encryption methods available, "Q Day" has already arrived. The transition to a quantized world has the potential to freeze the most important OS update in the world population. From climate modeling to medical research, business analysis, and new geopolitical dangers, they will release a wide range of abilities in all fields. As a result, governments around the world are investing in quantum troops.
If you are reading this notebook, you may have heard the word "quantum". Hollywood has not avoided this word. All of these films, such as Antman: Quinontamania (2023), Interstellar (2014), and Oppen Hymer (2023), all of these films use quantum physics ideas.
This physics is a daunting, but enables a huge new calculation method for exponential functions. Simply put, quantum computing allows more difficult problems to solve more difficult problems.
Meanwhile, quantum computing can surpass the current widely used security protocol (algorithmic), which is widely used to protect the Internet, company, military technology, and almost everything. Quantum computers are ready to destroy advanced security strategies infrastructure.
In real time, companies seem to have huge pressure (and noise) for "quantum support". "But what is quantum computing? Let's find out.
A primer on cryptography & PKI
Progressive enchantments use digital keys and certificates so that only pr e-determined people can decipher information. This is collectively called the open key infrastructure (PKI).
Today, PKI is considered to be the most important item of trust in the digital world, and it is possible to check the genuine connection, encrypt data sent through the network, and sign software and paper digital signatures. can. The mathematical method used for encryption and decryption of data is the hackle of a giant computer, and there are many possibility that these important security components will be impaired.
With the times, all kinds of encryption using more difficult mathematical methods (for example, using the secret shell of an elliptical curve) has become more noticeable in order to make the decryption of encrypted messages more difficult. 。
As with passwords, the encryption method that uses more difficult and variable characters (or "bat") is more no n-civilized. Advanced hacking programs, for example, have a day and night to hack a password of seven symbols that only have numbers and small wages. It takes 40 days to hack a Semisyshkvolny password using a large stick. Hack a 8-character password requires a certain number of years.
Modern computers will be used in advanced PKIs and will take millions or tens of millions of years to hack the news using RSA ciphers using 2. 048 bits for each key.
How quantum computing works and how it’s different
Modern computers use a binary "bit" consisting of a unit and zero. Quantum computers treat information with cubes that suggest the physiological movements and positions of photons and electrons, not units or zero. You may remember a crystal clock that controls the operation of an electric oscillator in which the pulse of the crystal counts time.
The specificity of these elementary particle components, which blooms great computational abilities and the imagination of Hollywood, is surprising in its probability setting. They have all the potential to express a large number of things at the same time. The quantum computer that uses a cube has the ability to take a certain number of probability and calculation at the same time instead of considering one at a time. This allows you to greatly consider the huge amount instead of a classic computer.
Quantum computers work faster the more cubes. In 2021, the Chinese Science and Technology Research Institute announced 66 cubes microcessors, completing the calculation in one or two hours for advanced supercomputers.
For example, how many cubes are enough?
The quantum computer "Cube number", the key to hacking the RSA cipher key, was a series of moving pillars. Professional's first surveillance was made by using the Schora method to decipher the RSA key. In this method, hundreds of thousands (or millions) cubes (or millions) are required for quantum computers to hack RSA cipher.
It took no on e-century to make such a computer's reliable creation.
However, Chinese scientists have hacked RSA codes with just 372 cubes in combination. Quantum computers with hundreds of cubes are absolutely possibl e-but this pair has not yet demonstrated the algorithm, it actually works on the scale.
Regardless of whether a quantum computer can decipher the RSA cipher the next day or decrypt 10 years later, it is necessary to migrate to a new encryption method.
Let's consider the transition from a gas car to an electric vehicle. The manufacturer encountered an electric vehicle is not sooner or later because oil will be depleted. Because I don't know when that day will come. Electric vehicles appear because the buyers are actually changing, the standards are changing, and adapting to these changes distinguishes the competitive advantage. 。
The same is true for quantum tolerance. The quantu m-resistant method is like a fresh and best fuel key. In order to utilize its advantage, companies need to improve their digital "vehicle" (PKI, hardware security module, server, etc.) to adapt to this new resource. In order to adapt, the organization needs to learn carefully and rebuild its own IT ecosystem, which requires more time and effort than most organizations.
A method that is resistant to quantum mechanics provides the highest protection
Quantum computers are not rudimentary, but provide completely different calculations. There is a good chance that other encryption methods can withstand quantum computers. The transition to these methods will call for local governments, individuals, and government digital infrastructure administrators and cover the collective business like you.
Research and testing of cryptographic algorithms that are resistant to quantum computing are trained by government agencies around the world.
Post quantum secret score nist
In 2016, NIST (State University of Stereotypes and Technologies) began working on creating quantu m-resistant algorithms. It looked at 10 states experts who wanted a way of discussion, and as a result, received 69 cartridge-carriers. NIST has studied these methods to narrow the candidate's circle and applied for hacking.
By July 5, 2022, the standardization process of quantum isolation NIST came to a stereotype to develop the 4 Kvantovo harmless encryption method with non-encrypting keys and digital signatures. They plan to publish their own final advice and official stereotype in 2024.
Other municipal research institutes around the world are doing the same.
The quantum computing arms race
China, Germany, Canada, the United States, India, and Japan are leading quantum research, but other countries also have quantum programs. Israel, Australia, the Netherlands, and the Russian Federation are part of them.
- The United States has a more developed ecosystem in the private sector to foster quantum innovation. In the number of companies funded by private states in the field of quantum computing, the United States is overtaken by the entire space. In quantum computing research and development, 15 municipal companies and nearly 80 start-ups are fostered.
- China has an advantage in the competition. The Chinese government is funding quantum research every day, especially in state institutions. China has achieved more advanced quantum technologies and in 2016 launched its first quantum satellite, which transmits information without conventional encryption.
But then, the approval of the USA National Quantum Initiative in 2018 supplemented the local government investment. The US is also currently trying to collaborate with the UK, Australia and Japan.
IBM and Microsoft - Old timers in quantum technology. IBM plans to launch more than 1, 000 Cube quantum microprocessors by 2023. Microsoft is working on a new type of Cube and is using its Azure Cloudy platform to provide organizations with access to quantum resources.
Google, D-Wave, Quantum Computing Inc (QCI), Intel, Rigetti and Xanadu are focusing on more than just the nearest quantum applications and auxiliary equipment. QCI and Xanadu hope to make quantum computing cheap. Lockheed Martin, Volkswagen, NASA's intermediate research at AIMS, and other companies are already using D-Wave's quantum annealing process.
Other big companies like Amazon and Toshiba are still trying to reach the span in the field of quantum computing.
Finally, is it worth thinking about this?
Right now, quantum computing is just a technical challenge, and it's only a matter of time before scientists figure out how to build and scale quantum computers that can overcome these advanced numbers.
Breakthroughs approaching this turning point could happen at any time. This is why the hype around quantum technology sometimes seems a bit crazy. We don't know when it will happen, 5 years from now or 30 years from now.
Preparing for quantum technology will be more important than digital improvements.
This is not the first time the world has moved to new cryptographic stereotypes and methods. Such transitions are always painful. Some industries are still trying to move to these stereotypes that have been around for 10 years, such as AES and SHA-2.
Today, organizations use more digital personal numbers than ever before. There is no universal method for post-quantum cryptography. Therefore, organizations need to carefully evaluate current and future application scenarios.
Manufacturers need to consider products with longer cycle times.
Connected technologies that use cryptography, such as satellites, transportation, medical devices, and mental health devices, have long life spans. Even if there is a chance to wait until a quantum danger occurs to introduce quantum-resistant algorithms, products that use old quantum-sensitive secret scripts will continue to be used for a long time.
If you take the steps to introduce quantum-resistant encryption now, you can be sure that the products you sell today will be safe when the quantum era arrives.
The bad guys won't wait.
While stealing encrypted data doesn't mean anything to hackers right now, they are betting that this will continue for a while. Anticipating the increasing quantum probability, bad guys are stealing encrypted information in the hope of decrypting it later.
Such "collect now, decrypt later" attacks have great security benefits for companies and governments. And this is not only true. According to a study conducted by HP, companies are considered to be the most common target of cyber attacks from government countries.
Once the bad guys succeed in breaking the RSA encryption that runs the entire online world, any organization will be at risk without proper preparation.