Recent UK action to protect children from online gambling and gamingrelated privacy issues

Recent UK action to protect children from online gambling and gaming-related privacy issues

The violent increase between gambling and online gambling was observed during the Cobid slot. The industry has long been taking measures to harm online gambling and games and games that are likely to be harmful to people in weak positions, and this problem is the center of interest in the regulatory organizations. This story is not only Azart Games Commission, but also ICO, Marketing Practice Committee (CAP), Marketing Standards Management (ASA). Take measures for this matter I keep going.

Changes to the CAP Code

In April 2022, the cap announced a new rule applied to gambling ads. The standard was enforced on October 1, 2022, and the advertiser was given six months to prepare for the change. The main changes in the new rules were that gambling and lottery advertisements were not necessary to be "displayed or associated with youth culture, especially for children and young people." This is one step forward with a shorter threshold, and advertising is not necessary for children to be "particularly attractive." The "child" here refers to those who are not 18 years old who can participate in gambling.

The rules provide some kinds of ads that are autonomous and good for children under the age of 18, from those that have all possibilities of adults, such as advertising. 。 In particular, gambling advertisements cannot be applied:

  • Top League soccer players, children under the age of 18 are often in public networks
  • A player who is known among children under the age of 18 and has a considerable number of subscribers among children up to the age of 18 in public networks
  • Cosmic} Video game content and link to game play known among children under the age of 18
  • Star of reality programs known among children under the age of 18, these are the peninsula of love.

The advertiser has a limited exception to the use of these criteria, which has the ability to prove that appropriate measures have been taken to restrict advertisements under the age of 18. For example, the rules, for example, do not interfere with advertising of gambling products related to the work itself, and can be presented to 1 8-yea r-olds (for example, some types of sports and video games). In this way, acute issues on video games "boxes of loot" exceed the rules.

When the criteria were introduced in October 2022, the ASA published a help instruction for using the new rules and gave a certain number of examples of what this would look like in practice:

  • space}High risk - for example, child TV presenters or movie stars, who in the strength of their role include direct connections with children under 18 years of age, and who have a significant audience of children under 18 years of age in public networks.
  • Small risk - for example, players who have become panditized - retired players/opinions are recognized based on their social and other media profiles; if the audience of children under 18 years of age in public networks is small but noticeable, this may be considered in line with the overall personality profile and encourage the ASA to accept the codification of the personality as "highly attractive".
  • Low risk - for example, athletes who specialize in these sports disciplines, such as cricket, tennis, rugby, etc., but do not play a significant role in their sport or have a general profile; footballers from the least important clubs in the Euros/World.

This hosting standard aims to reduce gambling and lottery advertising on public networks where these platforms have a large audience, especially when this audience is more likely to be under 18 years old. At the start of the 2022/23 season, eight of the 20 top league teams were sponsored by gambling companies. However, the new standard does not affect these connections, meaning that players and teams will no longer be able to announce T-shirt sponsorship in other ways.

Gambling Commission

In November 2022, the Gambling Commission published a personal report 'Youth and Gambling', which gives daily research designed to help more than others to get a feel for how children and young people are exposed to all appearances of gambling and are involved in them.

The report, however, conveys that although the data on regulated products with restrictive age-related constraints is encouraging, there are definitely still groups that control gambling problems. The Gambling Commission said it is actually accelerating its own work to improve gambling security.

At the same time as changing the CAP code, the gambling committee also announced new rules to take online gambling to take supplementary measures for identifying customers and defense, but these standards are directly to defend the boy. It should be pointed out that it is not. New standards have been enforced on September 12, 2022 and are urgently requested by businesses:

  • To identify the harm of gambling, monitor minimal characteristic s-this includes customer costs, cost models, time spent on gambling, gambling characteristics, contact with customers, gambling assistance Introducing the means and the characteristics of the account.
  • Highlight the space} damage pointer and take measures within time
  • Introduction of automatic processes that identify powerful damage indicators
  • Prevents the sale and introduction of a new price using a powerful damage indicator.
  • Evaluate how the interaction between the operator and the buyer corresponds to the damage level
  • Space} Not only observe searches every day, but also check the compliance with external proposal providers.

ASA Remit over marketing communications

In June 2022, the ASA issued a statement explaining its own responsible area and the ball in the area of ​​use, as it would adapt to gambling businesses from the perspective of marketing content in public networks. According to this statement, the ASA and the Gambling Committee are all content on public networks published by business operators with gambling licenses, especially due to harm to children under the age of 18 or gambling. It was confirmed that it was protected by the mutual consciousness of having to meet the CAP code to secure.

The ASA and the Gambling Committee have paid special attention to analyzing and predicting gambling operators that advertise their own products and offers on public networks. In particular, this statement emphasizes that sports rate operators are recruiting unique subscribers using a wel l-known account on a platform like Twitter. In other words, it is difficult to actually recognize what is regarded as editing content, such as remarks and opinions (outside the ASA liability), and may actually be rationally classified as "advertising". For example, there is no direct slogan or product called "content marketing", but the face is eroded that has the potential to function to advertise a business operator. I am. The ASA is being held in line with such content marketing (despite the incapability of accurate access to products, links and references), which corresponds to the range of responsibility. It means that it is regulated by Capcode.

It is difficult to develop a consistent approach, and some documents from social networks exceed the ASA authority if they are not reasonably associated with gambling products. In order to maintain a clear border, the ASA and the Gambling Committee agreed as follows:

  • Space} ASA continues to consider complaints about advertising on social networks, and the information shall be in line with the existing decision-exercise of authority in each case.
  • In a limited case where businesses about social networks are regarded as unrelated to the ASA authority, the ASA will transfer it to the gambling committee.
  • The Gambling Committee examines the provisions of its approval and conditions (LCCP) (LCCP), which stipulates the rules for businesses that have been approved for consumers in the UK. Examine the possibility of taking measures according to the statements about.

ICO guidance to games developers on compliance with the Children's Code

In February 2023, ICO announced hints on the compliance with children's code for game developers. The ICO Child Lens Code is 15 essential criteria for online services to follow the confidentiality and personal data of children accessing the service. Online games are directly subject to this code. Recommended items for ICO

  • Implementation of risk assessmen t-According to ICO, some processes are effective to identify and minimize the risks of these children in the game. This is in consultation with external stakeholders, including children, and in some cases, the accusation of the game of the game is to complete the assessment on the impact on the rights of the child, the development stage and the stage creation stage. By documenting, it is necessary to judge whether measures to manage age, what measures are required, or whether it is necessary to match elements for children; regulars after starting play. To review the evaluation and adjust it as necessary, for example, if an unexpected age group is playing. In addition, in consideration of the government's answer to the "child norm" and the advisory of robbery, the random reward should be thoroughly evaluated.
  • Knowing the age of the player-Evaluate the players under the age of 18, evaluate how to determine the actual age with sufficient reliability, and document them. Consider potential solutions to guarantee your age, and implement all products as soon as possible after discovering.
  • Ensuring transparenc y-for this, for example, it is possible to conduct user surveys on the secret maintenance of familiar children between different ages.
  • Prevents destructive use of child dat a-In fact, the format of all options in individual data applications is cut by default and the only player (or if parents are under 13 years old. Please make sure that it is only active); Improve measures.
  • Install the best options for confidentiality and parenting contro l-this is related to confidential options, for example, transferred to an alert guardian about your child's behavior in real time. It has the function to do; if you try to change your settings, provide the player a transfer of comments; it controls what kind of personality data the children are displayed on others. Observe if there is a possibility of establishing a changed option so that it can remain; it has the best option for default privacy options by disabling default voice chat options. In order to guarantee the settings as lon g-term sessions and do not care, they will participate in the options of "Everyone" request; and install settings that allow you to enjoy only other boys. Other options for control try to submit to boys with the chat function to help maturity.
  • Profiling responsible implementatio n-If profiling is particularly important for games, children should have the opportunity to control whether their personal information is applied and how they are applied. 。 This should be linked to any external advertising supplier in a test such as mirroring the content in this IRGE; at the time of profiling, the transfer of the aged age corresponding to Infa in this IRGE, and the case, a reliable adult. Approval of children who actively actively profiling, what they are actually, what they are; agreement on the standards for developing new account players and consent for marketing of confidential politicians Branc h-Profiling for advertising should be cut for children by default.
  • Do not use a push method so that children do not accept the wrong conclusions on confidentialit y-observations and enter the time limit for children intended for children or to enter A-Time Service. Introducing the risks of the risks; introducing a positive method of pushes to ensure the best interests of children; reviewing how to inform the tournaments and partnerships, the children in the media in the role of the tournament. Do not attend to encourage account creation. Track the players' actions and number of clicks, and detect all types of no n-no n-type push factors.

Enforcement is coming

It is wonderful for the ASA and the Gambling Committee to confirm that they are continuing to solve the steps to reduce problematic gambling, especially among children and population vulnerable layers, and in fact, ICO. We have announced instructions for compliance with children's code components, which are meaningful for this section.

The main conclusion is that both the ASA and the Gambling Committee are very careful about how gambling operators act on public networks. Of course, in 2023, a conclusion of larg e-scale law execution will be adopted in relation to gambling operators who cannot respond to the revision of the ASA and the expansion of the ASA activities. Like ICO data, these tasks will pay special interest in introducing a method of pushing game creators in the ratio of children's code. There is no doubt that in the entire ecosystem of the adaptation of games and online gambling, the main concerns are given to the defense of children, and this need is increased at the fastest only when the bill becomes online security legislation. Masu. < SPAN> Do not use a push method so that children do not accept incorrect conclusion s-observations, time restrictions for children intended for children or A-Time Service Introducing the risk of entering; Introducing the positive method of pushes to ensure the best interests of children; reviewing the methods and partnerships, and the children in the tournament. Do not attend the media to encourage the creation of an account in the media. Track the players' actions and number of clicks, and detect all types of no n-no n-type push factors.


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

In terms of gambling, the Bill will block access to online gambling content and prevent gambling-related ads from being served to children. The ASA said it implemented restrictions on gambling advertising to protect children and was monitoring online gambling advertising, including. The Premier League and other sports governing bodies should commit to cutting the volume of gambling adverts in stadiums, MPs say today.

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