Women s sports revenue and monetization Deloitte Insights

Women’s sports gets down to business: On track for rising monetization

Kevin Westcott is a vice president led by Deloitte's technology, media, and telecommunications (TMT) in the United States Practis, and is also led by the Global Practice in the telecommunications, media, and entertainment (TME) field. Kevin has more than 30 years of experience in planning a strategy and business plan and implementing global transformation in business technology projects in the largest communications and media companies. He has various industries in various industries, including movies, television, entertainment, radio broadcasting, television broadcasting, publishing, licensing, and games. He is a c o-author of Deloitte Digital Media Study, a c o-author of the Deloitte Digital Media Mature Membership model, and has also created a regular report on media consumption trends.

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Izzy Wray

Izzy Wray

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After managing national investment in sports human resource development as a member of the human resource development team in Sports England, Izi became an assistant director of the Sports Business Group. Since joining the sports business, Itza has been involved in a wide range of strategies, commercials, financials, and management projects, such as clubs, international federation, major sports leagues, domestic associations, and the UK. Isa also leads the work of a group about women's sports, pays special attention to its commercial possibilities, and regularly publish comments on the theme in the media.

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Suhas Raviprakash

Suhas Raviprakash

SUHAAS RAVIPHAS H-DELOITTE SUPPORT SUPPORT SERVICES INDIA PVT. LTD. Senior Analyst. Consumer's digital behavior and COVID-19 have been researching the effects of media production, 5G, electronic motorcycles, games, and misinformation.

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The gender difference between male sports and women's sports income has begun to shrink slowly, albeit slowly. However, if the sports industry as a whole wants to prove its commercial value, it should invest in more opportunities for women's sports.

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Women’s sports gets down to business: On track for rising monetization

  • Kevin Westcott
  • Izy Bray
  • Suhath Ravifash

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According to Deloitte's report "TMT forecasts ", historically before the developing branch was considered linked to the rating, urgently seeking the basic value of rescue to 1 billion dollars. On this basis, the huge industry of women's sports (excluding mixed leagues), measured by 1 Sob Kupka - profits from television rights, sponsorships and competitions (live events) in 2021 can hardly be classified into this category.

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The cost of television rights and charity deals for most women's sports, where they are, do not collect more than a million dollars, and most of them do not reach this amount. In our monitoring, in 2021, they came from women's sports a minimum of $ 1 billion - this is just a small part of the mass price of all looks of sports (male, female and mixed), which reached $ 481 billion in 2018, and in fact, 45% more than in 2011. 2

But we do not pay attention to this, because according to our monitoring, in the best years women's sports cost much more than $ 1 billion, we link this issue. Its legal ability to generate significant television viewership, give sponsorship and attract 10, 000 dark fans to each event has been repeatedly demonstrated over the past decade. The high level of attention of fans is evident. In a recent multiline survey, 66% of people are interested in women's sports, and among sports fans (of which 49% are women), this indicator increases to 84%. 3, The Covid-19 epidemic has become a fundamental part of many qualities of society, one of which is considered to be the recognition, promotion and commercialization of ladies.

In one passage, women's sport has matured to garner greater revenues -- in the presence of certain key components. By 2021 and well into the future, women's sport will be required to forego significant television and stadium (if permitted) audiences in its various forms. During this time, value to sponsors will be trivial, which in itself will translate to increased advertising spend and recognition. But for this to happen, the entire sports industry -- federations, leagues, teams, sponsors, regulators -- must invest daily in creating more opportunities for women's sport to underpin the value being paid.

Women’s sports has been gaining ground despite roadblocks

Women's sporting events have repeatedly demonstrated their mass market appeal, and therefore financial potential.

Historically, such events have been few and far between. In some cases, the ability of women's sports to thrive sustainably has been artificially limited. For example, in 1920, 53, 000 people watched Dick Carr's team beat St. Helen's Ladies in women's football in England. The following year, the Football Association banned women from playing in the Football League, on the grounds that "the sport of football is entirely unsuitable for women and should not be encouraged." 4 4 This ban was not lifted until 1971.

However, women's status in many sports has steadily improved. For example, in the 1900 Olympics, the first time women participated, 22 of the 997 athletes were women. 5 It was not until 1967, 70 years after the Boston Marathon was founded, that the first women ran the marathon. 6 Ten years later, the New York City Marathon was the first to see a woman run a marathon in under two hours and 30 minutes. 7

In sports where the men’s and women’s games receive relatively equal marketing support, their commercial impact is roughly equal. Tennis, where the prize money at Grand Slam tournaments is equal for both sexes, is perhaps the best example. In the United States, viewership of Grand Slam tennis tournaments, the main driver of pay-TV contracts and advertising revenue, is slightly higher for women than for men. Moreover, tennis is the only sport with a female athlete in the top 100 highest-paid sports stars in 2019.

Over the past decade, women’s sports have repeatedly demonstrated their ability to attract large audiences. This has led to increased interest in bidding for television rights and sponsorship deals. The value of these deals is modest compared to that of men’s sports, but it is on the rise. In this regard, it is worth recalling that men’s sports have seen strong growth in revenues, especially over the past two decades.

We believe there is potential for similar growth in women’s sports. Realizing this potential should lead to more investment and sponsorship deals for women's teams, which in turn should encourage more girls and women to compete at the highest level.

Where does the revenue come from?

The acquisition of expensive sports is based on the three major factors: television broadcasting rights, popularity on the day of the tournament, and charity support.

TV rights: Viewership of women’s sports is growing

Television broadcasting rights is the largest source of income for the main sporting events. The importance of broadcasting rights is that it is established in terms of advertising revenue, for example, receiving fee income, so women's sports should not eliminate important spectators in order to make a great profit depending on the number of spectators. Not possible. Fortunately, in the world of all sports, the appeal of women's sports has been repeatedly proven, but the enlightenment is still rare than boys.

Currently, Ladies Football (Socker in the United States) is utilizing more TV viewers. The Women's Championship 2019, which was held in France, gathered record viewers: 993 million people watched on TV, and 482 million people accessed a digital platform. 260 million spectators watched to the end, exceeding 14 million in the United States-this country has been delayed to most of the world as a person in soccer awareness. In fact, the 2019 Ladies Championship games were more demanding for American tourists than the 2018 Men's Championship match, and women's games attracted 22 % as many tourists. 8

During the 2019 tournament, individual playoff games gathered considerable viewers, for example, as unconditional values ​​and viewer share. The average number of spectators in the first match was 17, 3 million, more than 8 to 4 million people in the 2015 Soccer World Cup Canada Games. 9 It's surprising, but in fact, most of the visitors (61 %) are male, indicating that the charm of women's soccer is widely permeated. < SPAN> Acquisition of expensive sports is based on three major factors: television broadcasting rights, popularity on the day of the tournament, and charity support.

Television broadcasting rights is the largest source of income for the main sporting events. The importance of broadcasting rights is that it is established in terms of advertising revenue, for example, receiving fee income, so women's sports should not eliminate important spectators in order to make a great profit depending on the number of spectators. Not possible. Fortunately, in the world of all sports, the appeal of women's sports has been repeatedly proven, but the enlightenment is still rare than boys.

Currently, Ladies Football (Socker in the United States) is utilizing more TV viewers. The Women's Championship 2019, which was held in France, gathered record viewers: 993 million people watched on TV, and 482 million people accessed a digital platform. 260 million spectators watched to the end, exceeding 14 million in the United States-this country has been delayed to most of the world as a person in soccer awareness. In fact, the 2019 Ladies Championship games were more demanding for American tourists than the 2018 Men's Championship match, and women's games attracted 22 % as many tourists. 8

During the 2019 tournament, individual playoff games gathered considerable viewers, for example, as unconditional values ​​and viewer share. The average number of spectators in the first match was 17, 3 million, more than 8 to 4 million people in the 2015 Soccer World Cup Canada Games. 9 It's surprising, but in fact, most of the visitors (61 %) are male, indicating that the charm of women's soccer is widely permeated. The acquisition of expensive sports is based on the three major factors: television broadcasting rights, popularity on the day of the tournament, and charity support.

Television broadcasting rights is the largest source of income for the main sporting events. The importance of broadcasting rights is that it is established in terms of advertising revenue, for example, receiving fee income, so women's sports should not eliminate important spectators in order to make a great profit depending on the number of spectators. Not possible. Fortunately, in the world of all sports, the appeal of women's sports has been repeatedly proven, but the enlightenment is still rare than boys.

Women’s sports is attracting more and more viewers

Currently, Ladies Football (Socker in the United States) is utilizing more TV viewers. The Women's Championship 2019, which was held in France, gathered record viewers: 993 million people watched on TV, and 482 million people accessed a digital platform. 260 million spectators watched to the end, exceeding 14 million in the United States-this country has been delayed to most of the world as a person in soccer awareness. In fact, the 2019 Ladies Championship games were more demanding for American tourists than the 2018 Men's Championship match, and women's games attracted 22 % as many tourists. 8

During the 2019 tournament, individual playoff games gathered considerable viewers, for example, as unconditional values ​​and viewer share. The average number of spectators in the first match was 17, 3 million, more than 8 to 4 million people in the 2015 Soccer World Cup Canada Games. 9 It's surprising, but in fact, most of the visitors (61 %) are male, indicating that the charm of women's soccer is widely permeated.

The World Cup 2019 sem i-finals and the United Kingdom against the United Kingdom adopt this statistics. In England, 11. 7 million people actually watched the United States and British games and accounted for just over 50 % of television viewers at the time. This number was a recor d-seeing number of viewers in women's soccer games, the most watched in the UK in 2019. 11 In the United States, the stage of his own country, the same game has been gained more among 70 million viewers, ignoring the fact that the same match is actually broadcast in the second half of the week in the United States. 。 When viewers who watched 12 online broadcasts were added, the total number of viewers in the United States reached 20 million, and as a women's soccer game in the United States, the 2015 Women's World, which gathered 25. 4 million viewers. Since the end of the cup, it has been watched most (thanks to the evening broadcast). In comparison, the 2015 NBA (National Basketball Association) and NHL (US Hockey League) men did not attract so many spectators in the South American market.

It can be acknowledged that the actual soccer championships are attracting many audiences, but other women's soccer tournaments, which have the role of the state team, are still an increase in audience rating. As part of the SHEBELIEVES Cup 2019 (USA, England, Japan, Brazil Invitation Round Rob), the three games in the United States have gathered an average of 439. 667 spectators in the United States. This number exceeded the average number of spectators on the average of MLS (MALE FOTBALL LEAGUE USA) on a weekend. Including niche spectators of women's soccer, the number of people increased by 14. In the United States, 572. 000 players watched the first in 2020 State Ladies Football League (NWSL) games. 15

Women's tennis is almost the same. More than that, in the United States, the number of visitors to the Women's National Open Tournament exceeded the number of boys. In 2019, the ending of the Women's National Open (the role of South American players) gathered an average of 3 million visitors for the game and actually saw the ending of boys (without Americans). Visitors above people, this has been the most visible men's ending since 2015. 16 Among all the huge helmet tournaments in 2018, two female finishes had higher audience rating in the United States than men.

TV coverage of women’s sports is growing

Other women's sports do not make the audience drawn by. Almost all women's teams, from the cradle to the ball, are the best energy, especially when the national team is playing (see the side column "Women's Sports that attracts the audience"). 。

-In the 2020 Cup ICC Women's Twenty 20 World Cup, when Australia played India, an average of 6 million spectators saw 20 million people. The tournament views were 41 million hours, an increase of 213 % compared to 2018. 18

-In rugby, 26 million people in England watched the Rugby World Cup finish-ladies 2017 match. According to 19 Nielsen, 56%of TV viewers in the game were men. 20

-In the netball, 550, 000 people watched the semifinals of the Netball World Cup 2019 in England. twenty one

But here, the best TV audience rating is a footprint for women's sports abilities: to guarantee that they do not match the presentation in the media. In fact, testing 250. 000 news notes in more than 80 languages ​​proved that women's tennis tournaments, wearing huge helmets, were not 41 % compared to men. 22 This can delay the formation of women's tennis, for example, the higher the recognition, the more spectators mobilization. Apart from this, girls' games may not be broadcast on television or flowing to secondary broadcasts or online channels. At the end ceremony of "TWENTY20 SCREAMING CHAMPIONSHIP" held in Melbourne on March 20, 2020, 86. 614 fans gathered at the stadium, but was relayed on a secondary channel to avoid the balance with the announcement of news. 。 23 In addition, when the representative team of the Asahi Flag flag won the World Cup Lady in 2011, the lighting of the game was invisible at the large number 7, and the number of days and the remaining time before the transition to digital broadcasting was taken to visitors. I urged it. twenty four

However, the inclusion of this disparity in lighting is changed in the same way. Many success in women's sporting events contributes not only to secondary or online channels, but also to the rise in lo w-value lighting (see "Women's Sports TV Lighting").

-In 2019, the South American cable channel CBS Sports Network, which has been viewed in 50 million households, signed a contract to broadcast 40 permanent match games in Damian Basketball Association (WNBA) in the 2019-2020 season. 25 These games will expand existing WNBA on ESPN (16 games + playoffs), Twitter (20 games), and NBA TV (40 games).

- Swiss Football Communications signed a deal with social media broadcaster SRG SSR to grant broadcasting rights to the Swiss Women's Super League for the 2020-2021 season. 26

TV rights for women’s sports are rising in value worldwide

- In England, Sky is expanding its coverage of women's sports through its personal YouTube channel. The additional coverage includes Women's Six Nations Rugby, WNBA, Super League Netball and women's cricket. 27

- Eleven Sports has created a new team, Eleven Women, to buy broadcasting rights to women's sports around the world. A little while ago, Eleven also bought the rights to the Belgian professional league, signing a five-year contract. 28

- Sports video-on-demand service DAZN has bought the broadcasting rights to 26 matches (all involving Germany) from the 2019 Women's World Cup for its German subscribers. 29

As well as match coverage, there is also an increase in sports content featuring female characters and stories. In the UK, BT Sport and Insight TV have teamed up on a reality show called Ultimate Goal, in which 28 women compete for the chance to play in one match. According to a BT statement, this shows a desire to "inspire a new generation of girls and women to make it in the world of football". 30 Sky is also producing authentic content on women's sports, featuring interviews with female sports stars. The line includes its latest cycle, Extraordinary Women, featuring stars from the world of sports, such as rower Victoria Evans 31. 31 Other shows include Training with MMA star Leah McCourt and My Life in Lyon, an undercover look into the life of footballer Lucy Bronze. 32 As viewership continues to grow and reach expands, a rights bazaar for women's sports has begun. In recent years, TV rights resale deals have grown in value and size. In some cases, these deals are the first to be concluded with the security of TV broadcasting, with little or no money spent.

Of course, the broadcasting rights for women's sports is still small. The US ESPN paid $ 25 million to a television contract with WNBA. In comparison, the price of men's South American basketball from 2019 is $ 2. 6 billion. 33 However, the price of women's sports has risen, and it has been increasing in recent years (see the "Women's Sports television broadcasting fee is rising worldwide").

-Ingrand reports that the BBC paid 10 to 12 million euros on the broadcasting right of women's soccer euro broadcast in the UK in 2021 (now 2022), but on the other hand. It is reported that it paid 1 million euros to the 2017 broadcast right. 34

-BT Sports and BBCs were given a guaranteed relief in England, which signed a contract with the Women's Soccer Super League (WSL) for three years from 2018-2019 to 2020-2021. BT Sports has undergone commitments to display 30 life in the season, and BBC has since the game since the game via online channel or o n-demand. 35

Event-day attendance: Women’s sports games are filling major stadiums

-The British Football Association (FA) has appointed a company that will steer the next round from 2021 to 2022, and is waiting for the coating to be realized to replace it for paid. The 36 FA still appointed the WSL International Dealing Agency and announced in September 2019 that it would make a thre e-year contract with Sky Mexico and Scandinavian broadcasting company NENT. 37

-In France, CANAL PLUS and TF1 won the right to hold the Euro 2021 at the cost of 13 million euros.

-In Spain, the Female Soccer Club Federation (ACFF) has announced that it has decided to trade the rights of the Spanish Damian Soccer League (Liga Iberdrola) for three years. Four Clubs, which are included in 40 ACFF, have an auxiliary right to broadcast individual games on personal video platforms. 41

-In the United States, the State Women's Hockey League (NWHL) signed a thre e-year Twitch contract for direct broadcasting of his own match. 42 NSHL is the first to pay for the media rights in its own situation.

-In the rise in rights, it allows you to receive a record for transfer. Therefore, in September 2020, Danish national team FW Pernire Harder will transfer to Chelsea F. C., a prestigious British club with a record high. 43

In addition to the large TV audience rating, the acting of women's sports still provides a noble degree of popularity on the day of the tournament, while the records are broken for this, so they will be broken again after a certain number of months.

Sponsorship: In its infancy, but on a strong trajectory

In the past, the popularity of women's sports was unstable. The number of spectators in women's games may be thousands or hundreds of people, and there are some tournaments in a limited number of training areas, so facilities that are not capable or difficult to access. So, there was a possibility that the fans' feet were far away. For example, Mexico's women's soccer league, Liga MX Femenyl, did some of the first season (2017-2018) in the first time in a practice area with the smallest fans. This also meant that the game was not broadcast on TV. 44

However, in recent years, the audience in women's sports games has reached tens of thousands of spectators, and the game has probably been held at a large stadium. Returning to Liga MX Femenil, the popularity of the tournament grew throughout the first season, and the number of spectators at the end of the tournament was 51. 211 at the end of the tournament. 45

Other girls' games are gathering more spectators. The most popular women's soccer match was recorded in the 1999 Women's World Cup when the United States played against China, and 90. 185 people watched. 46

A sampling of sponsorships

Representative games are one of the most famous games in terms of popularity. In November 2019, the British football team lost to Germany at Wembley Stadium in London, watching 77. 868 fans. In the same month, over 77. 277 fans watched the Montenegro match against Montenegro at the same stadium. The 48 cricket female national team continues to attract as many audiences. 86. 174 fans watched the T20 Cricket World Cup against Australia vs. India on the Melbourne Cricket ground. 49 Rugby Women's Six Nations Tournament has been gaining popularity among fans. In the March 2019 match against England vs. Italy, 10. 545 people (at that time) were 10. 545, the highest ever. 50 This record was overtaken one year later when the game against Wales was watched by 10. 974 fans. In 51 Irish in 2019, 6. 047 female rugby fans watched the Ireland National Team France's match, which was a record of the Irish Women's National Team. 52

Club games also collect many crowds. In March 2019, 60. 739 soccer fans watched a game in which Barcelona Femeni defeated Atletico Madrid in Wanda Metropolitano, Madrid, and the spectator fans of the women's match at the stadium 48. 121 people updated. 53 In November 2019, 38. 262 soccer fans came to the London rivals at Tottenham Hot Spar Stadium, a female super derby in Spurs vs Arsenal. At the Liverpool FC stadium, Amfield, 23. 500 fans came to the local derby with Everton, which was held for the first time in the WSL. The 54 WNBA recorded 1. 33 million spectators in the 2019 season, and Los Angeles Sparks recorded the largest number of spectators, 192. 224 people (an average of 11. 307 per game).

The global value of sports and sponsorship is estimated to be $ 44. 9 billion annually, only a few women's sports. But 55, however, many sponsors are considering women's sports due to the large number of television and competition viewers. With the emergence of the market, women's sports can be more value than the same male sports. Other attractive factors are that contracts are relatively easy and potential growth orbitals are steeper.

As interest in sponsorship increases, women's teams are often sold separately, not packages with men's teams. In fact, by the next FIFA Women's World Cup (2023), it is expected that all women's teams will have at least one different sponsor contract from the men's team. 56

Recent contracts emphasized the role of sponsorship in women's sports. In 2018, VISA signed a seve n-year contract, the first women's soccer sponsor in the European Football Federation (UEFA), and became the main partner of major events such as the UEFA Women's Champions League and the UEFA Women's European Championship. 57 In 2018, the vitality of the financial consultant company became a sponsor of the 2019 Internet Ball World Cup as part of the thre e-year extension of the existing sponsor contract. 58 In July 2018, STANLEY BLACK & AMP; amp; amp; decker became the first shirt sponsor of Cataluna's soccer team FC Barcelona Femení. In two years, more sponsorship contracts have been announced (see the "Sponsor Contract Examples").

In 2019 and 2020, many major sponsorship projects (especially compared to past contracts for women's sports) were announced. In 2019, these were included:

-Burakrays agreed to become a FA WSL title sponsor. The million dollar sponsor contract has become the largest investment in the British women's sports world. 59

-Badweiser became the official beer of the England Football Women's Team in 2019 and became the official partner of the team. 60 The company was already a male team sponsor.

-The boots have signed a thre e-year contract for women's national team sponsors of Soccer England, Wales, Scotland, North Ireland and Ireland. 61

-Westfield has updated the sponsor contract for the West League "W League" for the Australian soccer team and women's soccer. 62

Investment is increasing as women’s sports gains momentum

-Iberd roller, Spanish energy company, has extended sponsorship for the Spanish women's soccer league for another six years. 63

Conditions for elite women athletes are steadily improving

In 2020, more major sponsors will be announced. In the United States, WNBA has announced three change maker sponsors. Each sponsor was evaluated for commitment to "WNBA, women's sports, and women's positive changes in society". 64 Change Maker Inauguration Ceremon y-Sponsor includes AT & Amp; amp; Amp; 65 sponsorship, including strengthening marketing and strategic partnerships, as well as financial contributions. 66

In Europe, Pepsico has signed a fiv e-year contract about UEFA women's soccer sponsorship. The contract is made in parallel with the UEFA Champions League Pepsi League sponsorship. 67 Pepsico will be the main partner of the UEFA Champions League (girls), Euro (girls), UEFA European Championships (19 years old, 17 years old), and soccer Euro (girls). 68

It is also expected that the number of female teams with different sponsors will increase. For example, in January 2020, a second sponsor appeared in the Barcelona Femen Football Club, and the first official partner of the street closing club, Naurover, was announced. 69

Sponsors are more likely to undertake the same amount of spending if they become both women's and male team sponsors. Adidas, a sponsor of six women's team at the 2019 Women's Soccer Championship, has announced that it will provide the same bonus for men and women's team performance. 70

Currently, we are already considering increasing investment in women's teams around the world through acquisitions. Their promotion amount is still smaller than the men's team, but if it is small, there is a good chance that investment in the women's team will be attractive. In 2020, the French Olympic Liyone Group paid $ 315 million to the United States to buy 89, 5 % of the NWSL team's hom e-based NWSL team. In July 2019, 71 Real Madrid acquired existing Madrid team CD tachons for € 5 million and launched their own women's team. In May 2020, he was promoted to the state's top league La Liga Iberdorolla, and the team will practice and play in Real Madrid City.

COVID-19 and women’s sports

The expansion of funding for women's sports has been accompanied by improvement of standards for female athletes. For example, in January 2020, WNBA agreed to a new condition that stipulates a 53 % salary increase. In 2019, the average WNBA player income per season was $ 116. 000, but the new agreement was raised to $ 130. 000, and bonuses and prizes were paid. Under the new system, excellent players have a chance to get an annual salary of $ 500. 000 or more. 73 Other benefits included in the new standard include paid maternity leave, special building for breastfeeding mothers, infertility treatment, adoption offer, and improvement of travel conditions (flights in premium economy instead of economy). be. 75

Similar changes have occurred in Europe. In January 2019, 28 contracts were introduced on the day of absolute proletaria on the British Women's Rugby Team 76. 76 The purpose was to accelerate the growth of the team for the Rugby World Cup in New Zealand in 2021 so that the players could concentrate on rugby. Since 77, since 2014, the French women's U16-19 soccer team is based on the State Soccer Center, a national team training center for a famous athlete in Claire Fontaine-Ann-Evline, and 78 INSEP. This center has created not only sports and school education, but also unified conditions (Parity-Relatestated Progress) for women and men's teams.

The key to the inflow of funding to the women's team is not the only acquisition. England's Manchester United is reported to have invested £ 5 million in 2018 to establish a women's soccer team that was unusable for 13 years. Later, in just two seasons, he ranked fourth in the best team in the UK. 80

The bottom line

Prize money in the sports world continues to grow, increasing the inflow of foreign currency funds to national teams. In the 2019 women's football championship, the joint hardship prize money was $30 million, of which $4 million was paid to the winning team. 81 However, these amounts are small compared to the profits received by the men's team, and the increase in prize money for the ladies' team exceeds the increase in the men's prize money.

There is also investment at the youth level, but this has been formed historically, and in fact, while there are good soccer programs for men, there are no programs for women in most markets. For example, the women's team of "Real Madrid" connects youth teams from 16 to 19 years old. At the federation level, FIFA supports doubling the number of FIFA member associations that hold youth tournaments by 2026. FIFA is still encouraging soccer lessons in girls' schools, but in fact it is to create a channel for future female players. The challenge is to increase the number of women playing soccer to 60 million by 2026. 83

Women's sport has great potential if it can keep its momentum. But Covid-19 has made some obstacles. The contagion was found in most of the sporting events in 2020, and the appearance of only men's sports and their best competitions at the beginning to restore their work.

By default, the resumes of the selected sports should be dressed like women in men's sports for example. One encouraging sign was the renewal of the UEFA Champions League for the 2019-2020 season, including both women and men's competitions, although both tournaments will end in August 2020. 84 The creation of protective bubbles, which was used to resume expensive men's team competitions (albeit in empty stadiums), is now also used for women's matches, giving a chance for CV.

At school and youth level, it took a lot of time to restore the team form of the sport and, indeed, there was a limited ability to classify men's and women's teams. But this stage can be applied to improve opportunities in these areas such as fitness and resilience.

Women's sport carries enormous meaning, not only in monetary terms, but also in the fact that it speaks of gender equality. To that end, it draws on the influence of all actors to make women's sport the embodiment of individual potential:

- Broadcasters should continue to invest in women's sports. Damien-Competitions could become more presentable for social broadcasters in markets where there is no longer a chance to safely compete for the rights of a sport that is as precious as the men's. There is a big price difference. While the men's game in the big states can cost more than $1 billion per season, the women's competition is still often ready to change for the rights.

-Ladies teams should be closer to the legs with the men, but with these to protect the distance. The establishment of a ladies team as part of a successful franchise guarantees the immediate recognition of the brand, known to their own men's team, and also gives them a certain access to the object. Ladies teams have the chance to recreate rivalries that exist in many places, such as district derbies (e. g. Atletico Madrid vs. Real Madrid, Liverpool vs. Everton), historical rivalries (e. g. Los Angeles Lakers vs. Boston Celtics), regional tournaments (e. g. Ryder Cup), and national rivalries. However, when it comes to negotiating sponsorship and TV rights, the ladies team is still forced to waver and, in fact, is different from the other teams. Sports franchises need to bring in experts to exercise sponsorship rights. Apart from this, women's teams are in the process of applying supplementary elasticity in digital presence and building relationships with fans. They have the chance to sign contracts that are not seen as restrictive to the men's teams on an equal basis. Women's teams have the chance to sign one-to-one contracts.

- Video content developers should consider the importance of situations with female athletes. There are many spectacular situations where representatives of the underdog win despite the struggle. The first woman to run the Boston Marathon, the victory of the Rising Sun Flag and the US Ladies Team in the World Cup in 2015 and 2019, Lindsey Vonn's four-time World Cup gold medal in skiing - these are just some of the many exciting situations, at the root of which is the relentless challenge and the fascination with perfection.

End notes

  1. - Sponsors should take advantage of the incredible talent in women's sports. Sponsorship of women's sports is not only advantageous compared to sponsorship of men's competition, but is also more likely to appeal to female customers and employees as a signal of commitment to positive change in society. Women have significant purchasing power, and sponsorship helps to deepen their affection for the brand. Sponsors should also keep in mind that both men and women watch women's sports (and vice versa). Therefore, it makes sense for brands targeting men to sponsor women's events, just as it makes sense for brands targeting women. Women's teams should also keep in mind that they have the ability to decide how to build relationships with sponsors. Men's teams already have long-term contracts with partners that are tied to specific category definitions and perhaps outdated ideas about what a partnership should look like.
  2. - Sports federations, whether global or national, should set targets for female representation on their boards, just like the business world as a whole. FIFA, for example, has set a goal of having at least one woman on the executive committees of all member associations by 2026, and has committed to having one-third of FIFA members be women by 2022. 86
  3. {membership}
  4. {Rome}
  5. {Rome}
  6. {Rome}
  7. {Rome}
  8. {Rome}
  9. Recruitment
  10. {RUIT}
  11. Rumor
  12. {Rome}
  14. {RUIT}
  15. {SUMMARY}
  16. {RUST}
  17. Rumour
  18. {Rome}
  19. {Russian story}
  20. {Rome}
  21. {Ruck}
  22. {Ruck}
  23. {Rome}
  24. {Rome}
  25. {Membership}
  26. {Ruit}
  27. {Membership}.
  28. {Rummary}
  29. {Rome}
  30. {Eleven}
  31. {Membership}
  32. {Membership}.
  33. {Membership}
  34. {member}
  35. {Membership}
  36. {Rome}
  37. {Membership}
  38. {Rome}
  39. See {Membership}.
  40. rumor
  41. {member}
  42. {space}
  43. {space}.
  44. {space}.
  45. {space}.
  46. {space}
  47. {space}.
  48. {space}.
  49. {space}.
  50. {space}.
  51. {space}.
  52. {space}
  53. {space}.
  54. {space}.
  55. {space}.
  56. {space}.
  57. {space}
  58. {space}
  59. {space}
  60. {space}.
  61. {space}.
  62. {Badwai}
  63. {Membership}
  64. {Ruit}
  65. {Membership}
  66. {Rome}
  67. {NBA}
  68. {Rome}
  69. {Membership}
  70. {Ruit}
  71. {Membership}
  72. {Membership}
  73. See {Membership}.
  74. credit
  75. {Membership}
  76. {Back} Howard Megdal
  77. {please note}.
  78. {Membership}
  79. rumor
  80. {Membership}
  81. {space}
  82. {space}
  83. {Rome}
  84. {space}
  85. {space}.
  86. {space}.


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

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