Rural depopulation is playing a major role in causing fires in Romania European Data Journalism
Rural depopulation is playing a major role in causing fires in Romania
The fourth installment of our Romania series is about how the destruction of Romanian villages has unforeseen consequences. Agricultural land, where work is no longer available, is burned along with forests and protected wildlife.
Laura Popa – PressOne
Published on August 28, 2023 Aerial, view, burnt, after, illegal, fire-inducedThe village of Karaşova is located about 15 km from the rapidly developing Romanian city of Leşitlüa. Karaşova is located on the DN58 road towards Anin and has a large Croatian community, with most of the inhabitants being ethnic Croats.
The road to Karaşova is also the entrance to the Semenyihi-Karası Valley National Park, which contains the largest virgin beech forest in the EU.
In addition to the village of the same name, Karaşova includes the villages of Iiabarci and Nersmed. According to the 2021 census, the population is just over 2, 500 people (just over 3, 100 in 2011).
Most of the inhabitants are elderly. They are the few who remained in these three villages after their children went abroad.
Every year, forest fires occur in Karasov. There is no one to plow the fields, no livestock to harvest hay. The aging population is still guided by traditions and economically relies on agricultural subsidies.
To make matters worse, there are almost no penalties.
“They come at night and put a match to it”
On July 18, 2023, a huge fire of vegetation in Bragadir (Ilfov County) made all the headlines. That day, a shepherd from Karasov explained to us how the pastures in his village were cleared.
We found him in the shade of a plum tree. A dog guarding the sheep followed us, and we chased it away by barking. We got closer and saw that he was moving with a stick. He lost his right leg while working in Italy collecting tangerines.
In March 2019, part of the surrounding pastures was burned down. The flames reached a height of four meters.
Pressone received a photo-video archive showing fires in Karasov and Semenyih-Karas Gorge National Park since 2013.
Traces of the fires are still visible four years later.
Traces of a fire that broke out in Karasov in March 2019 are still visible as of July 2023. Photo: Laura Popa
Traces of the fires are still visible four years later.
"Young people don't want to work, and as a result the old people, who no longer have the opportunity to put some coins in their pockets for the subsidy, come at night, strike a match and make a fire. When the grass dries, it burns," says the shepherd.
Local residents no longer value their territory as they did before. They despise the spring and autumn harvest. But most of them have managed to sign an agreement with APIA, the Romanian agency that grants subsidies to farmers. The condition is that the pastures are kept in the following condition: With this fire they can solve this work more and more profitably - including without paying attention to the fact that APIA actually prohibits making pasture.
The shepherd from Karasov demonstrates in a remote plum orchard overgrown with ferns.
"When the plum trees dry, the owners cut two or three If you don't bite the grooves of the books and lift the tree, the plum tree will be covered. And the ferns will grow even more when they are burned. But he doesn't understand the Romanians. The shepherd explains.
A theologian mayor and a Sunday sermon
A few meters from the town hall, Karasov is the Roman Catholic temple of the district. The mayor, who is a theology graduate, calls it his "soulmate". Bogdan Peter (SDP) has been in charge of Karasov since 2001, but was unsuccessful in the elections from 2012 to 2016. In fact, he admits that he faces "problems with burning vegetation".
Mayor of Karasov Bogdan Peter (SDP). Photo: Laura Popka
"The human factor is at work here. "In Karasov, we burn the pastures in the spring, so the sheep's mouths become sheep's mouths. At that time, we had 30, 000 sheep and every part of the pasture was used perfectly, so the fire was not strong."
According to his writings, the residents are in fact afraid to no longer graze on the district's pastures, as they did before, where the land has every opportunity to fill with trees. "Recently we have been trying to bring the line under the data. And we can say that we are particularly lucky. But with these changes there are still people who are not civilized and unhappy," he says.
"When the Sunday worship is over, I go in front of the house in the government office and tell this news. The fact that is very cruel, the other basis, that is, the fact that a bonfire is not good, the fact that the forest is increased, and the fact that this vegetation is actually needed. We talk about both, but we can't pass the territory.
The mayor says that no one will bonfire on Kalashova pastures for 10 years. This is not because district residents understand the significance of this act or be shocked by punishment. The fact that there are no people who propagate animals, and the fact that they do not cause a fire is also a rudimentary reason.
In ten years we will be rid of fires
It is possible to replace the light twice a year, wheat in the spring, and a frozen agriculture that harvests dried grass in summer. But for example, many people were left for this. The local government website has a fantastic description of Karashov's life. ''
In fact, Mayor Bogdan Peter believes that working abroad is the main source of income of Karashov's inhabitants. People migrated and arrested their sons. They come back only during vacation. "Think. In the past, there were two classes at each age, but now the age is connected. Even though there were two classes in fifth graders before, the fifth and sixth graders are together. I am, "says the mayor. The mayor added: "Most of the residents work at construction sites.
As long as there is no new generation to live at the expense of livestock, the spring of burning plants is as well, as well as a small number of residents who have learned to make it, and do not punish it. Appia, who can take up subsidies from grassyers, does not show any special consideration, and the mayor says.
"We provide GPS data for all fires. We talked with the Apia authorities in an unofficial and friendly. In their view, he explained that there was no problem if the territory was not provided.
And this is really correct. Bonfires are usually held in the spring when orders are placed in Apia. After two weeks, the earth becomes green and beautiful.
April 2022. The grassland is on fire, and the residents even say that they should cut the grass.
But the effects of the fire are clearly visible on the trees, meaning that arson, prohibited by APIA funding rules, has taken place.
APIA told PressOne that in 2020, six farmers across the Karas-Severin district were fined for violating the rule that farmland and pastures must not be set on fire.
But the mayor's office was not strict. Neither was the local police. The main reason, the mayor claims, is that arsonists are not easily caught. I show the mayor a map of the 2019 fires registered in the European Forest Fire Information System.
Prevention with a soft touch
"Yes, the area is very vulnerable because it is adjacent to the national road. We have our eye on the culprit. It's a man who was looking after sheep in the area. He believed in the method. If you set fire, new grass will grow. I convinced him that dry grass is better than no grass," the mayor says.
Karašová. Photo: Laura Popa
But no fine was issued because the shepherd's identity was not officially confirmed.
According to the mayor, no one will fine anyone who sets fire to hay in their yard. He sends the head of the volunteer rescue service to warn them, but he won't fine them. He believes in the idea that things get better with time.
Fires happen every spring, and the mayor admits that there are many fires along the main roads. But there is no talk of police patrols.
"How can they patrol 24 hours a day?" - he asks. Do you think this guy will set fire to a police car? If he sees a police car, it's easy for someone to hide in the bushes and escape."
We left Karasova and headed for the village of Iabarcha. The entrance to the village is on a road that is barely wide enough for one car. If someone comes from the opposite direction, the car has to stop. Ivka Nikolai, director of Semenik-Karasy Gorge National Park, is also from Iabarcha.
Another empty village, another fire
It's over 35 degrees that day, and you can feel it in the village. There are few local residents on the road. In the silence of a summer day, an unseen voice can be heard from time to time in the courtyard behind the tall gate.
On a shady bench, I meet two women and a man, representing three generations. They seem to be waiting for another day to pass.
After passing through the path, there is a pointer that informs you that there are some sections on the Transylvania Expressway. When you leave the middle of the village, the private house disappears and only the grassland remains. Now, half of the summer, as a result, the huge grass has already been cut and dried. But don't spend a lot of time looking for burn marks.
In July 2023, the area where the vegetation of Iabaluchi was burned a little earlier. Photo: Laura Popka
Maybe someone ignited. Maria went home with her dog.
She explained: Sometimes, there are people who come to get dried grass. These people (he pointed to the background near us) declared that shepherds would really come. But the shepherd did not come and the dried grass was not caught. For example, what do people have to make? It is impossible to illuminate him, but we all do it for personal fears and risks.
In Iabalchae, there are only a few residents who still have animals, including veterinarians and shepherds. Some people have livestock, but that's it. As a result, a large amount of dried grass remains. District residents burn it to dispose of it. If you stayed out, you wouldn't be turned over, and the following year, the rake would be "clogged", and Cosbu would have been even more difficult.
Maria was waiting for her daughter from Austria to help her to cut and pick up dried grass. She managed the unprofitable part of the pasture. Shepherds promised to gather their own dried grass from her, but has not realized so far.
In the spring, she says that people have a bonfire and pioneer their land. The flame may arrive from Karashov.
"A few years later, the village burned. Lued threw it on fire. The hill where Karashova lives can cause flames. The huge drought continues, spring. When the dried grass is not mature, the flame is burning, and the instinct to fire is flowing. "
After about 5 minutes, Patra and his dog meet a calm shepherd, 5 months old. Patra is 86 years old. The braid is attached to the back. I want to spread the dried grass that has not been put together in the bale yet. In the spring, make a fire saying, "Don't get lost."
8 6-yea r-old Patra said he had never ignited the dried grass, and was impossible to find an unnamed straw at the exit. When animals are gone, people do not make things and ignite the dried grass. " Photo: Laura Popka
In a burnt grassland seen further back in the plains, we can see him.
"I have never changed. I ignite the dried grass cut by people and clean it. I don't need to make anything anymore. Don't grow up. If it's just a forest and bamboo grove, it's completely different. It would have been a problem, "Petsur explains. He guided me on the way to Iabaluchi's sightseeing spot, Gloa Yepi. A tourist said, "I came with a camera and took a picture."
From Ibalci, head to Nermed, the last village on the map of Karashov. Local residents explain: "Three or four years ago, there was a huge fine here. It's because of the sun and the climate."
Dorin Magarugiu is the first ranger hired in 2004 when the Semenik Karashi Valley Branch has blossomed.
No year without fire
The first ranger hired to develop Dreen Magarugiu, Semenik State Park. Photo: Laura Popka
For more than 16 years, he plowed the hill of Karasov, but retired in 2021. According to his text, there was no year without a fire during that time. In one case, seven fire trucks were needed to extinguish the fire that occurred on the protected land.
Local officials believe that national parks are hostile to the development of the village. "" This park has a lot of restrictions on the development of people and society. Mayor Bogdan Petra is afraid of coming to Karasova for this reason. "
"Many merchants have come to us. Once they wanted to build a lime factory in Anin and develop a quarry, I wanted to develop a quarry on behalf of the local government. They aren't allowed to allow them to do so. The mayor said.
The total area of Semenik is 14, 000 hectares, but there are only a small part of the Semenik Karashi Valley State Park. In fact, only 30 % are considered a strict protection area where invasion is prohibited, even on the border of the park.
According to unofficial information, 540 hectares are destroyed by forest fire every year.
Fires, official and unofficial
According to the official response of the Romsilva (Romanian Forestry) agency sent to PRESSONE, no fire was recorded in the park in 2018, 2019 and 2020.
Semenik Karashi Gorgei Park is managed by Romslva based on an agreement with the Ministry of the Romania Environment. Park authority is basically responsible for everything that occurs, from environmental protection to fire, waste, and illegal deforestation.
According to the law, if a fire occurs in the park, the authorities are obliged to notify the Romania and Romslva Environmental Conservation Bureau within 24 hours. The Environmental Conservation Bureau has an obligation to conduct an inspection at that location to find out what happened and whether there was a violation of management as a coordinator. However, it is necessary to consider the damage caused by habitat. For this reason, if it exceeds very large damage, it may be settled only with the guidance of a park, which may be guilty of inappropriate management.
August 2017 Fire in the Semensky Mountains
In addition, According to the PRESSONE information provider, there is no way to obtain the approval of the jurisdiction in performing such a reputation. Everything is done by the estimate and listening with the ears.
According to Dorin's book, he created a report for the several years when Park Ranger was working. The strength of the park has spread to the general public, and appropriate measures have been taken.
"Nothing will happen. I report that a fire will happen, but the grass will grow for a while, and during this time, the apia will arrive, inspect, and find a greenish grass." However, during this time, the flame is 4 meters hill. I can't see how the tree was burned.
Semenich's fire, drone photograph, fire after October 2017, three months later.
In the official request, we asked Romvirva to see if there was a penalties for the Park Management Bureau for fire in 2020 to 2023. The agency basically replied, "This was not."
The situation of one spruce along the road 582E is defined how Romvillva operates the state park "Semeni k-Crow Gorge". This alone is not enough, in fact, all trees are cut down in this area, for example, a fire in 2017. In 2023, Touhi was still standing, but was already completely dried up and surrounded by carbonized stumps of other trees.
In July 2023, the white throat was dried up by the fire in 2017, but dried up.
In Greece, forest fires occur frequently in real time. As part of the EU's citizen's defense mechanism, Romania dispatched 10 firefighters with 130 firefighters to help Greek overcoming history. Romanian climate, unlike Greece, seems to need to protect himself from large forest fires. However, there is no doubt that Romania is divided into countries such as Greece, Spain and Portugal. In the previous notebook, he stated that the grounds and what could be expected in the future.
What’s next?
In order to overcome the fire, Romania conducted a EU's Euromekanism expert test in 2022. Four independent experts in Croatia, France, Portugal, and Spain, chosen by the European Commission, have revealed their weaknesses in emergency management.
Part of the Transylvania Expressway through Karashov. Photo: Laura Popka
In their opinion, it is necessary to carry out a wider range of information campaigns for farmers who incinerate vegetation. Apart from this, it is necessary to focus on prevention and distinguish the method for that. For this purpose, Romania is developing a national strategy to reduce disaster risk. The challenge is to start investing in municipalities and private sector in planning to reduce risk.
According to the Ministry of Home Affairs, the strategic plan is at the discussion between ministries and agencies.
Alexander Lucian has concluded another conclusion that Mayor Karashowa eliminates police patrol ideas.
A potential solution: monitoring via a network of sensors
Alexander Lucian is a professional of a mental technical system. Alexander Lucian is a mental technology system professional. Later, in some environmental protection plans, he succeeded in building a network to support sensors and identify and predict fire: Spotfire.
"It turns out that the actors who measure the quality of the air may show smoke if only the concentration of PM10 and PM2. 5 may show smoke," Alexander Ruchiyan says. "Therefore, if measured from 55 to mg/m3, it will definitely smoke in this area. If there is no smoke, there will be no fire.
"I monitored this with the help of a sensor installed nationwide. Anyway, I got the highest number, so I called the place where I put the sensor and checked what was happening in this area. He said, "The right neighbor is doing a barbecue" or "the left neighbor is burning."
Based on the air quality findings, Alexander Lucian developed another sensor, powered by solar cells, that also collected humidity, temperature and flame data. He installed several models around the highway in Cluj-Napoc, but they were soon vandalized and stopped transmitting data.
"We tried to create Spotfire to test sensors that can be installed in fields, forests and protected areas and determine the intensity and severity of the situation. For example, there are times when such fires can occur: from 13:00 or 14:00 to 16:00," he explains.
How much does this cost?
"For the simplest measurements - smoke detection, particle, humidity and temperature detection - you can install sensors for about 300 euros," says Alexander Lucian.
"Right now we're looking for a solution to make the sensors as cheap and small as possible so that they can be installed, for example, in parks with security guards. But for this someone needs to back the project - not an NGO, but the state.
The authorities know. This is not a new solution. I don't think I need to go to city hall and explain it to them. I've already done that and learned my lesson," explains Spotfire's founder.
For example, when it comes to the air quality sensor in the club, he wanted to install it next to a national observatory so that the data could be compared. He got permission from Bucharest, but the club refused.
"The data is public and accessible to everyone, especially the authorities. So far, no one has contacted us. We know that the data was used by the mayor and published on a portal. We wrote to the municipality, but no one responded.
In the United States, authorities are already using such a national quality control network and private sensors to track which direction the smoke is going and notify citizens if necessary.
Fires rapidly devour dry vegetation Karasov, March 2019
Climate change helps create conditions for the occurrence and distribution of forest fires. And the more fires there are and the more intense they are, the more carbon dioxide is released, which contributes to global warming.
It's a vicious circle. Rejection of villages, lack of work and lack of education only worsen the situation. If there is no one to till the soil, it is easier and cheaper to light a match.
And if the system does not work well, solving the problem will only become more complicated.