Speech by Minister Grace Fu Building a Green Singapore Fostering a liveable more sustainable
Speech by Minister Grace Fu - Building a Green Singapore - Fostering a liveable, more sustainable nation
1 I would like to thank many members who have read stability during the BUTHET discussion in order to deal with the "reduction" represented by members, for that, to deal with the "reduction" represented by members. In particular, the Dr. Koch-Lian Pin slogan is for what, climate change and stable formation, and as a major problem we focus on, Miss Care-Tan's slogan, " I found the resonance that I have more split, do not apply it, is notted. " Senior Minister Theo-Chi-Hin also read the urgent need for our excessive weather and climate. He led him to cover national efforts to move to a more ecological future.
Two nationwide initiatives have been enhanced by Singapore's "Green Intent for 2030", which was announced two years ago. This green plan outlines the fear of our goals, the dumb and reliable strategy and the influence of Singapore, to achieve zero emissions. It is an important compass that shows a path to sustainable development. Other ministries' colleagues have already presented new information on their own initiatives and proposals to implement green intentions in the Supply Committee debate.
3 We promise to continue these efforts focusing on sustainable houses to change the climate for the Ecology, focus on life, and Singapolez and our future generations. I will do it. Now, my colleagues from the permanent stations and the Ministry of Conservation on Wednesday explain how we are resistant to climate change, are approved climate, and build the foundation of the "green" civilization. Masu.
Climate civilization
4 Introduction, we will tell you in detail how we will lead, adjust the conditions, and help in Singapore to a climat e-suitable country.
Important role in the transition
5 The local government part leads to the process of Singapore, a lo w-carbon Singapore, and builds a path to rooting “green”.
6 As part of the 6 GreenGov. SG Initiative, the local government has pledged to achieve zero emissions by 2045. Dr. Koch Lian Pin and Don VII were asked to talk about the progress of their work. In order to lead this initiative, he has appointed Singapore's first sustainable government development officer (GCSO). Each ministry and agency appoints another lead worker based on the sustainable formation issues, and supervises sustainable formation issues in each ministry's framework. They work closely with GCSO to formulate and coordinate strategies to carry out ambitious data.
Municipalities are promoting their own system and processing. For example, the National Protection Agency (NEA) on Wednesday, along with Keppel Segers, to verify the technical and economic validation for recovering carbon dioxide emitted from the factory to convert waste into energy. I am working on it.
Po Lee Sang asked about PUB's intentions and conclusions for economic decarbonization. PUB has also committed to achieving the Net Zero Emission by 2045 in line with Green Gove's ambition. It is in line with the ambition of SG.
The carbonized strategy is based on 3R (Reduce, Replace, Remove):
First, PUB reduces carbon dioxide emissions by improving the productivity of energy mult i-consumer processes such as seawater desalification and new watermaking. By 2025, the aim is to reduce the energy consumption of seawater desalating from 3, 5 kilowatts per cubic meter to less than 2 kilowatts. The PUB's future Touas water regeneration plant (WRP) is sel f-sufficient to fully use the synergistic effect with the NEA comprehensive waste treatment plant.
Later, PUB plans to replace the carbon energy information provider with a repeated amount of solar energy. We already own the world's largest floating solar park in the Tengeku reservoir. We are deploying a real floating solar firm in the Pandan reservoir, and we plan to bid for the construction in the latter half of this year.
PUB continues to study carbon removal innovative technology. In collaboration with the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), the PUB is testing a new electrolytic technology that collects carbon dioxide in seawater through the seawater desalination process. As a result, hydrogen can be manufactured so that seawater can be desalified by minimal energy consumption, and seawater can be first cultured.
7 Dong Wee and CHERYL CHAN are the government GreenGov. SG from this year. This report reflects our efforts, progress, and intentions. In consideration of international stereotypes and frameworks, we will start reporting the emissions of scope 1 and 2, power and water consumption. From FY2024, all legal guidelines will provide additional information on environmental sustainability every year. Many legal guidelines have already begun disclosing information on sustainable development. These companies continue to incorporate sustainable issues into decisio n-making and risk management systems to achieve certain sustainable results.
Like Don Wee, Lewis Eun, and Dr. Ko Lian Pin, the local government sector has the ability to start shift to the state green economy by using the personal procurement budget.
Let me explain in detail the intentions of green procurement in the local government category. Since 2007, the local government has switched to "green" procurement. Until now, we have submitted requests for sustainability to individual products and offers. For example, information and communication technology (ICT) devices, appliances, printing paper, etc. must first meet the environmental standards, and then look at the cost and quality perspective. By focusing on this base, we are increasing that level. From 2024, in addition to pr e-selection of products based on environmental standards, we will also consider sustainable development practices for purchasers.
As announced by the Minister of Funds Ch i-Hong Tat, we will start a large bidding for construction and ICT. These account for more than 60 % of the contract prices for local government procurement. These plans include social infrastructure, industrial buildings, and office ICT equipment supply contracts. In the case of ICT, not only can the highest energy efficiency performance in the class can be determined, but also evaluates the efforts to reduce the packing and carbon footprint of members during the assessment of the procurement order. Since this is a new concept, we start with assigning up to 5 % of the evaluation points to environmental sustainability. We plan to evaluate these numbers and work closely with the economic sector to allocate sustainable aspects to more components of local government bidding.
Don Wee asked if the work to green the city would be charged. Since the sustainability of the environment is not considered for free, some expenses will be required to provide more environmentally friendly products and services. However, as the world is lowered, the demand for sustainable products and proposals will increase. Green procurement in local government sector encourages suppliers to adopt sustainable practices and develop environmentally friendly products and proposals. Doing so will contribute to the rise of the green economy in Singapore and the strengthening of business competitiveness at a large level. MTI has outlined the initiative to support companies that adopt sustainable practices, such as carbon measurement, sustainability reports, and the implementation of a green economy. < SPAN> Let me explain in detail the intention of green procurement in the local government category. Since 2007, the local government has switched to "green" procurement. Until now, we have submitted requests for sustainability to individual products and offers. For example, information and communication technology (ICT) devices, appliances, printing paper, etc. must first meet the environmental standards, and then look at the cost and quality perspective. By focusing on this base, we are increasing that level. From 2024, in addition to pr e-selection of products based on environmental standards, we will also consider sustainable development practices for purchasers.
As announced by the Minister of Funds Ch i-Hong Tat, we will start a large bidding for construction and ICT. These account for more than 60 % of the contract prices for local government procurement. These plans include social infrastructure, industrial buildings, and office ICT equipment supply contracts. In the case of ICT, not only can the highest energy efficiency performance in the class can be determined, but also evaluates the efforts to reduce the packing and carbon footprint of members during the assessment of the procurement order. Since this is a new concept, we start with assigning up to 5 % of the evaluation points to environmental sustainability. We plan to evaluate these numbers and cooperate closely with the economic sector, and we will start allocating sustainable aspects to more components of local government bidding.
Don Wee asked if the work to green the city would be charged. Since the sustainability of the environment is not considered for free, some expenses will be required to provide more environmentally friendly products and services. However, as the world is lowered, the demand for sustainable products and proposals will increase. Green procurement in local government sector encourages suppliers to adopt sustainable practices and develop environmentally friendly products and proposals. Doing so will contribute to the rise of the green economy in Singapore and the strengthening of business competitiveness at a large level. MTI has outlined the initiative to support companies that adopt sustainable practices, such as carbon measurement, sustainability reports, and the implementation of a green economy. Let me explain in detail the intentions of green procurement in the local government category. Since 2007, the local government has switched to "green" procurement. Until now, we have submitted requests for sustainability to individual products and offers. For example, information and communication technology (ICT) devices, appliances, printing paper, etc. must first meet the environmental standards, and then look at the cost and quality perspective. By focusing on this base, we are increasing that level. From 2024, in addition to pr e-selection of products based on environmental standards, we will also consider sustainable development practices for purchasers.
As announced by the Minister of Funds Ch i-Hong Tat, we will start a large bidding for construction and ICT. These account for more than 60 % of the contract prices for local government procurement. These plans include social infrastructure, industrial buildings, and office ICT equipment supply contracts. In the case of ICT, not only can the highest energy efficiency performance in the class can be determined, but also evaluates the efforts to reduce the packing and carbon footprint of members during the assessment of the procurement order. Since this is a new concept, we start with assigning up to 5 % of the evaluation points to environmental sustainability. We plan to evaluate these numbers and work closely with the economic sector to allocate sustainable aspects to more components of local government bidding.
Don Wee asked if the work to green the city would be charged. Since the sustainability of the environment is not considered for free, some expenses will be required to provide more environmentally friendly products and services. However, as the world is lowered, the demand for sustainable products and proposals will increase. Green procurement in local government sector encourages suppliers to adopt sustainable practices and develop environmentally friendly products and proposals. Doing so will contribute to the rise of the green economy in Singapore and the strengthening of business competitiveness at a large level. MTI has outlined the initiative to support companies that adopt sustainable practices, such as carbon measurement, sustainability reports, and the implementation of a green economy.
Nine GREENGOV. SG's initiatives hopes that many representatives of many private companies will publish their own reports on sustainable development, and will incorporate stability in the procurement policy. It is possible to change the economy by listing the nation.
Reliable transition
10 In this regard, I would like to show how the help of business and social partnerships can ensure change.
11 To create a "green" country, all people, including companies, local communities, and people, are required. It cannot be done by the government alone. We all need to work closely as a partner and execute the green plan.
12 In the next few years, taxation on carbon dioxide emissions will gradually increase, further enhancing the carbon efficiency and energy efficiency of the economy and society as a whole. MTI answered a question about the quota during the transition period from Sheryl Chang. As Professor Koch pointed out, we acknowledge that companies use hig h-quality international carbon credit (ICC) to offset up to 5 % of tax discharge. In the latter half of this year, the "White List" will be announced to clarify the acceptance of the ICC, carbon loan programs, and methodology.
13 companies should make more profits at lower costs. Creating more products and services using smaller resources and waste increases the lon g-term competitiveness of companies, especially when carbon prices and energy rise. Companies need to invest in highly energ y-efficient facilities and production processes. However, in the long term, the decrease in energy and resources consumption leads to a decrease in life cycle costs.
Gun Tiam Pouch asked about support for companies, including small and mediu m-sized enterprises, in implementing such a provisional investment. We recognize that provisional investment is difficult for companies, especially small and mediu m-sized enterprises. We support the transition of SMEs to maintain a comprehensive transition. Last year, Singapore introduced energy efficiency (EEG) subsidies for food and beverage, food manufacturing, and retailers. < Span> 9 With these GreenGov. SG initiatives, we hope that many private companies will implement this, publish their own reports on sustainable development, and take into account the stability in the procurement policy. I am. It is possible to change the economy by listing the nation.
Reliable transition
10 In this regard, I would like to show how the help of business and social partnerships can ensure change.
11 To create a "green" country, all people, including companies, local communities, and people, are required. It cannot be done by the government alone. We all need to work closely as a partner and execute the green plan.
12 In the next few years, taxation on carbon dioxide emissions will gradually increase, further enhancing the carbon efficiency and energy efficiency of the economy and society as a whole. MTI answered a question about the quota during the transition period from Sheryl Chang. As Professor Koch pointed out, we acknowledge that companies use hig h-quality international carbon credit (ICC) to offset up to 5 % of tax discharge. In the latter half of this year, the "White List" will be announced to clarify the acceptance of the ICC, carbon loan programs, and methodology.
13 companies should make more profits at lower costs. Creating more products and services using smaller resources and waste increases the lon g-term competitiveness of companies, especially when carbon prices and energy rise. Companies need to invest in highly energ y-efficient facilities and production processes. However, in the long term, the decrease in energy and resources consumption leads to a decrease in life cycle costs.
Gun Tiam Pouch asked about support for companies, including small and mediu m-sized enterprises, in implementing such a provisional investment. We recognize that provisional investment is difficult for companies, especially small and mediu m-sized enterprises. We support the transition of SMEs to maintain a comprehensive transition. Last year, Singapore introduced energy efficiency (EEG) subsidies for food and beverage, food manufacturing, and retailers. Nine GREENGOV. SG's initiatives hopes that many representatives of many private companies will publish their own reports on sustainable development, and will incorporate stability in the procurement policy. It is possible to change the economy by listing the nation.
Reliable transition
10 In this regard, I would like to show how the help of business and social partnerships can ensure change.
11 To create a "green" country, all people, including companies, local communities, and people, are required. It cannot be done by the government alone. We all need to work closely as a partner and execute the green plan.
12 In the next few years, taxation on carbon dioxide emissions will gradually increase, further enhancing the carbon efficiency and energy efficiency of the economy and society as a whole. MTI answered a question about the quota during the transition period from Sheryl Chang. As Professor Koch pointed out, we acknowledge that companies use hig h-quality international carbon credit (ICC) to offset up to 5 % of tax discharge. In the latter half of this year, the "White List" will be announced to clarify the acceptance of the ICC, carbon loan programs, and methodology.
13 companies should make more profits at lower costs. Creating more products and services using smaller resources and waste increases the lon g-term competitiveness of companies, especially when carbon prices and energy rise. Companies need to invest in highly energ y-efficient facilities and production processes. However, in the long term, the decrease in energy and resources consumption leads to a decrease in life cycle costs.
Gun Tiam Pouch asked about support for companies, including small and mediu m-sized enterprises, in implementing such a provisional investment. We recognize that provisional investment is difficult for companies, especially small and mediu m-sized enterprises. We support the transition of SMEs to maintain a comprehensive transition. Last year, Singapore introduced energy efficiency (EEG) subsidies for food and beverage, food manufacturing, and retailers.
The NEA has further expanded the Energy Efficiency Fund (E2F) to enable manufacturing companies to invest in energy-efficient equipment. One of the small businesses that has benefited from the E2F expansion is ACP Metal Finishing Private Limited (ACP), a steel aircraft machining and finishing company. ACP has used the pioneering E2F program to replace over 1, 000 fluorescent lamps in its factory with more energy-efficient LED lamps. E2F provided 70% of the planned price of $60, 000. This modernization has enabled the company to improve the energy efficiency of its operations. Annual energy savings amount to $30, 000, and the payback period for E2F is less than one year.
14 We are pleased to further develop the Energy Efficiency Fund to provide manufacturing companies with greater certainty when investing in energy-efficient equipment. We will further simplify the grant application process by streamlining the measurement and verification requirements. I encourage eligible businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, to take advantage of the expanded scheme to offset the costs of upgrading to more energy-efficient equipment. In doing so, they can participate in greening the economy and become more competitive.
15 Mr. Gan Thiam Poh and Dr. Lim Wee Kiak further called for support in improving household energy efficiency. By checking the energy label, consumers can make informed decisions when purchasing home appliances. It is gratifying to see that more buyers are choosing energy-efficient appliances. Suppliers have noticed this and are responding by increasing their range of energy-efficient appliances.
We will further strengthen these efforts. Next year, we will add energy efficiency labels to mini air conditioners and more types of lamps. We will also raise the standards for air conditioners, freezers, lamps and televisions over the next two years to achieve productivity gains and remove the least efficient appliances from the market. This will undoubtedly further reduce energy consumption in homes and help consumers reduce their energy bills by choosing more energy-efficient appliances.
16 Mr. Chairman, please speak in Mandarin.
17 In addition to boosting productivity, a circular society is another way to protect the climate. Amy Koh from SMS will discuss efforts to achieve a zero-waste civilization, including reducing packaging waste and increasing the value of recycling. She will also talk about ongoing efforts to establish partnerships with street vendors to protect Singapore's precious street vending culture into the future.
Supporting the transition
18 Grants and politicians are just tools and resources. To see the coming green transition, we need to change our collective mindset and behavior. Our individual influence may be small, but together, we can forge a new social contract that is essential for a green Singapore.
19 The government will support the green transition through social engagement and collaboration under the Forward SG programme. Dr Koch asked for an update. He would be pleased to hear that almost every Singaporean shares the ambition and hope for a greener Singapore, and undoubtedly has great ideas that can help make this a reality.
To date, more than 1, 400 Singaporeans, from young to old, have attended nearly 20 Steward Pillar sessions. These sessions focused on the challenges and trade-offs of economic and environmental sustainability, including net zero, resource circularity, coastal and flood stability, and food security.
During my interactions with the elderly in Toa Payoh, I was further inspired by their ideas and passion for recycling and reducing carbon emissions. I remember Mr Wang, who sold his car and switched to cycling after an MRT station was built in his area. He is also an all-rounder, and regularly repairs discarded electrical appliances so that his neighbours can use them. We can definitely capture examples of these residents incorporating the spirit of thrift into their lives.